98-220 CERTIFICNrE 01. COMPLIANCE TOWN or oUuNSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK } Da to May 5 19 98 98220 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . has been completed . This structure may be used as a SEPTIC ALTERATION Location 9 AMES PLACE Owner WOLCOTT , JAMES & By Order of Town Hoard TAX MAP i3CJ . 1 1 5 . - A 2 0 . 2 TOWN OF QU URY Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98220 TAX MAP NO . 115 . - 4 - 20 . 2 WARREN COUNTY* NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to WOLCOTT JAMES & OWNER of property located at 9 AMES PLACE Street, Road or Ave. In the Town of Oueenslwry, To Construct or place a SEPTIC ALTERATION at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. O WNE RS Address is ANNE-MARIE 9 AMES PLACE QUEENSHURYr NY 12$04 2. CONTRACTOR or SUILDERZ Name CONDON SEPTIC & DRAIN SERVICE 'L CONTRACTOR or BUtit]ER"S Address 4, ARr.l4lTFCT4S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construct ian — (Please indicate by X) SEPTIC ( I Wood Frame 1 I Masonry 1 I ,Steel ( f 7. PLANS and Specifications SEPTQC ALTERATION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8_ Pr000sed Use SEPTIC ALTERATION 25 May 5 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES t9 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to trig Building and Zoning inwoctor of the town of Quoonsbury before the *xpiration date.) 5 May 19 Dated at the Town of Queenstwry this Day of t9 SIGNED BY - for the Town of Oueensbury `�UdA arrd 2ani l etor Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAL. PEP*2*%'IIT Town of Quacasbury Permit No-9 Dept. of Commuaity Develop=eat Building �& Codes Office 7] 742 Bay ,Road Fee Paid S nsburr, NY 12804 Locacon of property for installation: Property Chvrzer's Name: i ,17F_f` f C CS -f ?� MAY 5 199EI zv Property Ow ,n �e 2r's M iiincr Address: In fstaller's Name: nr,)c�d -1 -�-r c t{ o 11 141 'bane , /�'!�' - �` 2- 0 Nt=ioer of bedrooms (if residential) : Total dairy flaw: 5 (residea al. - compute Q 150 rxl.lbdrm,) TopoTaPhy: that, rciii.n.g, stee-D slcue a of slope Soil Nature: sattd, loaaz, cry, otL= ( deptix: Gro=d water: at want de=h? �_ feet / Bedrock or L-=Oem-V=.s Ma.terai: at west d=rh teat P ercoiaton test: not re~ *._ __e , required ( raze mzn. Pe: inch J - - - T)om esz c water sutroly: mt n csva , If dcmest=c water su001v is a S.vrLL., war..^"_ sanely =ors a:,ay se c aiosontica is feet_ PROPOSED SYS��� �����►!!� Sevdc tartly gal ct: (rr-Tm u= size: I ,Cco Z_) T to field each trench feet I T ors.? 57v a= 'M?*b.: 4`1-/ d feet Seepage Pit(s): tl=her oc / sWe : ft. by Size of stone rQ be :iced: m `�— I deb ch or tic -- HEOLDLNG T A.NK SYSTEM: (if require ,Number Of Size c: 1Iacs Alberta a ratan and asa[�c:atad electricral uxrrk to be b. a certified agwcy. Far yore Protecroa. Please aota dent PUr50211t m Sz'^"-_::.-" 136-29 of '+tea cedes of t�c Town of Quee sb=y. acy germmst ar ac crovalgr3=rjed wbicb is based upon or is 3ra=ad its reLiancea tzpc= z=y M3. '. stc�prrse* *L or € aura �Q ms3no it maze,ral fah: or c% cea staaca known by or as be6uLf of an =Flk c. shall be vr� I l^a� a dad }�a regeilst ovs wish re9oact ra this apol3�..a..i z:,= arm ag=• to ahvA a iw =heee mod &U , equine + c=3 cx" t a Town of sbx=- saz2tary Sewage Disposal CYr�. Fe _ Z2. mate: n i' C� `- Siv a;;rV of resposible rson.- I -� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING R CODE ENFORCEMENT . 742 Say Road + Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL. SYSTEM INSPECTION Name -- Location Date Permit #� SOIL TY (DSandoam- Clay- Results of Percolation Test- ( if applicable ) Rate-Minute/ Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: �-E- ABSORPTION FIELD : Tot 1 ng;h 4E Length of each tr ch + Depth of trenches Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS : Mum er- ft Size - ft . x Stone size Ve PIPING : S Bldg . to Tank r Tank to Dist . Box Dist . Box to Field/ Openings Sealed ? Ye o arti LO CATION/SEPARATI / f t Foundation to Tank _ Foundation to Absorption _ e� Separation of Pits Conforms as per Plot Plan s a LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPER ( ci rcl e Front - e - Left Side - Right Side Middle rout - Middle Rear COMMENTS SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES No r' Arrived: �_ • J Departed : . Suiiding nspectar SAX III c f uFfivs3ury r - �fN; Falls y t st/ rto� Ry OF EEN TOWN OF qUEEN U. I �._ ii {{ MAY o 51998 r (� DATEFILE COPY i IWO i t�"may t'tt�►Mrtgd� ry � c