11-15-2012 .?62-10, Queensbury Planning Board Agenda 4 First Regular Meeting —Thursday, November 15, 2012 Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1.1 September 19, 2012 &September 25, 2012 2.0 ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: 2.1 Draft 2013 Meeting Date Calendar 2.2 Election of Officers-Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary 2.3 Site Plan 40-2012: Gregg Brown /Lizabeth Bitner-for further tabling consideration 3.0 PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO ZBA: Applicant(s) STEVE KITCHEN Application Type Site Plan 48-2012 Freshwater Wetlands 3-2012 Owner(s) I Linda S. DeLaura Io SEQR Type II Agent(s) [Nace Engineering Lot size 0.34 acres Location End of Forest Road �� Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential i Tax ID No. 226.19-1-39 Ordinance Reference 179-9; Chapter 94 rCross Reference �_AV 61-12, SP 28-10, BP 10- Warren Co. Referral September mber 2012-NCI 556(test pit) Public Hearing 9/18/12, 10/16/12, Tabled to APA, CEA, Other L G Park CEA,APA Wetlands 11/27/2012(PH left open) Not required for recommendation Protect Description: Site Plan / Freshwater Wetlands: Applicant proposes construction of a two story dwelling with attached garage totaling 3,171 sq. ft.; associated wastewater and stormwater systems planned. Disturbance within 100 feet of a wetland in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested for infiltration within 100 feet of a wetland. Planning Board to provide a recommendation to the ZBA. Applicant(s) I DOUGLAS MCCALL I Application Type I Site Plan 80-2012 Owner(s) I Paul Kassel rnan SEQR Type I 11 Agent(s) I Same as applicant Lot size 0.93 acres Location 125 VVId Turkey Lane I Zoning Classification I VAR V\&erfront Residential Tax ID No. 1 239.15-1-8 J Ordinance Reference I 179-9, 179-3-040 Cross Reference AV 53-12, SP 57-10,AV 29- Vlbrren Co. Referral November 2012 03,AV 133-89; BP 12-396, 10-339,02-695,91420 Public Hearing ] Not required APA, CEA,Other Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to expand an existing 5,546 sq.ft. Single Farrily DAdling by 1,422 square feet with a two story addition. Expansion of a non-confoming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from maximum height restrictions and expansion of a nor�conforrring structure. Planning Board to provide a recorrrrendation to the ZBA 4.0 TABLED ITEM: Applicant(s) I 14RK ROBERTS I Application Type I Ste Plan 62-2012 Owner(s) I i Same as applicant I SEAR Type I 11 Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size I_6.14 acres Location 11 Old Vest Mountain Road Zoning Classification ` RR-5A Tax ID No. 1 295.6-1-8 I Ordinance Reference r 179-9, 179-6060 Cross Reference _None J Vlbrren Co. Referral September 2012-NG Public Hearing 9/18/12;Tabled to L _11/1512012 Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,612 sq. ft. single fardly residence with a 576 sq. ft. detached garage Construction within 50 feet of 15%slopes requires Planning Board review and approval. 5.0 OLD BUSINESS REQUIRING PUBUC HEARING: Applicant(s) JOHN MASON& Application Type Site Plan 70-2012 STEPHANIE MASON OAner(s) I Same as applicant SEAR Type _11 Agent(s) I Michael J. O'Connor I Lot size 0.46,0.56 acres Location l 111 &12 Heron Hollow Road I Zoning Classification �V1R V\bterfront Residential Tax I D No. 227.17-1-3,7 Ordinance Reference I F179-9, 179-13-010 Cross Reference AV 56-12, BP 09-518, BP 09-] V1brren Co. Referral October 2012-NG 371 Public Hearing 11/1512012 I ARA, CEA,Other L G Park CEA,APAwetlarxis Project Description: Applicant proposes a 523 sq.ft.addition to existing residence. Expansion of a ncr)-cmformng structure in a CEA requires Planning Board reviewand approval. Applicant(s) JOHN MASON& Application Type Ste Plan 71-2012 STEPHANIE MASON Camper(s) I Same as applicant I SECR Type II Agent(s) I-Michael J. O'Connor J Lot size 0� 46,0.56 awes Location I 11 &12 Heron Hollow Road J Zoning Classification FV\R V\terfront Residential Tax ID No. 227.17-1-3,7 J Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference 3 157-12, BP 09-518, BP 09-J I V\bffen Co. Referral October 2012-NG Public Hearing 1 11/15/2012 APA, CEA,Other I L G Park CE-6,APA wetlands I Project Description: Applicant proposes exterior modification to eAsting 544 sq. ft. boathouse to indude reduction is size to 450 sq.ft. relocation of access stairs and facade upgrade. Boathouses in the V\RRzone require Planning Board review and approval. I 6.0 NEW BUSI NESS: Applicant(s) ERIC JOSTEN Application Type Site Plan 73-2012 Camper(s) I Same as applicant I SEM Type I f II i Agent(s) Same as applicant I Lot size i 0.96 acres Location r 1036 State Route 9 Zoning Classification FCaVI-Connnnercial Moderate Tax I D No. 296.9-1-15 Ordinance Reference 179-9 Cross Reference 1SP 14-00,AV 10-00, Referral No�2012 R S\/24-01 Public Hearing 11/15120/2 —IF - Proiect Description: Applicant proposes establishment of a retail use in a vacant 3,000 sq.ft. restaurant. Change in use(restaurant to retail)and not having site plan reviewwithin the last seven years require Planning Board review and approval. Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board