98-326 i CERTIFICAT12"A'A 01, COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Da to June 7 lg 99 1U" Ic 98326 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No - _ has been completed . INGRO[3ND POOL This structure may be used as a -- - * 33UTTERNUT HILL DR . Location - - CALABRESE , MICHAEL & TAMMY Owner TAX MAP Tao . 54 . - 5 - 11 . 14 By Order of Town board TOWN OF Q N BURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF QZ.7EENSB URY SUN 10 IM Say at Haviland Ffoaa; Que.ensbur'y, NY 1 2804-9 725-5 1 8-792-5832 SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION iii Ti l ) k 0 ;cj )60 C?l 1 ? ! r( . TEL . qq 3 -U5Q! '7q3- 0q;. C) icf) PERSON 4 RESPWISIBL- FOR CODE REQUIRE:` E"N"'I S : ADDRESS c�� ru ��V L T=r T YPF OF POOL abova- ground S ; 7i . Length 3CC Wid h � ( ) TT . ,l ci.t= %.eT" _ 1':.rt 1 E rl my k E': '� /rt� rr.C �ly rT'/1�� �y s ^ _ Y f fi USED ' ,r MIST i RUC I T () i's; ., _ -. _ � . I , ( cIrCle one ) S - = _ 'r i r<<fl Fivc 'QI ess _ _ Gr n i t .e Po1., rSc= rwncre O�,:e . a CC' : = -, � R/ Iii STA_'_=R � � P '� � 411� IE? ! llI J� qq ImPCR i AN s INSTRUCT ! OIZS : On a C -.�. r.xte pte := of pa.per silbm-1 a d ' -cc r i trawn to SiIGw: PROP EMi LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM - LOC, j ION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show al l distances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . APPLICATION{ FOR ELECTRICAL -INSPECTION IS NECESSARY . A COPY OF THE APPLICATION IS T O BE FILE© WITH THIS `OFFICE . T=; IS C = FICE IS TO BE 14OTiFIED UPON COMPLETIC '; OF C01ISTRUCTICI , I ^ICLUDING IN, ST.� LLATION OF FE611CI `1G , A FlUAL INSPECTION L1ILL BE FACE BEFORE USE OF THE POLL_ IS AUTHORI = jilt 1c4c ) CCA OVER Secti on 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 . Private S%vi ,.,riii ng Pools . Private swirnmi n-g pools , per,.anent end portable , which shall be accessory to a p ri nc i pal , non- co,�,,.,erci al dwell i ng use shall be reed a ted as follows : except that these reQulati ons shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not core than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more when fifteen ( 15 ) feet in lenath . a ) May be erected only on the same 1 of as the principal structure , b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not Tess then twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or bufr`er zone where appropriate nor Tess than ten ( 10 ) feet frog the side lot line , or buffer zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neichborhood . d ) All pri vate swirIimin4 pools shall be enclosed bye aer„<enent fence of durable material at least four ( = feet in heiCi; t . c ) In the case where a lot fronts on t:40 ( 2 ) or mere 1ubl i c rig ^ t,S _0 -way , a private swirrnlr .ng pool stealT be erzctcd only cn that portion of the said lot what is directly ad,yacent to that side of tine ,principal building. which is dircCt 'fy opposite the arch te .tural rniei n entrance of rta i d building and the nei chbori ng side lot line . In no case s hal 1 the pool be env nearer to t ,e lot lines abutting any public r i cht- of- way than the required front Setbeck for the principal bul l t i ng of the zoninY district in which it is located . Furtherrore , the pool shall be screened fron the view of the public right- of-way and the neighboring property by means of landscaaing . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES = $ 25 Fee for Above Ground SwirM, ing Pool $ 35 Fee for In - Ground Swirrriiing Pool NOTE : ALL POOL PEA HI I APPLICATIONS MUST ST .Tc M.ATERIAL TO BE USED . COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. n Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim> PA 17545 `(� MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE ELECTRICAL APPROVAL 59185 Cut-in Card No . . _ ..-- Pas3ai Berard N I . . . .. . . ... .... ... Cert r /9-L $ /2 Owner . .. .. . . .. .. . . ..... . . IL Occupant -..._ _..... ......... ............ ..... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ........._..--... ..,-........,-... .. . . . _. . . � Location - .. f Q r [�... .--.. Nam+ [ 'e. .�t JG a� I rk &V . . ., . .A j Installation Consisting Of . - d- A. . . . . . . .. .. .. . ......., _-...--• /,,/may 1- Lic. *A.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Installed S / S.. a '..-.. .. . � . . . .. . . .. ......... The conditions following governed the issuance of this certilicate, and anY certificate Previnus y .I issued is canceiled, — This certificate only covers she electrical cquipmenx and --snsxsllatic�n conditions as Of dale. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, appiwation shall be PromPtly made ta>r inspection. n shall have the privilege of Makin insp c n at any time• and if its lnspector5 of this company / rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to revoke is rti s INSPECTOR . _. .. .. ... . .. . .. . ...... Date ember N.F.P.A.. 1.A.E.1. TOW OF QUEENSBURY BUILT) G & CODE ENFORCEMENT '742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12004 ARRIVE : ll DEP1IT17 : er INSP FINAL INSPECTION REPORT - RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECE ED , � ry NAME _ �--- LOCAL' I ON -_ " PERMIT EI '1"YF'E OF STRUCTUREFOOTI ^+ . BACKFILL _ FRAMING Rouc,"NGS^____ FOUNDATION INSULATION _ ROUGft PLUMBING SEPTIC FINAL ELEC7'R ICAL WOODS TOVE CYR FIREPLACE N/A YES HO CIELMNEY HEIGHT B VEN EiEIGEET PLUMB NG VENT Roo P LL NG �--- � f:_X'12CRIgR FI I H pl :CK/ PORCEJ STE RAI INGS AJ . RELIEF VALVES FURN ACE IHOT WATER OP TING INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVAC DOORS FINISH FLOORS • BATHIKITCHEN -WAT R IGHT OTHER FLOORS SWEEP LE - _ OT14ER FLOORS CARPET D — STAIR CLEARANCEIRAILI GS SMOKE DETECTORS EIATHROOH FF --� FOUN_DT ON INSULATION GARAGE FIRE PROOFING uooR CLOSERS FINAL ELECT RICA.t_L-=eJ� . SITE PLAN VARIANCE RE FINAL SURVEY LO ax TO Issu C o o C �tr E , 1 It t � �~ , � All �l 8 1p0., Iz E 100 `� a 30' w o - r� PROHo p SAD M � 35.57' S� C . F n- LOT 3 � co .0758 ACRES 0000 , 79.40900,) ANGLE IRON i I