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Final Approved Plans
SEAN ST UM VOLL 1917 RIDGE ROAD 2 - LOT S U BDIVISION COVER SHEET 1917 RIDGE ROAD TOWN OF QU EENSB U R Y WARREN COUNT Y NEW YORK STATE TAX MAP # 253=1=4 FINAL SUBDIVISION DRAWING LIST: S URVEYS Si- S U BDI VI SION PLAT W 1 TOPOGRAPH Y ENGINEERING PLANS S2 - LA YO U T PLAN S3 - DETAILS OWNER /APPLICANT SEAN ST UM VOL L 1917 RIDGE ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12801 Dig PSafely. NewUYOrk THIS SET OF DRAWINGS IS ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAIN SHARED ROAD AND ASSOCIATED 0 Wait The Required Time Call Before You Dig GRADING & DRAINAGE & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. DETAILED ARCHITECTURAL LAYOUTS OF THE Q l0 Confirm Utility Response INDIVIDUAL RESIDENCES HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLETED. GRADING & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR 0 Respect The Marks THE RESPECTIVE LOTS ARE CONCEPTUAL IN DESIGN AND ARE TYPICAL FOR THE FOOTPRINTS SHOWN. iT IS El Dig With Care RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL HOMEOWNER/BUILDER TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY APPROVALS AND 800.962-7962 www.digsafelynewyork.com PERMITS FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE DESIGNS. .j Town of Queerisburx THiS IS A TWO-SIDED DOCUMENT Community Development Office 42 Ilan Road, Queensbur NY 12tt0=1 N€WYORK Adirondack �TATE ack _ APA Permit Town of Queensbury Planning Board OF OPPORTUNm Park Agency 2022-0174 SEQR RESOLUTION - Grant Negative Declaration P.O. Box 99,1133 NYS Route 86 SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY 16-2022 & FRESHWATER WETLANDS 19-2022 SEAN STUMVOLI. Ray Brook, New York 12977 Tax Map ID: 253.-1-4 / Property Address: 1917 Ridge Road i Zoning: RR-3A, LC-42 Tel: (518) 891-4050 Date Issued: October 20, 2022 www.apa.ny.gov The applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 107.28 acre parcel. Lot I would be 12.71 acres and maintain the existing residence and outbuildings. Lot 2 would be 94.57 acres for a new home and site work that would include tree clearing, wetlands crossing, well and septic installation, and improvements to the existing the Matter of the Application of To the County Clerk: Please driveway. The property is a split zone between LC 42 and RR 3A. Work for the new home is in the RR3 one. [In index this permit in the grantor 'lhe parcel contains Critical Environmental Area for the portion of the parcel near the stream and is not within EAN R, STUMVOLL index under the following names. , the development area. A waiver is requested for stormwater management. Pursuant to Chapter 183 and Chapter ermittee 1. Sean R. Stumvoll 94, subdivision for two lots, wetlands permit, and work within 100 ft of wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. for a permit pursuant to § 809 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act and 9 NYCRR Part 578 'lhe Plamring Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; SUMMARY AND AUTHORIZATION The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of This permit authorizes a two -lot subdivision and construction of one single family dwelling Queensbiliry; in an area classified Low Intensity Use and Resource Management on the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map" in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County. No Federal or other agencies are involved; This authorization shall expire unless recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office Part I ofthe Long EAF has been completed by the applicant; within 60 days of issuance of a signed and notarized permit. The signed and notarized permit shall be recorded in the names of all persons listed above and in the names of all Part 2 ofthe Long EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; owners of record of any portion of the project site on the recordation date. Upon review ofthe information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion ofthe Town of Quecnsbury Planning The project shall not be undertaken or continued unless the project authorized herein is in Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment. and, existence within five years of the date the permit is recorded in the County Clerk's Office. therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is The Agency will consider the project in existence when an authorized lot has been issued. conveyed to an outside party or the authorized single family dwelling has been constructed NIOTION TO GRANT A NEGATI87E DECLARATION FOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY 16-2022 The project shall be undertaken in compliance with all conditions stated herein. Failure fo FRESHWATER 19-21t22 SEAN S'I IIMVOhL, Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, to comply with this permit is a violation and may subject the permittee, successors, and assigns to civil penalties and other legal proceedings. As per the resolution prepared by staff. This permit does not convey any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the 1. Part II ofthe Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. riparian rights of others in order to undertake the authorized project, nor does it authorize the impairment of any easement, right, title or interest in real or personal property. 2. Part III of the Long EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Nothing contained in this permit shall be construed to satisfy any legal obligations of the Motion seconded by Brad Magowan. Duly adopted this 13 h day of December 2022 by the following vote: permittee to comply with all applicable laws and regulations or to obtain any governmental approval or permit from any entity other than the Agency, whether AYES:Ntr. Longacker, Mr. Stark, '14r. Magowan, Mir. Etu, Mr. Deeb, Mr. llixon, k•1r. Traver federal, State, regional, or local. NOES: NONE Phone=.. Sj%. 761822u Fax: IR.74S.-143?', ?,12 Bay 1'a;z:ct.: treensburv,ry 12804 www.queensl or: -net T own of Queeasbury Community Development Office Agency Permit 2022-0174 742 Bay Road, Qucensbur-�, NY 12804 PROJECT SITE Town of Queensbury Planning Board The project site is a 107.63±-acre parcel of land located on Ridge Road/NYS Route 9L in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, in an area classified Low Intensity Use and RESOLUTION -APPROVE Resource Management on the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map. SUBDIVISION FINAL STAGE 17-2022 & FRESHWATER WETLANDS 19-2022 SEAN STUMVOLL The site is identified as Tax Map Section 253, Block 1, Parcel 4, and is described in a Tax Map ID: 253.-1-4 %Property Address: 1917 Ridge Road / Zoning: RR-K.A, LC-42 deed from Gerald Katz to Sean R. Stumvoll, dated May 18, 2016, and recorded June 1, 2016 in the Warren County Clerk's Office at Book 5363 Page 139. e o Y 9 A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 107.28 acre parcel. Lot 1 would be 12.71 acres and maintain the existing The project site contains wetlands on the eastern side of the parcel associated with two residence and outbuildings. Lot 2 would be 94.57 acres for anew home and site work that would include tree streams, one near an existing woods road and one near a small pond, with a covertype clearing, wetlands crossing, well and septic installation, and improvements to the existing driveway. The of emergent marsh and forested wetlands of both deciduous and coniferous type and a property is a split zone between LC 42 and RR 3A. Work for the new home is in the RR3 one. The parcel value rating of "2". Additional wetlands not described herein or depicted on the Site contains Critical Environmental omen al Area for the portion 0f the creel near the stream and is not within the P P Plan may be located on or adjacent to the project site. development area. A waiver is requested for stormwater management. Pursuant to Chapter 183 and Chapter 94, subdivision for two lots, wetlands permit, and work within 100 ft. of wetlands shall be subject to PROJECT DESCRIPTION Planning Board review and approval. The project as conditionally approved herein involves a two -lot subdivision involving Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code -Chapter A- 183, the Planning Board wetlands to create a 12.71±-acre parcel with existing development (Lot 1) and a 94.57±- has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; acre parcel to be improved by a new single family dwelling, attached garage, and This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of associated on -site wastewater treatment system (Lot 2). record: The project site constituted a portion of a larger property on the May 22, 1973 enactment date of the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan, and was created by 1AIOTFION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION FINAL STAGE 17-2022 & FRESHWATER WETLANDS subdivision from this larger property in 1998. As this subdivision involved wetlands and Resource Management lands, it appears that an Agency permit was required for its 19-2022 SEAN STUNIVOLL, Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. undertaking. Agency records indicate that no permit was obtained. By issuance of this permit, the project site shall be recognized as lawful for Agency purposes. 1. The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the The project is shown on the following maps, plans, and reports (Project Plans): requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered. and the proposed modification[s] do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts, and, therefore, e A one -sheet plan titled 1917 Ridge Road 2 Lot Subdivision," prepared by Hutchins no further SEQRA review is necessary; Engineering PLLC, dated July 7, 2022 and last revised August 30, 2022. (Site Plan); and 2. Waiver requests anted: stornwatermanagenrent a A one -sheet plan titled "Wastewater & Erosion Control Details," prepared by Hutchins Engineering PLLC, dated July 7, 2022 and last revised August 15, 2022. 3. The approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. Applicant is responsible for requesting (Wastewater & Erosion Control Plan). an extension of approval before the one (1) year time frame has expired if you have not yet applied for a A reduced -scale copy of the Site Plan is attached as a part of this permit for reference. building pennit or commenced significant site work. 4. The limits of clearing will constitute a no -cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed AGENCY JURISDICTION around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff Pursuant to Section 809(2)(a) of the Adirondack Park Agency Act and Adirondack Park 5. Engineering sign -off required prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. Agency regulations at 9 NYCRR Part 578, a permit Is required from the Adirondack Park Agency prior to any subdivision involving wetlands in the Adirondack Park. Page I of 2 Page 2 of 5 ('hone: 51f3.76a.8220 [Fax: 518.t45,4437 1 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 128041 www.queensbury.net Agency Permit 2022-0174 6. The applicant must submit a copy ofthe following to the Town: a) The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit CONDITIONS or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to the start of any site work. b) The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; and THE PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The project shall not be undertaken until this permit has been recorded in the 7. The applicant must maintain on their project site, for review by staff` a) The approved final that have been stamped by the Town "honing Administrator. 'These plans must Warren County Clerk's Office. include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; and 2. This permit is binding on the permittee, all present and future owners or lessees of the project site, and all persons undertaking all or a portion of the project. b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, or an Copies of this permit and Site Plan shall be furnished by the permittee to all individual SPDES permit issued for the project. subsequent owners or lessees of the project site prior to sale or lease, and by the permittee and/or any subsequent owner or lessee to all persons undertaking any 8. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community development activities authorized herein. Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 3. In addition to complying with all terms and conditions of this permit, all future activities on the project site shall be undertaken in compliance with the requirements of New 9. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the York State's Adirondack Park Agency Act, Freshwater Wetlands Act, and the beginning of any site work. Adirondack Park Agency's implementing regulations [9 NYCRR §§ 570-588]. 10. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this 4. All deeds conveying all or a portion of the lands subject to this permit shall and all other conditions ofthis resolution; contain references to this permit as follows: "The lands conveyed are subject to 11. As -built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided Adirondack Park Agency Permit 2022-0174, issued October 20, 2022, the conditions of which are binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the prior to issuance ofthe certificate of occupancy; grantors and all subsequent grantees." 12. Resolutions must be included on Final Subdivision Mylar; 5. Subject to the conditions stated herein, this permit authorizes a two -lot Motion seconded by David Deeb. Duly adopted this 13`h day of December 2022 by the following vote: subdivision as depicted on the Site Plan. Any subdivision of Lot 1 or Lot 2 not depicted on the Site Plan shall require prior written Agency authorization. AYES: Mr. Magowan, Mr. Etu, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longacker, Mr. Stark, Mc Traver 6. Subject to the conditions stated herein, this permit authorizes the construction of NOES: NONE one single family dwelling and attached garage on Lot 2 in the location and footprint as described on the Site Plan. The single family dwelling and attached garage shall be no more than 40 feet in height, as measured from the highest point on the structure, to the lower of either existing or finished grade. Any expansion beyond these dimensions shall require prior written Agency authorization. 7. The undertaking of any new land use or development on the Resource Managegement portion of Lot 2 within 300 feet of the right of way of NYS Route 9L shall require a new or amended permit. 8. The construction of any additional dwelling or other principal building on Lot 2 shall require prior written Agency authorization. 9. Construction of any guest cottage on Lot 1 or Lot 2 shall require prior written Agency authorization. Page 2 of 2 Page 3 of 5 Phone; 518.76-t-82201 fax: 51$.745 44371 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 128041 mm.queensbury.net Agency Permit 2022-0174 10. Any on -site wastewater treatment system on Lot 2 installed within five years of the date of issuance of this permit shall be constructed in conformance with the location and design shown on the Project Plans. Construction of the system shall be supervised by a New York State design professional (licensed engineer or registered architect). Within 30 days of complete system installation and prior to its utilization, the design professional shall provide written certification to the Agency that the system was built in compliance with the approved plans. No on -site wastewater treatment system shall be installed on Lot 2 more than five years after the date of issuance of this permit except pursuant to written authorization from the Agency. 11. Prior to any ground disturbance, silt fence shall be installed in the locations depicted on the Site Plan and maintained until all disturbed soils are stabilized with native, non-invasive vegetation. The project shall be undertaken in compliance with the details in the Wastewater & Erosion Control Plan. 12. When brought from off -site, all equipment, including but not limited to trucks, excavators, tractors, etc., and hand excavation tools such as shovels, rakes, and picks, to be used on the project site shall be clean and free of soil, mud, or other similar material. If washed on the project site, equipment shall be washed in one location to prevent the distribution of propagules among different wash sites. 13, Any new free-standing or building -mounted outdoor lights associated with the single family dwelling authorized herein shall employ full cut-off fixtures that are fully shielded to direct light downward and not into the sky or toward Ridge Road/NYS Route 9L or adjoining property. 14, Outside of the limits of clearing shown on the Site Plan, no trees, shrubs or other woody -stemmed vegetation may be cut, culled, trimmed, pruned or otherwise removed or disturbed on Lot 2 without prior written Agency authorization, except for the removal of trees for firewood and dead or diseased vegetation, rotten or damaged trees, or any other vegetation that presents a safety or health hazard. 15, Between April 1 and October 31, no trees shall be removed or disturbed on the project site without prior written Agency authorization. 16, Except as authorized herein and as shown on the Site Plans, the undertaking of any activity involving wetlands on the project site shall require a new or amended permit. Page 4 of 5 Agency Permit 2022-0174 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Agency has considered all statutory and regulatory criteria for project approval set forth in the Adirondack Park Agency Act, the Freshwater Wetlands Act and 9 NYCRR Part 578 and 9 NYCRR Part 574. The Agency hereby finds that the subdivision authorized as conditioned herein: a. will meet all of the pertinent requirements and conditions of the approved local land use e of t a program h T wn of Queensbury; b. will not have an undue du adverse impact upon the natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources of the Park or upon the ability of the public to provide supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project; c, will secure the natural benefits of wetlands associated with the project, consistent with the general welfare an d nd beneficial econom ic, social and agricultural 9 (cultural 9 development of the state; and d. will result in minimal degradation or destruction of the wetland or its associated values, and is the only alternative which reasonably can accomplish the applicant's objectives. v-4t. PERMIT issued this day of (,] t , 2022. ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY t Jo n .Burth E vironmental Program Specialist 3 (EPS3) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ESSEX 01 On the,, day of i ;A-riLen_ in the year 2022, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared John M. Burth, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. _ t r = i e+_1 ........ -- Nata Public sT UHANIE L. PE' IYii Notary Public - State ':r NeV1 York Ot.al,dcd in 1-r;tnFJi (: Dirty No 0"P Commission Expi p 10), Page 5 of 5 S-: ?F nF NIrI.AI Yr)RK ) COUNTY OF VNARREN )1ss: 1, 0 Ch4r,rStf S '; Tr-asirer of fhe Cci_mty of Warren, State of New Ynrk. DO HERFRY CERTIFY that. ac,�or 1. the records in my office, the taxes on the property shown oyew. map ave been paid for the years levied to 20 to 20 �K2 I Warren County Treasurer Piows R. CD(MR, JR. 02282.1 r— > j 4p N r D m -0 a)CD iZ3 rJ rp ? N O O M N w o w cD 0 0 N O O iV N W N D Hutchins Engineering, PLLC G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK Phone: 518 745-0307 Fax: 518 745-0308 thutchins@hutchinsengineering.com © 2000 8 LANDS N/F OF ThE PEOPLE OF ThE STATE OF NEW YO7K LLDR 642 PAGE 976 S.B.L # 253-1-3 3 N 01 N o °moo z 1` 1' 1 ` 1 1 1 ` 1 ' 1 ` 1` 1 ' 1 1 1' 1' 1` 1' 1` 1 ` 1 ` 1 ` 1 ` TRACT 47 � FRENCH MOUNTAIN aF JOHN LAWRENCE PATENT RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST TO PASS OVER AND ALONG "STEVENSON LANE" LEADING FROM RIDGE ROAD PER DEED REFERENCE 2023517496 z � Pamela J. Vogel, Warren Co Clerk LARDS N/F OF TIE PEORLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YO;K LASER 642 PAGE 976 S.B.L. 111 253-1-3 LANDS N/F OF ThE h"AE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES WILL)LIFE LAIN? TRUST LASER 1066 PAGE 102 S.B.L. # 253-1-6 N82.02'16"E N81'06'42"E c�RF — — — — — — 1,214.20 - - . 40 11'06' 42' c T MAP REFERENCES: 1) "MAP COMPILED FROM DEEDS, MAPS do INFORMATION OF RECORD FOR STANLEY MILLER" DATED JUNE 13, 1998 LAST REVISED SEPTEMBER 05, 2014 PREPARED BY D. L. NO TES: DICKINSON ASSOCIATES SURVEYORS ENGINEERS. LANDS N/F OF SCOTT CUCKAER LASER 1027 PAGE 97 dla S.B.L. # 253-1-5 Woods Royd__1- N81'30'24"E ---- ----- n nn• CP1F. I. BASE MAP PREPARED FROM A MARCH 2O22 SURVEY. 2) "LAND TO BE PROVIDED FOR THE GLENS FALLS - EAST 2. NORTH ORIENTATION BASED ON MAP REFERENCE 1. LAKE GEORGE PT. 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY WARREN COUNTY FROM HENRY STEVENSON REPUTED OWNER" DATED 3. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE AND IS FEBRUARY 09, 1929, PREPARED BY STATE OF NEW YORK THEREFORE SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD ANY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. STATEMENT OF FACTS SUCH DOCUMENT WOULD DISCLOSE. 3) "MAP OF LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND 3-0305 OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW SURVEYORS SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF THE NEW YORK STATE "DUNHAM'S BAY WETLANDS" DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 1981, EDUCATION LAWS. PREPARED BY FREDERICK M HAAK 5. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES. I 1 ; DEED REFERENCE: 6. SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS AND/OR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OF RECORD. CONVEYANCE TO SEAN R. STUMVOLL BYI I DEED RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY j 7. SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND APPROVALS OF THE TOWN, COUNTY, AND STATE CLERK'S OFFICE IN BOOK 5363 PAGE 139 REGARDING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND. Zoning boundary runsalong center of stream II 8. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES HAVE BEEN SHOWN FROM SURFACE LOCATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS OBTAINED FROM A FIELD SURVEY WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF ACTUAL LOCATIONS BEING MARKED BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES. THERE MAY - J BE OTHER UTILITIES WHICH THE EXISTENCE OF ARE NOT KNOWN. SIZE TYPE AND / LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES MUST BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY PROPER AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION OR DESIGN. CALL DIG SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 9. WETLANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE LOCATED ON JUNE 11, 2022. ADDITIONAL WETLANDS 1,. PROPOSED L 0 T 2 EXIST ON AND ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY. AREA = 94.57_t ACRES 10. TOTAL AREA WEST OF THE CENTER OF STREAM (ZONING DISTRICT LC-42A) = 57.7f ACRES 11. TOTAL AREA EAST OF THE CENTER OF STREAM (ZONING DISTRICT RR-3A) = 49.5f ACRES II I APA WETLAND STATEMENT: 1 I. THE WETLAND BOUNDARIES AS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY WERE FLAGGED IN THE FIELD BY KELLY MCKEAN OF APA STAFF ON JUNE 08, 2022 AND SURVEYED BY BARDIN LAND \ SURVEYING, P.C. - RANDOLPH E BARDIN, Jr. ON DUNE 11, 2022. ` -:\ \ � Al A2 A3 2. VERIFIED BY ------------------ OF APA STAFF ON _---------_-__---- 1 A4 A5 3. WETLAND BOUNDARIES SHOWN REFLECT ONLY THOSE FLAGGED IN THE FIELD AND < < A6 DETERMINED NECESSARY FOR REVIEW OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL WETLANDS MAY EXIST ELSEWHERE ON THE PARCEL THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FLAGGED. \� I ` A7 C `� / 4. WETLAND BOUNDARIES MAY CHANGE OVER TIME. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE AGENCY FOR Woods _ _ oods Road_ POINT OF BEGINNING VERIFICATION OF ACCURACY IF THREE OR MORE YEARS HAVE ELAPSED SINCE THE ' ' �`-_ A8 —PER DEED REFERENCE DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED. I _ N00'21'23"W\ Test Hole+ '� \ 10.75' N2619'43"W'`, 24.65' -- — — ----- N32'28'43"W ZONING INFORMATION: , A,1 A,2 43.23 1. LOT 1 IS WITHIN THE (RR-3A) ZONING DISTRICT. N81'13'55"E 2. LOT 2 IS WITHIN THE (RR-3A AND i / 289.73' \ C.rrf LC-42A) ZONING DISTRICTS. I i N56.36g0� i 1y oyy Yr - 1 yv I B1B17 8 70 ! B25 919 B26 76yy B24 B23B20 B15 P �B27 Woods Road �� C11.-,. j--' �� / B28 - 621 B14 ' -- - -- ---- ---- -- \ v `"'�f / - — - - - — - B29 B4 Ra Stream Instr # 2023-3000022- -- - - Flows } 04l24/2023 09:12:23 AM � � underground >> / / stream B3 B13/ i i l B12 B6 / B2 PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL MAP es,, LEGEND - ',' 138 87 B, Approved Under Authority of a i/' r ! B9 FILED `� `Q C.LR.S CAPPED IRON ROD SET 810 eB \ o I.R.F. IRON ROD FOUND ReaolutlOn Adopted I� Lag�xI I I Cg C4 B9 / LANDS N/F GF �� ` o I.P.F. IRON PIPE FOUND s KELLY CLEVELAND o C.I.R.F CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND bj/ the Planning Board Di �Q�� C6 c, / AA0 GWER CLEVELAAD o POINT ,Woods Road / BOOC 6139 PAGE 282 �� �� .,atea+. N/F NOW OR FORMERLY l 1jog S.B.L. # 253-1-2 `� `� �� C.B.�. CATCH BASIN of Q n5j�ury� , PROPOSED LOT > Pond L.P. LAMP OR LIGHT POST - UTILITY POLE Zoning boundary runs � i I. / AREA - 12.71 f ACRES WIRE FENCE REMAINS Chairman along center of stream CHAIN LINK FENCE / WELL WIRES Date vigl od; _YJk 3 `O Marsh i / ^� nN / 13am Area /cl' \ I ;'7 / C.M.F. CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND - PROPOSED BOUNDARY LINE 2 `O / shed Concrete � — -- - PROPERTY LINE SETBACKS / o V � \ WETLAND BOUNDARY Grovel it / \ GRAPHIC SCALE l -50 0 250 500- `2 Story ® p° Residence Well 3 Casing �CO ROPOSED SUB - - - - - _ _ -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rt I / / Deak� 9� 1►l tll kill n r DIVISION MADE FOR �. - - - - - Greg SEAN R. STUMVOLL _:__— L———--— — Gan \` \` I i ' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK .. � Woods , -- -_ -Road BARDIN LAND SURVEYING, P. C. -_- - - --- I Marsh - \� \` 1 282.31' Area Propane 97 WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. 12845 853 41' APF o ; -- -- s82•os'n"w PROJECT N0: 220201 SHEET: 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" = 100' LANDS N/F OF � LANDS N/F OF � I SME CK REALTY N LLC DRAFTED BY.- REB �V `, LAADs N/F o,`' LANDS N/F OF APPROVED BY- REB KELLY CLEVELANO \ KELLY CLEVELAAO 1 RORGB T y & AND GNSECR CLEVELAAD BOOK 6524 PAGE 35 ; LASER 680 PAGE 231 LBER 1072 PAGE 152 S.B.L. S 253.03-1-32.11 ; SEALED BY- RANDOLPH E BARDIN, Jr. LLS 051009 �`,�`, AB C�61�39 P � 28� ` S.B.L 253.03-1-28 S.B.L. 1253.03-1-30 S.B.L. # 253.03-1-31 / ` RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST WARREN COUNTY TAX PARCEL: 253-1-4 TO PASS OVER AND ALONG # , ` STEVENSON LANE" /LEADING FROM RIDGE ROAD - PER DEED REFERENCE DATE: 0410612022 REVISED: 0710612022 Rail 0 0 N CJAF. GRAPHIC SCALE 75 0 37.5 75 150 300 ( IN FEET ) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES 2023574961 �A Ok Pamela J. Vogel, Warren Co Clerk DE)n01-101-Pl ► /1-- n of A A I 3UALL: 1 =OU GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 60 120 ( IN FEET ) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES .. Ecftt �`e 2` I 4..IY !9#+ l rC SIala 01 %-O.t'` r-fk S JUJI-i'MI, ' � an R Z5 +:zleVelEn-J, pally 13. at .w•t_: 0.41: i "Ft3 .1 C aYc1 I,AIy a is 1.10 5t l 1. tiA Giiiss NaiY iiri .ir I Iri 0 5F dwin, Alilli . 2 F16111Wr-ITrnberl ry 2 y 1, C. 1� F e � C A- I Ly a i fi 1-52 3 ,;'5ili f 'Lull r�4.5`�i 1".55 �Jtl 7m9s"4# Lp`nn _ But, ar%a��l<<�ti tf�i=�� �Y �r = �e.t��°fin.. ��lY PROPOSED 136 SF APA WETLAND DISTURBANCE FOR IN PROVED DR/VEWA Y 160 SF I ND DISTURBANCE )VED DR/VEWA Y ORI GINAL SI TE SOILS_DA TA TEST PI TS TP-1 - 0612122 BY. THOMAS CENTER JR., P.E. - LOT 2, HOUSE SEPTIC LOCATION 0-4" - TOPSOIL 4-27" - LOAMY MEDIUM FINE SAND 27-59" - MEDIUM FINE SAND ROOTS TO 59", MOTTLING AT 43", WATER AT 58" BOUNDARY CONDITION © 59" PERCOLATION TESTS PT-1 - 612/22 BY' THOMAS CENTER, JR., P.E. STABILIZED PERCOLATION RATE: 1 MINUTES, 22 SECONDS PER INCH DENSITY CALCULATION SITE LOCATION PARCEL AREA - 10 7.2 8 AC PARCEL AREA - RR-3 =49.56 AC PARCEL AREA - LC-42 57.72 AC WETLAND AREA RR-3 = 12.94 AC WETLAND AREA LC-42 = 2.18 AC AVAILABLE DENSITY RR-3=49.56-12.94 = 36.62 AC AVAILABLE DENSITY LC-42=57.72-2.18 = 55.54 AC 3 6.62AC / 3 AC/LOT = 12.21-LOTS ALLOWED 55.54 AC / 42 AC/LOT = 1.32-LOTS ALLOWED D E- Fein. J. amt'-'"s 1 5 i l P, 41 aiuller 'ra-nil-y Tru -A, Linda LticA, LOCATION MAP lY71,tS �r_'17:�til v1tCiJ�#��.C: ZONING REQUIREMENTS TOWN OF QUEENSBURN RR-3X - RURXL RESIDENTIAL 3-ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 3-ACRES FRONT SETBACK - 100' SIDE SETBACKS - 75' REAR SETBACK - 100, SHORELINE SETB XCK - 75' BUILDING HEIGHT - 35' LOT WIDTH - 400' RO XD FRONT AGE - 400' PERCENT PERMEABLE - 757. LC-42 - LAND CONSERN XTION 42-ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 42-ACRES FRONT SETB XCK - 100' SIDE SETBACKS - 100, REAR SETBACK - 100' SHORELINE SETBACK - 200, BUILDING HEIGHT - 35' LOT WIDTH - 40U RO XD FRONT AGE - 400' PERCENT PERMEABLE - 957. =I TAX MAP # 253. —1-4 6 1 ISSUED FOR FINAL APPROVAL 411512023 5 ISSUED FOR FINAL APA PERMIT - FILED W/ WARREN COUNTY CLERK 1211312022 Instr # 2023-3000022 Dig VASafely 4 ADDED SILT FENCE PER NIPA 8129122 APA REVIEW 0813012022 04/24/2023 09:12:23 AM MA MAP FILED , New ®York Cali Before You Dig Wait The Required Time Confirm Utility Response Respect The Marks Dig With Care 800-962■7962 www.digsafelynewyork.com 3 ISSUED FOR TOQ SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 0811512022 2 REVISED PER APA REVIEW COMMENTS 0811512022 1 ISSUED FOR APA REVIEW 0811512022 0 ISSUED FOR SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 0711512022 No. Revisions Date 1917 RIDGE ROAD 2 LOT SUBDIVISION AX MAP # 253. -1-4 W OF QUEENSBURY TMS R. o prepared for: SEAN STUMVOLL )22 - PENDING APPROVAL NDACK PARK AGENCY OJECT 2022-0174 - VAL ISSUED 10-20-2022 MAf REFEKENCE BASE SURVEY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: "MAP OF A SUBDIVISION MADE FOR SEAN R. STUMVOLE" PREPARED BY BARDIN LAND SURVEYING PC, LAKE GEORGE, NY, DATED APRIL 6, 202Z LAST REVISED JULY 6, 2022 a ;_-. ', ` s ?�# ?- + ALTERATION 0 UMENT EXCEPT BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. 1917 RIDGE ROAD Town of Queensbury, County of Warren State of New York Drawn: TRG Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 0710712022 169 Havilond Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 745-0307 Phone Hutchins Engineering PLLC (518) 745-0308 Fox 291979-01 -a72 INSTALL POLYETHYLENE EXTENSION TO GRADE WITH TAMPER RESISTANT ACCESS COVER (NON —TRAFFIC AREAS) 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE 4' HOUSE SEWER WATERTIGHT SLEEVE & SEAL (TIP.) RECUM Q: INSTALL POLYETHYLENE EXTENSION TO GRADE WITH TAMPER RESISTANT ACCESS COVER (NON —TRAFFIC AREAS) il 12" MIN. COVER r 3' LIQUID LEVEL 16' 18. MIN. LIQUID DEPTH 30" MIN. 60' MAX. I MINIMUM 2X WIDTH MAXIMUM 4X WIDTH PROPOSED 1,250 GAL. PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK INSTALL POLYLOK PL122 FILTER SUCH THAT IT IS READILY REMOVABLE THROUGH TANK ACCESS COVER 1/8" PER FOOT 12' MIN. COVER MIN. SLOPE DISTRIBUTION BOX 4' EFFLUENT SEWER lin, IJ BAFFLE USE SPEED LEVELERS TO ASSURE — — 2" MIN. ALL OUTLETS ARE AT EXACTLY THE 2" MIN. DROP SAME ELEVATION BETWEEN INVERTS 4" PVC SDR-35 SOLID HEADER TO — ABSORPTION FIELD, 1/8" PER FOOT MIN SLOPE SEPTIC TANK NOTES ALL UNITS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SHALL BE OF PRECAST CONCRETE AS MANUFACTURED BY UTOPIA ENTERPRISES OR EQUIVALENT. ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE PLACED ON FIRM, COMPACT SAND OR GRAVEL BASE. WHERE EXISTING SOIL COND17IONS ARE UNSUITABLE, CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE PLACED AS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE A STABLE BASE. SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE OF EXTRA HEAVY CONSTRUC17ON DESIGNED FOR H-20 WHEEL LOADING. ALL JOINTS MUST BE SEALED W17H BUTYL SEALANT. JOINTS BELOW THE LIQUID LEVEL MUST BE TESTED BEFORE BACKnWNG. SEPTIC_ TA NK_D E TA I L NTS WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN DESIGN TO 4-BEDROOM RESIDENCES WATER SAVING FIXTURES (1.6 GPF MAX. FLUSH, 3.0 GPM MAX. FAUCETS) DESIGN FLOW - 110 GPD/BEDROOM SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW - 440 GPD SEPTIC TANK - 1250 GAL PRECAST CONCRETE OR POLYETHYLENE LEACH FIELD - SHALLOW PIPE -IN -STONE ABSORPTION TRENCHES MAXIMUM BURIAL DEPTH OF TRENCHES = 11 " 6' MINIMUM TRENCH SPACING DESIGN PERCOLATION RATE = 6-7 MIN/IN APPLICATION RATE = 1.0 GPD/SF ABSORPTION BED AREA REQUIRED = 440 SF ABSORPTION TRENCH LENGTH REQUIRED = 220 LF INSTALL (4) TRENCHES AT 60 LF EACH 240 LF TOTAL TO BE PROVIDED 25% REDUCTION DESIGN FOR INFILTRATOR QUICK-4 EQUALIZER 36 PER NYSDOH APPENDIX 75-A, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 3, 2010 INSTALL (3) ABSORPTION LATERALS AT 60' EACH = 180 LF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY - ON -SITE WELL - MAINTAIN 50' WELL TO SEPTIC TANK SETBACK - MAINTAIN 100' WELL TO ABSORPTION FIELD SETBACK TYPICAL PIPE -IN -STONE--\ 4" MINIMUM TOPSOIL ABSORBTION TRENCH, ON ENTIRE FILL AREA. 6' TYP. TRENCH SEE PLANS FOR SIZING SEED & ESTABLISH TURF SPACING MAX 6' TYP TO TOP \ SLOPE �- SLOPESLOPE 3 -�' APPROXIMATE OF TAPER XIS 71NG G RA DE 1 MAX � ,.:,. , .... ...... _ SLOPE - . ........:. ... � ..: " _... Q 11 MAX BURIAL 2' MIN DEPTH - APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY CONDI170N — EXISTING ORGANIC MATERIAL TO BE —24" MAXIMUM MECHANICALLY REMOVED PRIOR TO PLACING STABILIZED SYSTEM FILL MATERIAL, GRANULAR FILL 3-5 MIN. IN -PLACE STABILIZED TAPER AREA - MAXIMUM SLOPE PERCOLATION RATE 1:3. SYSTEM FILL MATERIAL ALL AROUND I 12" MAX 30" MAX 2" MIN. 6„ 314 TO 1 112" WASHED CRUSHED STONE 4" MIN TOPSOIL OVER THE ENTIRE ABSORPTION FIELD; SEED & ESTABLISH TURF BACKFILL FREE OF STONES OVER 3" FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 14ON OR EQUAL 2" IN. 6" SHALLOW ABSORPTION FIELD SECTION NTS SLOPE 4" MIN TOPSOIL OVER THE ENTIRE ABSORPTION FIELD; SEED AND ESTABLISH TURF FI L TER FABRIC MIRAFI 14ON OR EQUIVALENT 4" PERFORATED PVC LATERAL, SLOPE 1116" - 1/32" PER FT. MEETING ASTM STANDARDS FOR PIPE USED IN SEPTIC SYSTEMS ABSORPTION TRENCH PROFILE NTS OVERFILL TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT 2' TRENCH WIDTH 6-12 MD 12" MIN. CjQbo o UO O �0o" " 3/4" TO 1-112" WASHED CRUSHED STONE ABSORPTION TRENCH SECTION N TS TOPSOIL & ESTABLISH TURF 4" SDR-35 HOUSE OR EFFLUENT SEWER END CAP SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS AND ASTM F481 INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE AND CORRUGATED TUBING IN SEPTIC TANK LEACH FIELDS. AFTER EXCAVATION OF 2' WIDE TRENCH TO THE DEPTHS REQUIRED, THE WALLS AND FLOOR SHALL BE CLEANED AND RAKED IN ORDER TO LOOSEN SMEARED SECTIONS OF TRENCH. PLACEMENT OF CRUSHED STONE, PERFORATED PIPE AND FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE AS SHOWN, AND CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED TO AVOID INCLUSION OF FINE GRAINED SOILS AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE STONE AND PIPE. THE PIPE SHOULD BE LAID AT THE GRADES INDICATED, MAINTAINING STRAIGHT CONTINUOUS GRADES WITHOUT SAGS, HUMPS, SEPARATED JOINTS, OR OTHER UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS. PIPE SHALL BE LAID WITH HOLES DOWN IN ALL CASES. ALL DISPOSAL FIELDS SHALL BE GRADED TO SHED RAINFALL AND DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE DISPOSAL FIELD. DO NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE ABSORPTION AREA AFTER PIPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED. THIS SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO ACCOMODATE EXTREME WATER USE OR EXTREME ORGANIC LOADING DEVICES SUCH AS JACUZZI TYPE SPAS OR GARBAGE GRINDERS. ROOF, FOOTING, GARAGE, CELLAR AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE MUST BE EXCLUDED FROM THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. THE WASTEWATER SYSTEMS MUST BE INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION. WATERTIGHT COVER T MINIMUM COVER 18 MIN TO HOUSE (10' MIN) 6 MIN. A 2" ANNULUS OF NEAT CEMENT OR --� BENTONITE GROUT IS REQUIRED. REFER TO CITED PUBLICATION FOR MINIMUM REQUIRED DEPTH OF GROUT WATER SUPPLY WELLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF APPENDIX 5-B OF THE NYS SANITARY CODE 18" MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH FINISHED GRADE PITLESS ADAPTER SEAL CASING TO BEDROCK 50' MIN. CASING SUBMERSIBLE PUMP x WELL DETAIL MACHINE BACKFILL W/NATIVE NTS MATERIAL AS NEEDED DUE TO FINAL GRADE (4" MAX. SIZE) SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL (100% PASSING 2" SIEVE) 6" ABOVE PIPE & 2" BELOW PIPE SEWER TRENCH DETAIL N TS WASTEWATER SYSTEM SETBACK SCHEDULE PROPERTY LINE HOUSE DRAINAGE DITCH WATERBODIES SEPTIC TANK 10' 10' I 10' 50' ABSORPTION FIELD 10' 20' 20' 100' Dra ,_ 1 . 5401 St. Wendel - Cynthiana Rd. PH: 800-772-2040 Poseyville, IN 47633 www.tensarnagreen.com 10'- 0" O. C. MAX. A_ 8" MIN. 36" FENCE POST DRIVEN MINIMUM 16" INTO GROUND SILT STOP EMBED IN GROUND 8" MIN. FAO PERSPECTIVE SOIL BACKFILL -36" FENCE POST T STOP EMBED IN OUND 8" MIN. DISTURBED GROUND SECTION SEDI M ENT CONTROL FENCE DETAIL NTS SLOPE LENGTH/FENCE LENGTH (FT.) SLOPE STANDARD REINFORCED SUPER <2% 30011500 N/A N/A 2-10% 125/1000 25012000 30012500 10-20% 1001750 150/1000 20011000 20-33% 60/500 80/750 100/1000 33-50i 40/250 70/350 1001500 >50% 20/125 30/175 50/250 SLOPE INSTALLATION DETAIL 1. Prepare soil before installing rolled erosion control products (RECPs), including any necessary application of lime, fertilizer, and seed. 2. Begin at the top of the slope by anchoring the RECPs in a 6"(15cm) deep X 6"(15cm) wide trench with approximately 12" (30cm) of RECPs extended beyond the up -slope portion of the trench. Anchor the RECPs with a row of staples/stakes approximately 12" (30cm) apart in the bottom of the trench. Backfill and compact the trench after stapling. Apply seed to the compacted soil and fold the remaining 12"(30cm) portion of RECPs back over the seed and compacted soil. Secure RECPs over compacted soil with a row of staples/stakes spaced approximately 12"(30cm) apart across the width of the RECPs. 3. Roll the RECPs (A) down or (B) horizontally across the slope. RECPs will unroll with appropriate side against the soil surface. All RECPs must be securely fastened to soil surface by placing staples/stakes in appropriate locations as shown in the staple pattern guide. 4. The edges of parallel RECPs must be stapled with approximately 2" - 5" (5-12.5cm) overlap depending on the RECPs type. 5. Consecutive RECPs spliced down the slope must be end over end (Shingle style) with an approximate 3"(7.5cm) overlap. Staple through overlapped area, approximately 12"(30cm) apart across entire RECPs width. Disclaimer: In loose soil conditions, the use of The information presented herein is general design information only. For specific applications, staple or stake lengths greater than consult an independent professional for further design guidance. 6"(15cm) may be necessary to properly secure the RECP's. Drawn on: 3-16-11 STANDARD SPECIFI CA TIONS FOR SIL T FENCE DEFINITION A TEMPORARY BARRIER OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC INSTALLED ON THE CONTOUR ACROSS A SLOPE TO INTERCEPT SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF FROM SMALL DRAINAGE AREAS OF DISTURBED SOILS PURPOSE TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITY & TO EFFECT DEPOSITION OF TRANSPORTED SEDIMENT LOAD. APPLI CA TION - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE_ LENGTHS CONTRIBUTING RUNOFF TO THE FENCE PLACED ON A .SLOPE; 1:2 SLOPE (507) 25 FT 1:3 SLOPE (33%) 50 FT 1: 4 SLOPE (25%) 75 FT 1:5 SLOPE OR LESS 100 FT - MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA FOR OVERLAND FLOW SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE PER 100 FEET OF FENCE WITH MAXIMUM PONDING DEPTH OF 1.5 FEET. - EROSION WILL OCCUR AS SHEET EROSION. - CONCENTRATED WATER FLOW SHALL NOT BE DIRECTED TO FENCE. DESIGN CRITERIA ALL SILT FENCES SHALL BE PLACED AS CLOSE TO THE DISTURBED AREAS AS POSSIBLE, WITH A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM THE TOE OF A SLOPE. THE AREA BEYOND THE FENCE MUST BE UNDISTURBED OR STABILIZED. - SENSITIVE AREAS TO BE PROTECTED BY SILT FENCE MAYBE NEED TO BE REINFORCED BY USING HEAVY WIRE FENCING FOR ADDED SUPPORT. - WHERE THE ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE COME TOGETHER, THE TWO ENDS SHALL BE OVERLAPPED, ROLLED TOGETHER AND STAPLED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT BYPASS AT THESE CONNECTIONS. FABRIC MATERIAL CRITERIA GRAB TENSILE STRENGTH : 90 LBS ASTM D1682 ELONGATION AT FAILURE: 50% ASTM D1682 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. POST SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION. FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 6" MAX. MESH OPENING. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER -LAPPED BY 6-INCHES AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X MIRAFI 10OX, STABILINKA T140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 4. PREFA BRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB,FNVfROFENCE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. EROSION & SEDI M ENT CONTROL NOTES • BEFORE ANY CLEARING OR GRUBBING OF THE SITE IS INITIATED, AND DURING EARTHWORK PHASES, SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. • AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH DAYS WORK AND AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT, SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE AND ANY OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR FAILURES OR SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION. ANY FAILURE SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY CORRECTED. • TEMPORARY RAPID GROWTH COVER CROPS FOR THE SEDIMENT CONTROL AREAS, SUCH AS ANNUAL RYEGRASS MAY BE USED FOR TEMPORARY SURFACE STABILIZATION DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES, APPLY AT A RATE OF 35-LBS PER ACRE. • SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SEDIMENT TRAPS AND BASINS WHENEVER THEIR CAPACITY HAS BEEN REDUCED BY 50%. • ALL BARE EARTH AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED 'WITHIN 14—DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK IN THE AREA. ONLY AREAS WHICH ACTIVELY UNDER CONSTRUCTION MAY REMAIN OPEN FOR MORE THAN 5 DAYS. ONCE CONSTRUCTION 1S COMPLETED IN THESE AREAS, SEED AND MULCH SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 14—DAYS, • FOR VEGETATED RETENTION AREAS, CUT SLOPES AND SLOPES FOR THE RETENTION BASINS, TOPSOIL AND INSTALL SEED MIXTURE AT A RATE OF 75—LBS PER ACRE, APPLY 10-10-10 STARTER FERTILIZER AND MULCH. • TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, INCLUDING SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE AND/OR MULCH, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED FOR ANY TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILE AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT FOR MORE THAN 24—HOURS. * DURING FINAL SITE GRADING, REMOVE ALL ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT, SCARIFY SUBSOILS AND PERFORM SOIL RESTORATION TECHNIQUES OVER SPECIFIED AREAS. • FOR GROUND CLEARING ACTIVITIES OCCURRING BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 & APRIL 15, IN WHICH VEGETATION CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED, EXPOSED EARTHEN AREAS SHALL BE COVERED WITH EITHER A TARP COVER OR AN EXTRA HEAVY LAYER OF MULCH. • ANY AREA OF REVEGETATiON MUST EXHIBIT A SURVIVAL OF A MINIMUM OF 80% OF THE VEGETATION THROUGHOUT THE YEAR FOLLOWING REVEGETATION. REVEGETATE AS NEEDED TO MEET THIS REQUIREMENT * THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT AN INSPECTION OF THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS TO COLLECT LITTER AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND DISPOSE OF LEGALLY. • FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES INVOLVED WITH ONGOING LAND DISTURBANCES AND EXPOSURE BETWEEN NOVEMBER 15TH AND APRIL 1ST, WINTER STABILIZATION MEASURES ARE TO BE IMPLEMENTED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PAGE 2.38 OF THE NEW YORK STATE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (THE BLUE BOOK). • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NEW YORK STATE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (THE BLUE BOOK). TAX MAP # 253. - 1- 4 STABILIZATION • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INITIATE STABILIZATION MEASURES AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 14—DAYS. * STABILIZATION OF GRASS AREAS INCLUDES HYROSEEDING USING p� 'Safely,- Nig k p Call Before You Dig El Wait The Required Time El Confirm Utility Response Respect The Marks 0 Dig With Care 4 3 2 1 ----- - ISSUED FOR FINAL APPROVAL ISSUED FOR FINAL APA PERMIT - FILED W/ WARREN ISSUED FOR TOQ SKETCH PLAN REVIEW REVISED PER APA COMMENTS TACKIFIER ON SLOPES OVER 1:5 OR SEEDING AND INSTALLING A CONTINUOUS COVER OF STRAW MULCH WATERED INTO PLACE. ON 800.962-7962 www.digsafelynevvyork.com 0 No. 1 ISSUED FOR APA REVIEW Revisions SLOPES OVER 1:3 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET IN WITH THE DETAILED EROSION CONTROL PLANS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. .A _fV^ v�/1 WASTEWATER /� Q CO)CCORDANCE & EROSION l� 2023574961 Instr # 2023-3000022 04/24/2023 091223 AM I � kA 1 Pages MAP Pamela J. Vogel, Warren Co Clerk FILED 291979-01-S3 PLAT D -4 9 4 SHEETS Im WARREN COUNTY r. -t , ton REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES AGENCY County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 yo4 Lake George, New York 12845 '��otttr�f4 •� Tel. 518-761-6464 Fax 518-761-6559 LEXIE A. DELUREY Director KRISTEN MAC EWAN Deputy Director CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES THAT FEE AUTHORIZED BY REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW SECTION 503 SUBD. 7, HAS BEEN PAID The Warren County Board of Supervisors enacted Resolution No. 477 on October 17, 2014 authorizing fees set forth in Real Property Tax Law Section 503 Subd. 7. I have reviewed the attached document and collected the fee as set forth below: [ ] No fee, document does not require a change to the tax map 3 0 [) No fee, property survey only, not a subdivision Vf -One through three lot subdivision map Original $25 a �J [ ] One through -three lot subdivision map Alteration $25 [ ] One through three lot subdivision map Abandonment $25 _ [ ] One through three lot Condominium $25 g [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Original $50 [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Alteration $50 [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Abandonment $50 T 9 5 [ ]Four through nine lot Condominium $50 0 ���pp A [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Original $100 y N N rQ W `o [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Alteration $100 N o [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Abandonment $100 W ki [ ] Ten or more lot Condominium $100 9 Map reference is as follows: a S13 , 0 O - I — `"7" NAME OR TITLE S E /Atl �:-_;T U " V U LL_ REVISION DATE S/ate �3 DATE -7 17 / a 0 oZ a- TOWN/CITY L L\ S U' �( This certificate only approves the document with respect to compliance with Real Property Tax Law 503 Subd. 7. No other approval as to completeness, legality, compliance with any local or state statues or regulations or any other approval or requirements for processing by this department, shall be deemed satisfied by this certificate. tj Lq /ac_)�_ i- Date Lexie A Delurey Real Property Director or Designee