June 21, 2023
Members Present- McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Cipperly, Khul, Keenan
Alternate Members Absent- Palacino
Administrative Item:
AV 4-2023 GERALDINE EBERLEIN, 12 Seelye Road North 7:01
Ward 1. Applicant proposes demolition of an existing home and guest cottage to construct a new home with a
footprint of 2,411 sq. ft.; an outdoor kitchen of 234 sq. ft.; and a new floor area of 3,343 sq. ft. The project
includes associated site work for a new permeable driveway, stormwater management, and shoreline
landscaping; the project also includes installation of a new septic system on the adjoining property to east
property line. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief is
requested for setbacks, floor area, and permeability. Applicant tabled to August 16, 2023 meeting.
Status: Application tabled to August 16, 2023. Tabled 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant needs to resolve septic items with the Town Board
AV 3-2023 NEIL & SANDRA RYPKEMA, 28 North Road 7:02
Ward 2. Applicant proposes to construct two single family homes: Building A of 2,800 sq. ft. with an attached
garage; and Building B of 1,200 sq. ft. and maintain an existing 1,200 sq. ft. garage on-site. The project work
includes minimal clearing for the new homes and municipal connection for sewer and water. Relief is requested
for two single family homes (not connected) on a parcel and for more than one garage on a parcel. Applicant
tabled to August 16. 2023 meeting.
Status: Application tabled to August 16, 2023. Tabled 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant working on plans for a duplex.
AV 23-2022 TYLER CONVERSE, 3 April Lane 7:03
Ward 3. Applicant proposes a lot line adjustment between two existing lots. Parcel 51 will increase from 0.49
to 1.08 acres and Parcel 52 will be reduced by 0.59 acres. Parcel 51 will have an existing house with an
attached garage totaling 3,008 sq. ft. and a detached garage of 3,515 sq. ft.; Parcel 52 will have 5 homes and
associated outbuildings to remain. Relief is requested for size of detached garage, second garage, and setback
for house. Applicant request for a 1 year extension project was approved 6/29/2022
Status: Applicant granted a one year extension. Extension granted 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for zoning administrator signature (lot line adjustment also to be
filed with the county)
Tabled Item:
AV 15-2023 ALISHA & MICHAEL GRIFFEY, 26 Tall Timbers Road 7:04-7:46
Ward 1. (Revised) Applicant proposes a 2-story addition to the main home and to convert an existing garage to
a rec room. The existing main home footprint is 1,540 sq. ft. and has a floor area of 3,560 sq. ft. The new rec
room is to be 673 sq. ft. footprint and floor area. The site has an existing guest cottage of 485 sq. ft. footprint
that is to remain. The total new floor area is to be 7,707 sq. ft. Project includes new extension of the driveway
area with clearing, permeable pavers on the shoreline side of the new addition, an upgraded septic system,
planting plan and retaining wall in areas of the new additions. Site plan for new floor area, conversion of
seasonal to year round and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief is requested for main building
height and accessory structure height, expansion of nonconforming structure, size of accessory structure, and
expansion greater than 1/3 floor area of main structure.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 5-2, Kuhl, Underwood
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
New Business:
AV 18-2023 ROARING BROOK LLC (MICHAEL FERRI), 740 Glen Street 7:47-7:59
Ward 2. Applicant proposes a façade upgrade to an existing 2,201.83 sq. ft. building and new signage. The new
façade includes a false façade for a portion of the building corner where the roofline would be up to 19.5 ft. in
height. The remainder of the roofline would remain at the existing height of 14 ft. The façade change would
include a new wall sign of 30 sq. ft. and a new freestanding sign of 45 sq. ft. The façade colors are similar to the
previous building colors (browns for the building with red, white, and blue for the signage. Site plan for façade
upgrades and preexisting shed. Relief is requested for setbacks.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
AV 19-2023 CHRIS CARTE, 67 Boulderwood Drive 8:00-8:07
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 1,224 sq. ft. detached 2-bay garage on existing residential parcel. The existing
home of 3,870 sq. ft. footprint is to remain with no changes. The existing home has an attached garage of 1,363
sq. ft. footprint and is consistent with the home. The new garage is to be 22 ft. in height and will allow for larger
storage and lawn equipment. Relief is requested for a second garage and size of second garage.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved6-1, Henkel
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature
AV 20-2023 WILLIAM LEVETT, 27 Sunset Lane 8:08-8:18
Ward 1. Applicant proposes to replace existing 900 sq. ft. deck with an 810 sq. ft. deck where a 270 sq. ft.
portion of the deck will be a screened in porch. When the septic alteration occurred, a 12 x 12 (144 sq. ft.)
portion of the deck was removed. The existing home of 1,112 sq. ft. footprint, a 563 sq. ft. garage, and a 120 sq.
ft. shed are to remain with no changes. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA (new screen porch). Relief is
requested for setbacks and floor area.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
AV 21-2023 GREAT ESCAPE THEME PARK LLC, 1172 State Route 9 8:19-8:30
Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct two pergolas attached to the existing 2,830 sq. ft. building. The front
pergola is 490 sq. ft. and the rear pergola is 430 sq. ft. with the intent to provide shade for customers. The
project area for the front is existing hard-surfacing and the rear pergola is a landscape mulch area; the rear
pergola is to have permeable pavers installed and the front pergola will be onto of existing hardsurfacing. Site
plan for the new pergolas in the RC zone. Relief is requested for setbacks and permeability.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
AV 22-2023 BAY ROAD SELF STORAGE, 290 Bay Road 8:31-8:55
Ward 2. Applicant proposes to redevelop an existing industrial site with 11 new self-storage buildings for a
total of 478 units. The building footprint total is 61,800 sq. ft. The site work includes access from Bay Road and
connection with the existing access for the adjacent self-storage facility. The site will have parking areas,
secondary curb cut, stormwater management, and landscaping. Some buildings are within the setbacks to the
existing stream and wetlands – no work is proposed in the wetlands or stream. Project includes a lot line
adjustment with 302.8-2-20 and lot merger of 307.8-2-17, 302.8-2-21, and 302.8-2-24. Site plan for new
commercial use in the CLI zone, hard surfacing within 100 ft. of the wetland. Relief is requested for setbacks.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a two-lot subdivision of a 25.1 acre parcel. Lot 1 is to be 15.05 acres and will
maintain the existing home accessory buildings with no other work for Lot 1 proposed. Lot 2 is to be 10.05
acres for the construction of a single-family home and associated site work. Site plan for Lot 2 construction of a
single-family home. Relief is requested for lot width.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to appear before Planning Board 6/22/2023
Adjourn: 9:06