98-270 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK December 22 98 Date t 9 � r 5 98270 '1'>►is` to crtl that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. i has been completed. 8 UNIT APARTMENT T%ia structure may be occupied an a L HUNTER BROOK LANE Lr cs SCHERMERHORN , RICHARD JR . C'fwner TAX MAP NO . 4 8 . - 3 - 3 4 . 1 1 By Order Town Board TO WAN//+ OF //Qf�.J—]UEyE/fN/JSCBU Ry � f/Ti'4f'�je( ^V\ Director of Bldg. t5c ICode Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 30000JOWN OF QUEENSBURY No, 982 :F10 - TAX MAP NO . 48 . - 3 - 34 . loWARREfd COUNTY, NEW YOftK PERMlSS1oN is hereby granted to SC OWNER of property located at LOT 13 HUNT LAN Street. Road or Avis. in the Town of aueensbury, To Construct cc place a a SKIT APARTMENT at the above )oration in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNEW Addrasais 79 MASTER COMMONS NORTH QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name SCHERMERHORNF RICHARTfr JR . CONTRACTOR or all 5 Addrete Nar d COMMONWEALTH 6. ARCHITECT'S Address t3. TYPE of co"ruction — tpil +ndicatis by XI APARTMENT ( ) Wood 6rsme I I Masonry ( I Steer I I 7. PLANS sod Specifications 8460NS+Q FT S -UNIT APARTMENT AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8 UNIT APARTMENT 1092 June 3 19 20l?10 S PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES (if a longer period Is required art epplication for an extenskm rnuet be "tide to the Building and ZonWV intpeCtor of the town of chmansbury before the expiration date.) 3 June E^� Dated at the Town of Queensl�lury this Day 9# ,..�• 19 1� for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED By Building and Zoning r Building Permit Application Town of QUeenSbUry - Depr. of CcWvnwdr Y Development, 742 Bay ,Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 1761-82561 BUILDING 41 CODE ENFORCEMENT Requirements prior to issuance rA �rnut must be obtained before of this permit: PERMIT FILE NO, /ning construction. No inspections PERMIT FEE PAID $ J 1 O be made until applicant has received � T.4ning ,Board AcdonLID BUILDING PERMIT. All Area I Use cants' spaces on this application RECREATION FEE PAID $ MUST be completed and- the signature Q Ping Board Action REVIEWED BY. �j} of the applicant must appear on the _* _.__...._ SPR I Subdivision ! other Breflding IraprcYor pplication form.. c )o, . Recreation Fee Payment Applicant. Owner: �cPc .+ . �. r- L , r ,�.i .Address: ' 13 N 14 tj tox4 e r F�, r 2 a k. L_iu Address: 14 V r, f e V- SC",0 L' L o%i Phone # � lg _) - fig- - dtv7 " Phone # Property Location: Lca-V t3 4ur,lcr- gi`c e k L. N .. Subdivision Name: --Tax ;Map Number Section Block lint NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE x New Building : - ���a CONSTRUCTION : residence Commercial CS $ .3eo oad Addition to Buil i residence / commercial lix OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : Alteration to Building : `�i Primary 'Building - - - -- -- - - - residence / commercial Single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling Office Id Other work ( describe below ) Mercantile ManufacturigAy 2 0 IM ' Other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : ' lst Floor * sq , ft . If ADDITION , what will . -use- 2nd .Floor . . . . . . . &iat5 S sq . ft . of new, addition be ? : o + Other Floors . . . . o sq . ft . ( not unfinishedceilar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : a SQ . FT . Attached Garage 1 , 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building IaS FEET X 3 PL FEET Other Foundation Type * C,Q nor e Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of Stories : lumber be used? If so , for what ? ( habitable space only ) it/c> Height ( grade to ridge ) : c2G feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplaces and/ or woo stove ( circle all which 1 ' es ) to be installed : X 1 Gas Wood orced Hot Air aseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is : Sclne ,rtieCVNQry L" on540%,? tA ; ciV Cyr # � 98 - aro7i� Name Addresss Phone Builder : gcL,e. r . 4. � rVW AA.+ 79,.1i,= n Icy 01 Plumber : -S_V , LJct _ ►� tia_ n"1 ')Jy 41 'a Mason : DaLr. r3ckldt,. J - 1371 r oluctr ..1 clan : DECLrfRAHON: Please Sign below eer you have carefully read the sWetnent. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted., are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Cade, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that Ilwe shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy''or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT P.LA17 PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn o scal }sho ing toil 1 lion of project on premises. Signature: {JJ T�,/ (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Town of Queensbury l j it QL, O, ct.ST e, (' p la tJ Permit No. 9 �-a Dept. of Community Development Building & Codes Office Fee Paid $ 742 Bav Road Queensbury. NY 12804 Location of property for installation: Property Owner's Name. Sc m ,4�- r ru e_rV% b r x) CO.,-,S4 r, c+% c AJ Property owner's Mailing Address: l L+ Installer's Name: r ve%o% 4 f' V�► 1 A.) Phone # _ =7 9 S 0 6 5/ Number of bedrooms (if residential) : / G Tom] daily flow: ? YO o (residential - compute 0 150 gal./bdrin.) Topography: ` fiat, rolling, steep slope 170 of slope Soil Nature: sC sand, loarn, clay, athe! I depth: MAY 2 0 1998 Ground water: at what depthl feet f Bedrock or Irnperr-eus Material: at what depth? feet Percolation test: u not required, required [ rate min. per inch ] Domestic water supply: v municipal, well, comer If domestic water supply is a WELL, water supply from any se�,dc absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM Septic tank: )A-67"o gallon (minimum size: 1 ,000 8*21L) Tile field: each trench f feet I Total system !-Amath: `' feet Seepage pi t(s): number of r� / size each: ft. by ft. Size of stone to be used: # / depth or tbickr:,tns feet HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: J��— Size of eachs- gallons Alarm s9etern grid associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. For your protection. please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Cade of -'ae Town of t mwnsbury. any permit or approval granted which, is based upon or is granted. in ref anoce trpon any mates] misrepresentationor failure to make a material fact or cirerirnata nce known by or on behalf of an applicant, that] be vapid_ I have rem the regnlationa with respect to this sppii maid s abide 120 *t mod all requimme"to of the "Gown of Queeasbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Qrduim ace. Signature of responsible person: Date: ENERGY CODE +C0HEPL. 1:ANCE APPI=ATIOR ?"OWN OF CCU ENSSUP = , WARREN COUNTY 9000 HErl17i `.fG IDEGREE DAYS MAY 2 {} Clfi' ^J1 ' a MethOdS pk,:t T - I�GG �' ,��Jv. � O2. @ 'P �L�.C�..�Cp Method - e' _ 1 & 2 Fang iy Dwellings ( only ) PART 6 * - 'rftemrma - Rating - Component Trade offs ? & 2 Farn= ly Dwellings : ;Multi- Gamily DrAfell i ngs ( 3 stories or less ) PART 4 Des igrl -by Comcaonent Performance - CornmeT- cial. Hu. i. ldings -Hi Rise Resident.i. a i * Rer3ui..w es submiss i. on. of worksheets A.S) P> L - C.RZIT S NAME : PR(] P' EP:.'TY LOCATION : PART 5 METHOD C77 COH = T� J AITC= BY ACCEPTAEZZ PRACTICE : 1 . C : oss Floor Area - 2FA160 scuare f. e � 2 . '?'vie of Heat - Elect ; ; 011 Gas` Ot ^ ter � S �± old ? IIC Eitarit it.�^ -Kull ✓' COCt � e ^_' ? Noes $te' C a� �a O � 'JiI1CC yS s� ^C C � Qr5 Over 1711 Under J ! ? 5 . P_ —'iAr UES FOR T_NSfJL�?T70N G1.`qZ' Sc �0,-, MuS _ CQELqE.SPOND TO R-17ALUES AS s cwi 7o m OLNt Bi.,.pL�35 S(iSM_TTT4D : b _ Exterior walls R � c _ Glazed areas R / Exterior doors R a - 5 e _ r lours over unheated spaces R _ 1 1 F _ Edge of slab on grade ( h. ea: tad build ng ) R N g _ gas ement/cellar +rails ( above gw ade } h _ Sasement /cellar qua } is ( below made ) R _ r1 i _ Heating/coolin.g. duct s — raipi.ng in unheated space R _ y. 4 6 _ Ser'"rice ( domestic ) hot 'water• heating device Con -fo .rMs to minimum effiCi. errcy per code $4 Yes , No t:riPERATL7RE CONTROL MAXXMtrM SETTS2rG 3..4. 00 = WILL NOT BE EXCE.EDEI7 APrpr l i ant ' Si atu Date Phone Number INSE' EC: CrcP ' S PIEMA0xS : i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT _ 742 'BAY ROAD QUEENS8URY NY 12604 ( 519 ) 745 -4447 Analvr_ : L7f'.I"; !tT F IliAL INSPECTION REPORT -- RE'&I�TXA� DATE INS TIO REQUEST Rote BD : -- ✓j- (�Y..] NAME LOCATION --.y DATE PE IT i C• .J�- E!� TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC_ INSULATION FINflL ELECTRICAL �,. WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE . K A ES no CHIMNEY HEIGHT VENTlIE GHT PLUMBING VENT ROOFING r EXTERIOA FINISH PECK/PORCH 5TE S RAJ ING i E RELIEF VALV S FURNACE /HOT WRTE O E T NO INTERIOR T IM PR VA Y S i - FINI I FL OR l BATHIK T HE W T CH OTHER FLOORS 'SW P BLE OTHER FLOORS C RP TED STAIR CLEARANCE RA LI GS SMOKE DETEC O S ! BATHft OM FRN PLUMBING FIXTURES FOUNDATION INSU ATION GARAGE IRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS FINAL ELECTRICAL Looe SITE PLAN VARIANCE RED AL SURVL• YPLOT PLAN vofeOK TO IISSUC_ CIO OR C C POND �o �k 1p il MAP REFERENCE: CROSS ROADS PARK APARTMENTS MODIFICATION OF AN EXISTING SUBDIVISION BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES DATED OCTOBER 24. 1995 LAST REVISED MAY 29, 1996 v Oq"04 - ONE Y HUNTEj.NVD 0 S 19'4635" W LOTS 13/14 1.98 acres -- _._....__. FOUNDATION ONLY LANE as. 1 C.9 W W ^ti 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY. THIS CERTIFICATION SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THE SURVEY WAS PREPARED, AND ON THEIR BEHALF To THE TITLE COMPANY. GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON. CERMFICAMONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO AD01110NAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. CERTIFIED TO: RICHARD P. SCHERMERHORN. JR. SETH SCHERMERHORN SCH �ECTADY. 6FEDERA1r SAVINGS D LOAN ASSOCIATION, 17ros FIRST AM s Isl6 t#NCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK CERTIFIED BY: • MAMPN 50135 DATED: DULY 9. 1998 • ;, CAND g,1 • 0 6w Q 0 O 2 rl co co C � co nuul O � `J r—� o z z raw � z •' m a� �+ co I CQ U CO Dales .11LY 96 =6 sew* Irmo' S- 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 . NO. 89316-13 MULTIPLE DWELLING, HOTEL, MOTRU APARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. {518) 761-8256 Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury Arrive jl � Depart • -� 742 Bay Road lrtspector's Qur�nsbury, NY 12$IW ''�^� NAME 1�+ PERMTI' # �c - J LOCATION DATE c ' TYPE OF STRUCTURE IN NIA YES NO COMMENTS Chimney HeigWU D" Vetlpirect Van. Locvtwn Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vert through roof Roof complete Exterior finish complete Itteriorlexterior railingsL34in. t 38 inExterior handrails, balco , I g 18 ' . or moreInterior handrails stairs si 3 or rnafe risers Cniardrails 42 in. Ballisters 4 in. spacing. -- _ Doci s 36 ir;4�`- Headroom 7 f1. on stairs Handrail exterior stains sides morn an 3 risers Floor finish F17uhnnotttlkiRclten w Interior handrails bat iesllanding 1$ in. or more Railing across win in stairwells - Smoke detectors: every level every bedroorA outside ever}Vbedroorn rater o xtn Bathroom Fans Plumbing fixt Foundation insu ation Fire separation '/., 1, 2 hour Eire walls 1, 2, 3, hour r Fire doors 'fs, 1 1/2 , 2 hour. Handicapped Accessibility Handicapped parking Handicapped sigtage Finish shut-off Gas valvelve shut-okl'eacpos+xtlregulator 18 in, above grade Gas furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil f imaee shut-off at entrance to furnace area Fumacelllot water heater operating. Relief valve(s) installed Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room Protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room_ Safety glazing 18 in, or less from floor Final Electrical Site PiattNarianae required Final Survey Plat Plan As-built septic system layout required _ Okay to issue temp C/O Okav to issue permanent. CIO (Certif. of Occupancy) Okay to issue CIC (Certif. of Compliance) COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC_ Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheint, PA 17545 7 U MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Pastel Board flu. -.._............. Cert. 59614 Cut-in Card No. .. .... .... ... c C''ce A,..5.' ..._.... . ... . . . ........... 717r- .E.. �' ty.... .. .... '. ... .. . .. .. .... . .. .. . ... ... Owner . .. ... .. .. . . . . . . . . ...,- 1 �!-!...... ................... . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . ... ..--..- Location .- . . ..- / t f/ installation Consisting of !. . 711 pr�4t.f E . .. .. . f G�YL i installed $ .. .. The conditions following governed the Issuance oC this certificate, and any 4ertificatc prevx+u+ Y issued is cancelled: — promptly Made fur This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the --introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be p inspection. Inspectors of this company sshall havehave the rig.ltk tolrevoke aks ti catc.n, �a rnr/y/. time, an if its rules are violated, the company 1 . . ....... ...... ...... . .. . ......."-- 'Date ......'. ...... ...�.. .,�...~. .- � -.. .-.. INSFEC'T(}A . .........SNember Pi.F.P_A�.. i.A.£.l. RESIDENTLOL . FINAL ]INSPECTION REPORT CHTice No. (518) 761-8256 Date inspection request received' Building & Code Enforcement � 1 Dept. of Community Development ArriivC� t ate' #qDTown of Queensbury Inspector's Initia 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 NAM PERPv11T # "` J _ LOCAL TON DATE I .� TYPE 4F S"rRUCI T..]RE N/A YES N4 COMMENTS Clumney Height/"B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 307' to 36" Exterior 1andrails, balconies, landing 18 in. or more. Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more risers Grade 2% away from foundation S" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18t.•above grade Gras Furnace shut-offwithin 30 feet or vitthin line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to f area Fzrnac Hot Water Heater operaM Relief Valves) installed ,6—� _LVV 6 V3 VY LHeadroom, 6 ft. 6 in. onstairsBasement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in.Handrail exterior stairs boh sidesInterior privacy/trinildoors/main en Floor Finish Balhroom/K.itchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconi 18 in. or more Railing across window in staipkells Stroke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures r Foundation insulation ` OE �/a cn'hour fire doorldo clo9er V Garage fweproofing . Garage penetrations sealed �� 1P Furnace in separate room. protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing IS" or less from floor. Final Flectrical a Ya4blaFience required urvey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance) 0kav to issue tLmp. C/0 (Ccrtif of occupancy) Okay in issue permanent CI(l (Certit'. of Clccupancy)� ffi- RESIDENT34LL FINAL, INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date inspection request recetv0d- Building & Code Enforcement " Dept, of Community Development ArrivePIrr�ttals Town of Queensbuty fnspectors 742 Bay Road J , Queensbury, New York 12804 NAME DATE LOCATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE NIA YES NO CON[MENTS Chimney HeightP B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Imerior/Exterior Railings 3W' to 36" Exterior Handra balconies, landing i $ in ore Interior Handrails irs both sides 3 or re ri s Grade 2% away from oundation 8" clearance to sill pla Gas Valve shut-off a regal r 18" abo grade Gas Furnace shut-off wi 3(l f or within of site ....,_....._. Oil Furnace shut-off at en ce furnace area _ _FurnaceA4ot Water Heater Relief Valve(s) installed licadrnortt, 6 ft. 6 in. on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs ho des more than 3 risers Interior privacy/trirn/doorsl entrance 36" Floor Fetish BathroomfKitchen wat 'ght Interior Handrails Bal mestLanding 18 in. or more Railing across wind in stairwells Smoke Detectors; every level every bedroorh outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom farts Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/e hour fire door/door closer Garage ftr epre7ofmg Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate mom protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18" or less from floor Final Electrical Site Pian/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required May to issue CIC (Certif. of Campliance) okay to issue temp. CI() (Cedif. of (..lecupancy) Okav to issue permanent CIC) (Certif. of Occupancy) 4 KTJZ,TIPLE DWELLING, HOTEL, MOTEL. ALPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION REPORT T� office No, (518) 761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement Dept, of Community Development Arrive am/pm Depart Town of Queensbury Insp�ectvr's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12MM PERMIT # NAME DATE L CATH3N Z YTE OF STItUC N/A YES NO C[J�S I r r, Chimney liei�"B" Vail.IDireQ ,�x Vend l0t.ion C..'it) 1 qC ., .-T•�- ... Fresh Air httake 4C Plumb Vert through roof Roof 0MVIete Ern nOr finish Clete 4 in, to 38 in _ laterior/exterior` railings Exterior handrails, balconies, landin 8 in- or - t Interior handrails stairs both sides 3 more GuWArails 42 in.. Banisters 4 in. spa= Llaofs 36 Headroom - on stairs an 3 risers Handrail stairs bath s Floor finish �Batbro,onnllcrtctnen lrmerior handrails baloonies andi ng 18 in. or more Railing, across window in s4vwells. i smoke detectors:___— every level every bedroom outside every bedro am inter Connected Bathroom fans Plumbing frntltures____��� Foundation insulation_ Fire separation 3/4, 1, 2 hour Fire walls I, 29 3, hour Frire dootrs '/a. 1 'la , 2 hour. Handicapped AccxzsAYW1y_ -- — 13andicapped parking_�.Firnish grade lator l8 in. above grade Gas valve shut-oll�expo /regu Gas furnace strut-ofl`within 30 fL or within line of site Oil furnace shut otf at entrance to furnace area Furnacefhot water heater operating— Relief valves) installed Garage ftrglrroofrn Garage penctratirxrs sealed — Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room floor o r Safety glazing 18 in of Ieys Final Electrical site PlanNa6anca ----- Final Survey Plot m layout re9uired---,.— ,4s-built septic system Y Okay to issue,terM CIO Okay to issue permanent CIO (C eriif- of(.rrxtnrancy} Okay to issue CIC (Certif. of Compliance) (51S) 761-8256 cial . multiple drivelling) lnspec"'"'�"" Building & Code Enforcement (cotr►mer Axive: (hotel, motel, apt. complex) Town of Quemsbury tion request received: 742 Bay Road Date inspec (7uecnsbury, NY 12904 2-�� PERMIT NO. �,-- NA.NlE: LOCATION: r r TYPE OF STRUCTURE: COMMENTS NIA NO Chimneyl"R" wntfoirect 'Vent Location Plumbing Vent Roof Complete Complete Exterior Finish Crade ks Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42" P ing plat ks InteriorlExterior Ballasters 4" S Stair Handrail 34" " Step Risers Min. 7 3 Main Door 44" All rs 36" L,evar H Ies Required .' Exits at Crr or Platform to Cove Exit rs Canopy & Regulator (18") above grade Gas Valve Shut-OffExposed Floor Bathroom 'watertight Other Floors OK Hot Water Relief Valve BoilerlFurnACe Pnclosure c250.(O BTU NIR OOC] OW BTU's (1 honor) 25�0� BTU to 1 , > 1 ,dO010W BTU s (2 hour) L,iTw of Site Gas Furnace Shut Off within 30 Feet or within Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stocksoorn Enclosure (I hour) (2 hour) Storage1Receiving5 ppu g 314 Hour Doors and�Closers Closers 1 I12. Hour C}aor a Cl 314 Hour Corridor3hour rs caosers nd Closers Firervalls 2 hour, 1 112 hour, 3 hour Fire DOOtIShuttersin 30001SO00 sq' ft- Ceiling Fire Stopping , W�hseparation or greater Fire Dampers. 2 hour fire an - --------- Fan Shutdown, Smoke Vents lFlardware Exit DoorlPanic Bars Assembly Elevators Elevator Signage m Grab B-TSISirtkslloilets H th andicapped Baroa I.ot Signage Handicapped Bath/Parking Checkout 36" Handicapped Service 'Counters 34" , 1 12" Beyer Handicapped RamplHandrail Continuous Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan I Variance iew Structures ed Final survey, out Req» As Built Septic System Layout Okay to Issue Temp. CIO Okay to Issue C/O Okay to Issue C1C (518) 761-8256 & Cade Enforcement (co�ttercial -- multiple dwelling) Arrive: � �� Building (hotel, motel, apt. complex) Town of Queensbury west received: Road Date inspection request }742 gay ( ,u sbury, NY 128U4 PERMIT NO. NAME: DATE: Lt v LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: NIA NO CpMlvtENTs CbirnneyI"B" VentlDirect Vent Location plumbing gent Roof Complete Complete Exterior Finish Grade Comp Guardrails 42" p cing P Interior/Exterior a ks InteriorlExterior Ballasters 4" pang stair Handrail 34" 8" Step Risers Min. 7 3 Main Door 44" All Others 36" Lever Handles or R Required rmm CanExit y Exit Doors Canopy to Gov �� � 1$" above gr� Gas Valve Shut F�O� & Re Floor Bathroom Warext� Other Floors OK Hot water-Relief Valve BoilerlFurnace Enclosure C 25 ),000 BTU NIR BTU's (1 hour) 25S3,oW BTU to IVI > 1 OOt7,000 BTU's (2 hour or within Line of Site Gas Furnace Shut Off within 30 'F Area oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance Furnace Stockroom Enclosure (I ino Room (2 hour) StoragelReceivinglShipp g 314 Hour Moors and Closers 1 112 Ilour Doors and rs 314 Hour Corridor Coors and Closers Firewalls 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire 17oorlst►utters l LI2 hour, 3 hour 15'(1W Ceiling Fire stopping 3,000 ft. Fire Dame re prs, 2 hour fi walllseparauon or greater -Fan Shutdown, Smoke Vents or Fan Exit LloorlPaaic Bars Assembly Hardware Elevators Elevator Signage Crrab BarslSinkslTodets Handicapped Bathroom HandicappedBathlparki Lot 5ignage Chec k 3G„ Handicapped Service Counters 34 , out Handicapp+�d RamptHandrail Continuous 1 Assembly Space 120 Beyond Active Listening. System and Srgnag' Final Electrical R aired Site plan 1 Variance eel Final Survey, New Structures As Built Septic System Layout Req• Okay to Issue 'Temp. CIO Okay to Issue CIO Okay to Issue 'iC/C GF.I�TERAL IA'' Town of Qneensbury Date inspection► request receive& �.---- Community DeveloPment Dept. of f Building Code Enforcennen# POW 742 Bay Road Arrive am/pm D�eP [Ztreensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Ieitsstls ` PERMT T * q 9 ?a E: 17ATE N AM Locx ON: TYPE Or S-TgUCTURE: RECMCK NIA YES Nf3 CpWo� ENTS 1 Fcwtin mono li Pour Form __�------ Reinfarce in P ---nsible i The con iP° providing Pra for 4 8 haurst rn g hawing the p'-�.-p` of the co on site Materials fo this Purpose Fr.iandat-0 allpour Reinfo tin Place Fo on/Darappr00fin Plc Approval g r Slab���---- Flumbing VentlVents in Place RoughPlrumbin Rough-In Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- R- �--- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling putt work or piping in - unheated spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent aIni F'r n lack Stud Ilcaders ---� gracyngtBridging`_--------- 3oist Hangers r Jack Posts/Main Bean'►Air Infiltration Infiltration Barrier hour -~~- Fire Separation 1, 2, penetration Sealed onr Fire Wall 2, 3, FimstoPpin9 RESIDENT11AL AL I(NSP"EC N REPORT on request received' � Date inspection office No. (Sl8) 761-8256 riL BuildingC Cade Enforcement Arri� a�Depart Dept of Canrnnunity Development actor's Izti Town of Qrueensbury 742 139y Road QQueensbury. New York 12804 PERMrLLr # 2w NAME DATE LOCA'1710 N TYPE OF sTRUC CoN VIEWS N/A YES NO Chimney Height!"B" Vent/Ehrect Vent I.,ocation W5 �0 V C� ' Fresh Air Intake ,( IIF Plumb Vent through roof � � ,I •,,L-f j ,,, �- yI � �Y'tZIA Roof Complete �C•� e Extericxr Finish C�PI� „ " .R--- Interior/Exterior Railing 30 to 3fi I g in. or more Exterior Handrails, balconie g Interior Handrails stairs bo i 3 o more risers C.irade 2i% away from foun on W% clearance to sill plate e or 18" above grade ... .._. Gas Valve shut-off expo _ shut-off wi a f tar within line of site ....,_. Gas Furnace to furnace area Oil Furnace shut-off at en F rnac&Hot ,Water Heater o a Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom, d ft. 6 in. on IS Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in, Handrail exterior stairs bo sides more than 3 risers interior privacy/trim/door in entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroonvy'itchen wai ght 1$ in. or more Interior Handrails Bat stairwells Railing across window: m stairwells ~� smoke Detectors! every level every bedroom �P outside every Yx dreI inter, connected Bathroorn fans L Ylunibirrg-fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire dooridoor closer (.3arage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18" or less from floor Final Electncal Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic Svstcm layout reyuired._�---- - - Okav to issue CfC (C:ertif. of Coraplianee) okay to issue temp- C!O (Certif. of occupancy) Okav to issue permanent CIO (Certif. of occupancy) G,EN�LRAL IN P,ECTI N REF�".7,RT Town or (Q,ueevsbury Date Inspection reque" Dept, of C...nnity Development Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay ReadDepart ( ►uee3nsburyq NY 12804 Arrly Inspector's lniti NAME: .G. r �+�sz ►#tom ATE ; c� LOCATION: rs ►Sti"C 'oA TYPE OF STRUCTURE& RECHECK NIA YES NO coNOAENTS 1 Footings/%ers Monolithic Pour porn Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the Placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site FoundationlWallpour Reinforcement in Place FoundationlDamppMOfln Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation - Foundation walls Interior R- Founddation Walls Exterior R- Floors R Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in - - •ti*Jncated spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent Franun Jack Studs/Headers BracingBridg'ng�_-- joist Dangers jack Posts/Main Beam Air Iraltration Barrier Fire Separation 11 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2., 3, 4 hour Firestoppm GENERAL. pV' 1V ,R SPE l EpORT Town of Queensbury Date inspection request received: - _,_�—, DepL of Community Development pectic Building & Code Enforcement ,,pp 742 Bay Road Arrive amlpm Depart Queensbury, NY 12804 inspector's Initials p�,I PERMIT # � '�� NAME: 4"' ' ATE : LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS l FootingsfPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is rsponsi a for providing protectiO freezin for 48 hours following went of the concrete- Materials for this on site FoundationlWallpour Reinforcement in Place FoundationlDarn Backfill Approval plumbing Under Slab lumbing Ventfven% in Place eagh Plumbin ting Rou - n -aQ i C° Cr J `✓ Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- / a Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- �� Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- -- � Proper Vent, Attic Vent 1 "yC7 Framing jack Studs[Headers Bracing0ridgin joist Hangers lack posts/Main Beata Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 31 4 hour Firestoppm GENERAL EVSPEG'T'IC7N REPURT Town of Queensbury Date inspection request receive l' � Dept. of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement De r pm 742 Say Road amlptn p (�eensbury, NY 12804 Arrive bopector's Initials �_---- �--� PERMIT # � r �,;TE : is LOCAnON: t TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK i NIA YES NO eo�uu� s Lr-i� Z> Foo"PIPiers l(} z +� '' Arc t_ cam'. , Monolithic Pour Form Reinforoement in Place The contractor is responsible for rc l ha providing protecti from meat far 48 hours follow][ the p vC a'� "�n of the concrete, site A.)G' Materials for this purpose FoundaticnlWallpow Reinforcement in Place FoundatiOnfDamppr00fin , •� �} �` ` =L,� t Backfill Approval / / mac kS T,"•—�• 1` � 'i' plumbing Under Slab v Plumbing Vent/Vents in Plane 5 Rough Plumbin Heating Rough4n s lation ' r Foundation Walls Interior Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R -- z walls R- Ceiling R- —1 Duct work or piping in ,unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Ariic Vent Framing Jack StudsfReaders Bracing/Bridgine��— --- joist Hangers jack PostSlMain Beam ,Air infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestolrpin9 GENERAL +[�PECTICIN REP+C3RT Town of Qneensbury Date in request received �--- Dept, of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement -' 742 Bay Rand Arrive _ Depswt iQueenshury, NY 12804 pector's Initials PERMIT Z NAME: DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO CONRvC'NTS I FootingsJpiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is ibla for providing protection fro g � for 48 hours fallowing the p t of the concrete. Materials for this purpose an Foundation/Wall.pour 'C7 Reinforcement :r� Place ' FoundationlDampproo C Backfill Approval 's� Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentlVents in Plaoe Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R ----- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces pprqper 'Vent, Attic Vent 1. `� 1r 1 L �► n � Jack StudsAl-leaders__�-- Bracing/Bridging joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation i, 2, 3, hour penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestoppin GENERAL INSf'E470N REPU rJ._ i " Town of Q,ee ,sbury Drtte inspection request received: ....,� r Dept. of Community Development Building & Cade Enforcement 742 Bay Road Arriv Depart Queensbury, NY 12804 Impectoes Initlab fPERM11 NAME: , LOCATIO , 'IYFE OF STRL3CTURE: RECHECK. NIA YES N CpND ENTS `\NO ' ;` - . FootingsfPicrs Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from frc=i for 48 hours lowing the P of the concrete. Materials for this purpose o Foundation{Wallpaur Reinforcement in Place FoundationlDampproofinr^ BackFill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing vent/vents in Place Rough Plumbin HeafiAg-hough-In Nation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors Walls R_ Ceiling R. Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- r Vent, Attic Vent F'VAr n n g ID L- L •' ,Jack. Studs/Headers c.?. efm BracinglBridgin Joist Hangers jack PostslMain Beam_�1 --.— — C.t-L + 'R L L- Z6 ti b-V "krZ�GlEk 43 "mot i7V-, K� A Air In ltration Barrier _„�_�.� M� t rwJrzt N o►a E 4aZ raatkrtl Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour tatfi++ rA%41 ti57Aa R 'i'� Penetration Sealed ' N > i 1 ozl� GIST �• t F ti '�'�T F -' { Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Mt DDt.EJTUb � C7 p+J[ r, [7 tJ [ T ee FirestopPm ties A ftut t3LtX1� car Q s 'rE �h w%zlE2E0 Cs� t r� T►E'�j 1,%, ,�r�.. 'PL.P►T� { TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name , . Location �+ ''� Date Permit # '27C SOIL TYPE: Sand- Loam-Clay_ Results of Percolation Test- ( if applicable) Rate-Minute/ Inch_-__,_ TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORT��eactLto Total Length Length Depth of trenches -- Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS : N xr+ ft . Size --�-" Stone size Size Type PIPING: Bldg , to Tanis -- — Tank to Dist . Box � -- ----- Dist Box to Fild/Pies No Pa� rt a1 Openings Sealed? LOCATION/SEPARATIONS : feet Foundation to Tank tion feet Foundation try Absorp feet Separation o* Pits Yes No Conforms as per Plot Plan LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY : ( circle one ) _ Ri tt Side Front - Rear - Left Side 9 Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS : SYSTEM USE APPROVED : Arrived : 0epa 2ing s ector TOWN OF QUEEKSBURY I BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM I PECTION Name Location Date Pe it # SOIL EL Sand- oam Clay- Results of Percolati n Test- ( if applicable ) Rate Minute/ In h TYPE OF SYSTEM= en t � !sP- ABSORPTION FIELD ; To al L Length of each trenc i Depth of trenches ---- Size of stone1 _ SEEPAGE PITS : lumber �� ft. Size - __ f t e x Stone size _ S ' r PIPING: Bldg . to Tank 5--- Tank to Di St . Box 5'7L> Dist , 'Box to Field/Pi t Openings Sealed ? 'Yes o arty a1 LOCATION/SEPARATIONS : I feet Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorpti n feet Separation of Pits No Conforms as per Plot l an LOCATION OF SYSTEM PROP ( circle eOn Front - Left Side - R ' ght Side Middle - Mid a Rear � �� COMMENTS : 7 �//A{� C 1 �y< SYSTEM USE AP ROVED : YES Arrived= -- Departed= Bui ding nspector TOWN OF QUMSBURY " BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury MY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Namea�•i 8 Location Date it ] Permit SOIL TYPE: Sa - Loam-Clay- Resul is of Pe col ation Test,, ( if applicable ) Rate-Minute/Inch TYPE OF SY ABSORPTION FIE D : Total Leng h Length of each trench Depth of trenc s Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS : umber- Size - f x ft . Stone size PIPING, S ze lype Bldg , to Tank Tank to Dist . Box Dist . Box to Field/ it Openings Sealed ? es N -ta LOCATIONN/SEPARATIONtS . ``�`-- -----" Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorpti n feet Separation of Pits feet Conforms as per Plot la — des No LOCATION OF SYSTEM PR ERTY: ( circle one ) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Mid a Rear COMMENTS SYSTEM USE APPROVED : YES N0 Departed : Buildinng Inspectors Syr, TOMS[ OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name o t oj�' Date '" Permit # SOIL TYPE: Loam- Iay- Results of Perc ati o ( if applicable ) e- Minute' h TYPE OF SYSTEM: or- e16,WL' ABSORPTION FIEL Total Length of each tr nch Z� Depth of trenches 3 Size of stone �--' SEEPAGE PITS : um e r ft . Size - ft . x Stone size PIPING: S z ype Bldg . to Tank Tank to Dist . Box � Dist . Sox to Field/P ' Openings Sealed ? Yes o artial LOCATION/SEPARATI feet Foundation to Tank feet Foundation to Absorpti Separation of Pits Conforms as per Plot P an e LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPE ( circle t Si e Front Re - Left ide Middle rant - Mi ddl Rear �4 COMMENTS : SYSTEM USE APPROVED : YES [� 1J Arrived : Departed : Building Inspector �r `� GENERAL INSPECTION REFDRI" Town of Queensbury Dept_ of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive am/pm DeparJr+�_�� Pm Inspector's Initriaah NAME: PERMIT # LC3CATIflN: y DA TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COUNTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours folOwing the pl nt of the cortcrete_ Materials for this on si Foundation/Wallpour urinfnrco,ment in Place Foundation/Dampproofm Backftll Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents Place hough Plunrbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- pp Ceiling R- vw. Duct work or piping in unheated spaces RW F -vii .ru.ic 'Vent rarnin Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers �7 Jack Posts/Main Beam k,...AlfTnfiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping. GENERAL I WE&CT IQN REPWAT Town of Qpeensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request reeeived: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Depart 'I' -�u�Ptn Queenabury, N 12g0�4 Arrive �i� � �Pm � �' Inspector's Initials PERIvUr # NAME: ` DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMDAENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Farm Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this o te Foundation/WallPaur Reir&yrmmenvin Place ,� Fa tion/Damppr li , ' le kj S//* Approval Plumbing Under tab m plumbing VendVents in Place Rough PI Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or Piping in unheated spaces R- Proper-Venom, Attic Vent Framing Jack StudslEleaders Bracing/Bridgin Joist Hangers .lack posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 11 27 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 31 4 hour Firestoppin GENERAL iN,SPECT10N RESORT Town of Queensbury Dept of Community Development Date inspection request received& Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive { 0 am/pm, Depart am/pm Inspector's Iniittals NAME: PERMIT # LOCATION l TE TYPE OF STRUC RECHECK NIA 'YES NO COhIMEN S Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for proving protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. , 1ty Materials for this on site Foundation/Wallpour Ryinforcer=nt in Place FoundationA3ampproofi fill Approval Plumbing Under Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-in Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceilin,g R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper VenL Attic Vent Framing, Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging joist Hangers Jack Posm[Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour. Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour, Fire �C GENERAL IIVSFECT'I(J►N REPURT Town of Queenshury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road 4 ` Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive amu+pnii Depart cr" n'1� Inspector*s Initials 1!. NAME: PERMIT # - C) LOCATION: ]DATE : — - TYPE OF STR C_ TURE: RECHECK / I N/A YES N CONDAENTS ootingrlPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinfo in Place 1 CA r6kt�� The con is responsible f providing pro ion from g for 48 hours folio 'ng the p ment of the concrete. Materials for this purpo on Foundation/Wallpour Reinf woementin Place Foundation/Dampproofin Backfill FentfVlents Plumbing USlabPlumbing V in PI Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interi r R- _ Foundation Walls E r R- Floors jin WallsCeiling Duct work or piping unheated. spaces Propvr :'.nt, Attic—Vent Franu'n Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestoppin GEl"dERAL INSPEcTiON &SPORT Town of Queeenshury Date ina on request received: Dept. of Community Development > Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Depart Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive arnlpm P Inspector's Initials PERMIT #E NAME: �jf ' DATE : 6�30e LCCCATICIN: P TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK. NIA NO CpMMENTS Foo cis Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible f r _ providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the ncrete. Materials this purpose on site Foundatio ur - �i�'o11,xillGilt i.ia a Foundation/Dam Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentfVents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R' Walls R" Ceiling R- ?uct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Readers BracingBridgin Joist Hangers jack posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 27 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping 'r SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN EACH SYSTEM SERVES 2 UNITS OF 2 BEDROOMS EACH .. DESIGN FLOW - 2 UNITS x 240 GPD/UNIT - 480 GPD CWITH WATER SAVING PLUMBING FIXTURES NO GARBAGE GRNDERS) USE A 1.250 gallon SEPTIC TAW a SOL PERCOLATION RATE 1 Inch in 1 TO 5 mhutes 00 SEWAGE APPLICATION RATE 1.2 GPD/5F / REQUIRED APPLICATION AREA - 480 GPD/1.2 GPD/5F = 400 sf V REQUIRED TRENCH LENGTH - 200 FEET USE 4 LATERIALS 50 ft LONG - 200 FEET / Federal Wetland Line USE 8 ft LATERAL SPACING TO ALLOW FOR V REPLACEMENT TRENCHES IN BETWEEN. TEST PIT DATA TET PIT PERFORMED BY CHARLES M. MAINE MARCH 8, 1996 TP-9 O_ 4 In TOPSOIL TP-10 O-4 In TOPSOIL •�5 k 23 in LOAMY FINE SAND 23-47 in LOAM 4-25 In LOAM 47-82 in FINE SAND 25-51 In SILT LOAM O& ��802510 � hM SAND and GRAVEL 131131 In FINE SAND 134 inARVED SILTS ♦ VER Y FINE SAND ' 124-153 in FINE and MEDIUM SIZE SANDS LMOTTLING AT 131 inches , so tt L`NGTIi � FOR LATEit1AL / Pff TEXT PITS WERE DUG IN DEEP WELL DRANED SAND DEPOSIT. 2 LHTS To ,, ft LtHGT�t , , THE UPPER LAYER OF TOPSOIL HAS SINCE BEEN REMOVED. L °°' ' _ . u, yew PERCOLATIION TEST DATA E—+ scrrlc TAN( ctyP) _ PERCOLATION TESTS BY VANDUSEN � STEVE$ 9/11+25/95 AT ADJACENT SITES. >- / Box oIll PERCOLATION RATE ELEVATION DEPTH W " u Z =0 N - PT-1 1 min 28 sec 38G.5 Z z �T• —' ° 24 h �-0, sox N PT-4 1 min 40 sec 390.5 [•••I �+ Q 36h �,'� J 2 .cL #- PT-5 392.25 48 in a (L � �/ // 11 •� --` _ _ ._ PT-6 392.5 42 in}- USTNR1T G uY LW Me ,POLE TO A RaOGATtD BY llAtiARA MOMAINK \ ra � \I a MYWELL *P4 .� I 3 typ �o I I \\ I o \\ I i i \\ \\ 51t I \\ i I l DRYW!!L GOLF- � I V• 11 I .ua.VIALM I. • ad 11 �� 1 I 3 / 1O.0' 10' all 5Q'AiGT10N N 26A, Uach flsW s 11 % ii •xT 4*7 A 41 O n'1' ' `' a r _ - r I � � / '7 leach fold & hMch HaleCW � DST.' xF leash f1W N a c �,. BOX x � leech flsld— J �9 i �-9 Box sox $ t 7' -0 � _ � � lLa Apartment / / BCC• l DST. �� zG x so -1 Box Building I/ i leach flslQ - _ 3 H'E 2 LMTO TS _ - r i i , , %f typloal '�-- _ - a.► u 6 Townhouse � � _ ---- � � o •4 LM _ Units scrnc TAW ctyP:) If ! uanr i i ,_ QW) if r : SITE NOTES J _ n ' `� TAX MAP No. 48-3- r Apartment �► s l 34.1 CLOT 13/14) Building ;�` - _ _ �` LOT AREA= 8G.ZGG sf 1.98 acres ZONED MR-5 \ N 8 Townhouse , � € �� :� -. F , ALLOWED _ • DEN54TY 1 6 vJ, Units �` \ `` 14 TO per 5.000 sf - 17 UNITS WNtiouse APARTMENT UNIT PROPOSED VI o U� .• U .. E4 p� LOT COVERAGE H °Cq D ' a * MI 13.5e• • M.".� N >�• f'_...._- ' i'��-- BUILDING= w 7.740 sf 9.OZ W °�.. Asa• A / ! PAVED AREAS ♦ DECKS, E"' w 7 w t/1 • i� !' Apartment - 16.402 of i9.07. �-+ o 0 3 s PW "� `t'"' Bvildin c i PERMEABLE AREA= 62.124 sf x �" " A A g 72.0Z k / U z Z z z 8 Townhouse _ BUILDING hIEIGHT= 2 STORY. LESS THAN 40 FEET W Units PARKING REQUIRED 2 a WW r cOrrm /_��, ii T- P per UNIT 28 SPACES W � CZi ARKING PROVIDED a wATOt SiRVIG[ � Q � ;' � ''�=_=;r `; -'� = .•4 i` - 35 SPACES // <r -:- �- SITE LIGHTING WILT. BE PROVIDED BY 1 BUILDING z i i !j ' t I-�_I s i e� typ- 1 ii ii i / / '' - MOUNTED LIGHT AT EAGFt FRONT DOOR. i (i ij jj i 7 fl 1 BUILDING MOUNTED LIGHT AT EACH REAR DOOR " \0 NEW 2' GOMTR / j ' ii ii r; 2&0• WATER SERVIC[ Q j i/ �r ii ii jjr ,,'r 1�`=Y__�/ for 40.0- �' ii i // �-=-� SETBACKS �4 � �ii/ i� r jj ij c i ; FRONT CEAST�= 30 f : f % I j /// ;,�' t REQ. 83.8 f t PROVIDED ' iir FRONT CSOUTH)= ri nir ii r/ �___ i l 30 ft REQ. 65.8 ft PROVIDED U W 48-3-34.1 ii i ii i �' ' -{ ;i �'� REAR CWEST)= 10 ft REQ. 42.6 ft PROVIDED z i / ii r 'rj;_ , REAR CNORTH0= 10 ft REQ. 12.2 ft PROVIDED a' tr i i i/ j. iSR lOR \ 5dorwhorn i ` j, �l /�r ;�i i y lOR J \\ LOT 12 �r !r iii ii 4 iir i Grp PO W 4CLOSfR s cg �' �0 i \ it ` ii /i j l �i Z ►i ti. .- ' Z a QCL05lTiE I! ` DRYIIYLLL �F1 ! i U y ii / �✓ y • . 11 ,.Qf MYWELL 02 CURB Box �, , _ i Iti .: Z W ♦ VALVE,i,� t t �� •ti ' /�� r� r f i/ II o \\• r II • r • •• ,.• . • :.� I11 (�/] L . 9 7' i / i i �; o. I' t ► 1 '. , , • ' ' u I+M O t" =so A S 19 46 35 W 3oR 1 r „ i , ' '. • • ' ' W ., v 3oR R=295.00 J % ;� ;' ; i c ,.' > rI ;�:c • i v W /i /i` Z TRANSFORMER i r' f I /r ri ii r- Qi - " I ? -F i Alr i# " ," n 4�r Z cn Ge. RfM.�31 --- 48-3-341 5chw�lrorn Ga �I UNTE$ emu- // iJ TE7•10 ` 01379.76 Ole 4144, LOCATION MAP Date January 28, =8 Scale- r - w SF'-1 SHEET 1 of 4 V 3G5 i i u � t \ t 370 ' Pond FF 375 ~ ` \ 365 380 Q TREES TO ICEM'i4N \ 11,11 fill _ , _ - -- --370 2 - INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE _ 375 ALONG L1'1ITS OF DISTURBED AREA. 3� - -. _ , _ _ - _ _-. _ _ _ _ _ f - _ � : - ,. __•_ .._. -.�_ ____ ; Federal w Lkw MAINTAIN IN WORKNG CONDITION • - _ `,/ - _ — _ i -- .._ _ _ ' .._._._ EARTHWORK OPERATIONS , _ ,_. -_ bath•-fbid DURING ALL. - _ w� UNTIL ALL LAWN AREAS ARE �� ,•- - - � — - - _ =�-- -=--- - ..----- � _ ,bath tbw WELL ESTABLISHED -i�iWN .`' - - _ _ t 50 `. - //_. - F _ - - _ _ _ ----- •=�--�.::_.�---.,_..(.AWN -- --_ , ` -- _,� - -' - - - _ _ � � ^ �` IOWA J %' / / ' / r� - __ t i• ', � it ;; i ; �; -_ ._. j _ = bath fbW field teach fbw I �! i '%: / J •• , � % � 1 � ;r! ill ; � r' i i ; �r i ! �' ' �j i�r �� TRCCS/TO Mal belch nwo - t 1 •/ /t r• r / .AA ortment B690ing LAWNID 6 Townhouse ' Santa Tir+lc od LAWN J i ` 1 ; LAWN �•� t.` � �t5 + \ , i 00 364P1 J ' nt' I ?\ \ ? ! wnhl7use RM 3640 Units ' , \ \ Apartment \ \ \ ��►smALT `PARING ',�/ /; t' rr+ 36�.a Building ' \ ` , /;. , ; 00,, \ � 3 4XG PAD:'�/ RISCltS typ ; 1 + n ,� aeG.7 `Tit. 36G7 ' ' ' 36G7 1'\ S Townhouse i \ \ 3673 r ,' \ '' \� '' \\ ;'\ •` ,:' ,% E w •-• -� , '` ` �-----__-_ _ �-_ Units TO 3MG 80 38G.1 t• iq" !f !� !i i TC 38GATo 36" 1i.c•_ i ! ,�__ �! ` \ \,\ `\ \� `' ` �• , ``` \ G h ` ` // 003661 LAWN 1 } _ _ i' 1� � ii :!j ••._ li is !i J l ' v _ _ ! .• ii is ii '-?I'--= --1, i'' �: •. � �\ � '� j \\ LA // , � � -- � r' : �i- • 1i = t, '••i�, °i jl iE ! ;' 1 rir '\ t l \� \ \ 1 � . / I iE ii - __ _ i! !° '° i° t ,�• ,�; L (i--- ,_� -- I l _ I •, t � � � / `, !! !; (i ,} !i ii �i l ij Ji !1-h'=a__I I - ` ii IJ f 1 / r 7 ,t \ ii i ii it # it ii ii i! 380 \, \ I / I/ , ii \� °? ii it ti / rt `` \\ / � f % l• . ` /r '� /15PHALT PARlWG � J' ;.., /i iJ ii it ii , /i \ `':, ` \ • y! / ,[ t+ h /i r i A l .'�-'-mac___. -•.` _ 1 \` LAWN `\p `, \ \ 1 }, \ . ,, lj�t �_ • 't? ; li II355 II DRYWELL *1 '- JJ li Ji r ! ', \ � \ •, 384z _ � •• - �::, ,.� r `., , it ii 1, ;; •, J.: 'j[R'- -.... � __ ...__ ____ _ _ •: \ ia12 i li U // I' i _ _ OT iJ 7 'l ` `\ \` ♦ \ i r EtVCL URE \\ � _DR�NCLI. ' ` \ : ?� •'`` —ar— __ ... ._� � � ,I L \ _ i s � ': • _ esa_._". A' , TING2.5D-;;WEi aX-M -38ro u; //'/. t : \ ...... i INN i OUT: - _ t i� t% 1. ' 5 `•. �_ r _ — - _ , (D ' it i� / l - - - - - _. - — - - - _ ._ .. ; j �� i/ Ill R / ATSd� 3633 ._ r \ _ 1. r 1- C.LV TELE` `�: _ — \ r t ti r I. Ir i D O �EC. NT 363.E LAWN //` ' `� ! l j % I N �.r' ! ! '\� f LAWN -� . TRAN5FO ��: / i� ti / - y r r / AI �._ j J n i /i SITE NOTES - '' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAYOUT ALL PROPOSED Ji W1! /f LOCATIONS AND GRADES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COM !NCNG WORK. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN i' 1` \ ,\ • �� _ ACTUAL FIELD VERIFICATION AND THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION -'NG 24•• cuvtRT OF TIfE ENGINEER FOR RESOLUTION BEFORE t..� pQ5T' , RNI 382.38 'ti` PROGEEDNG WITH THE WORK. NEI) aft \\ _ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FINE GRADE AND SEED '� 1 r �� ALL DISTURBED AREAS A5 50ON AS POSSIBLE. J - — THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR URBAN EROSION AND 4%0 SEDIMENT CONTROL AS PRINTED BY THE EMPIRE - - 48-3-34.1 STATE CHAPTER SOIL AND WATER W -3707 - me %' CONSERVATION SOCIETY. V1 z a � W 3 Z ENms+', M+j a 0" dd W V-4 Z V-4 V 0 Ad GC 9 V i 14 A m a z_ VL V O L 0 U E-4 coo N $9 w co40 N :� CQ w z 1-4 U WPik A O z G7 W 0 z G7 C ^ F�1 O z i9 w E-, w zN W � v W w W Z � � a Z y}► 0-4 V Z W in V w A U z i7 CV3 Data January 28, WS scale- r - 2a E)P-2 SHEET 2 of 4 r P IN GRASS AREAS himWRM PAVEMENT FNSI'IED GRAM CAM BOX CCXTMSM TYKE � AND S�TKl11ARY ROD) PATWIM SE Con-MATION STOP GORI'm TLW4 CA" STOP CTYPC K) weew TO �A UM FLACD RUNION On COLIMMIL 6' DIP. WATER MAN SOLD COLIC. BLOCK OR Cu. FOOT MI= ALLWATER FHrI'• + COWeCTI NS TO S IN AIDG ANIUE AS REQLV= WIT" QUED15BLRy WATER WARTHM SERVICE PIPE CONNECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE n•i.Mf MATMUL IMAM ALL DISTRIBUTOR rKS MUST K PLt1GGED UHUSS MERCOMECTED. 2. ALL LATERALS TO Be Of EQUAL LENIGTM• 5TANDARD AB50RPTION TRENCH PROFILE NOT TO SCALE 36" fENGE POST. 10' oc MAX DRIVEN 16' MN WO GROUND N EMBED � FAMW MN IN DROUND FLow -� . UNDISTURBED GROUND 1I j 1!i a, • if ,G �_� E , ; � ... � l i } i . _ # ! ! f ' # II, ! 5EDIMENT CONTROL FENCE NOT TO SCALE • FINSHED GRADE SLOPE RISER AS REQUIREID- cb7cD. CRUSno STONE •�...;- ATED I � : i .—il 6 PE CF } EQUALIZATION LINE INSTALL LEVEL 00 • K CAST IRON FRAME AND GRATE - ALL DRYWELLS • WRAP GRATE WITH MTER FABRIC UNM LAWN AREAS ARE ESTABUSHED SLOM PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL 6' DIA BY 8' DEEP 4'-0" typical }#—f It (,I-1 t ' 0 }i i , — it I DRY WELL DETAIL 1IrC&tM ALL ACCESS + CLC Mff OPEM S COWAM AP PROXIMATE MAABOVE ALL r NSh GRADE BE RAISED TO G' MOW FTNStt GRADE. COVInts PitclPA W.ET BAFFLE WAITKS TtAICS CAST RON OR SC" AO PVC 02 MT*0Lr*, 11 BOX FROM BILOW TO TANG B1' ?,qCT to: OR OR 1/4 MR FOOt 1% RIl FOOT ALL OUTLET "VMS TO BE SE' AT VELSAME Sem TAM BY FORT MLLER OR e-, + OlU1LET E8"ATIICK nISTRIB TION 90X �' CHECKS CQUAL N .s INSTALLATION OF DISPOSAL FIELDS MNMIJII 2K 11YDTM P,W" 4x S" 1. CONSTRIICrDH SHALL BE AS 900 ON THIS DRAWW^ AND SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE N-Y.S. AND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SDIVW& HOUSEHOLD SYSiEY M ASTM F481-76 NSTALLATION W fliRMOPLAS11C gnu CORRUGATED TUBMNi N SEP11C TANf LEACH FIELDS. �' eRE 5A10 OR FEA GRANGE 8• NO T � %Mr"FIEiDs A�TER eE Al iloN I" BEcxrt+ 2 or LCVELIK. COURSE 1 7RA [' SI I:,FPTIC' TANK - PT = 3 AF1ER D=VATION r WIDE TRENCH M THE Deno REOIJI TIE WALLS AND FLOOR OF EACH TRENCH SHOULD BE CLEANED AND TO LOOSEN NT.S. AND RAKED 10 ACMEVE AN EVEN SURFACE SMEARED SECTK)NS OF TRENCH. 1. PLACEMENT OF CRUSIiD STONE. PERFORATED PIPE AND WaREATED BULDNG PSHALL AND AWM � D SEPTIC TANKS OTHER WASTE MATERIAL N THE S101E AID PIPE 1. ALL UNITS SHALL COMPLY WI1H THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK DEPARTIQJT OF HEALTH AND SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE S THE PIPE SHOULD BE LAID AT THE GRADES AND TD TIE R 1AT1ONSHIPS SHOW ON THIS DRA164% IIMABiTAMIG SIRAIGHT CO�NTOITMU TFE PWE SSHHALL BELAIDLNAD � STALE AS MANUFACTURED BY FORT MLLER OR EQUIVALENT. UNISUI T CONDITIOONNSS WRIT 1HE HOLES DOWN N ALL CASES._ 2. ALL STRUCER TURES TO BE PLACED ON FlIBA, COMPACT SAND ORALL GRAVEL FOUIDAMW MW EVER E>MNG FOUNDATION CONDITIONS FIELDS SHALL K AREAS AWAY s AND T00 DIVERT SURF RUNOFF FROM ADJACENT PLACED AS eSgARY TO AQ A STABLEFOSTONE �UNDAMOK HEAVY FROM THE DISPOSAL FIELD. ROOTS. PLANTS AND OROAMC DEBRIS. PLOW SURFACE PRIOR 3 SEPTIC TANKS MRSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL 8E EXiRA DESK BRED FOR H-20 WHEEL LCVIDNG 7. REMOVE LEAVES. TO SPREADNG FILL MATERIAL. CpNyTRUCTgN B. DO NOT USE WAVY EQUIPMENT WMW THE ABSORPTION FIELD AREA. 9. PLACETMFU AND ALLOWTOOTTD�S N ACCORDANCE W M NEW YM STATE TANK DETAIL OF HEALTH DEPAR5EPTIG NOT TO SCALE SCORE JONT CONTrams .MOOT" Milow r"511 •. #4 BAR CONT. TOP ♦ BOTTOM ON Gild TOP AND FACE ,2•R 2" CLEAR 4" CONCRETE WALK SEE DETAIL f"WED —CRAM— : ,.. ., GXGXIO/10 WWF cpc:• > : GOhPAGTeD SUBBASE 8., m„ 6" 12" INTEGRAL CONCRETE CURB/WALK DETAIL NOT lO mAur. i • i r - , a OR EA ,, r _ r r • • �• •••,RTCM V4 In par ft 01111116r* GRAVEL BACOU •� • ••• •�• :•T %�_ • • =11 NOTCHr • —ll ( P • • ... INCOMING• ..,■t MORTAR- • r � �1• ••fit • • ••• •. IL ' HATMAI. • •• No 2. STOW .�� . 3 0 "Me, ON wffOM wm4 CROUND WAYR EQUALIZATIONF .I I NOT TO 5C%XL r 1101 TO SCALE I •1_o' r-o' 2' 2' 2' salt NAIBUI FOWINULTo amO \# IRN.ACEMENT TRENCH C � INF1l GEOTEXTLE ' f v I � 4' PERFORATED i LATERAL 2• MN. i f ' . i 3/4 TO 1 Vr o ._.............. Clal51RD STOW N SONAL WW GitOWMA�TIR neVATI1014 5TANDARD AB50RPTION TRENCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE 1" ASMALT TOP COURSE 2" ASMALT IDWI R COURSE COMPACTED 5UBBASE GOWACTED SWGRADE OH -SITE PARKNG WWAGE A5FHALT PARKING DETAIL NOT TO SGALE Tree Planting Detail Not to Scale I Ir dubber Mole Friction Guard Wy Wire 3" dill. Cedar Stakes wq 3" Shredded Bark Mulch 3" High Saucer Amended Planting SoM Notes AN Trees 3' Caliper and Less shah be Staked as Shown Using Three Stakes Spacing varies See Planting no /-- 2" Fine Shredded Bark Mulch Perennial Bed Preparation 3" Sol Saucer Amended Planting Son Notes This Detall Shall Apply to AN Ground Cover. Peremlal and Annual Beds Not to Scale Shrub Plantina Detail 3" Shredded Bark Mulch 3" High Saucer Amended Mantklg 501 Not to Scale U) EAz z O O Z W M a V— .j C c CIO m� 0 � 3 = O U Fco UCq ce -4 U.+I Vol FA E r�q U v Pig 0k a 41 Ul A PA Z Z M C L y0.1 A i'Ma u w r, E F 1•� vZ E-4 � 0 4 W I-� A w Z W U a Z TW Z v c C Data January 28, M8 8cela f - 20' SP--4 SHEET 4 of 4