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98-216 -3'''1 BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF C'QUEENSBURY No. 98216 TAX HAP NO . 90 . — 9 - 42 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to CROSITY KEVTNI OWNER of property located at 18 QUEENS LANE Street, Road or Ave_ in the Town of Oueensbury, To Construct or plaae a INGROUND Pam' L at the above location in accordance to apptication together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNE WS Address is 18 QUEENS LANE QUEENSHURY , NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name SPRAGUE POOLS 3. CONTRACTOR or BUiLt3ER*S Address 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD , NY 12828 4. ARCHITECT"5 Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY S. A0811" 11 HAGUE , NY 12836 $. TYPE of Construction — lPLaase indicate by x1 POOL I l Hood Frame l 1 ftasonry I I Steal 11 7, PLANS and Specifications ING:%S)�UND POOL AS PER. PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $. Propowrd Use INGROUND POOL 35 May 5 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 It a longer period is required on applieaelon for an extension mum be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury betore the expiration date.! 5 May 19 Dated at the Town of Oueensbury this Clay of 19 SIGNED BY for the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning IngPeator EL TOWN OF Q UEENS B VTR Y Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury; NY 1 2804-9 725-5 1 8-792-583 2 SWIMMrNG POOL PERMIT APPLICATION `j qI L FEE PAID QC:"0 7 OWNER ' S NAME $ J'' Sb TEL . LOCATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR CODE REQUIREMENTS : � �— ADDRESS TEL . TYPE OF POOL - - in- ground above- ground SIZE : Length ft . / Width_, ft , ,� Diameter ft , / Depth�< ft . APPROXIMATE WATER CAPACITY MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION : ( circle one ) Steel /vinyl -- - Fiberglass - - Gunite Poured Concrete - - Othef WAY r 4 , 7998 CONTRACTOR/ INSTALLER �,l Es T [3c] TEL . ADDRESS Fmr� IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : On a separate piece of paper , submit a diagram ; drawn to show : PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between _ APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IS NECESSARY . A COPY OF THE APPLICATION IS TO BE FILED WITH THIS OFFICE_ THIS OFFICE IS TO BE NOTIFIED UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ; INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF FENCING . A FINAL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE POOL. IS AUTHORIZED . Signature of Applicant : Date :_ OVER Section 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 . Private Swimming Pools . Private swimming pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a principal , non - commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only, in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from the side lot line , or buffer zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood . d ) All private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a permanent -Fence of durable material at least four ( 4 ) feet in height . e ) In the case where a lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public rights - of way , a private swimming pool shall be erected only on that portion of the said lot that is directly adjacent to that side of the principal building which is directly opposite the architectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case shall the pool be any nearer to the lot lines abutting any public right-of-way than the required front setback for the principal building of the zoning district in which it is located . Furthermore , the pool shall be screened from the view of the public right-of-- way and the neighboring property by means of landscaping . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES : $ 25 Fee for Above Ground Swimming Fool $ 35 Fee for In - Ground Swimming Pool NOTE : - ALL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST STATE MATERIAL TO BE USED . TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 SAY ROAD OUEENSBURY NY 12004 ( (Sig) '761-8256 ARRIVE : DEPART : INSP -. VX"AL INSPECTION REPORT - RLSXVXKTIAL DATE INSP ION� ]REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME ,r ���ts! LOCATION L.���IV s L DATE 6 �____ PERMIT N —co TYPE OFSTRUCTURE ..� FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATION FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE UR FIREPLhCE N T ES ?iO CHLMNF,.Y HEIGHT/I! Vjr14T/iIEI PLUMBING ROOFING ` EXTERIOR FINISH �y1�4K/FORCH/ EPS490 RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT W 'ERA I INTERI-ORR'RI VACY RS FLst BATH K IllitHEN WATERTIGHT ER OO S SWE PE _ OTHER FLOOR9 .. :ARE9jXP STAIR CiEARANCB /RAILINGS _ SMOKE DETECTORS BATH M FANS PLUMBING FIXTUR $ EOUNDATION INSULATION. .-__ _ FiR R NG DOOR ._0 75ERS FIN '2 ! C7 SITE ELAN ZVABIJ�= FINAF, SURVE PLOT PL7,�N Og To ISSUE C R ,�"�' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 ( (518) 761-8256 ARRIVE : DEPART : LA!3! INS r r INAX, INSPECTION REPORT — RE:SIDEN AL DATE: INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME K l t Ate`] i2 .53`Y DATE 7_ ^ LL,3 PERMIT- # ,. J f7 TYPE OF STRUCTURE I �Y-, n� }A1Y D 1 ( Y FOOTINGS, FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATION - FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE N A YES NO gHIMNEYG 1 VENT/HEIGHT PLUMMING VENT ROOFING E O S NG VA S O W I O R V CDOORS S S N&TERTIGHT FLOORSQTHER SHUEPABLE OTHER CARPETE12 STAIR CLE RANCEIRAILIN S StQKE DETECTORS BATHROOM MOS PLUMBING T S FQUNDATION INSULATN GARAGE EIRE PROPETH9 CLOSERSDOOR FINAL ELECTRICA SIXEN V AN R FINAL SQRVKy PLOT PLR QK TG IS C OR C C TOWN OF QUEENSSUR.Y BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12604 (518) 761 -8256 r ar ARRIVE_ : DEPART : / -/ INSP : FINAL INSPECTION REPORT - RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECLIVED : NAME I.00AT I ON Ilh7'E .77 _ PERM � INT l' 4 ' YPE OF S'1'RLrCTUREC � FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATION FINAL ELECL'RICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE MIA YES NO CHIMNEY ISEIGHT/D VENT/HEIGHT PLUMBING VENT ROOFING EXTL:.RIOR 'FINISHrHT :C�!PORCII 'PEPS RRELIEF VALVESFURNACE HOT WATERINTERIOR TRIM RIVFINISH FLOORS :BATH/KITCHEN WATOTHER FLOORS SSWEOTHER FLOORS C RSTAIR CLEARANCE RA SMOKE DETECTTORS. .. _ 6ATI ROOM FANS - PLUMBING FIXTURES FOUNDATION INSULA ION GARAGE FIRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS - FI NAL ELECTRICAi Io'Z3 `�R 5� SITE PLAN/VARIANCE REO - - FINAL SURVEY PLO P AN ------ OK TO ISSUE C O C C COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim, PA 17545 '? 43� . 2 / 6 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Ba rd ard No. . . . ........... . C rt. /9764 � +�+ Cut-in Card No. _ .... ..,------ . . ... . . . .. Owner ... .......1.. ........ t...`'�„ .. . ..�IaI---- Y./ � r. ... . . .. .... ........... ........ - occupant . .. . . . ......... .... . . ......... . ...........,.,,,,-. . ..... t. .,. Location ...... . ...... ........ _ ... . - - . . . Installation Consisting of ,,,, rd .. .... Ize /lf. E �d .!!� .���''./! • ,.� • •••• •• we, {r ......... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .............. . . .................. ....1.q. .. . . . ... Installed By .:..Lf 4` !'L� ._.e............_.. .... .. Lic. *.... The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled: — This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection- - Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspe ' !91¢ at any rune, and if its rules area violated,,, the Corngany shall have the right to revoke thi rtif -to. Date . .W.. . .. ..�e!.�..[... ....... _.. iNSPE.C7MR .�. ............ . . . .'--..... ._• -=.•T'•+,-,,... . . . ._ ember N.F.P.A.. I.A.E.I. `i z lam. MAY o 41999