AST-0106-2022 (2) 301.12-3-56 AST-0106-2022 Hatin, David 17 Zenas Dr 720 s.f. Detached Garage s A ((( 1 , OF QUEENSSURY r ;tt r & (�0I)ES -0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ®ate' ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT ?X -6 Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of FILE COPY New York State. i fCPs. J� J i r v u 12 3" 5'-3 4 (See Truss Specs Sheet for Design) g 23'-9" 12 Overhang 14"x 18"Microllam Header 2 x 6 Casings 18'-0" 111 9'-10 2 9I.6 - 9�-2�� -7/<< Gs 92 Studs and Top Plates 2 x 6 2 x 6 PT Sill Plate Floor- 4" 40001b Rigid Sill Plate Gasket Grade _ —— Footing 24'-0" 25'-0" 12 3" 5'-3 4 (See Truss Specs Sheet for Design) Approximate Grade 2 x 6 PT Sill Plate with Rigid Sill Plate Seal ��ro�°.ca t Concrete Rear Wall 10f-211 J Fill Interior Floor_ in Footing 24'-0" 25'-0" uii—ii --„-- -- --„---Tr--7,-- --- -- ---,--n-- ----m Dirt �` 8'-0" Embankment I 10-2 Concrete I Foundation Wall V-Z,1 .00 16'-0" i 30'-0" 31'-0" MON- n--rr---r--rr^—-Tr--1r--7r--rr--n--ter II 11 it II II 11 II II ll II II II II II II II II II {{ {I II II I{ russea{24"on6nter{{ {{ I{ II II 11 II II II II II II I) 1) II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II it �I 1JL �11_ _ll—_1L j II it II II II II II it II II II II ��� Grade 12"Overhang — — — —' (Built on Gable Truss) I �' i I 8'•0" I 5'•U � , 2 x 6 PT agansl ConSratr 822 it Concrete f Foundation Wall 6.2 _ // 12' Finishod Floor He19111 Front If Ii — _r _ Grade --- _ ��==tea.._ _ — — Fooling 462 412 30'•0" 31'•0" 25'-0" 24'-0" —————————————————————————— , I Ir--------------ir-------__—, I I I I I I j 8„ l I I { Wall I 1 2"41 wall stud Io 14'41 I 14'-2" I I SIII Plate-2 x 6 PT I i a"Drain PipeSI?eve 2011 i I Floor 8�12" Rigltl SIII Plate Gasket Footing 30'-0" --_ I j 10'-0 --+�-� 1 I ----1 Bolt " Grade 31'-011 I 10" I� Trench Dram-V)x10' j 8� 4 cit-�r it� I I 20 I I l •1 Footing I I I I Foundation Detail-at Doors I j I 1 I I 1 141-" I I I I~� I I L————————————————————————i I461 — ——————————————————— -- 342" — 345' �aao Truss rss yps 111ddiMMm 22 Q9D9 �Ti FINK14 1 Job ReT9iBRCe(aptionall_ ff BeHewe Sins Supft Sc cenetedy,NY123M R=a410 s Mar 192021 Print 8.410 s Ma 19 20211ET&IrdLmUiM Inc,TO My 8101-WM 2022 Page t iD 71X2&OSWSYOxA5zd09P�BHKYd�r?fsNl WW9Cel�Hfdxo_d=G 63-14 , 12-" 17-8-2 , 24" 125 D 0, W4 5-8-2 5S•2 63-14 Scale=1:40.7 48= 4 5D0 Ta 2x4\\ 2(4// S 5 17 18 2 / 6 82 7 1� 10 9 8 3x6= 3xh- - Sz� 8-" 1&7-8 24_0.0 8.4-8 i - 7�i ' S." - Plate Offsets MY)- "0-6,0-"L ROV-14W1-81 LOADING(PSfl SPACaitr 2-" CSL DEFL in (loc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 3&5 plate Grip DOL 1.15 TO 0.82 Vert(LL) 4XI8 8-16 >999 SW Mi20 197/144 (GroundSnow=50.0) LumberDOL 1.15 Be 0.93 VerkM -0.34 B-16 7852 740 TGDL 10.0 Rep Stress hux YES WB 024 Horz(CT) 0.08 6 n/a n1a BCLL 0.0`BCDL 10.0 Code(RC2018"12014 Mok-MR Weight:81 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BFUUMIG- TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF NO2 TOP CHORD Structural sheaf rg dirty applied or 2-6-7 oc purllrrs. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF Not BOT CHORD RrgkI ce+Ting directly applied or 2-2.0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 MTetc recommends that Stalffizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,m accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTION& (Ih/size) 2=150iM-&B (muL 0.2 7),6=150IM-5-8 (mirL 0 2L7) Max H=2-71(LC 11) Max UpIM2=-48(LC 10).6=43(LC 11) Max Gniv2=1558(LC 17),6=1558(LC 18) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Comp.lMax.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or fees except YA mn shmvrL TOP CHORD 2-17=-2982/59,347=2800173,34--25SSM,4�2536/61.5-18=2800/79, 6-18=2982/60 BOT CHORD 2-10-73/2699,9-10=0/1711,8-9=0/1711,6-8-212699 WEBS 3-10-813tt34,4.10-IW989,4-8=19f989,5-8--8131134 NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-16;Vull=115mph(3-second gust)Vasc=91 mph;7CDLr&0pst;BCDL_B.0ps1;h=SOR;Cat 11;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS (envelope)gable end zone;cantilever left and right exposed;end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOLP1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 2)TCLL ASCE 7-16;Pg=50.0 pst;Pf-=3&5 psi(L.um DOL-1.15 Plate DOL-1.16);ls=1.0;Rough Cat B;Partially Exp.;Ce=1.0;CS=1.00; Ct=1.10 3)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4)This truss has been designed for greater of min root live load of 16.0 psi or 1.00 times flat mot load of 38.5 pst on overhangs ran oomturrent with other five toads. 5)This trttss has peen designedior a t0A psi bottom chard five[per nonconcurrentwith arryother Ge Wad s. 6)'This truss has been designed far a rive load of 20.Opsf an the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-"tali by 2-"wide will tit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 ib uplift at jotnt(s)2,6. 8)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Residertial Code sections R50211.1 and FMM102 and referenced standard ANSVMI(- LOAD CASES)Standard ow TnIS, TIMM—Typ—a 40b 8ridlize—IM M LE 2 Reference(ORt[Ottall Bellevue lulders Supply,Schenectady,NY1Zi06 R=8.410s Lgwl92OM Pdit&410sMar192Ct Wrekudusut,tnc.TUOUv$10342t 2=Page 1I 1D1fCQfRttiw7lX?St3&INsY�A�dOgRz DpztN�4E?BHKYd�?�`tTPtlfBMfieRl1tr dzdO)0G 24-0-0 25-" 1 0 0` 12-0-0 12-0-0 1 0 O 4x4= 7 6 9 fil:li)12 n 5 9 4 10 24 2$ 11 3 � i ST4 L�� R 12 1, p O SA— 22 21 20 19 16 17 16 15 14 3A— Szfi= 24-0-0 , 24" Plate Offsets(X 10-120:0-"0-+M LOADING(psi) SPAC110- 24)-0 CSL DEAL in TGLL 38.5 Qac) Udefl Ud PL1ITE,S GRIP (Ground Srtov r�0 Oj Ptafe Grip DOL 1.15 TC 021 Verlp-L) 4LOO 13 ntr 120 A 20 197/144 TCDL 10-0 LumberML i 1 C 5 E Q11 Ve1t(CI) QM 13 rtfr 99 BOLL 0.0 ` �Stresshxs Y€S i Wa 0.M H=r CT) 0-00 12 Ma nfa BCDL 10.0 CodeIRC2018fTPM014 Matrix-R Weight:90lb FT-20Va L.ULME - BRAC#G- TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural rsaad sheathing duectiy applied or 6-0.0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF Nm2 BOT CHORD Rigid celTing directly applied or 104)-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF Noe MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Installed during truss eredoa.in accordance with Stabilizer Installatian REACiIMM Alt bearings 24-0-0. Qb)-Max Harz 2=-71(LC 15) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joints)2,1%20,21,22,17,16,15,14.12 Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s)18,21,15 except 2=310(LC 1),19-932(LC 17),20=3348(LC 17), 22=463(LC 17),17==(LC 18),16=M(LC 1414=463(LC 18),12=.310(LC 1) FORCES. Qb)-Max.CompJMax.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 6-19-295146,5-20--300151,3-22-361/79,847 295/45,"S=-30061,11-14-.361179 NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-16;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91mph;TCDL-=6.Opsh BCDL=6.W;t>=30ft;Cat 11;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS (envelope)gable end zone;cantilever left and right exposed;end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL,1 M plate grip DOLA M . 2) Tniss designed for wind loads In the plane of the moss only. Far studs exposed to wind(normal to theface),we Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSUTPI 1. 3)TCU_ASCE 7-16;P9=50-Opsi;P 5 psi(Lum DOI t.15Plate DOL A.15r Is=1.0;Haugh Cal B;Partially Exp.;Ce=1.0;Cs-1.00; Ct=1.10 4)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5)This muss has been designed for greater of min roof We toad of 16.0 pst or 1.006taes fiat roof toad of 38.5 pst on overhangs non-cancunart with afhs fire im1rin 6)Al plates are 2x4 MT20 unless ofhenuise indnated. 7)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 8)Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 am 9)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord fare toad nonconcurtent with any other live toads. 10)•This tnus has been designed far a ave toad of MMpsf on the bottmn chord in all areas where a mangle 3-"tall by 2-"wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 11)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joirrt(s)2,19,20,21,22,17, 16,16,14,12. 12)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSUTPI 1. LOAD CASFCS) Standard