IM Inspection Worksheet_21-04-2023_14-43-16INSPECTION WORKSHEET (023402-2023) CC-0099-2022Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 04/21/2023 FailedInspection Status:Inspection Date: Zoning-PermitInspection Type:Inspector:Bruce Frank Job Address:Parcel Number:379 Bay Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 296.19-1-33 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant Kent Smith Architect Rucinski-Hall Architecture Contractor Hilltop Construction Granted Permission Kent Smith Primary Owner Kent Smith Checklist Item CommentsPassed Code Compliance Notes False April 21, 2023: A final inspection of the project revealed the following deficiencies: 1) Shed proposed to be removed from the site was relocated to a non-compliant location (south side of building within 20' side setback area). 2) Per Condition of Approval 3j, As-built plan / certification not yet received from site plan designer. 3) As-built volume of eave trenches need to be certified. 4) Unapproved wall lights installed (5 sets of motion sensor double flood light fixtures). 5) Grass swale retention area on the south side of building is undersized. The unapproved shed is occupying a portion of the area (well above the 16" deep stormwater swale/basin). 6) Grass swale on the north side of the property not constructed. 7) Gravel area found on the east side of north parking spaces (approved to be lawn). 8) All disturbed areas have not yet been stabilized. At a minimum, they should be seeded / strawed or hydroseeded. 9) Areas of new foundation not yet painted (other than the sections faced with cultured stone). April 21, 2023 Page 1 of 1