98-512 CERTIFICATE C3�+ +CC7�1'� PUP A.i�Ti Cl TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Date .Tune 7 19 99 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No & has been completed . INGROUND POOL This structure may be used as a -- 16 KNOLLS RD . NORTH Location - - GILSON , CATHRYN R . Owner TAX MAP NO . 26 . -- 2 - 17 . 9 By Order of Town hoard TOWN Of QUEENSSURY Director of Building & Code 'Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX MAP NO . 26 . — 2 - 17 . 9 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to_ glLtIONO c•ArPHRVX R_ OWNER of property located at 16 KNOLLS RD - mH Street. Road or Ave. In the Town of Queensbury. To Construct or place a _^ TWojRt)T jNn jE?OQj - at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. dime R'S Address is 16 KNOLL RD . NORTH QUEENSHURYr N . Y . 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or SUILDER"S Name SPRAGUE POOLS 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARDr NY 12828 4. ARCHITECT'S Name �C�OuMMONWEAArsL�TH ELECTRICAL AGENCY S. APO t1A� /'! 47 b s HAGUEr NY 12836 6. TYPE of Conttruction - ;Please indicate by ?Q POOL f I Wood Frame I ! Masonry 1 h st"I [ l 7. PLANS and SpaoifiC1100m INGRPUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS B. Proposed Use INGROUND POOL 35 August 24 2000 S PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 Ili a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoniry inspector of the town of Ciueensbwty before ow expiration dmd.l 24 August 1998 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of is SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Build and Zan lrttpatxar 7 TOWN OF QUEEINTSBURY B=y at Havilard Ro=c; QUev- S�bvey. AlY 12804-9725--573-792-5332 SWIMMING POOL, PERMIT APPLICATION 00 FEE PA. II] 7� Q '" is :- . . �`ar.t'iC 4'� ✓ + Vs / L.. � �.y.'1.. � : � _ /`[J � ! / L'J � � L 3L LG?C:'_T = C, /' + ,/r✓�C/'t3GC 3 /r71.� J1/�.? Fi r _ rtSc.rsl RESPOUSIS ? _ FuR CODE REQUIR=M= �lT5 . ADO = TEL . TYPE CF POOL - - in- Yrourmd, cScrV�- grow^ L = nct ;� Widiti `.l- G :� . / D c� � ter i e. . /+ �]�] tFSUT " . "I"I CA'` PACI Y 41 Cal Toms . ;�� . "E \ USED A {. CONSTRUCT : G�"1 : ( ci rcl a or: e ; Cl � � . iTYII - i ice _ yicKS - - G ni r� � L r - Cvnc "� —' rC `; C T 0 P/ I NIST ; �' ::- T'/'^r�' C4UL�S ,�14 x A4JJ� A%IcxG .> __ ' 7 �7 `I2 ? � IMF0RT.= {'T INSTRUCTIONS : On C ^, T _ p i �t of fjdp= r . S :° tF z CC = . . = drawn to SiiC V : PRCPERT7' LIB{ ES - EX % STI;iG SiRUCTzJr4S - PROPOSED OREXISTINIG SEPTIC SYSTEM - LOC� T IC`{ OF PROPCSED S'WIMMI. YG POOL - Show al di stances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separ.=. tions between , Ap = L T CIA:IOC{ FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECT! ON IS NE;Y. ESS:' FcY . A COPY OF THE APPLICATIOI{ - IS TO EE FILED Wl "".4 THIS OFFICE . T= S C = F C ICE IS TO of NOTIFIED UPON COMPLETI ': OF CONSTRUCTION ; INCLUDING IiiSi.=. LLATIO?i Or FEf{LING . A FIMAL Ii: SPEC I IO ': 'lp; l I BE FADE BEFORE USE Or THE POC- P = S AUTHORIZE- ; OVER Section 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 . Private Stooi ,,,,-iiing Pools . Private swi m.mi n-g pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a principal , non- com,,mercial dwal l ; ng use shall be reculated as follows : except that these r2eulctions shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( IS ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear 1 of l i nes or buffer zone where appropri ate nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from the side lot line , or bur"Ter zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Such use shall not adversely a ; ect the character of the neichborhood . d ) All private swimming pools shal 1 be enclosed by a perc,anent fence of duYab ie rcterial at east T CC r { 't Tc' et in f7eiG t . e ) In the case vjhere a lot T ronts vn tlao ( 2 ) or more public rig ^ ts - o -°gay , a private swi ,,,+,.: ng pool shall be erected only on that port i on 07 the said lot eci is directly adjacent, to the side of the principal bui l di nc lWhi cn is dl r_ ctly cpposi to th+ architectural main entrance oT said building and the neighboring- side lot line , in no case s ;, al i the pool be any necrer to th+e lot l i nes abutting any public rI gh t- of- way than the required front. setback for the principal bui lc inQ o ,` the zoning district in which it is located . Furt .5er ore i the pool s hal I b= s cresned from the v i c-w oT the public right- of-w haay and t neighboring property by means of landscaping . ( See "Landscaping,+ ) FEES - S25 ree for Above Ground Swis-ming Pool $ 35 Fee for ln- GYound Swfmiming Pool NOTE : r. LL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIOC'{S MUST STn I Y-+TERIAL TO BE USED . J TQwN of QUEENS RY I}UIL17x1`SG & CODE ENEORCEMENT Ank 742 PAY ROAD QiSEENSPURY NY 12804 (519) 761-8256 +. DEPART -- C `�^�- I N S P �----- FAgSIOEN L �,,r� FINAL INSPECTION i3EYOR'T { l REQUEST RECEIVED : DATE INSPECT I�7N 5,"fir{' '- , {}}2, t3AME A.UCA't' SON _ PERMI'T A7A'1'F. JG TYPE OF S'r3iLACTURk" - - "{t FRAMING .B}yCKVILL FOUNDATIOtt INSULATION Fo Ofr INGS,, SEPTIC OR FIREPLACE ROUGH PLUMBING %J000 FINAL ELECTRICAL 5TC3V E L — IA x S NO ` YETIit w GkLT C:IIIMNC`.' Y G _ SiI—C'H't 'U� _PLUMBING VE T — ---"` EX'TERv?'Qk?- lilt S Ck.t STEP I—UI-14GS RELIEF VriLVES �-- -- m WATE OPERriT N--G --- ---� gt1RN�Kd--�`— TRINfJPR FINISH FLO S ' --- --" HAT4i�E ""'W TE TIGHT �- LOO S S E PAPLE OTHEXt FLOORS C! RPE'TED �—S_I -- IK CLEARAE RAxLINGS 'T I R NC SY4OKE OETECTO S ------ c PIS N ----_� '- NSULA ION FOSSNDAT ON I G GE FIR 1 PROOFING ' _ oR CLOS StS , F NAL ELECTR AZ' _ PLA VARIANCE RE SITE 71NAL SLFR 'Ey gam PLAN p TO xSSUE C p OR C COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. j Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim, PA 17545 Ot MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Panel Board No. ....... Cert 59955 Cutan Card No. .- .- .- ------- L r c .cJ (7wner . ., .. ._ . . ._`.. .. .-e k ....... ..... .. .. . . .. ... ........................... .. . . ... . . . .. . .. ... ..... - Occupant ... ...... ..................................... .. . . _ .Location .. .. 12C 1> G I iRJri" ---- pin B cP--Z AJ6 o� 40614D, / Gf lnstallatirrn Consisting of .� ........... C u ! I ...... .. ... . . . . . . ... . ..............�'L?. .. .. ... .....�.4........ . .... .. . .... . . .. ....._------. .. ...... . .....,.................. .. .. .. ..... . .. ............... ...... . . . . .. .. .. . . . _. . . ..,,..... .... . . . _ . . . . . . - Installed By . .../� -' . :/rL'Lie-�m., .`.. :.6P. . ... . . . ._ . . ._... . .......,,--- Lic. #. . . . . The conditions Following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled: — "is certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as ut date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment ur alteratians, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making ins s at any time. and if its rules are violated, the CqmPany shall have the right to revoke ce -------- Date ...4 7'L CLL�-yn .... .�_. .. ........... . .. fT-ISYECTi7R ....1'r........... Member N,F.P.A., f.A.E.f. •n► A' tlw x an r, .i � „ .•� � her.K 'i tee,. _ q v £ i f -`a d ^ x. . xi }Y a sw.. E- -,. � M 4 /V�L � � ... - • ., r ..3 p. Y,�, �y ��.� e,c.'�sa:�r'.Sk .9+ r p ��a s 6.