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o CERTIFICATE OF 0CCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ©ate_ April I2 192L This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No, 89- 7b2 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a 14 ' x fib " Modular Home Location LOT 14 LEDGEV I EW VILLAGE orovt►er JOHN HUGHES Sy C?rder Town Board TOWN OF QQUEENSBURY sunding & Zoning inspector BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 99- 762 - WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK c I't1 PERMISSION is hereby granted to John Hughes OWNER of property located at Lot 14 Ledgevi ew Village Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a 14 ' x 66 ' Modular Home at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t . OWNER'S Address is RR#3 Box 3292 x c Lake XXXXXX George , N . Y . 12845 c . 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name M G: O Self 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Same 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r— O et 5. ARCHITECT'S Address r— rp c� rn 6. TYPE of Construction — IPlease indicate by XI C CD { ) Wood Frame I ) Masonry { ) Steel { } :E T a� 7_ PLANS and Specifications .r No, 14 ' x 66 ' Modular Home as per plot plan , specifications , and applications. IN11"IN4 CONDITIONS : MAINTAIN 10 ' SEPARATION BETWEEN a_ Proposed Use ROUSIL AND GARAGE 14 ' x 66 ' Modular Home x $ 7 'I5 _ 00 April 1 90 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 79 - Ilf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) s Dated at the Town of Oueensbury this /f2/8,ft 89 ^J�h Day of September 19 SIGNED BY r�ct ?? �G for the Town of Oueensburyto Building and Zoning I nspector 'Oef TOWN On QUEENSBUR Y REVIEWED BY E� ct FEE PAID PERMTr NCI. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTEL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERKMe All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application. Ile # # # / # # # # # # ♦ # # M ■ ! ! ■ • ■ i F # # ■' # t # ■ # * ■ t • M R ■ y � � The owner of this property is: ��.. r,<eo P . O. Address r# 4�3 8 n _ .�� 9:1 - -- Tel. 9S' d a a +' t Cr. � f Property Location &0T IV9 L _G_o10 -_ ,.i ..3 « : . �,x Tax :Nap No. .:40 26 r Has there been any split of this property since October 1 . 1988 ? If yes Planning Board Review is necessary • yes no SUBDIVISION NAME, IF APPLICABLE .. P � , , : i? , ,� s, ,f 4 LOT NOO fy THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES ISO s NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : * ESrIMATED MARKET VALUE OF X Construction of a new building • CONSTRUCTION : Addition to a building ' COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : • Size of property r ft x Isk: 0 ft . Alteration to a building " Existing Buildings( 3 ) Size ft. x ft. (no change to exterior dimensions) Other work (Describe) Proposed building - distance horn property line: Front yard j 5 ft. Rear yard is ft. Side yards 1= ft . and !/6 ft. s GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE * If on corner, setback from side street ft. 1st Floor sq. ft. * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION a► 2nd Floor sq, ft. * Primary Building - Other Floors sqa ft. . _ _One Family Dwelling (not c*liar or'bas ement) w Two Family Dwelling TOTAL FLOOR AREA c�sq. ft. • Multiple Dwe1L'ng/Number of units Size of new structur*,ft x ,� ft. Business Foundatlo"ier/sla cr /partial/full " Industrial (circle one) ' Other • -f stories (hWAtable space) Height (grade to ridge) ft. „ If addition, what will use be? If residential, no. of families r No6 of rooms<excluding baths)No* of bedrooms Acc„G,lp�y Building .. " Detached Garage (O WO Car No* of bathrooms � Primary heating system �=c . aAttach" Garage ONE/TWO Car Typo of fuel ' Private storage building No. of fireplaces to be installed g �,. • * Other Will a wood stow be irwtalled r, n Central Air conditioning . _ „ , ,;, f?M` ER a BUrLDING ? ERM17 APPLICATTON c_- C N1TTti t cD BUILD16NG �;P 'FCIFIC ATIONS: Type of construction, wood frame. fire safe. etc. L1 t, v will any second-hand or upgraded ltcmherbe used ? If so. for what ? Foundation wall material 0„ (arYi ai%. ' 7 h 1 �, c /C:� Thickness $ `` Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing) # ' Will there be a ceilar? ,n.-O o Heated or unheated? Floor sqw footage sq ft . Will there be a basement ? a__+ o �-Will any portion be used as living space ? (If so, what portion " sq ft . Type of use ?�!" Type of roof - sloped/ flat/shed/other Material of roof 6erC2 / n Size, wood studs "x�_" spacing le. " o. c. length 0' ft. Joists (floor beams ) 1st floor Z)� "x /ram " spacing..../ "o. c. span ft. ,Joist (floor beams) 2nd floor."x " spacing "o. C. span ft. Overlays (ceiling beams ) "x " spacing " o. 00 span ft. Roof rafters "x " spacing o. c. span ft, Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing 4q o. c. span Jq ft. Exterior wall finish _ Y ,,,a y1 S: .N .� of what material? Interior wall finish If a garage £s to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION: Is there to he an opening between garage and dwelling? •v ej If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-Lined Chimney be installed? f✓ ca Height above roof ft. Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft. Depth of fireplace hearth ft. in. Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties ft . (A separation application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) NAME OF BUILDER .4 ,,sADDRESS �� � ,S ,?„§ ,r ' TEL. NO. ? oat. as NAME OF PLUMBER . r ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF MASON f ADDRESS ' ! TEL. NO. NAME OF ELECTRICIAN.S41�, ,eAUurs ADDRESS TEL. NO. 01 s DEC L.ARAIMON To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and cornplete statement of all p= �;�:;:,r,; ' work to be done on the described premises and that aU, provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING iDRDINANCE, and all other Laws pertainft to the proposed work shall be compLied with, whether specified or not,, and that such work is authorized by the owner, SiEnature ,' aL�--- ��, nor, owner: ^I 4nto architect, contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMITa BY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : A 1 . Gross floor area Y 2 . Type of heat L/ ce_ ;7r4( c� - - • — _ 3 _ Is the building mechanically cooled ? /J, c) 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors A . Over 16 % Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof / ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 , Floor over heated spaces YES a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NCi) 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? 3 . Slab on grade YES a , If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 , Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation 5 . 'Type of insulation B . Under 16 % Only 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions _ L -::3 & •a~ R-- / P 2 , R value of exterior walls dc s 3 . R value of glazed area 4 , R value of doors 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces^ Z,:., 05 ,.. C- 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab , . .� 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab iA-lp jfr, .,r, 8 . R value of heated basement / cellar walls ( above grade ) 9 . R value of heated basement / cellar walls ( below grade ) 10 . Type of insulation /vTffs -5' -- Co Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting 725 D . Duct Systems � 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES L`_a a , If YES , R value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Piping Insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . R value of pipe insulation F . Service Water Seating 1 . Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature control setting maximum G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No . 7 9 r2 (� 4 1 pplicant ' s signature ) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUTLDXNG AND CODES DEPARTMENT 1 1 BAY F HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURYr NEW YORK 1280S* j TELEPHONE ( 518) 792-5832 4 v BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT ejea -va REQUES OR . INSPT E TION RECEIVED JJ NAME _ �J LOCATION '- DATE Cl PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIER MONOLITHIC PO R FORMS FOUNDATION/D P-PROOFING BACKFILL APPR VAL ROUGH PLUMBTN FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU H-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING WFINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ TE S ,STAIRS-CLEARANCE X LS - PLUMBING FIXTURES/ LIEF VALVE�� INTERIOR TRIMIPRIV Y DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FTREPROOFI G T DOOR CLOSER (S) ,SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL I SPEC ON V FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTR CTION _ A SIGNED CERTIFI ATE OF UPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM T E BUILDING EPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES RE OCCUPIED REMARKS . i INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENISBUR.Y BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBU'RY. NEW YORK 128011- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME - LOCATION Ile yy r DATE ZZ'1 '7' PERMS i � flcar APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATTONIDAMP-PROOFING BACKpILL APPROVAL ,,,It PLUMBING ,FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION r FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION * CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ TEPS til STASRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTUR /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ IVACY DOORS, FINISHED FLCICIR$ - GARAGE FIREPRCPFING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTG#2IS FINAL ELECTRICAT, INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL ; OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURYe NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (528 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR �PWPECTXON RECEIVED NAME LOCATION Y DATE / / / I PERMIT # .APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL dd RP UGH PLUMBING S,#rRAMI NG ELECTRICAL ROU —IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST PS STAIRS—CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES RELIEF LVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY DOOR FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ING DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTO FINAL ELECTRICA INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL F CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERT FICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE ',. OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISE ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: All INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAIlILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I280& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR S SPECTION RECEIVED NAME y v LOCATION ^ DATE # ! -/ 6 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PS)2S MONOLSTNSC 1;OUR FORMS 4" FOUNDATION/ F-PROOFING ACKFSLL APP VAL ROUGH PLUMBIN FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU -IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL .PORCHE9'/STEps STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RA.r PLUMBING FSXTf/RES/RELIEF ALVE SNTERSOR TRS,$%1PRSVACY t]OO FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIR.&F.PROOFING - DOOR CLOse (S) SMOKE DEW CTORS FINAL ELE RSCAL 17NSPECTXON FINAL APPDVAL OF CONSTRUCTION l A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY �.BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS ff QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 32809- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCA TIO DATE - 9 - r�l PERMIT # APPRO D YES NO L-O FOOTING/PSERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATSOMIDAMP-, ROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAA ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMXNG ELECTRICAL ROUGH- y(V INSULATION: FOUNDATION ; 4 FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEP STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RA �- PLUMBTNG FIXTURES/RE ,7-EF ALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVAC DOO FINISHED FLOR OOORS 1 P GARAGE FTFTN DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL IN PECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF ONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTTFI ATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTASNED FROM T E BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMAR((.�S INSP TOR