98-729 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Dt February 12 99 This is to certify that work requested to be done as show-n by Permit 1490:8 7 2 9 e has been completed. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ( MODULAR ) This structure may be occupied as a 138 QUAKER ROAD Ir ocation owncLAMPLIGHTER HOMES , INC . X MAP NO * 10 5 . - 1 -- 3 8 . 2 By Order Town Board 70wN OF Q'U/EENSBURY Director of l3ldg. & Cade E-nforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 651ala OWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX MAP NO . IL 0 5 . - 1 - 3 8 , No tI�rARREN COUNTY, NEW YC3RIC 989,29 PERMISSION is hereby granted to LAMPLIGHTr&R HQMF!4 . Tiv: , _.........,,_.... _ _ OWNER of property located at 138 QUAKER ROAD _ Street. Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Constructor place a SI at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed a approved and in compliance with the Town of Clueensburyr Building and Zoning Ordinance_ 1. Ow"#±djMj "E 9 FT . EDWARD , NY 12828 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name LAMPLIGHTER HOME 3. COKEPtClf 6krivPILUE R?,Wr f, 3 — 7 5 2 2 FT EDWARD , NY 12828 4, ARCHITECT'S Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY 5. Aff"T A"Ss HAGUE , NY 12836 6. TYPE of Construction — (Ples" indicate by X) SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING f i Wood Frarno I I Masomv I l seeei f I 7. PLANS and Speelf" ions 1369 SO FT MODULAR AS PER PLOT No. PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8. Proposed Use SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ( MODULAR ) 168 S PERMIT FEE PAID -- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 24 19 2000 (lf a bnger period is required on eppfication for an exteerion nuAN be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Crwenstwry before the aspiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensberry this 24 Day or November 19 1998 SIGNED BY for the Town of Gueensbury OhrudiW" g and Zoning Buitaing Pe nit AppUcation Toll'r? €7,JF Queensbuty - DeP of Ucrvelur3menl, 742 Ba ! Road. Qxee ni-bur t% NY 12,804 BUILDING tK CODE ENFORCE vfeN7' � fYt� Requirements prior. to issUaricc _— A r�tzit must be eUta"'erl t fpre 4f this errxrit: f lam' _ p ' l� FRAffT FILE NO, Beginning construction. NO irLspC.Q Ls will be maade until applicant has received Q �l�in,g Bo and AWon PER,111T FEE FAIR a VALID BUILDING PERmiT+ A.11 Arcs 1 UNe: applicants" spaces on this application RE+CREAZI NV F•EE P.r D .5' MIDST be Completed and- the signature Approved 11 / 1 7 / 98 Of the applicant must appear on the � mid Actinit REVIEIKWD BY,- leEptication form. +r+art yd . P Subdiviaivn ! OLtier t Brril r(,i� ln,: :e+cYul' f reatioa Fee Payment Applicant. _ Larr1C71io mer, rnr Owner. r. a---T pl -' ght- Fai-• xnmeg .Address: -_ RQ## 2 . Rt . 9 Ft E mar a -.iy 1_2 Waayess: - 2 F R 9 1 � ward, N�7 1 2 $ 2 8 l'hotte # ( � ] � _ " � � 1'hcxne ## Property l ,vcation: 138 Duaker Road L c7, 1PAn � 1Z3.LCS'. .� ._. Sub4iv1*ion Name : n / a Tax Map Number 105 Seot ton track r h1 NATURE OF pFtoposEt] WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VA-T+t7F' x New Building : OF THk: residence CONSTrRXJCTION : $,.,_ 65 . I] C10, . © 0 ca�nmez cis ]. __. AdditiOn to Building : _ _-�-- residense / commercial OCC><1`PANCY xNFortM.r6,T :tON1 Alteration to Building : Parimary Building reside?,xice / cotrunerclal gingle arnil3r L�welliz: g Residence / Commercial Two Family DwetllnL7 no change: to exterior size - _� Family Dwelling Office Other Worts ( describe below ) xx M.srcantile Man ufacturirrr; �.+.O V / 109113 /GROSS AREA of >PRoppsEn STRUCTURE : / ( other 1st Floor . . . . . . . 1 1369 sq , £ t , if ADDITION , what. Gri .1 e 2nr3 Flcsrar . . . sq , ft " of new addition be ? : other Floors . . . . . sq . ft . ( llot unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY FStJILI7INGS :� Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : 1369 SQ . FT . Attached Garage 1 . 2 car Private storaoe lsuildirtcr SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage 11u3. lc:i_i, nc; 26 ' 4 " FEET X ] FEET other �- _._ Will ally second- hand Foundation Type : EslQCk P esecond- hand nz ; racyade�E w_ Number cad Stories : I lumber be used 'i xE so , for r: iz � L ? ( habitable apace only ) no Height ( grade to .ridge ) • feet TY€"G OF . I3EATIING S7CSTE,� : Number of fireplaces and/or wowwdotove ( circle all which 1ies � to be installed : E 1 / as / WOQ(:l c7rc +ed 23ot: Air / ebe��ird / �. t,_ 13Yz` 'Al Person respons .i.lble for supervision r7i: vvo]Ck as regards to taxilldinc - - - - codes i. s : Jacalies Pearson RQ_ .27 . Pt- - _ Ftdwa_xri 7a3 LL392 Na:itte Addresss Phone Builder * Jya[r p 7 i rr h } a T- r-rrsm T.,p r- � P1Ltr{ bear : Mason : E ; ect r. itci�xn : T a A�3. J_ Phase DEC ,4NA7.70 ..• Please sign bef4mv ca,fTer you Rave Carefully reed flie statemcrr:t To the best of my knowledge the statements contains cd in this application, together witlt tla;; plka.ns and specifications submitted, are a true and conrvlete statement of all proposers work to tie dc;tia ur,. the described premises and that all provisions of the Budding Code, the Zoning Ordinam;e and all rather laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified ur stated, and that stsClr work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that Uwe shall submit ptior to a Certificate Of 0ccupaticy6_ or Certificate of Compliance being issued., an AS BUILT PLOT PLAIN br a licensed s or; drawn to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. 7; signature: (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) 11119/1598 10. 36 5187454437 DEPT OF COMM DEVEt PAGE 01 2 14on XNERGY COD11 COR[PLIANC$ AP 'LICATIObi TOWNC)F QtJEENSBURY; WARREN COUNTY 90D4 HEAT riYG DFGR.EE DAYS com 1 ' arf a Methods; PART 5 - Acceptable Praa'tice Method - 1 & 2 Fasn3ly Dwellings ( only ) .PART S * - Therinal Rating - Component Trade offs 1 & 2 Family Dwellings ; Multi -FemilY Dwellings ( 3 stories or less ) PART 4 * - Design by component Perfor-mance Commerclal Buildingsr-H! Rise Residential *Requires submis: sion of work sheets APPLICANT ' S t+TAbIE : PR4�'ERTY LOCATION : —Lamplighter Homes Inc_ , 138 . Quaker Rd , Lot # 2 PART 5 M4XT OD of G C33 83C ACCEs�'L'A13 PRACTICE : Gross Floor Area - 1369 square feet 2 . 'Type of Heart - Electric Oil _�,}� Gas Other 3 . Is building mechanleally cooled ? Yes X ram_ No 4 . Percentage of area of Windows and doors over 17S X_ Under 27 $ 5 . R-VALUES P(7R =1+ISL3LA'1"I4N GIVEN BELOW 11USr CORRESPOND TO R-VALuES AS SHOWN ON PLANS SUBMITTED : a _ Roof b _ Exterior walls R 38 C _ Glazed areas R -J9 d . Exterlor doors R AL9__ e _ Floors over unheated spaces f . Edge of slab oa grade ( heated building ) R -�'- 9 . €sas �xzer. t Icel lar vralis ( above grade ) R --A -- h • Da :� erent ." cellar walls ( bejow grade ) Yeatiau/cool ing ducts -piPirt?' ir. i:nhea* ecl space g - fe- - 5 , Service ( dl mestic ) hOt Hater heat- ing device �- ozformrns to m1nwmilm effic .: ency per code Yes No n / a TEMaERATiJ , C.^P72`RCrL ;4A.XIMUM SETTING; 140 * WILL NOT 13E EXCEE]?ED s Siczlatu.re gate hn �T 1y� November I9 , 1998 P 5P9 ) 'Vi3_-ef392 INSPE ? £?iR " S REIVI.ARKS : _ _ No. DatcNovombwr 1q . t9gag COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE INC . (Consulting and Fins inspection Services) (Incorporated in the States of MAIN OFFICE: 357 Elwyn Terrace, Manheim, PA 17545 • (717) W4.2347 New Ywk, Maryland, Penneylvarwa, Delaware) 800-732-0043 LOCATION Please give full and4coww directiogn in order to avoid "my (Use back of sheet if needed) Desiring Certification of Approval, application is made for inspection of electrical installation in the premises described below. On demand, applicant agrees to pay For inspection service in accord with schedule of charges. (See Reverse Side). PLEASE PRINT ...LaM DAZE ....1�iA9i'wtlfRblt7C ... 1.9....,..il sq.s C.atltp,� i18hter K1DNItAta r Inca Owner ..........M w......................................................... ....................... Type Bldg. C] DWG Qtii M000JL homes Occupant.......................................................................................... ............. ....... .... ............ ................ Bldg. Penlfit Ncs_ ..... . .:.. : Job Location .13 8... S .A.a 4�?c u. R!� ................. ........_.. Cit ..Qta1C.Alflslb�ti r Mar ]C4Ef3 Y y..................................... State...NY................... County ................................ Tw ........ Swimming Pool — New C] Old ❑ RL3 ,)42 . At . 9 fit . 8dwardr 12828 Owner's Address ...................................................................................... ... ....................................... Pcrasl Permit Nu. .............. ..... Directions to Job Site .I^ltlR�il.>�' R : 4...,i�...G1at+Idltls►,p[�d...AXrae.�...--.n. ....�,�...8,�,r�ts....P+etge Application Far Rough Wiring ❑ Fixtures ,Q„� or ............... . Work — New Additional ❑ Bldg. I.— New f Old LQ Ready for inspection ....I............. Fee Remitted ........................... .................... Check ❑ Cash Q Make Payable To C.E.i.S., Inc. LIST ALL EQUIPMENT AND WIRING NUMBER OF ROUGH NUMBER OF ELEC HEAT- AIR CONDITIONER : I ERS-DRYE ;is I .EATE RS-RANGES, ETC. WIRING OUTLETS FIXTU JES NUIPABERI TYPE DF DEVICE H.P OR K W. NunnBE TYPE OF DEVICE H-P. OR K.ri. SWITCHES (MERCURY LFGHTING SODIUM RECEPT . FLUORESCENT ELEC. HEAT QUARTZ MOTORS! H.P. 1/20 /12 1/lO MARK NUMBER 1/A 1/6 1/4 1/3 112 3/4 1 1-1/ 2 3 5 1111 10 15 2O 25 -ao 40 50 75� 100 OF EACH 512E - - --� OTHER EQUIPMENT APvucANr^a �1 E %AMC PHONE #a PERMIT• APPucANr�s. PHONE NA41LETOF Orl'Y STATE 21P OOOE OFFIII TO BE NOTIF En ROUGH WIRING SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF INSPECTORS ONLY OUTLETS AMP SERVICE PUMP EQUIPMENT SWITCHES HEAT PUMP OVEN RECEPTACLES SURFACE MEDIUM BASE U FT DISPOSAL UNIT FIXTURES RANGE MOGUL BASE WATER FIXTURES H ATER DRYER FLUORESCENT AIR FIXTURES CONDITIONER AMP . RECEPTACLES MERCURY VAPOR OR WIRING & CONTROLS FOR FRAC, H.P, OUART2FfXTURES BURNER VENT FANS MOTORS: H,P, 1/201/'12 1/30 1/8 1J6 1{4 1J3 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/ 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 MARK NUMBER OF EACH SIZE APPARATUS MISC. INFO. DATE INSPEC. I 01Rl x,QI`Vz?.L_.",�` NOTIFIED POR-1 IS z FEE PAID electrical Ira ee<:s CON— PI BOX ;rat, TED TRACTOR TOTAL S 4 �-IAU•LJE NY 12(3?^ CERTIFICATE ISSUED OWNER CHECK NO. (51$) 543-6724 C7 R.W. ❑ DUP ❑ FINAL ❑ SERV. OCCUPANT CHARGE °I-SDO-562-9934 PROGRESS ❑ AGENT CASH DEFECTIVE ❑ FTEco. H.O. TEMP CARD a DATE :. INSPECTOR FINAL CARD #t SPAN27 Rev.. IN4 APPLICATION EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE. WHITE/Olfice CANARY/Customer PINK/Inspec or 001,D/Officer CprVIMERCIAL IrWAL INSPECTION ItEPORT Date inspection' request received: Building & Code Enforcement — 01fice No, (518) 761-8256 Dept Development of Community P Arrive Pm_-~ Depar arnIlM -fawn of Queensbury Inspector's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 � / / / P'ERMTT # NA NW Lrr'� /1 f1 E'� DATE L.00ATiON TYPE OF STIIUC"TURE S NIA YES NC) CO Glanriney! s„ yeent(Direct vent loratien Phunbing Vail Roof Complete _ Exterior finish grade co®rplde ha riorlcxtcrior guardrails 42 in. platforraldc*s dr lsrterior,exteriar ballasters 4 in. spacingplatforrnldedcs Stair handrail 34 in- - 38 in- StieP risers 7 5a in. — ..lain door 44 All others 36 in.� Lower handles Fxi1-s at grade or platform „•apy to cover req- exit doors l s in. above Gas valve shut-off exposed 8& regulator ( ) Floor bauhroorn wateAigftt­� ---- — Other floors okay__----- �-- li t. water relief valve Boiler/furnace enclosure r250,000 BTU NIR 250,000 BTU to 1 ,000,000 B'M*5 (1 hour) >1,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) Gas furnace shut ofwhitin 0 to r Withi area rnacen line of site oil ftumace shut off at 1Mirai1 k �. hour door prom enclosure( roam (2 hour), StoragPJreceivrng,+ahrp�sm g I 4 hour doors and close" a . hour corridor doors and closers ele Firevvallslfire separation, 2 hour, 3 hour Fire darrgxrs, 2 hour fire wal"cliaration Foe door/shu tiers 1 L/i hour, 3 hour --- Ceiling fire stopping 3100015,000 sq. —.-- Fan shutdown, smoke ve isi or fan Exit dooripanic bars asn!¢i are Han dditcoarp siged bat lroobn gotbarrJ sJnksAailets ' Handicapped ba"ark.ing lot signagc Handicapped service counters 34 in_, dtecicout 36 in. I-iandicapped rarnp/handraiis continuous, 12 in. beyond ,XcUve jiAming system and signagee arse ably space-- Final Electrical Sire Pian/variance required--­�----- Final Survey, new structures_ 5s buih septic system layout required - —• Oi av to issue to rip. CIO (CM, of Ckcaupanc'Y)� 1,7 C av to issue permanent GO (C�uf- oft Occupancy) Okay to issue C/C (Cartif. of Conrpliance)v _ CCIMMERCIAL FINAL INSp yunON "POT"" cement Date istc request received: Building & Code Enfor office No. (519) •161-$256 A atxtfptn Depart Dept of Community Development �r,s Initials Town of Queens"Ury 742 Bay Road q 9 Queensbury, NY 12804 PERMET IV NAME DATE /I LOCATION ION f TypE ClF S'IRi3C'ILTRF CD NIA YES NO Chrmneyl"B" Vern location Plumbing Vent / I Roof Conrplcte oOnrplete — E-Eterior fh M grade lnteriorlextojor guardrails 42 in. pisIform/decks lxyusiarJe>Qerior ballaslers 4 in. spacing Platfornddecics Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Step risers 7 3/4 in.^ �.�--- -- - �— %lain door 44 in ASS (Ahers 36 irr.� _J- -- Lever handles —Exits at grade or platform canopy to cover req. exit doers.rlat . (1 S in.) above gra Cps valve shut-off exposed Floor bathroom watertigla_--- Other floors okay � 13ot water relief Boiierlfurna ce a,closure__, < 250.000 BTU NfR_—_----- 250,000 BTU to 11000,000 gTU's ((Iow)how) r 1 ,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) Gas furnace shut olf within 30 fl. or within line of site _ oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace area. enclosure (1 hour). %hour do r—.��---- StorsForeeeiving/shiwinSroom. (2 hour), 1 1/z doors 1 1,2 hour doors and closers��----- a hour corridor doors and closers Ftrewalisl£ire separattorr, 2 hour. 3 hour con•Vl eie Fire daurgsers, 2 hour fire waltlseparatiouu or > �-- Fire doorishuitcm 1 '/x hour, 3 hour � Ceiling fire stopping 3.000l51000 sq. ian shutdown, vnoke vents or fan- ! ±kit door/panic bars assembly hardwsrc—� Uevators..------ E.levator signage grab bars/sinksltoiiets Handicapped bathroatm lot si a1ge Has � -- -- — adlcapped bathiparking €17 _ Handicapped` service counters 34 in., checkout 36 im-Handicapped ped ramp/handrails cartnuicus! 12 in. beyond Active limeningsystrrn and sigpage asseimbly space Final Elccmr cal — Site PlanlVarianae rexluured__—__._.�----- --- Final Survey. new strn cior uire 1 gs-built l septic system _ f Of tlopupancy} Okay to issue temp• C lC► (<= i of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent CIO (CerLif. C}kav to issue ClC (Cer". Of C or"rPlianee)_—� C+DMNLERCIAL FINAL 1NSFECTZON RgFORT Date itlspt m request received: Building Ss Code Enforcement oMce No. (518) 761_8256 andpm Dept, of Community Development A WILL- am/ Depart. In tor's Inrttals `rOWil of Queensl)ury 742 Buy Road queensbary. NY 12804 /''� � NAME ATE LOCATION TYPE OF ST'RUC CONIIviENTS NIA YES NO / Chirrntey/ 13" v � vent •�- Piumbin$ vent i p Roof C MPlete 1e 't Kri "ti'I Ex,ea-ior finish Fade is 42 fir. platforxnlde>rks humor/o derior b aardra acingP �k decks VB }ptErtrxlexierior ballasters 4 irr. sp - /�il��r c Starr handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Sur rises 7 3/. in. 'tiiain door � m. All others 36 nt• j-,ever handles Exits at grade of PIatfamn Canopy to cover real• exit daxs iator (1 S in.) above ip GAS valve shut-off exposed guu & re Flax balhroorn water"& —•—•----- Other doors okay liot water relief valve Boilerifuma BTUcehi/1tey� <250.OD0 250.000 EnV to 1,00020 r) 1l1 g 's (l hour)_�- >1 .00o,0Do BTU's (2 hour) +Csas furnace shut off within 30 ft. or within line of silo Oil fumaoe shut off at entrance to fumaoc area stockroom enclosure (1 hour), '14 hour door Storag.,e'►' ving/shOPtl1groom (2 hour), 1 1/2 1 ,x hour dorms and clos r ' . hour corridor doors 3 hour lete Firewalwfireygvarau'o"' hour, Fire dwWo rs. 2 hour fire walUsVar"aAi°n greater- Fire d000shutters 1 '/2 hour, 3 hours--- Ceiling fire stopping 3,00015.000 sq. ft. Fart shutdown, smoke vents or fan--- - Exit dcoripanic bars assembly hardware Elevators.— Elevator sigpage smksltoilets Handicapped bat mhroo gFaF' bars l landicapped bathlparking jot siEpaaP Handicapped service counters 34 in., dteckout 36 in.�_� Handicapped ramPfh8nm lraijs cordinuousi 12 in.bjy spaced — Active listening systtem and si>}sage Final Electncal site Planlvariartce rewired_---.---� Final Survey, new structures_ --- — ,A&-built septic n'stem jayout required--- -- Okay to issue Usup. C/O (Cerdf of C ) okay to issue permanent 'C/o (Certif. of Occupancy) Okav to issue CIC (Ccatif. ofCcxnPjiance).. REPjOJU office No_ (518) 761-8256 A ve• rA - Insp: ` -- Building & Code Enfoicm«it t>ept. of Community peveiapment Date Inspection Request Received: Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Ci+scemt71Y3'• NY 12804 +✓�/ / PERtvAT NO. NAME ," " '- DATE LOCATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE 4� 3 Clumney Height/"B" '�'entlDirect Vent tion , E+ Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent Through Roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete 30" to 36" Interior/Exterior Railiatgs g in, or more Exterior Handrails, Balconies• Landing Interior Handrails Stairs Both Sides 3 or ore Risers Grade 2% Away From Foundation 8" Clearance To Sill Plate ator 18" A e Grade Gas Valve Shut-Off Exposedittegtlt Gas Furnace Shut-Off within 30 Feet or within of Site Oil Furnace Shut-off at Entrance to Furnace Area s Furnace/Hot 'Water Heater Operating Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom 6 ft. 6 in. Or► Stairs"� gasernent Stairs 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail Exterior Stairs Btho Sides More Ctuut 3 Risers Interior Privacy/TrirnlDoors/Main Entrance 36" Floor Finish gathrooi WKitchen Watertight 1$ or Or Interior Handrails Balconies/i arndvtg Railing Across Window in Stairwells Smoke Detectors; every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom Fans Plumbing Fixtures Foundation Insulation 3/4 Hour Fire Door/Door Closer Garage Firepr00fisi9 Garage Penetrations Sealed Furnace In Separate Room protected (In Garage) Light Ventilation Per Room Safety Glazing Ig" or Less From Floor Final Electrical site Planlvariance Required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System Layout Req. Okay to Issue Tamp Clo `' RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building & 'Code Enforcement Dept, of Community Development Arrive Ia am/pm Depart anVPm Town of Queensbury inspector's Initials ' _ 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 PER # NAME DATE LOCATION TYPE OF STR CTiIRE NIA YES NO CONAa1ENTS Chimney HeightP B" Vent/Direct 'Pent Location Fresh Air Intake ? Plumb 'Vent through roof Roof Cornpkete Exterior Finish Complete InteriorlExterior Railings 30" to 36" l �R vl Exterior Handrails, balconies, landing 18 in or more Ci hxtenor Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more risers — 160 0/ 'en orlj Grade 2% away from foundation &v /'1 +c•c /yam jot- + •o 0'M 04,6r 8" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposediregulator 18" above grade_ Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area /�• •c i/C a Furnace/Hot Water Heater opera Uf„ Relief Valve(s) installed `f] Headroom, 6 ft. 6 in on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than 3 risers Interior privacyltrimldoor dmain entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balcomes/Landing 18 in. or mor Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures. pqpqpqp. Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer (iwrage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation Per room Safety glazing 18" or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plat Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okav to issue CIC (Certif. of Compliance) Okav to issue tcrnp. CI() (Cerbf. of Occupancy) Okav to issue permanent CIO (Certif. of 0ccupanev) RESEDENTI.AL F NAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 7614US6 Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement Dept. of Community Development Arrive;�040 am/pm Depart am/pm Town of Queenshury inspector's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New�Voork 12804 NAME LOCAnON � DATE 1 # TYPE OF STRUCTURE � N/A YES NO CONUVIENT'S Chimney Height/"B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30" to 36" s Q Exterior Handrails, balconies, landing 18in or Interior Handrails stairs both ides 3 or more Grade 2% away from founda on 8" clearance: to sill plate - , f /Vol Ural Valve shut-off exposed/re for " above grade _ Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 f or thin line of Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to area Furnacc/Hot Water Heater Operad- Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom, 6 ft- 6 in. on stairs �a�,raf7 '�►, Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides ore than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doors/main ce 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18" or less horn floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survev Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance:) Okav to issue temp. C/O (Certif of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O (Certif of Occupancy) le, ..................................................... moo Bench Mal-V it '41c 17 (p fro J. r'0> E J M 0 nu men Ccpnf(4 D f ce3 why le- ASSLl H Ii fit4, %e T 'k 6�96 345-81 I I 10 A 1 Ml-.*VmQj&4.. to i x,-- rl- A.OF 1z' -.a.- I cuk-erf inv 53 gs* millillill — — — — J�l ron In con 3 Ll lb i ... . .. .... M.......... I in 0 C-&s? Ay Loadirn 101; ?<? (6bqr Al- 30r-)Vl a,11ding [30r-)l0f) 7EU11ding Er'�M�r-cc drive Mon To ern 0.00 5ecftoe) n -c�1 Orea 38 L4C:)j I : I. r,.5 Ccrcr= 10 ) 0 2--7 ±sjx. P4i,3h,.vcxl Qommcrc,�31 (;4C) Rcm (3(,cVfcd M.icl-cel A Q I to)/ 8* p�yc ft� r-, P i-) cu 4trn I nu ru. a rpr0VM4d levcl+t��5 c1led are r-a nf 50 n. :25*7itldh I %,- p#<. nclil . o m b�. 13. M. ho It va luno ok6,- 1 on Zj (99AA 17 1 o 1. 52 o "Own herd I N A I. G5 -tcc. qe j 1 red CC-, -7 4- .' p -3,fi r; 9 �,d -r 2.- FK3 r K r*115 -5heef tZ P 2 :5 hc:) cArt• I ftum I Whig% If L- . �Zer " . 51 1 1 r, �' I. I ' 19c)l 1. 010. m eo (e. c3r-co38� --0 Itm-, I a p4po. 5 1� rl 75 ZO 50 W -I -A lmnppe n6cr o.3 2c- w t�© Pm raw-fq L-i r)p,, Feund C -Frd -8-3) / p 3) 1 � Charles g ba rktaro . Mc"4 �'�►t1(5-50 /550) L4 nor-Fh P� 10G�5 Te Orii�'vc lgecrx5bc�'rq 5-761313)+'`� Q 5CCA h e3l n VE And Lj OLjnveq C'. pF)e AlSo ;% JAIC r-cur)d f hd'6,3 �� F) ow ok v2 op nc�f'rldlp-rd wn n. T- — -\N\.0 j I Ul 1�11 T6wn n e in X5 en Lc)cofl(!*) Ma 5bfe �r1-Q Of 0 r- Con,P- IA111 — le: 23Ckk{oEe--10!6 "I 'H I Mrr) -Avenue ny