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CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK December 22 98 Date 19 T 98462 "This is to certify that woslc requested to be done as shown by Permit No. i has been completed. COMMERCIAL ALTERATION This structure may be occupied as a 154 QUAKER RD . Location KEY BANK OF NEW YORK Owner TAX MAP NO . 10 5 . _I - 1 . 3 By Order Town Board TOWN C1F QUEENSSURY �f a�Ec Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement Y BUILDING PERMIT VALUE 1$ 75, 00 TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY No. TAX MAP WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to OWNER of property located at 1 FN 4 1-TAKER RP , Street. Road or Ave" } in the Town of Oueensbury, To Construct or place a C'C +MMH R r fl t n x R' Fr"t ' r'i3 at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filet! and -_ approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNER'S Address is 154 QUAKER JZCAli 3 QUEENSr3URY r NY 128i64 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name SAM GRECO C014STRUCTION 3. CON"ACTOR or BUILDER'S Addrete PORT" OF RLHANY ALBANY NY 4, ARCHITECT"S Name { r 5. ARCHITECT'S Addrass r ; . 6. TYPE of Construction — (Pieria indicate by Xl COMMER4, Ry S f f Wood Frame f f Masonry i f Steel l I 1. PLANS and Specifications CQMMI jaCIAL ALTERATION ( DRIVE ^iHRU ) AS PER PLOT PLAN SVECIF' ICATIOD S 8. Proposed Use COMMERCIAL ALTEPATTON l. 0 July 29 2@00 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 fit a longer perked k required an application for an.extenaksn nwat be m"a to the Bufkiing and Zonkq inspector of the tom of CMreensbury before the expiration date.l t 29 July LL998 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this day of 19 SIGNED BY A .^ for the Town of Queensbury sullaim and Zinim fruiptlew TOM' of 1lG'L'11.SfJ![!y" - Delu. of Cof+irri++ftrfy lJerelnlxrieftt, 742 ANY (toad, Qiseentbtuy, MY 12804 1761-82561 +QTICE � I � � IN . CODE I: NFORCE41ENT Requirements prior to issuance L:4 " it must be obtained L7ct"orn of this permit: P.CItMl7• f"1LC INa .__. g co"sslructian Nu iirstisado until epEsricnnt has recaivcdGRAfl7' F BUILl?INe3 t' UMrt. All ts' spaces on this appficadane cant slcicd aud•ilia sE J{CCJIEA77ON !'EG PAI'Dr gn"taro aJ►r►l►rg llanrrlACIlv►rEsliaant roust +epEsear qtt Ctso Dr,on Toren. rrr.-,ram.,,, t'It I Siibdivi3ion tether - r Recreation Fee P11y "ettt 8uflrlfng L.tyarcrar Applicant: '11�'gs 3"' 0 ���"ac►a� .�iMc. u IC�G ! � J/L Clwner: Adldress: �`�✓LT C►YF Address; 11114)110 ( sib 1 r M +w+ww.r1 }t�ll0it 111•1111t11.(yo 1"trtlltlltlttl Dow- Sutadivision Narno: — "�-' ,ram'} .�� Tax Mott Nurnhor, �- =-�.c'J— Set:llon Mock lint NATURE OF PROPOSED WORKS New Building : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUX OF THE residence CDHSTrtUI=�rIOat : $ 'r yoo Addition to Duildltigmtaercial r raeidonce / cotnrttercial * �I Qr (7CClrEsJ1NC3C IMATIl3Ne Alteration to hull ' � Primary Btlildireg - residence / •ommerciai Single Family Dwelling no chance t Cexterc a Two Family ❑welling n+� c }range to exterior size Family towelling Other Work { describe below ) WOO Off Ice Mercantile JUL 2 ,,, Manufacturing GROSS AREA OF pAOpOSED STRUCTURES Other lot Floor . . . . . . . . - nq . . tt . 1f ADDITION} , what; will use 2rtd .floor . . . . . . . . � nq . ft . of Stew additlon be ? * Other Floors . . . . . sq . .Ct . ( not un ,Citiis )ted cellar or basement ) riCCi;sson.Y BUILDINGS , TOTAL FLOOR AftEI1 .•' " ' Detached Garage If 2 car SQ * FT * Attached Garage 1t 2 car SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURED Private Storage Building Commercial Storage Building FEET X FEET Other r. Foundation Type : Will an yy second-hand or ungraded ( habitable of Stories , spacesi lumber be uned ? If Boo .for what ? ( Itabit$ble t3pAoe3 only ) Height ( grade to ridge ) : feet !rypE OF HEATING SYSTEMNumber of fireplaces and/or woo shove ( circle ` all wh.i.cit appli s ) to be installed : Electric / Oil / Gas / Zood Forced llot -Air / Baseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of nark as regards to buildl codes is : Loci AL.,�Y r"�'^ d4r g c+G Arvy C - ezr- ` kS, GivACZASrhM&.4 Builder ; Neiino J1ddr4aga Phone Plumber : Mason ** Elactriclanl _ DEr CLARATJ'DN: Please sign below ly7ei yore have carefully read the slaterrlenrt. To [lie best of my knowledge the statenlents contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications subinivad, arc a true and cortiplete stateletent of all prolxased work to be done on ties described premises and that all provisions of (lie I3uilding Code, tixe Zoning Ordinance and aII other laws pertainirog to the prolxssed work shall be, coniplied wily , whether specified nr noted, and that such work is authorized by Ilia owner. Furiber, it is ttttderstood float I/we shall subiriil prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate Of Cottlplianee being issued, no AS BUILT PWT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn scale, silowing sxclual location of project an pretatises. Signature.• {owner, owner's age , architect, contractor) ♦ Y COMMERCIAL !ANAL INSPECTION REPORT Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Office No, (518) 761-8256 Dept. of Community Development Town of Queenshury Arrive 31 y aan/ptn Depart prn 742 Bay Road Inspector's Initials t Queensbury, NY 12MM NA " VL> PERMIT # LOCATION DATE TYPE of STRu NIA YES NO COMMIENFS Chumeyrwl vent/Direct Vent location Prumbing vent Roof C xnplette Exterior fin-ish grade eoa�leue "` hserior/exterior guardrails 42 ' . platformn/decks hrteriorlextariorr ballasters 4 m. acmgplatfornV Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Step risers 7 J/: in.� Main door 44 in- All others 36 in Lever handles �� Exits at grade or plaifonm_ Canopy to cover req. exit Gas valve shut-off expos & regulator ( 18 in.) above sm F]ocr bathroom watertight____ Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiierlfurnace enclosure_ <250,000 BTU N/R 250,000 BTU to I,000,000 BTU's (i hour) ?1,000,000 WRPS (2 how) Gas furnace shut off within 30 tL or within line of site Ohl furnace shut off at entrance to furnace area Stockroom enclosure ( 1 hour), 3i/4 hour door StorsgCJreaeivingrshippmgroom (2 hour), 1 'A doors 1 l,z hour doors and closers 3 . hour corridor doors and closers Firewalls/fare separation, 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire dampers, 2 how farewalPseparation or sreater�_ Fire door/shutters 1 'iz hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. ft.._^ Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan_ Exit dooripanic bars assembly hardware E i evators Elevator sigaage _ Handicapped bathroom grab barsiskwks/toilcts Handicapped bath/parlcing lot. signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond Active listening system and signage assembly space /f ,+� Final Electrical Q�C �c '$ Site Plan/Variance required_____ _.Final Survey, new structures_ c leox '' Qv/' As-buift septic system layout required. Okay to issue temp. C/O (C aril!: of Occupancy) 100 Okav to issue permanent C/O (Certif of tkxitpaney ) _ Okav to issue C/C (Certif. of Complianoe) NOTES General 1. All work shall comply with applicable requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, latest edition and local rules and regulations. 2. To the best of our knowledge the architectural work is designed in accordance with applicable requirements of the NYS Energy Conservation Construction Code. 3. Obtain and pay for a building permit and certificate of occupancy for this project. Forward copies to the owner. 4. Perform all removals and relocations required in connection with this work. Shore existing structural elements during removals and reconstruction to prevent damage or collapse of the existing structure. Comply with applicable state and federal requirements for handling, removal and off -site disposal of all hazardous materials encountered during the work, including but not necessarily limited to asbestos and lead based paint. 5. Dispose of all construction debris in an approved manner. 6. All exterior and interior finish materials and colors shall be as selected by the owner. 7. Dimensions shown are to face of (F.O.) sheathing (frame walls w/o veneer), face of brick at brick veneer walls, face of interior partitions and centerlines of windows or window groups. 8. Minimum exterior wall studs 6"xl6ga. metal studs 0 16"oc. or as required to match adjacent wall dimensions. Interior wall studs typically 3-5/8"xl8go. metal studs 0 16"oc unless noted. Match existing adjacent wall construction. Provide matching wood framing where adjacent exterior wall is wood framed. 9. Caulk all wall penetrations with polyurethane sealant. Provide fiberglass sill sealer under exterior sill plate. 10. Maintain security for banking operations during construction operations. Do not leave openings in existing or new exterior walls unsecured. 11. Coordinate installation of new ATM with Owner's ATM supplier. Modify proposed construction including ATM enclosure dimensions, door size and installation conditions to accommodate unit purchased by Owner. 12. Install ATM in accordance with manufacturer's requirements for handicapped access from motor vehicles. Modify existing floor structure and existing curbing if required to place ATM at acceptable access height. Mechanical General Note 1. All mechanical, plumbing and electrical work required for this project shall be provided by licensed contractors in 'accordance with applicable national, NYS and local codes, rules and regulations. 2. Obtain and pay for plumbing, heating and electrical permits and inspections. Forward copies of permits and inspection certificates to the owner. 3. Instruct the owner in the proper operation and maintenance of mechanical, plumbing and electrical equipment. Electrical 1. All work shall comply with the National Electrical Code, latest ed&n and k)aal ro kerrtents. 2. All wiring shall be copper, minimum 112 AWG with ground, insulated per code. AN wi* shah be concealed. 3. All fixtures, devices and equipment shall be UL listed. All receptacles, sees and cover plates shall have color as selected by owner. 4. Coordinate light fixture selections and locations with owner. 5. Provide wiring for new ATM in accordance with Owner's and ATM suppl'iees requW ants. Relocate electrical outlets and related wiring to new positions along relocated c unWtops. 6. Modify (and expand if required) existing electrical service to accommodate new 4006. 7. Provide new metal halide sharp cutoff wall pack fixture above ATM on exterior wall. Wire new fixture through time clock to existing service panel. Locate fixture to maintain clearance from vehicles. Provide additional li hting as required to comply with ATM Safety Act (see note below regarding lighting performance. SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING ATM AREA LIGHTING: Modify and expand lighting at and around the new ATM to comply with applicable requirements of NYS Banking Low Article II -AA, Section 75-a et. seq. The finished installation shall provide the following minimum values: 1. A minimum illuminance of ten candlefoot power maintained on a horizontal plane at a point five feet outward from and five feet above the ground surface from the ATM. 2. A minimum illuminance of two candlefoot power maintained on a horizontal plane at a point fifty feet in all unobstructed directions from the ATM, measured at a point five feet above the ground surface. 3. If the ATM is located within ten feet of the corner of a building and the ATM is generally accessible from the adjacent side, maintain a minimum illuminance of two candlefoot power along the first forty unobstructed feet of the adjacent side of the building. 4. Within a defined parking area, maintain a minimum illuminance of two candlfoot power in that portion of the parking area within sixty feet of the ATM. EXISTING DRIVE -UP CANOPY TO REMAIN (TYPICAL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ ---- --------------------------- K r---------------i I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L- - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I i I I - - - - - - - J EO PRIME AND REPAINT ENTIRE CANOPY CEILING REMOVE EXISTING REMOTE ATM AFTER NEW ATM IS INSTALLED. STORE OFF SITE IN LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF RELATED POWER AND CONTROLS W/ OWNER. PATCH EXISTING ISLAND W/ CONCRETE. REPAIR EX. CANOPY CEILING. REMOVE REMOTE TELLER UNIT AND DOWNSEND TUBE. PATCH ISLAND W/ CONC. REPAIR CANOPY CEILING RETAIN EXISTING ISLAND BOLLARDS EXISTING CANOPY COLUMN TYP. ------------------------------------------------------- EXISTING DRIVE -UP TELLER LANE O RESTAIN ENTIRE WALL TWO COATS LATEX STAIN, COLOR AND FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING SIDING FINISH PROVIDE 4" DIAM SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE. PRIME ONE COAT ALKYD PRIMER AND PAINT TWO COATS SAFETY YELLOW ALKYD © O GLOSS PAINT. SET BOTTOM BOLLARD 4'-0" BELOW GRADE. TOP OF BOLLARD 4'-0" ABOVE GRADE REMOVE EXISTING DRIVE -UP WINDOW UNIT COMPLETE AND DELIVER TO OFFSITE STORAGE AREA AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. INFILL OPENING WITH NEW INSULATED WALL TO MATCH EXISTING BANK WALL CONSTRUCTION. MINIMUM EXTERIOR WALL SHALL BE 6"X16 GA_ GALV. METAL STUDS AT 16"OC W/ 1 /2"CDX PLYWD SHEATHING, R19 KRAFT FACED BATT INSULATION, r----� 1 /2" GWB INTERIOR FINISH AND r i i NOVELTY SIDING TO MATCH ' EXISTING SIDING. PROVIDE TWO COATS LATEX PAINT AND 1 /8" X 4" -� SOLID VINYL COVE BASE AT INTERIOR. `------ , CAULK PERIMETER OF NEW CONSTRUCTION AT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR W/ POLYURETHANE SEALANT W/ BACKER ROD. SEALANT COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACES. O O NEW ATM AND SURROUND AS PROVIDED BY OWNER. PROVIDE CLOSED CELL FOAM INSULATION AROUND PERIMETER OF UNIT. REFER TO ATM LITERATURE FOR OPG. DIETS. MAINTAIN FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF ATM ENCLO' \,J EXISTING DRIVE -UP ISLAND �,,•�' TO REMAIN (TYP). COORDINATE REMOVAL OF REMOTE TELLER EQUIPMENT AND SEALING OF CONDUITS AND TUBES W/ OWNER. ATM AREA PLAN EXISTING CURB EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL 0 on 8" I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I EXISTING -� SOFFIT I I I I I I I I I I I RELOCATE EX. ELEC. BASEBOARD & T'STAT I -T ' PROVIDE WALL RECESSES BOTH SIDES AND TOP AS REQUIRED BY ATM M FR. ATM SERVICE I SPACE L - I -- ATM I - SIDE STANDING SPACE FOR SERVICE IN LIEU OF REAR SPACE , � PROVIDE CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE WIRED; TO NEAREST PANELBOARD. MODIFY BACK TELLER COUNTER AS REQUIRED (BOTH SIDES) JUL 2 719% I I I I I I I ' EXISTING SOFFIT I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ EXISTING DRYWALL PIER I I I PROVIDE 1 /4" FROSTED GLASS IN 1-1 /2" X 3" BLACK ALUM FRAME BETWEEN TOP OF EXISTING ' PARTITION AND BOTTOM OF SOFFIT ABOVE (2'-1 1 /2" OVERALL HT). PROVIDE AT ' BOTH SIDES OF PIER. I I I i I EXISTING 4'-6"H. PARTITION AT REAR OF EXISTING TELLER AREA FILE COPY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the code. DISPLAY AND ENVELOPE SHELF ATM FACE TRANSACTION AREA Y yBlk TYPE AD70R ACCEPTANCE LOGOS DISPLAY ATM FACE TRANSACTION AREA F TYPE AD80 ACCEPTANCE ATM FACE LOGOS VVI AC" AREA KeyBank TYPE AD60R TYPICAL ATM ELEVATIONS 1 /2" = 1'-0" TOWN It EV , DATE ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT BY OTHER THAN A REGISTERED ARCHITECT IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW. COPYRIGHT E.S. FINKLE ARCHITECT 1998 k� R NOTED l ll` x� a r r 1011f NY 12180