89-402 +�., ' • � +CER.'I' ,, Alt F _C%+C+C�.JPA�T�C�'' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1 I WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK DateIf� l!ri i 19 r r r k I This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. $ 2 ------- has been completed. 1 i This structure may be occupied am a I Location Lot ,98 Ledupyiew Village i i ubn uahp-q r By Order Town Board 'GOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. & Cade Enforcement w �- BUILDING PERMIT � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY N4 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK o r w r rU PERMISSION is hereby granted to lnhn Hughes OWNER of property located at 1 0i: 9R 1 rsdD Pti V-i l l aQe Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a _ MR-11AMM4111dular DmI l 1 9 at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueenshury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is 375 Bay Road c Queensbury. N . Y . 12804 to 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name C Self 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERYS Address Sarre 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r l 5. ARCHITECT'S Address I I I A B. TYPE of Construction — (Please Indicate by X) ( ) Wood Frame { ) Masonry i Y Steel ( } 7_ PLANS and Specifications Modular No. 13 ' x 62 ' , 13 ' x 24 ' HNNIIiLMM as per plot plan , specifications % ` and application 8. Proposed Use E PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES January 1 79 90 C C (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be trade to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_) C Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 7th Day of _ June 19 89 i I r SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury I Building and Zone rob Inspector TO SE COMPLETED BY nLOG . DEPT. Application No. �Jucvn O itPt'01s6surs�r Permit Issued ] 9 BUILDING rno ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Expires 19 TOWN OF 4�1EEN5BURY Bay and riaviland Road, W,l]. 1 Box Qa Zoning peal n RECEIVED Quuensbury, Now York 128UI Varianc No site V N , APPLICATION FOR Appr a JUN 5 1989 © ID I./A - BLDG. & CODE DEPT. PUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT i. • 7► • ilw it ♦F M i/ i1 i► • • iF ar ik r 4 • ii s • M # it ,* �► 4 r�r w r r t► M w �► rr x :: ,Mr A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION , ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ., The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done ira accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted , and • such special conditions as miiy be indicated on the Permit . The owner of this property is : r per,,,,, /V A s P . G. Adclreas 3 ) 5 IC24enl aTal . Property Location : i r ¢' �'s�f Tax Map No . Street i.umber or building lot number S"division name ( it applicable) T11E PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION of WORK AS REGARDS DUILDTNG CODES ISz P . O. Addrea u 'I'c;l . No . Name of Installer `s Ff�� . 4/iS Address Tel * Name of F.lundj;er__ „ Address Tel . Natlw! oC ,nauon_ _ , , rr Address Tel . MOBILE HOME INFORMATION : * ZONING INrORrMTION ! New Home Placement r1 * A PLOP PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto , Replacing existing Home * ,showing clearly and distinctly all buildings , size of new Horne 3 £t x a.? fty- yard( whether existing or proposed and indicate all set-back diwensions train property lines . Give Single w ' le Double wider * ,street and number or lot number and indicate No . of rooms ( excluding baths ) * whether interior or corner lot . Show location * of water supply and location and configuration No . of bedrooms _ _ " of septic d"Pos"I area . No . of bathrooms ._ * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOWo Fireplace? V Wood stove? ry [ k " Size of property /_ a ft X f'CI5 S ft . Foundation style and size : " Existing building ( u ) Size ft x ft . * Piers- No . of Size €t x ft. * existing building(u ) use Depth below grade ft . * FOUNDATION Fasting size Proposed building . diwLancca from property line " X ♦ &� " * Wall material • Front yard f 3 .4 t Rear yard .93 ft * Side yards iv ft and sue_ ft wall thickness Height yr ft . „ If on corner , setback from side street [ t •Tonal depth below grade 3 OCCUPANCY INFORMATICN ft . at Grade to Home floor level ft . * PRIMARY BUILDING •- w + ,► ,e fr ,r w w w ar w w w w rt w x * * * * 000k _4na f4imlly dwelling * Two family dwiuiling Proposed date of placement 7 / /c> ��-- ,� Multiple dwelling / Number of units ,� Parinanent occupancy Aprox . Value. of Home S _ oc} C� * 'transient occupancy water supply - Well Municipal A Business ,. industrial Septic Permit required? sy b = other + If additiona wheat will use Lqa FURTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED " ACCESSORY flUILDING- ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET * * Dotached garage/one car/ two car/ car * � Attached garage/one car/ two car/ car ~ private storage building • other r Form MITP 5 / $ £, md -vl APPLICATION FOR MOBILE HOME PERMIT„ ( CONTINUED) State of New York Division of Housing and Community Renewal INSIGNIA OF APPROVAL OF THE STATE . BUILDING CODE I . INSIGNIA SERIAL NUMBER -- 2 . NAME OF MANUFACTURER 3 . PLAN .APPROVAL NUMBER � ' / .0 f 4 * MODEL OR COMPONENT DESIGNATION t cs, e1 S . MANUFACTURER ' SlSERIAL NUMBER 6 . DATE OF ,MANUFACTURE AZZ the above inf6"Mation -is to be found on a pZate or sticker which should be affixed to the Mobi Ze Home . Complete -above 'With that tin formation. r s .t w w +� +e +r fi .a * +r w * a 0 # +t w +� * +� * x .� w * k Town of Queensbury County of Warren A F F I D A V I T STATE OF NEW yoRK I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and comPlete stateuse+nt of all proposed work to be done on the deacribed premises and that all Provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING OR XNANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be compiled with, whether specified or not. and that such work Is authorized by the owner . signature _ _ own No* or owner ' s ag t , archxcect . contractor ! s * 1F * M A • • * +Ik ri f w • � A t A • . • * • 4 f R • tilr ♦ * w 4 1► b f r w w f R * fr M tit • ' • SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMITS 4 ....._ r ' I 1_I t-.I " IZA: r-T r3 I-A 1 -zoz . . - - �.. r - ,•'r,�.:r' .wi^h r-d R-" nV':-,.:`,3 ,�� ' alb , ' '+iJl� f � — '� / 9 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS 1SSULrD AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND COMr-CAS achn F' . 'C arey I z no . NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CEFTiFFCAYC DOGS NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTCR THE +COVCP�AGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 169 main St . -- Hudson Falls , I* tvr . 12639 � COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE cOMC'A"Y A Haytfor3 Accident & 7: n: e.mnity Co . LETTER COMPANY _ INSURGD 4-ETTER John Hughes COMPANY Ra D . #Fl a Sox IS23 Lake G+eorget N . Ya 1. 2845 QQMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLiCIE3 OF IH' lURA11C£ LIST£{? AELOW HAVE uc[' N iSSUCD YO THC iW:VRCO NAMED ACIOVG f OR THE POLICY PERIOD IND6CAYEo, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY RE0,UiREMCNT. TERM OR CQNDITION Or' ANY CONTRACT IDA OTFiFA DOCUMENT WITH RESPEk. T TO W141CH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUCO OR WAY PERTAIN, THS 1� URANGI: AFFQRiDED JY Tilt POL!CILS OeShCRICIEO HEACIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLLSIONS, AND CON1:1- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. L,Q _emu PrAmy {FT{�? A LL'AE1AUI!.;TY UNAITS IN THOUSANOS LTA TYPE OF 'NSURANCF POLICY NUM DA-E ;MM, .nr� ,#vmm.Ciuvtz � � AGGRCaATE - xc��a.;cvcE GENERAL LIABIUTY �.�.— _ - 4 BODILY COMPREME.%&VE FOAM INJURY PkCWSEWPCRAT [Ni5 f � PRODERTY U`:CEFGROUI+D i pa�.1,+.4E $ $, EXKOS!QN 3 COL:APSF ^1AZARO IC PRDDUCTF./G9ntPLE'EC JFEF{ATIGNS 101 S, PU CONTFVkCTUAL Cfiihel>uEC { !NDEPCNDENT SONTRA:TvRS --1 — SROAD FORM PROPERTS' DAMAGE Pr 3^sQ': IN:LIFIY PERSC7^IAL I^l Uii4' $ AUTOMOBILE LIApILlTv NAjRy ANY AUTO e� $ ALL OWNED AUTOS APRJV, PA, S.] I ~ v j '.5.0a` A1.i.. i::rWEij {1''j l'1TH�'R {OER AUT ^ui ..'DTI S MIU PASS I HIRED AU7r�5 1 anti is Ty NONG":JNED ALT' — GARAGF LiASe l^v 1 III d PO $ EXCESS LIAE+ILITY M!5ftLLA FORM BI a Ao i � C[3M 631tiCL? � �� 3 OTHER TNA.Y '.II B1 %ELLF FOP',',A -- w'4RItEAS' Ge?MPENSR7lC!N o f WEC R,'V 6 7 9 7 f a. a ,+ Z .� .� � � 1 0 /' 1 5 / $ $ $ 1 0 0 11- ACv!GEVTI AND i $ 00 . 40!SEASE^P0L!(r7 LoWT) EMFLOYERS' LIABILITY I $ � IOISEASEEhON E'APLOYEE? OTHER DE S C R IP T10 r•i OF OPE.RATI+-N]* A-OCA QN11111 kluLE$. $PECIAL fTEMS SHOULD ANY OF ToE ADUVE: 0CSCRI0UQ POLICIES 9E CANCELLED BEFORE. THE M Town of Qx3eerisbury P¢FIATION DATE THI!RF.OF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Attev"m ion : SAai ld, ing De'p't- • MA{L 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAii SiIC ' ICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UABI'LITY T� �,t Road OF ANY _ htG 11P0?!- THE NY T5 hGEN75 O EPRE.S�EN-TATIVES. Queensbury 1 ?'3 . X . 1 2 S 0 4 AUTH *PRESE TIYEv e TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ,BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1 28Q!1 TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT RES?UEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME t L0CAT.I'ON L DATE PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING f ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN e INSULATION,* FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING �J%FINAL INSPECTION= c. CHIMNEY HEIGHT i ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES STEPS STAIRS—CLEARANCX & RAILS PLUMBING FI.XTU#ES/RELIEF_. VALVE INTERIOR TRIMIPRIVACY DOORS - FINISHED FLOORS - GARAGE FIREfk�ROOFING DOOR CLOSER(S) p/ SMOKE DET TORS FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPR VAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARKS : i NSPECTOR r.rf�iRE+v u ✓ r.r ✓ .s NiiDDLE DEPARTl+IaN P�r, '�ETIQti AGENCY, INC. 90 yan-lCi+i!n • Ca�llttasw ir�bd'AI f1; Datu July 25 , 1989 CPrtif ije" ; that uipment listed has been e n approved as being in accord with the National Elect �, Pplicalate governmental, utility an zPa S. C Owner: John Hughes p -�=t i Occupant: Same � Lodge 'View a� , Q y .,• Location: ns car addite -Si nt h be introduced and installation o 4erions mad this G, data- 11 addi[ionai ul nt sh 6e introduced or ails rations made to Existing system in! c Ica be null and void. and application lof Equip M017t. 6 Outlets ; e p t I l e s ; 2 � inspection should submitt p by to this Agency. EtiI17p Service ��, _ Pj Solder of this a i1icate sh Id ant same to his property insurance carrier q as Z"apr COlnp rrav! c art iRcrpon OfefBG[fiCRl ui merle roved as specil+ed. C r Sam Corhouse ��S1 CE „19133 Applicant: 11 Potter Road O. 15 -025708 Gansevoort , NY 128 G form No- 703 EL f a3 - TOWN OF QUEENSBUR BUILDING AND CODES bEPARTMENT BAY 6 HAVILAND ROADS QUEEN.SBURY. NEW YORK 1280t TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-583.2 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECIECBIVED NAME TraN DATE oo�o� �j PERMIT # APPROVED YES O (/�OOTIN ` PIERS MONOLIT C POUR FORMS FOUNDATIO DAMP—PROOFING BACIC XLL A ROVAL ROUGH PLUMB qiG FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU —ZN INSULATION: FOUNDATION ti FLOORS F WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION; r CHINNEY HEIGHT ROOFING S2DZNG EXTERNAL PORCHES STEPS STAIRS—CLEARANC & RAI-LS PLUMDING FIX RELIEF LVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOOR FINISHED FLpO S GARAGE FIREP FING DOOR CLOSER (10) SMOKE DETEC RS FINAL ELECTRI AL INSPECTION FINAL APPROV L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF T BE OBTAINED FROM THE EtU2LDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE" PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS. f IN PECTOR ..Journ a� �tevens�ur� BUIL-DiNG and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BU LDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME LOCA7ION '40 Date ZO / Permit No . - ✓ =Footing./Pier Form APPROVEDs - YES NO �undation GAfa�terproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Ven er Rough Plumbw g Relief Valve Ext . Porches Finished Floo Interior Trim Stairs & Railin Cellar Drain Til Concrete Floors Plbg _ Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSUTAATION : Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL IIVSPECTIO DRIVEWAY APPROVAy Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call w en ready ) Remarks- 6/85 and-vl 1 - Building Inspecto >iTOWN OF {QUEENSB URY Bay at Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804,9725-518-792-5832 4anuary 28 , 1991 Mr . John Hughes 375 Bay Road +Queensbury , MY 12804 RE : Building Permit # 89- 402 for a modular Home Ledgeview Village Lot #28 Tax Map #30- 1- 27 . 1 Dear Mr. John Hughes : The Building Permit noted above has expired . We have not been able to close our file and issue a Certificate of Occupancy since we did not obtain a final electrical inspection certificate . Please furnish this department with a copy of the final electrical inspection certificate no later than February 15 , 1991s, so we may close the file and issue the necessary documents . If you do not have this certificate we suggest that that you contact either your electrical contractor or the electrical inspection agency involved . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter . If you have questions pertaining to this request that either of the above cannot answer , please call . Very truly yours , DAYID HATINs IRECTOR Building A Code Enforcement DH : se "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 AMORSE ENGINEERING 99 LOWER DIX AVENUE OLEMS FALLS, MY 12801 February 21 , 1990 Queensbury Building & Codes Department Queensbury Town Offices Bay at Haviland Roads , Box 98 Queensbury , NY 12804 REs Modular Inspections ( 3 ) - Hughes at Ledgeview Gentlemen : Please be advised that Morse Engineering conducted on- site inspections of three ( 3 ) single story modular homes on November 9 , 1989 at Ledgeview Village , Route 149F Queensbury, at the request of Mr . John Hughes , park owner . The inspections included visual examination of foundations for possible damage during placement of the modular units , as well as inspection of main support beam connections and vertical column supports . MODULAR A - Building Permit # 89- 481 Lot # 64 Modular Dimensions - 56 ft . x 26 ft . Manufacturer : Lake City Manufactured Housingr Inc . , Lake City • PA NYS Plan Approval No . a 8281 -5/9/88 Foundation : O . R . - Four foot crawl space - 8 inch CMU wall on 16 " W x 8 " D footings . No visible or apparent water infiltration through foundation . Main Beam: O.K. - Level and straight. Four ( 4 ) 2 x 18 connected each four ft. Q.C. with 1/ 2 in . bolts . Columns . O.R. - Each 4 x 8 P.T. wood column plumb and fastened each 8 ft . O . C . / MODULAR B. - Building Permit # 89- 482 Lot # 28 Modular Dimensions 629 x 13 ' & 249 x 13 ' Manufacturers Lake City Manufactured Housingr Inc . , Lake City , PA NYS Plan Approval No . : 0281- 5,/ 9/88 Foundation : Q.K. - Four foot crawl space - 8 inch CMU wall on 16 " W x 8 " D footings. No visible cracks in walls or voids in masonry mortor . No visible or apparent water infiltration through foundation walls, RICNAR0 S . MORSE , P. E. Phon* ( 518) 792 - 53SS AOL Town of 4ueensbury Building & Codes Dept. Inspection Report 2/21/90 , Page 2 Main Beams Q.R. -- Level and straight. Four ( 4 ) 2 x 18 connected each four ft. O.C. with 1/2 in. bolts . Columns : O.R. - Each 4 x 8 P. T. wood column plumb and fastened each 8 ft . O . C . MODULAR C - Building Permit # 89 -403 Lot # 12 - Modular Dimensions : 62 ' x 13 ' & 24 ' x 13 $ Manufacturer : Lake City Manufactured Housing , Inc . , Lake City , PA NYS Plan Approval No . : 0281 - 5/9/88 Foundation : O.R. - Four foot crawl space 8 inch CMU wall on 160 W x 80 D footings. No visible cracks in walls or voids in masonry mortar. No visible or apparent water infiltration through foundation walls. Main Seams O.K. - Level and straight. Four ( 4 ) 2 x 10 connected each four ft. O.C. with 1 / 2 in. bolts . Columns : O.R. - Each 4 x 8 P.T. wood column plumb and fastened each 8 ft . O . C . Should you have any questions regarding the above inspections , please contact me at Morse Engineering . Yours truly , Y SE ENE Mack A . Dean Senior Code Specialist MAD/pl ccs Mr . John Hughes