MapsIRON PIPE FOUND O UNDEFINED HATCHED AREA SHOWN ON SUBDIVISION MAP �.PH4,*Oullib A00 F J 9G CBl 4J;,' IRON PIPE % FOUND � �/ yED 26Y 0 3 ' N7TEMLELE Q' PIED Y" DEED REFERENCE Philip C. and Gail a. Carron to Christopher C. and Lori L. Carte D: 3/22/1996 R:3/22/1996 974/122 359. o/ IRON PIPE FOUND Boulderwood �xo 9 9�x9 93%g h 1 p6� log x 3 9QYf io2x9 9k x9 Boa x8 I0 J x8 9gx1 MAP REFERENQUE 'Map of Phase One - Grant Acres,' made by John B. VanDusen, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated 12/29/1976, revised 5/5/1977; and filed in the Warren County Cierk's Office on 5/5/1977, Drawer 12, Folder 14. -J -fS4- T,; ,-W Declaration of Restrictive Covenants by Edward W. Grant, Dtd: 5/27/1977, Rcd: 5/27/1977 @ 6051527, Replaced and superseded by Declaration of Restrictive Covenants by Edward W. Grant, Dtd 8119/1977, Rcd: 8/19/1977 @ 607/987. Easement granted by Edward W. Grant to New York Telephone Company, Dtd 8/22/1977, Rcd: 9/6/1977 @ 608/443. Adirondack Park Agency Permit, Dtd 4/27/1977, Rcd: 5/5/1977 @ 1/1016 (Park Agency Permits). Replaced and amended by Adirondack Park Agency Permit, Dtd. 8/31/1977, Rcd: 9/1/1977 @ 2/35 (Park Agency Permits). 16" HIGH IRON PIPE FOUND 9 IDtixl 100 x3 100 x1 Drive I I I I I I I I I. I� IN Reference elevation point: Railroad spike set at edge of pavement. Elevation = 100.0 Ft. (Assumed). IRON PIPE FOUND 100>0 lokxD 106 ,6 "CURVE" 1 SIGN 106x� (ASPHALT SURFACE) L6' HIGH IRON /9.P" F 7 ROO FOUND 9"1' NORTHEAST OF LOT CORNER 113i8 V - — — — 96-7 t I 1 1j8 x� 05 r 1 1 +� 1 1 t 09 xg ` 44F01 t its 18" HIGH IRON t PIPE FOUND 2.8' NORTH OF LOT CORNER /V - 02� G� EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION 1 (JUNE 6. 2000) I HEREBY CERTIFY TO Christopher C Carte, Lori L Carte. Charter One Bank, F.S.B., its successors and assigns. and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company that this map was prepared by me from an actual survey on the ground, according to record infor. mation. Charles T. Nacy, L S. N.Y.S. License No. 49117 Only copies made from the original ofthis survey map which are marked with an original of the land surveyor's embossed seal and bearing the surveyor's original signature in red ink shall be considered valid and true copies. June 6, 2000 (Date) Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of Section 7209, subdivision 2. of the New York State Education Law. S4-7"/7 (� 1 24,/ N AV d q — � ;;13 RECEIVE MAY 0 2 2023 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ZONING OFFICE of a survey of lands of Christopher C. and Lori L. Carte situated in Town of Queensbury , Warren Co. , N.Y. Scale: 1 " 50' May 19, 1999 Map Amended: March 6, 2000 Survey and Map By Charles T. N8C Map Amended: June 6. 2000 to show y existing foundation. Licensed Land Surveyor 32 John Street Queensbury, NY 12804 -Cp,-qy/7-7- f - ,%j wws !f! LANDS OF I AREA: 4.5i5 ACRES +I- LANDS OF DAVID A. PREHODR +' 1 (Tuw.: t.s Tax Map No.: 206.1-243 f "144 WILDVVOOD PLACE"SHOWN am sueopAsm aw Utip! tiili+p11�3 AAlEl1 / j! F ,l � // i �iMtJMiM1t��IriMMMat i4tMiIIwM�M�MrM a6M1NMIrN • 1 ; � �i i11r��M'�Iw! ;j plow". • j ti1�DtMi®M3.E1NitOtM6 A$ RECEIVED MAY 2 3 2023 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ZONING OFFICE jr 1 ktT) - LANDS OF'SUSAN & ANDREVV'LUCCi Tax Iftp NO.ZI96.03-1-54 "24 WILDW OD PLACE" PM IP C. a1w am a. Cow to C. aM gait i- Caftt D.34wtm R: a4mm 9?4f121 DadwaMaa d Itar E& - C044M fMs by sahflal'1 W: omit tart twnw Aar. swnm 0 SOW. AWp r e and afMnrtad bV 004rraaa dal 0,- Cam 1F.aaalliaat tt Now YWk tdaphona COMMIN. LNd AdfaM IM* PW% AGOW P MIL ON: 40VWT not s4 W? 0 snW ohwk OM. sainw77. fut 40 Mpr- tt poll Of e lot golf1 os%1 op,3 Ned 1 1111 a -1 dava"pd AairM t�M slt! alad�a of PWANOM • 106.E F1 pow"". ruMtMs� T �tlIIP/M� 11so 1 $#1xf Aw �-u fya+ A i �f �"`• lea �! 1 M� ciat're1FY To Ch-isoWw C. Cane. Lori L Carps. Chw1w Ow Mak. F.S.O.. 6Imamm aam OW is all/ PWMI l Matifr Ift 1twoa m Cafa10afM1 raft 9b fa► v" 0 110 ibv two ifaM aff aahW sufaaSr as sAa pow". acand" Im faoo i iw w— 0*0 dOfaNA cam. W t. Mafgt. L.S. I' M.Y.S. tiaama "a. 49117 **+aMiMrMao" M4ttM4Ahia taeaMVetq►arMM aNMMMtrlrrt+Mrt 1M000911 W aNNlon Mi a aAV" M "d Mi iMM it aMtrNM6wrlti Maw Y# Oft Ilion Isw. MMIi! sM tAMM aMPtra. f!Y try H LANDS OF ERIC S-JENNIFER SEELYE Tax Map No-:26BA-2.,411 63 BOULDERWOOD DRIVE" LANDS OF NANCY SHERMM, JAM i R€KALD ROEMER Ts�y����cI10p NO. .12•�4p �.yyy.�.� ' "W I IERWOOD DPJW �i i UA, Jil of a survW of WrIds of &%m*win Town of Ou WX fy , WWW Co. , N.Y. &X* 1' ai W mey 19. isee "ft & ., to show proposed ■