No Permit Required ACOE4/19/23, 11:09 AM Environmental Design Partnership Mail - RE: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Re: Bay Road Self Storage (Phase II) Que……1/2
Tom Ward <>
RE: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Re: Bay Road Self Storage (Phase II)
Queensbury, NY
1 message
Loftfield, Roy V CIV USARMY CENAN (USA) <>Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 10:46
To: Tom Ward <>
Based solely on a review of the information provided, it appears that a Department of the Army permit, in accordance with
33 CFR 320-332, will not be required for your proposal. Care should be taken so that any fill or other construction
materials, including debris, do not enter any waterbody or wetland to become a drift or pollution hazard.
Thank You
Roy V. Loftfield
Physical Scientist
Army Corps of Engineers
Upstate New York Regulatory Field Office
Permitting, Enforcement and Compliance
(518) 266 - 6363 Office
(518) 578 - 1356 Mobile
From: Tom Ward <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:53 AM
To: Loftfield, Roy V CIV USARMY CENAN (USA) <>
Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Re: Bay Road Self Storage (Phase II) Queensbury, NY
Good Morning Roy.
I am following up with you on the information that was submitted on March 23, 2023 for the Bay Road Self
Storage facility. I want to make sure that you have received it and that there is nothing else that is needed from me to
allow you to review and issue the No-Permit-Required (NPR) letter that was requested.
If you could please let me know that you received the information and provide me with a quick update on the status of the
NPR, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
4/19/23, 11:09 AM Environmental Design Partnership Mail - RE: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Re: Bay Road Self Storage (Phase II) Que……2/2
Thomas M. Ward, CWB, PWS
Environmental Program Manager | Senior Ecologist
On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 9:27 AM Tom Ward <> wrote:
Good Afternoon Roy.
Attached please find a request for review of a project that plans the expansion of an existing Self Storage facility
located at the intersection of Bay Road and Duke Drive, in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York.
As you will see, the project does not propose any disturbances to the regulated aquatic resources present. However,
the development does require permits from the Town of Queensbury, based on the fact that they require permits for
work within 100 feet of the wetland/stream boundaries. As part of the Town approval process, they have requested
that we reach out to your office to solicit a response that acknowledges that you reviewed the site plans, concur with
the delineation, and have determined that no permit from your office is required.
Consequently, a No-Permit Required (NPR) Letter is hereby respectfully requested. If you have any questions, or
require any additional information to process this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Thank
Thomas M. Ward, CWB, PWS
Environmental Program Manager | Senior Ecologist
Environmental Design Partnership
900 Route 146
Clifton Park, NY 12065
518.371.7621 ext. 106 (o)
518.376.4491 (c)