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CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK /0) (1H),q- • • Date July 2 19 97 is ie to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 67234 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a CONMF']RCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 25 QUAKER RD. . Location Owner LINDAPI'IS/KEG BANK OF NEW YORK TAX HAP NO. 104. 1-�4. 32 $y Order Town Board OWN'OF QUE B RY ` Val/I/- Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 15000TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 97234 TAX MAP NO. 104 . —1-4..32WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to MEDAPHIS/KEY BANK OF NEW YORK OWNER of property located at 25 QUAKER RD. Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a . COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 66 SOUTH PEARL ST.. ALBANY, NY 12207 3900 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name DEPPE , ALLAN 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 8 PATTON DRIVE 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address • 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by XI COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications COMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS AS PER APPLICATION 8. Proposed Use COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 50 May 29 99 $ PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 29 May 97 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of 19 SIGNED BY .( :Cwe/ rN . for the Town of Queensbury ding and Z ping Inspector J4 Building Permit Application Town of Queensbury - Dept. of Community Development, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 [761-82561 _o ' BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT INOTICEI 1 Requirements prior to issuance r7 A permit must be obtained before '"�,� of this permit: PERMIT FILE NO. beginning construction. No inspections PERMIT FEE PAID$ 50. O will be made until applicant has received n Zoning Board Action a VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All Area /Use applicants' spaces on this application . .. RECREATION FEE PAID$ MUST be completed and.the signature Ej Planning Board Action - REVIEWED BY. of the applicant must appear on the SPR / Subdivision /Other Building Inspector Tpplication form. Thank you. ) Recreation Fee Payment Applicant: A(Or., `Da.ii)Pe Owner: , IAE`DANIS • Address: g PR4C b t-IQ e. Address: R2 Qv-N R Rb. Phone # (5►Z ) 7q3 - -yogi Phone # ( ) - Property Location: Cl2. QUAKER (RD Subdivision Name: Tax Map Number e � � / / / 9e I Section Block Lot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Building: CONSTRUCTION: $ /S, 000 residence / commercial Addition to Building: residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION: V Alteration to Bui ing: Primary Building - residence /(commercia) Single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwe Ji-t no change to exterior size . . Family D el erFIVED Office Other Work (describe below) Mercantile MAY 1 4 Manufacturing 1997 Other TOWN OP-QUEL 813IJRY GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: BUILDING AND CODE If ADDITION, what will use 1st Floor. ... . . . ._.__ sq.- ft. - —of-'new addition be?: " -- - - 2nd .Floor sq. ft. Other Floors sq. ft. (not unfinished cellar or basement) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: Detached Garage 1, 2 car . TOTAL FLOOR AREA: L: SQ. FT. Attached Garage 1, 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building Other FEET X FEET . Foundation Type: Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of Stories: lumber be used? If so, for what? (habitable space only) Height (grade to ridge) : feet TYPE OF_ HEATING SYSTEM: Number of fireplaces and/or woodstove (circle all which appli s) to be installed: Electric / Oil / Gas //Wood Forced Hot Air / Baseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of ork as regards to building codes is: Alan lte.c,e 0 1?0. an b ts NU e. 1 ci3- 40(11 Name Addres1ss Phone Builder: P r c bePPe �S Qq-}kon bCIV2. --mg-yogi Plumber: (V o N2 . Mason: NONe . Electrician: Tt'C.k 4.W( ES DECLARATION.• Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together.with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. Signature: 0.10. Y\ 0 (owner, owner's agent=ect, contractor) �t I 1 TOWN'OF QUEENSBURY � BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT �////� 742 BAY ROAD �CJ� 6� r`'' QUEENSBURY NY 12804 .4k (518) 761-8256 q 7-le 73 ARRIVE: PO DEPART: do INSP: 0 FINAL INSPECTION REPORT COMMERCIAL MULTIPLE DWELLING nth( (hotel, motel, apt. comp lex) DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: '�- l-47 NAME Y /d p ' ✓ I �LLj l' LOCATION 6h) atht L.11d • y DATE 1-A2 COW, PERMITJ ik 470-��e,3 TYPE OF STRUCTURE l-C>fW, \-✓�f7...J", (�C14,, FOOTINGS BACKFILL_ FRAMING_ PLUMBING_ INSULATION N/A YES NO CHIMNEY/"B" VENJHEIGHT PLUMBING VENT/FIXTURES ROOFING EXTERIOR FINISH HEATING/HOT WATER I RELIEF VALVES FLOORS FOUNDATION INSULATION / • INTERIOR STAIRS/RAI GS STOCKROOM ENCLOSURE FIRE/DEMISE WALLS PENETRATION FIRE DAMPERS CEILING FIRE STOPPING FIRE DOORS/CLOSERS EXIT DOOR HARDWARE EXIT STAIRS/RAILS PLATFORM/ELEVATOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS HANDICAPPED BATHS HANDICAPPED PARKING l,/// FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE 'PLAN/VARIANCE REO. FINAL SURVEY PLOT PLAN, IF REO 1,7 OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C --- COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim,PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVA 7 7- Panel Board No. Cert. 441 J 8 Cut-in Card No. Owner Occupant �ry Location..qq.44e 7 147.1 a ZAifY Installation Consisting of 3 2 G eG sZ1/s y9f- c9z__ Installed By...,!' • Pe-72 Lic.# The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issued is cancelled:— This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of mak' g ins ctio s at any time, and if its rules are violated,io the Company shall have the right to revok t s cer ' icat . vi Date....tl --/—9 7 INSPECTO Member N.F.P.A.,I.A.E.I. c)v 4--)e©1 to) f'a. -p pt-0-4 L r3I (� ` ;�t TOWN OF QUEENSBUR 0 .Zvk'� ° FIRE MARSHAL you a I' s� f S 1. . QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 m` (518) 761-8205 "151— • FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED i 1 7 NAME `- V ecia_p/7( , Mai &eca_k_ go CAU . LOCATION L ._t-�/ r� DATE PERMIT # q/f e APPROVED / N'/A YES 2 NO EXIT/ /, e �?, -. / \// AISLE DTHS /1/ / • ✓ • EXIT SIGNS - I J/ EMERGENCY LIGHTING / FIRE EXTINGUISHERS / / AUTO. EXTINGUISHING SYS M / HOOD INSTALLATION o I /" AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM \ I f ALARM SYSTEM 7 '1 -� INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: / CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS ✓ CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE / CHIMNEY WOODSTOVE / FIREPLACE-MASONRY FIREPLACE- FACTORY UILT REMARKS: 0 OK TO THIS DATE A; ..4, 2,e ,&,,,i/A, . \NSPSLIP.PUB INS ECTOR (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY '" BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 1, 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 , INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARR3. ,DEPAR I.s✓' REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED: �. NAME a V___ 16 9P TAM LOCATION \}Aye-QRD ICODATE Ql PERMIT A 91-7,54 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK APPROVED N/A YES , NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POU' FORM REINFORCEMENT', THE CONTRALTO-+ IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROiE TION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS OLLOWING THE PLACE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR - REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE _ FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOFING - BACKFILL APPROVAL PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE .. ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB - FRAMING: I`)11;,Y`V) QW--, MEW_ JACK STUDS/HEADERS _ _ BRACING/BRIDGING t\J _ JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R- • ‘—t-'TP ?-1CACu 6 •i 11.1 ? 1CF �� - 16 aE \Abe PLLL (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY RD., QUEENSBURY NY 12804 - INSPECTOR'S REPORT: ARR//. DEPART INTO/1 . REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED: /J NAME // , 4/J/)05 I • LOCATION /� /� 92�/ �(/4�-r^ fj^� DATE t7/pL ! PERMIT A / / z3'Y/ TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK APPROVED NLA YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS • MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONLE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION FRO ' FRE ZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING `H- P .CE- MENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALLPOUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOFING _ BACKFILL APPROVAL • PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE ' • ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- - _ FLOORS R- - WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES R- • eer(c/IS• e� Cc 7/ . w /r4"4,::j. ' .. r itY Me D . Wth 0 : 1 &a dte a Ote0.1. c , I I ------NN ' / a a I titXit, )1Cede1911 1?-1 L j_ • I-. - - _ _ _ ,. ,1* - ) • , tv 0 ti 1 ...,..% 11 , Cu tuoati • 6,00V oi 7 Ifraoir c :01 di 5 -13 . ./.., rC / . () S -.; 01,4%E / +ft/Priovc . . jtELI crls eaf 1 . . (3•1 / . 'r-."." I S.PSI 0 sr • m4 < C 0 • • N) X (i‘l l' •' •,,,,-, m S...4,J \ P • [ * St SO * 0 1 K\ 1 r3• p(Ac), r,'3', N4 2gig 97L,1 s,leltaa 0 ovelty 9 osuunfrav LrOf Rif ).. a 0 0 NI NI " 0 -\1 • . •Cteotw.o.1 0 1 rg ay W ago tic 0 o94ov//# n lvivOi 44toi7 ' ,O,i ffil --1 \ nv, plvcv aft fwecoaei EL" a V 1Y1 artbag ',,,.." . = 4 .: . ,,,,, ...,,pe. a...9w ..fir,.Livr3 1,11ty Ty00 1 • 1::, vo af .-.....gap.,c. ,' 0"71 , . weolY 4.4iloodu 4 C.woW•vii(.6, u.0,01, • U-1 F,1,* N e, 11.5 o L.5_. orelvz° pride p0.14 q•crovogad 4,1.then 7I,n43,Lata d F. F-i-A p v Tg a 1 - 63 0 eoge•0 0 4 X`t(3'".*PI- • stOte„. 2ff -c cc3 m-- -• 0. 03 r" 1 ClorYttoil TUTArle iyal rovin 71 CV' C2 S. et 0 = Ciag ) VI 1 CP O. CI N.4 .... *"... 0' 141d war,ri, Isi co r•-• '... , z. cogs92 rgwrn act:, IL T —== ot., g.,i ca 11.1:1 r.e•Iv,el aft °I TM" \,.1.:A..07.316 c7;0-P -"aa r ,isx,8 e woodde, ""31'd t3,011-6". \ V:1 r &ft ,.., M .c5 ...g1.11.7)C-L cleU' •owls. i 1 S z I , rri Cn5S - - -//raD 'Mr*,QI )446S 4„. i. - , oa nt ?owl./ ciaTed084 (•t/ . fdArreleal 4 71.110,00.1.1., yorr 07VM.Pai q. U0../ki,T.tIci 000 tO wow _____ 04.1/04