98-658 CERTIFICATE E 00-1. COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY . NEW YORK Date October 27 19 98 98658 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . _ has been completed . SEPTIC SYSTEM This structure may be used as a CORINTH RD . Location WEB GRAPHICS y _. Owner TAX 14AP NO . 126 . - 1 - 40 By Order of 'sown Board OWN OF QUE R Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TaWN OF QUEENSBURY No. "A58— _ TAX MAP NO . 125 . — 1 - 40 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to WEB GRAPHICS OWNER of property Located at CORINTH RDII, Street, Road or Ave. XSTIFM in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a SEPTIC ther information hereto filed and at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and o approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNER'S Address is P . O . BOX 308 GLENS FALLSr NY 12801 2. CONTRACTOR ae BUILDERS Nan» TO BE DETERMINED 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 4. Ani.Hi i cc'4T , Nanne S. ARCHITECTS Addresz S. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) SEPTIC 1 Wood Frame 11 Masonry l 1 Steel 11 7. FLANS and Specif idtiorns SEPT;C SYSTEM 10000cad Use SEPTIC SYSTEM 35 October 21 2000 S PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 III a longer period is required an application for an extension must be n%atle to the Building and Zoning inspector of the flown of QueensburY before the expiration dal e.1 21 October 1998 Da of f9 Dated at the T777!E ��. .. y ` �„ for the Town of Gueensbury SIGNED BY Building for a�ning Intsfacso+ fi �) }�l ic:t • U ii � c� r ISEI-> 7'11C DISPOSAL PERMIT C� "MAMP REC EI VI; I3 f .c,calion Ill- 11re+I+cI ty I +f1' I11%I:1f1,11itm: '-- Owueis N.1111+. '"kf k ' L X, ff ()wucr`s Mailing Address: _--,� '� ) Iz8pl ,y Itsp ra 14 i,1 t 1'A I D installer 's N:uuc: '� 'r'` lv "V k" ~1 e 1'll(+rle # : Nurllticr of 1lcdr00nls (if resicicutialy 'I'r/tnl daily flow (resklclltial - ec"a +ilte Cq) I .So gal. per bedrfK1111) : 1"upclgraplty: [ I'Itrt [ .� ILr+Elillg Q steels SI(spetill+lye Soil Nature : �Z ' saeld I e/alt, Ciny Otltcr 11]cpi11: GrOLlrld Water : at 1WI1at de:lltll'? 0 veep%' I -_ rect 13ccirtwk c)r lruperviclu5 Material : ,it what dc11017 45lJ5, 0 reel r1 11crctAntiou 'Fust: Nclt Rc1111rre/.1 1Lc11uircel/lL.1ra /� miu. per lade Domestic Water 'Supply_ � hiunicipa] © Well ["I ( 1t11cr Irdulticstic %vatcr supply is .1 Wl ?1 .1 : water supply rrcelrl 011y septic nilsurpttcln is rest r' ELC)1'UISli11 SY,S""I I :h7 : �r^"'� y Sclrtie tank: ZCDC)4 gal . (1lrinirnuell size: 1 .000 gnl . ) 1 Ile Field: cacti trench Tom} ra _ feet. 1 tot:li syxtclu lelllgytil 1t1 1�- fcet. seepage 1'it(s): nurullcr ur iy / size each: _[sue ft. x ft. siac urstrinc to ire Its ad: # Z rz Lt I dc11t11 or thickness rect_ 11tJr_.i7ENC.D 'I`ANK SY5'113M: (ir rcctuired) - - - - -- Num Liar ur tanks, / ` J A size csr ell e;11: J gal. _ 1 kE itlurnr sy.rtenr (rrfd (f.csocie(ted electrical 1s•ork to be inspected by if certified errency. I•'or your proPee(:riryrr, lylerrmr yreyte that parsaant try Secricm I36-29 of the C'eyde of the own elf Qrseenslfury, any perryrit or a171prul'erl granted which ishexsed ttpeue oris ,granted in reliance relyvyr ally rrrarerir(l rrri.srr. lyresryrlrrtiryfr ryr firihere to irrrrke a trrrrsterial firct or ciresionsirrilce known by or ore behrylf ey f all a p plice! lrr, s11r(1l be void. I have read the r1rgitlations 11=irh respect rn this trlllylicarior( a (c rgree to abide by these (filet rill r'c rl ll i!'e ell Cyl t.S of tl(e 7l ey11'yl u f +ilr(eerrsh Safritr ry k f7plo l;e ) • pvsal tJrrtinarlcr. F Siy;rlafeere elf re.spryncib *e Persnrr: _ _ f]atC: TORN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING A CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name CR R(a+ ,�►C' Location Date 0� Permit # WS SOIL TYPE: Sand- Loam-Clay- Results of Percolation Test- ( if applicable ) Rate-Minute/ Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM_ ABSORPTION FIELD: Total n th Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of stone SEEPAGE PITS • um er Size - ft . x ft . � � St o size PIFIN Size Type Bldg . to ah Tank to Dist . Ego Dist . Box to Fie d/Pit Openings Sealed Yes No art 1 a LOCATION/SEPA IONS : Foundation to ank feet Foundation t Absorption feet Separation f Pits feet Conforms as per Plot Plan gyp= No LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY: ( circle one ) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS: PAP;V% PkLr I *&Lmllc, to . SYSTEM USE APPROVED : ���� •rn Arrived : � Fir DeparteoAl ueil d rng#secto