98-491 CERTIFICATE, OJJ" COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN 'COUNTY, NEW YORK `} �] Date August 20 lg 98 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No , has been completed . . This structure may be used as a ABOVE GROUND POOL. Location 68 PEGGY ANN RD , Owner BURTON , MICHAEL & CAROL — TAX MAP NO . 90 . - 7 - 26 By Order of Town Board �TO-W/N�OF Ql :' Efi BURY Director of Building ii Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALVE $ 0 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY Rio. oQ ,ta , TAX HAP NO . 90 . - 7 - 26 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to alug OWNER of property located at 68 PEGG Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Qlueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNER $ Addrera Is 68 PEGGY ANN RD . QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR ar at."L ERZ Name CYPRESS POOL LTD 3.. CONTRACTOR at BUILDER'S Address 99 QUAKER ROAD QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 4, ARCHITECT 5 Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY s. OPP IW4 tress HAGUEr NY 12836 S. TYPE of Construction — fPwww indicate by Xi POOL I Wood Frame 1 1 Masonry f I Steel i f 7. PLANS and Specifications ABOVINaGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS a. Proposed Use ABOVE GROUND POOL 25 August 12 2000 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES , 19 lif a lemur Period Is required an application for an east*ratan nwo be made to the 8ullding and zoning inspector of the town of Que*nsbuiv before the erpiratian dats.l 12 August 1998 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of tg SIGNED BY 'I III for the Town of Queensbury Building and zanirts Itapeectaw TUWIti' OF Q L EENSB URY j� Bay at HavilEnd Rc.=d, C;u�e s ,ury, NY 72804-9725--573-792-S332 SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION 00 FEE PA. IQ . , .E F = RS0IN RESPONSIBLE FOR COD* REQUIREMENTS : A , c A y!.-r 1 k? &LA"7 01% l ec . 1u �L Sr TEL . .� /e� . em TYF E r= POOL - - in - n `7 r move srour� —a S 7 74 _ Lenc' T � . / 4e'1d � 1 i ,r c.:.e �cr�rr. r '�i� . / a. i ' t"} /✓C. Lj Q _� _ n eI .{ r � . WATE = CAPACITY ,r' cal Tons . LG TJSED i " COAJSTRUCTIojj"+jl { ci rcl on e n Po up r'-.. .. C .� ncra to _ TuR/ IN5Tn =L=RR 'e5S � �5 T�_ ID I mPOR i N l INSTRUCTIONS : pi � _= of paper , SL".: m z a d av _. r crGWn t6 S iGW : PRCP = :ZTY LIVES - EXISTING STRUCT'J ?ES — PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM - LOC.�.TIC`IN OF PROPOSED SWI4411I.I{G POOL -- Show al I di stances from Sot Iines to both 4he pool and t`ie structures , as well as separations between . A Pr L ICE`ION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IS NECESS Fr Y . A COPY OF THE APPLICATion IS T 10 SE FILED W Ti H THIS OFFICE . T_ = S CFFICE IS TO BE NOTIFIED UPON{ COVPLETIG`; CIF CONS1'RUCTioP{ ; it{CLUOIfwG IiiS L ?^, FIC}fl Or FE {Cid'{Gz . A FINAL TiiSPEC T i CN iti ILL BE MADE SEFGRE USE OF THE POCL IS AUTHORLZz .; . OVER Secti on 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses 4 . Private Swi";u-ning Pools , P r i va to s ain ,mi n-g pools , permanent and portable , which shalI be accessory to a pri nevi pal , non - co"�",Ilerci al dwel11ng use shall be reouiated as follows : except that these raoulations shell not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height, nor more than fifteen { 15 ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structurm . b ) May be articled only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot. lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than tan ( 10 ) feet from the side lot line , or b % ;far zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessary structure . c ) Such Use shall not adversely affect the character of the nei chborhood . d ) All pri ';ate s'WiM11mirC pools Sil = I l be enclosed by a permmammn4 fence of durwbla ma to rz al Ci.. 1 eas t.4 iFoL: r I 'et in ha ; Cn L . e ) In the GaSe where a lot fronts On tti%io 2 ) or In ore D ub ! i 4 ri or, cs -of-way , a priVata swim ng pool shall b}e erected only en that port ion 07 the said 1 o 1. of bA t is d I rec fly adjacent to that. side of t ,e principal buildinc which is directly oaposiLe the archi taw :jral main Entrance o� sai c building and. the neighboring side 10t line . In no case she1 l the pool be any nearer to tiAe lot fines ab4tti RC any1Ub1 I C r i Gh o -"-way 'Chan "he required front setback for the prinCi pal b [sZ "A it i ne of the zoning d `i54rict in which it is l occ t-ed w Further"r"are , the pool s hal 1 be sere tined from the view of the publ i c right-of-way and the neighboring property by rmeans of landscaping . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES . S2S Fee for Abo 're Gr,�Pjne Swir;,:, inc Pool $ 35 rea ,for In- Ground Swim"r"inc Pool NOTE : ALL POOL, PER.IIT APPLICATI014S MUST STA T E ;2%TERIAL TO BE USED . RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSFECTIOI4 REPORT Date inspection request reeeivedr �--- W Oftice No, (518) 751-8256 r � Building & Code Enforcement Arrive anVPm Depart^?}` Pm LLepk of Community ilevelo!►mentIiis pe�:tor'sbals ��' Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 " ( f PERMIT it t NAME DATE LOCATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE CoMNVNI�S NIA YES NO Chimney HergbU"B" Vent/Direct Vent tian�� Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete t 6" InteriorlExtenor Railings 30 Exterior I Iandrails, balconies, i ding. 1 g in, or more Interior handrails stairs both si 3 or more risers Grade 2% away from foundation 8" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/re gul or 18" above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet within line of site , Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to ace area FumaceA`lot Water Heater cvpera Relief Valve(s) installed headroom, 6 ft. 6 in- on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft- 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than ri s Interior privacy/tmWdoors/main entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/r,itchen watertigl►t I in. more Interior Itlandraiis Baicoul, ending Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing W Orr Ic fro fl r Final Electrical Site PlanfVariance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required okay to issue CIC (Certif'. of Compliance) �---- Okay to issue temp- CfO (Cerkif- of t?ccupancy) Okay to i cy) issue perinz+rnernt CIO (Certif. of C7ceupan COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE. INC. / p � Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim% PA 17545 !' MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL 59951 ....... .., Cut-in Card No. .. _.. - I Panel Board Ncr. . .. . .- . . .1.. ,.. Cert. .. .. ... ... .. ]caner u_.. .- . .. . . . .. .....occupant ................ �� I . f-! ...........,......._... .. . . . �. . . . .. . . . . . . .. fIE . . . . Location Aj 'v- 'Cf / R �., e�.. . . . . .. . . .. installation Consisting Of . .. .. . ... .. .. Installed By ........ . era .. . ............ Lic . *.... . .,. . . . ._ . . . .. L. ..�......-� certificate il'Jte previo Uti y ! The conditions following governed the issuance or this certificate, and any issued is cancelled:— application shall be promptly made for This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as or date. POn the introduclion of additional equipment ur alterations, aaP an time, and if its inspection, hi c rti Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege cal Maki insp4ect' s rules are violated, th Com company shall have the right to revoke "i Date .. .r. INSPECTOR - N. Member P.P.A., LA.FJ. _ r ' S' r Q 3G a , qJ �. r4 •y