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Office Use Only } PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE v ' "-` Permit#: (2(.— 00`Jb • '2©2� ":��' J PERMIT APPLICATION �—Q-�_ ,' Permit Fee: $ 9 I .65 it t918. (O�j Town of ucensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 *Rec Fee: $ ISO P: 518-761-8256 www.queensburynet Invoice#: Flood Zone? Y Reviewed By: MS 601 C[J Ckevis\g'if- Project Location:" / I Tax Map #: G "—I )-\•1 Subdivision Name: *TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 385-2020:$1000 recreation fee for new dwelling units:single family,duplexes/two-family, multiplefamily, apartments,condominiums, townhouses,and/or manufactu : lar homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). (� p v ED PROJECT INFORMATION: FEB ' 5 202 I Residential Commercial, Proposed Use: TO BUILDING 0ODES RY Single-family: _Two Family _Multi-Family(#of units:_) 1. V Custom 2. _Modular(REQUIRED: NYS stamped engineered drawings of foundation plans) I/ _Townhouse Garage (#of cars_) _ Business Office Retail _ Hotel/Motel _Industrial Heated Warehouse/Storage Building _Unheated Warehouse/Storage Building • Amusement Ride _Other(describe: ) MAIN STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1ST floor: 1 0 2S 1ST floor: 2nd floor: 2"d floor: \3rd floor: Total square feet: \ement(habitable space): iregi- \uare feet: --- 14 'I li831 N Packet Revised August 2021 • 4 i ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ I'7 S 67,E7� 2. Proposed use of the building: pN111 r 7 st�p(t Ct 3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: 4. Source of Heat: _Gas Oil Propane Solar Other: l oc3slve e0 )''i"°' (Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimney/Application, one per appliance) 5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES V NO Explain, if yes: 6. Are there any easements on the property? I YES NO ( oLrLci I S\pi-) 7. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acrepge of the parcel? b- 3g b. Is this a corner lot? YES V/ NO c. Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? .J YES _NO J. " Porgy-��'1 c d. What is the water source? _PUBLIC PRIVATE I WELL dae sit)e )(are)) e. What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? SEWER J PRIVATE SEPTIC DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with localzoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a NYSlicensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: • PRINT NAME: -g 6/19/7 SIGNATURE: /ac DATE: -1//a/22 Principle Structure Packet Revised August 2021 1 1 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): c%P cci Mailing Address, C/S/Z: RJl , H6 Cell Phone: (5•5S ) 72.7- 6Sct 7 Land Line: ( Email: J e cse 5a-eve > S fv I. CGi • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contractor Name(s): 0 1ns Coicie�-� _ Contractor Trade: moo-. )c+ o1 Mailing Address,C/S/Z: 356 Podts Cell Phone: _ isle ) 1y6, Land Line: ( ) Email: **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: iln1C011--f .n .!/ieer SoLk:. -s Contact Name(s): Pere tr-e Mailing Address, C/S/Z: I 09, Avire dLlysd— 0,,eens5vr Cell Phone: (5i5) ) 23L- 6017 Land Line: ( ) Email: pd-e nkeyP IeSr cdr� Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Sesse SikvO15t) .Cell Phone: (S ) 72'- GS61") Land Line: ( ) Email: tSS S4-everuen "03- Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL LEI'Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( Email: **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Engineer(s): Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: _( Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( Email: Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: SSL" Seven_Sci SIGNATURE: DATE: 1/1olZ�- Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 NATURAL LIGHT,VENTILATION&EMERGENCY EGRESS CALCULATION SHEET (please complete if details are not provided on plans) Project Location: 1 O' V3 16,�ee4st�f/ Primary Owner (s): SAS S�L4I1 J Habitable Sq. Ft. Required Actual Required Actual Sq. ft. Rooms of Light Light Ventilation Ventilation opening Room (8% of rm.) (sq. ft.) (4% of room) (sq. ft.) for Egress (..410)Arovi Jig) 36 ("1' ii ig . t-t,--v 32 _._._.___ Kt-cute-A (40-D�-4( 6,8 5--cV (3 ZF 7 /1, 1i7..;, 64-z-tf- ( 6 a :5-.. o 8 2, 5-- i ____-. ofkLit lit 8co 15, z- if, a 5 c‘ ..„..______ Aluipvi 45 ti, 6 /5‘, - 6-', g (31 . 5: 7? (44u.viit+ 27q Z2-- /IL it C[ 2/, 3 _______— Eoz 01 c16 zj 5. 3 [ i 6: 7 () gelo q i e z5 ti 11 5) 22 nif i 6 & :2 7 5 2 ,_ 6 3, 6 , , Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 E WINDOW SCHEDULE CALCULATION SHEET (please complete if details are not provided on plans) Project Location: - 0,1 ga Ovefis6ty Primary Owner (s): )PSSe evP/!_cc,,\ Habitable j J Rooms i/iy. 0 (.4 0-7 4 Window#/letter �� F On Plan 0 o 6' Manufacturer w — c ^- Name eeLP4 t Model/Type � tE' 0v i< << r t 1() VC �=t za0 Fi o t m 6 l-f v — T tO '1 :mac, Unit/Block# Vth,0 - ` 2Cell Size 'toil vi tl i 1j65b, 3z 5Z `f to s (066 Rough Opening J cr L( u Width p gC� 56 �� Y.1 Sq. Ft. Vent0 -1-b Z, i 0. d Sq. Ft. Egress/ Clear Opening 0 `7 Z , Z 5 Z (/ Clear Opening- t.,1 iv• r-..r 4, �,35 (J) Clear Opening- ri: ' a I � 6 Special Hardware .� �u� fpd--(43 �� or instructions ` '� .pooty '( 5 U-Value � /AI j�f `� ' L Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 Town of Queensbury : ', David Duell Highway Superintendent Highwayj�b.>> 518-761-8212 Department , Mark Benware 742 Bay Road —Queensbury, NY '' � , '' Deputy Highway Superintendent 12801 518-761-8210 Phone: (518) 761-8211 Fax: (518) 745-4466 DRIVEWAY PERMIT DATE: 2/I 1 / Z02-2 APPLICANT NAME: T.z -S607)So1 TELEPHONE NO.: 32cs 72-7 - 6. c/ 9 ADDRESS TO BE INSPECTED: Qay 6F4V ®9-1 �v3t't'k RETURN ADDRESS: 792 f w (J t 13{N- rA9 tot k, Lt,zee4(' 1 (2 tsKG Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary Approval NEED: ( ) Slight swale ( ) Deep swale ( ) Level with the road ( ) Level with the top of the paved wing Size culvert pipe to be used (if necessary) ( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( ) 24„ ( ) 36„ Preliminary inspection completed by: Date: Approval by Highway Supt: (or) Deputy Supt: Upon completion, please resubmit this approved permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected Date: David Duell, Highway Superintendent Mark Benware, Deputy Highway Superintendent Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 Office Use Only Permit#: D Town ofQucensbury Permit Fee:$ - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 P: 518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE & CHIMNEY APPLICATION **ONE APPLICATION PER APPLIANCE** Project Location: 1M4,QaY ej) vztnS1,ti Tax Map ID#: 1 J''1. Room of Install: I;U:v5 ro/1 Planned Install Date: 2D�3 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION: TYPE OF DEVICE: ✓Stove Fireplace Insert _ Fireplace Fuel Fired Equipment (Garage Only, 18" clearance per IMC 304.3) Fireplace,factory built** (**Manufacturer's name: Uel (Snaws/11 Model #: SOURCE OF HEAT: J Wood _Coal Pellet Gas CHIMNEY INFORMATION: Masonry (require plans to be submitted): block brick stone Flue: _tile _steel _size, in inches Material*: / double-wall triple-wall insulated (*Manufacturer's name: uh Model #: Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL 4Check if all work will be performedproperty by p p ert y owner only • Installer/Builder: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( Email: Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( Email: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two (2) inspections are required. A rough-in inspection, prior to installation and a final inspection, after installation. 2. Manufacturer's installation manual must be available at the time of inspection. 3. Masonry fireplaces & chimneys require plans to be submitted. 4. Twenty-four(24) hour notification is required for inspections. 5. Workers' Comp insurance information is required with this application. Declaration: Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention & Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow the inspector to enter the premises to perform the required inspections. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: -3PSS f S��VM v� SIGNATURE: DATE: Z(�`� ( �Z Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 Office Use Only Permit#: 26--Ob ( • 20 2.2 Trim ofQuccnsburv. I Permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.queensburv.net Invoice#: Flood Zone? Y Reviewed By:(lfl( SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Project Location: I ILWA `>ay K)1 Q 12vrl Tax Map #: RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder es No 1980 or older 150 Installed? (circle one) 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes 8 Installed? (circle one) 1992-Present 110 3 no 330 PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography / Flat Rolling Steep Slope a417 %Slope Soil Nature ✓ Sand Loam Clay _Other, explain: Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/Impervious At what depth? material Domestic Water Supply _Municipal f Well _Lake 4,4.�� (if well or lake, water supply from any septic system absorption is to°' ft.) Percolation Test Rate: 6-c per minute per inch (test to be completed by a licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM INFORMATION: Tank size S gallons (min. size 1,000 gallons, add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field w/#2 stone Total length 3cx. ft.; Each Trench CO ft. Seepage Pit w/#3 stone How many: ; Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ;tank size ; #of tanks NOTES: 1. Alarm system and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency; 2. We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions. 3. As- built drawings must be submitted prior to the inspection, if there has been a change to the submitted plans. Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 i f � , � r i CONITACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL . , Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: Contact Name(s): &S C-? 31 u-en J01 Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line: _( ) Email: **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Engineer(s): Name(s): I e ix Sc-., [te Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: _(Si ' ) ?,S Z OL 7 Land Line: _( ) Email: 10444 Sw,kt y 0 le Spe., (c)/31 Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: �esS.P SCv-rri5 .-? SIGNATURE: tr.444 DATE: ( (cf(2v22' Principle Structure Packet Revised January 2021 s v LiGenerated by REScheck-Web Software Compliance Certificate Project Stevenson Home Energy Code: 2018 IECC { Location: Warren County, New York FILE Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 135 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 1,725 ft2 Glazing Area 16% Climate Zone: 6 (8499 HDD) REVIEWED FOR Permit Date: ENERGY CI�DE Permit Number: CO MPt IANc+ C Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 1485 Bay Rd Jesse Stevenson Pete Sankey Queensbury, NY 12804 585.727.6597 Infinite Engineering Solutions jessestevenson5@gmail.com 18 Amethyst Dr Queensbury, NY 12804 5182326017 PeteSankey@iespc.com Compliance: Passes using UA trade-off Compliance: 2.6%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 305 Your UA: 297 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house Is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no longer considered in the UA or performance compliance path in REScheck. Each slab-on-grade assembly in the specified climate zone must meet the minimum energy code insulation R-value and depth requirements. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Assembly or R-Value R-Value. U-Factor U-Factor UA UA Perimeter Ceiling: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 900 38.0 38.0 0.014 0.026 13 23 Wall:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 2,400 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.045 115 91 Orientation: Unspecified Door: Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 35 0.290 0.300 10 10 Orientation: Unspecified Window:Vinyl Frame 340 0.290 0.300 99 102 Orientation: Unspecified Floor:Slab-On-Grade(Heated) 28 21.0 1.350 0.645 0 0 Insulation depth:4.0' Basement Wall:Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Unspecified Wall height: 9.0' 1,100 0.0 21.0 0.035 0.050 38 55 Depth below grade:8.0' Insulation depth: 9.0' Window 1:Vinyl Frame 8 0.290 0.300 2 2 Orientation: Unspecified Project Title: Stevenson Home Report date: 04/15/22 Data filename: Page 1 of 2 1 Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Req. Prop. Req. Assembly or R-Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor UA UA Perimeter Basement Wall 2:Solid Concrete or Masonry Orientation: Right side Wall height: 9.0' 225 0.0 21.0 0.044 0.050 8 9 Depth below grade: 0.0' Insulation depth: 9.0' Door: Glass Door(over 50%glazing) 36 0.290 0.300 10 11 Orientation: Right side Window:Vinyl Frame 8 0.290 0.300 2 2 Orientation: Right side Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Stevenson Home Report date: 04/15/22 Data filename: Page 2 of 2 Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/NA (1 of 2) ( 6 Two (2)full sets of plans (k.Q/S Over 1,500 sq. ft. requires engineering stamp Design loads on plans: 115 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf (North of Rte. 149 60) 50 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas &Attics 30 psf Calculations Decks 40 psf Wind design for lake front properties k,,�/ Window schedule with glass size & main doors/Air leakage< .5 cfm for doors, < .3 cfm for U" windows/Tempered glass in bathrooms (17(/g Door schedule/Main entrance 36" door `1<- -5' Emergency Escape or Bedrooms & Habitable Space c -ef Above-grade: 5.7 sq.ft. cr ' Grade: 5.0 sq. ft. � � 24" (h) x 20" (w) minimum n "U�' 44" maximum height above door rt,,j Window control devices 24" or less 2nd story or 72" above grade S Egress window from basement 5.0 sq.ft. �c 3 Floor system sizing per table 502.3.1 Resiagatial check ERI or Prescriptive method (JAL- Driveway length: 300' or more-12' width required/500' or more,turnaround required q ' g Foundation drainage on plans, if required 4. - 35 6" drop in 10' exterior grade Framing cross section for each roof line, vertical fire stopping every 10' where required/joist spans pg. 127 "Q- Ice & snow shield-24"from exterior wall C e.8 Platforms at exterior doors - . (.-tf Stairway headroom 6'8"; all stairs 36" width e Stair run and rise /i/ Winder run and rise 7 Nj fr Spiral stairs meet requirements Smoke detectors—battery backup & proper location, interconnected v S' Bathroom fixtures—proper clearance '-e> Hall width-36" width Handrails more than four risers on open sides Railing &guards >30"/basement stairs included/closed risers more than 4" in height -Safety glazing notes for required areas N/ Garage fire separation:1/2" gable end/5/8" under living space&A" on walls/20 min. door and closer it/A Garage floor sloped n//A, Attic access: gasket seal & R-value equal to roof insulation Roof over 30"-22" x 30"/Crawl spaces 18" x 24" access Continued on back--) --) Residential Plan Review Revised October 2021 t 4 TOWN OF (��+LIEENSBLIRY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 Septic System Checklist tr-5- Plan to scale CIAReceived Deep hole perc test results from engineer/Architect if applicable(Town Approved Engineers and Architects;� June 30 to April 15 Town Engineer for unapproved Engineers and Architects) 4� "All wells on property and adjacent properties shown W . Water line shown Municipal or we...„..1110'separation to any part of system 1 CS' Setback to property lines show 10'or more for any part of system I 'l, eptic tank and pump stations 10'from foundation 50'from any well/lake/wetland 10' from any waterline ASeptic tank to foundation crawl space/slab on grade,grade in crawl space must be above top of septic tank for 0',Separation required (field verification required) sisbCg Septic tank sized for number of bedrooms and add 250 gals for Jacuzzi tubs/garbage grinder each 1 C1eech Field 20'from foundation 100'from any well 10'from water line 1•1/4 Seepage pit 150'from well 50'from septic tank /ASeePage Pits 3-times diameter apart q-C Septic tank and pump stations over 30 gallons 50'from watercourse or wetland —v 7'."6-15istance from bottom of trench or s stem 24"to bedrock or mottling 36"within 1000' of Lake George j '.eech field 100' from watercourse or wetland oe of mound or bottom of retaining wall 10'from property line 100'from well 20'from Foundation Provide Engineer/Architect stamp f (0 Department of Health Approval for all mobile home park new systems Flood Plain requirements 1•1° 2' above established flood elevation to bottom of system L All tanks anchored or 2' above flood elevation ! V 6 t / i`fa-D 1 7._Aoi, ei Revised 4/15/2021 S and J manual calculations J manual load calculation: 5 residents: 500 BTU � 1 22 windows: 22,000 BTU �I I 10 doors: . 10,000 BTU Basement S/F 1025 X 9 ft ceilings: 9225 BTU 1st floors S/F1025X 9 ft ceilings 9225 BTU 2nd floor 800 S/F X 9 ft ceilings 6,400 BTU Load total: 57,350 BTUs 57,350/12,000= 4.8 tons Furnace: Miami Heat Pump (Water to water) Serial Number: HPHWW060 63,000 BTU (Will also have wood stove) S manual See attached cooling load literature Miami Heat Pump HPX036VLFT 36,500 BTU Miami Heat Pump 20233 N.E. 15th Court Miami FI,33179 Toll Free:866-407-8535-Fax(866)406-6603 Website:www.miamihp.com-Email:customerservice@miamihp.com UNIT SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET UNIT MODEL HPX 036V - SS Water Source Heat Pump Ak Q EnergyStar#1105381 AHRI Certified Reference#4547871 /"��!r ,CERTIFIED (o www,ahrhiirke11 yo FEATURE INFORMATION ENERGY STAR` CABINET- Stainless Steel,Insulated Evaporator Section,Access Panels DRAIN PAN- Stainless Steel, Insulated. SAFETY- High/Low Press.Switches,Condensate Over-Flow Switch,Overload Protection Anti Short Cycle Relay/s,Lock-out Relay/s BLOWER/S- Centrifugal Galvanized Wheel/s,X13 ECM Motor REF.CIRCUITS- Thernal Expansion Valve 1 circuit gria. zERTEk COND.COIL- Coaxial-Cupronickel Haet Exchanger_&Steel Jacket, EVAP.COIL- Copper Tubes,Aluminum Fins REFRIGERANT- R-410A Ci US UNIT PERFORMANCE EVAP COOLING CAPACITY-BTU/HR WLHP 36,000 GWHP 40,000 GLHP 36,500 HEATINGHR(HEAT PUMP MODE) WLHP 40,000 GWHP 32,000 GLHP 26,000 FACE VELOCITY-FPM 332 COIL ENTERING AIR TEMP.DB/WB-°F 80.6° / 66.2° BLOWER/S AIR VOLUME-CFM 1200 ESP-IN H2O 0.65 BLOWER SIZE&QTY 10"x7" / '1 FAN MOTOR-HP&QTY 3/4 / 1 FLA(EA)= 6.0 A CONDENSER/S WATER FLOW-GPM 9.0 ENTERING WATER TEMP.°F WLHP 86.0° GWHP 59.0° GLHP 77.0° WATER PRESS.DROP-FT H2O 11.7 COMPRESSOR NO.OF CIRCUIT/CAPACITY STEPS 1 / 1 TYPE&QTY Scroll / 1 RLA(EA)= 16.7 A LRA(EA)= 79.0 A GENERAL VOLTAGE RATING/PHASE/HERTZ 230/1/60 • E.E.R. WLHP 16.0 GWHP 23.5 GLHP 17.9 C.O.P(HEAT-PUMP ONLY) WLHP 4.8 GWHP 4.2 GLHP 3.6 MIN AMP./MAX FUSE-AMPS. 27 / 40 DIMENSION W"X L"X H" 21.5"X 21.5"X 39" WEIGHT-NET-LBS. 220 WATER CONNECTION SIZE 3/4 DRAIN CONNECTION SIZE 3/4 NOTES: 1.UNIT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 2.UNIT IF AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS AND VOLTAGE RATINGS _ . HIAlkit HEAT ptilkip Saving the environment for future generations WATER COOLED CHILLERS & LOW TEMP BOILERS HPHWW060 SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET WATER COOLED REVERSE CYCLE CHILLERS Email:info@miamihp.com I Toll:(866)407-8535 I Fax:(866)406-6603 R410A REFRIGERANT CHILLER PERFORMANCE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Based on 10.5 GPM load and 13.2 GPM source fluid flow. Min Max Leaving Entering Total Total Power Heat Electrical Elect. Compressor Circuit Fuse Load Source Capacity Capacity Input EER Rejection Characteristics Symbol RLA LRA Ampacity Size Fluid(°F) Fluid(°F) (Tons)' (MBtuH) (kW) (MBtuH) 208/230/1/60 A 26.4 134.0 33.0 50 75° 4.3 51.92 3.51 14.92 63.91 208/230/3/60 C -_ 16.0 110.0 20.0 _ _35 80° 4.2 50.85 3.73 13.77 63.58 460/3/60 D 7.8 52.0 9.8 15 40° 85° 4.1 49.72 3.96 12.70 63.22 575/3/60 E 5.7 38.9 7.1 15 90° 4.0 48.55 4.23 11.71 62.85 95° 3.9. 47.32 4.48 10.76 62.47 FLUID FLOW&PRESSURE DROP 75° 4.4 53.73 3.55 15.42 65.73 Chilled Fluid Side(@ 55°F) Cond.Fluid Side(@ 85°F) 80° 4.3 52.62 3.78 14.24 65.35 Flow(GPM) AP(FOH) Flow(GPM) AP(FOH) 42° 85° 4.2 51.45 4.00 13.13 64.95 8 4.0 8 3.5 90° 4.1 50.23 4.19 12.10 64.54 10 6.0 10 5.2 • 95° 4.0 48.95 4.44 11.13 64.11 �7�� 12 • 8.3 12 7.2 ' 75° 4.5 54.65 3.51 15.69 66.65 6-30'9° !% - 14 11.0 14 9.6 80° 4.4 53.52 3.74 14.47 66.26 t 16 14.0 16 12.2 44° 85° 4.3 52.33 3.96 13.35 65.83 90° 4.2 51.09 4.19 12.30 65.40 HEATING PERFORMANCE 95° 4.1 49.79 4.44 11.31 64.95 Based on 10.5 GPM load and 13.2 GPM source fluid flow. 75° 4.7 55.58 3.51 15.95 67.59 Leaving Entering Heating Power Heat 80° 4.7 54.43 3.74 14.72 67.18 Load Source Capacity Input COP Absorb. 45° 85° 4.4 53.22 3.96 13.57 66.73 Fluid(°F) Fluid(°F) (MBtuH) (kW) (MBtuH) 90° 4.3 51.95 4.19 12.58 66.27 35° 53.07 4.22 3.72 38.65 95° 4.2 50.63 4.44 11.49 65.81 40° 56.37 4.20 3.97 42.03 75° 4.9 57.49 3.52 16.48 69.50 1000 (---50° 63.46J 4.15 4.52 49.28 80° 4.7 56.29 3.74 15.21 69.03 60° 71.32 4.10 5.14 57.32 46° 85° 4.6 55.03 3.96 14.03 68.55 70° 80.06 4.05 5.85 66.24 90° 4.4 53.72 4.20 12.92 68.04 350 52.97 4.75 3.30 36.79 95° 4.3 52.35 4.45 11.88 67.54 40° 56.16 4.72 3.52 40.05 75° 4.9 58.46 3.52 16.76 70.48 110° 50° 62.97 4.68 3.99 47.03 80° 4.8 57.24 3.74 15.46 69.98 60° 70.52 4.63 4.51 54.75 48° 85° 4.7 55.95 3.96 14.26 69.48 70° 78.91 4.57 5.11 63.33 90° 4.6 54.62 4.20 13.13 68.95 350 52.93 5.33 2.94 34.72 95° 4.4 53.23 4.45 12.07 68.42 40° 55.99 5.31 3.12 37.85 ' 75° 5.1 60.44 3.52 17.31 72.47 120° 50° 62.53 5.26 3.51 44.56 80° 5.0 59.17 3.74 15.98 71.93 60° 69.74 5.21 3.96 51.95 50° 85° 4.9 57.83 3.97 14.73 71.37 70° 77.75 5.15 4.46 60.16 90° 4.8 56.45 4.20 13.56 70.80 35° 53.01 6.02 2.61 32.46 95° 4.6 55.01 4.45 12.46 70.22 40° 55.93 6.00 2.76 35.46 As a result of continuing research&development,specifications are subject to change without notice. 125° 50° 62.17 5.95 3.09 41.86 UNIT WEIGHT(Ibs) DIMENSION(inches) 60° 69.03 5.90 3.46 48.92 Unit Weight Shipping Weight Length Width Height 70° 76.65 5.84 3.89 56.74 275 295 26 24 27 Please contact factory for up-to-date values.For more info visit www.dualairhp.com Units are complete packages featuring 1 stage operation and containing refrigeration compressor,reversing valve,expansion valve,metering device and water to refrigerant heat exchangers. Also included are safety controls:overload protection for compressor,high and low pressure switches and lock-out control circuit. Rev.001 1/24/23, 11:58 AM _ HVAC Load Calculator CALL US AT(800)243- BECOME A DEALER GET A QUOTE PROMOTIONS REBATES FINANCING 0340 TRACK ORDER CONTACT US Search... o Close Login Cart rl V/-‘‘... LOaCi 16.dIGUldt01- . , • , = 4116riP . ..., 1 •,., _ 1. i } 114 .\., (i . f .." .-- • -------",.. '-_________, - - .. ,.. . . . par- - ---',,,,,, ' , -,--,4-,''' .'---' -,?;121 ......,.......1.--..--,,,--,•-7,,,, _,,. ..,..7.t - „ r --‘;‘..,-L r!rr-,-.:, -7 '..,;,.... ' L. 7;:,1,c... II .Region #1 F.. Region #2 Ill Region #4 ,......,.., F--- Region #3 III Region #5 L_ Recommended_Equipment-Capacity_ . ,__ „..,_.... ....--- --- ,„----7-- 36 000 BTu(N......_. il I Calculated Cooling Load:41,200 BTU • , ' — • - - ' - ------1.•- 4.6****7i- .tS Goole It up I , Customer Reviews 1/5 https://www.highseer.com/pages/hvac-Ioad-calculator 1/24/23, 11:58 AM HVAC Load Calculator - *This calculator is meant to be used only as a general guide. Read Disclaimer Climate Region Region#5- Blue L � Space Area (sqft) 1700 Space Height(ft) r ~ . 9 Insulation Grade Extremely Well Insulated v J Sun Exposure. Shaded or Interior Amount of Windows More Windows than Average Windows & Doors Air Tightness Double pane,Well sealed Is this a Glass Sunroom? No - v How many occupants? • 1 5 Is there a kitchen? • Yes v Extra device heat wattage (W) 0 1 t._ https://www.highseer.com/pages/hvac-load-calculator 2/5 1/24/23, 11:48 AM What Size Air Conditioner do I Need?Free AC Tonnage Sizing Calculator — - 1 -43JJ12J The sizing chart below is useful to help you determine your approximate central air conditioner size requirements. ' If you still need help, don't worry! Chat with or call one of our factory trained advisors to help get you the answers you need. 1-855-634-5588 As an alternative to the sizing chart below we offer MANUAL J - a - professional load calculation based on you.r floor plan, location, and all variables. Please follow the link below for pricing. The turnaround for this service is 1-2 days. MANUALJ Residential Load Calculation AIR CONDITIONING SQUARE FOOTAGE RANGE BY CLIMATE ZONE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 1.5 600 = 900 sf 600 - 950 sf 600 - 1000 sf 700 - 1050 sf 700 - 1100 sf Tons 2 Tons 901 - 1200 sf 951 •- 1250 sf 1001 - 1300 1051 - 1350 1101 - 1400 sf sf sf 2.5 1201 - 1500 1251 - 1550 1301 - 1600 1351 - 1600 1401 - 1650 Tons sf sf sf sf sf 3 Ton 1501 - 1800 1501 - 1850 1601 - 1900 1601 - 2000 651 - 2100 sf • sf sf sf sf https://www.acdirect.com/ac-package-unit-learning-center-ac-sizing-calculator 3/7 265.-1-21.2 RC-0056-2022 155 .enson 7esse MAX �, Ste e Rd I EAT RECOVERY VE NTI L T°' ^ y ood f 1839 s.f. \. New SFD P V1f W *2019 denotes Energy ar ce nca tones not manufacture date. PERFORMANCE(HVI CERTIFIED) L:IFEN:, E t' IN.' ' (PA') `-!i 0 Z(50) ., 0 3(75) ,1 OA(S00) , 0.5( , I EL•ECTRICAL+SPECIFICAMNS lECEIIVEn I __ J1 CEM(Lls) '1 CFM(tJs') i CFM(Us) I CFM(vs)'` _ t . -___-i1 _., I _I VAG@60Hz • 120 Net Supply Airflow ''159(15)`::;, 148'(10) 140,(66)::; ;:,125(59)a; Watts"/Low Speed :'(,-cfi6'+.-'! FEB 15 2022 .1 g Gro`sSu MOW`, «161,'19 -159 5) 146(69 , 131(62)' 'N' �?, : ;.,.:.-PPIY ,,. l ) ',1 , ( 11'`f, .`•` Watts 118'" TOWN OF OUEENSBURY Gross Exhaust Airflow `112(81)'_' :159:(15)';; :'1331(63) ' .,83(39) 'Amp Rating: `�,_14„-. i;°': - ,., BUILDING&CODES Sensible Effectiveness(ASD "` 180 WEIGHT: -i'°32°F(0'C) 80' ..; @ 59 CFM(28 Us) 71 LBS(32 KG) 160 SerisbleEfficiency(SRE) . ;+_ F C ,':-a' @;64CFM(30:Us): 32"F(0"C)5,:: ,i75%';;:'" SHIPPING WEIGHT: E 140 73 LBS(33 KG) Sensible Efficiency(SRO -' "':::- @.95 CFM(45 Us) .' ,L, 3 12o Sensible.Etbtiency0RO .� o ion 13F.(=---.''` t`'12%0'P. 7 NOTE: 68'GfM(32 Usk•'' "?.,' ,,.,::r'Az,,,,,,,:j • " " Front clearance of 25 in.(635 mm)is 80 recommended for servicing unit All ducts ra e use 6 in.(152mm)round collars.Balancing V11- ISO °�€ 60 dampers are located in all air streams. ' 1 �.,...°_..s CERTIFIED REGISTERED 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 MERV13Upgrade:65-195-6R Static Pressure(in w.g.) This product earned the ENERGY STAR®by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by Natural Resources Canada and the US EPA.It meets ENERGY STAR@ requirements only when used in Canada. DIMENSIONS • DOOR SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW • TOP VIEW INII - fl II 4 111,�� MIA ° Airflow: �� Ill, jCoreStale Air to Outside s �,�/ \ __� ° — ° I 0 Ii Fresh Air from Outside �� I I • CO Stale Air from Inside II a _��, `(i�,)` °1• o:I. • .r ♦ Fresh Air to Inside 1111 � . .13 6 in.(152 mm) -- ` u, Round Collars 33.631n(854mm) I , 14.751n.(315 nm) Recirculating miens Motorized Defrost Damper Impellers • Date: Contractor: WARRANTY Srtta's ca.o a lifetime warranty Tag: Supplier: an the H74'tx care and a 5 year replacement parts Warranty. Project: City: quote#: All units conform to CSAand IRstandards Engineer: Submitted By: al -LIFEBRERTIT Control: Timer. Timer 0ty tea`.,Indoor Air Systems 69-155MAX 2019(0921) www.lifebreath.com 5 MAX 2019* HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR .:I,.k *2019 denotes EnerStar certification not manufacture date. '''''' ',:,, L IFE i. ENGINEERING DATA THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED DEFROST ALUMINUM CORE Recirculating damper defrost system. The counter-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams. . It is easily removed for cleaning or service. CASE Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. MOTORS AND BLOWERS Insulated to prevent exterior condensation.Drain connections2.1/2 in.(12 mm)0D. Each airstream has one centrifugal blower driven by a common PSC motor,with Balancing ports are located on door. multiple fan speed operations. INSTALLER SELECTABLE HIGH SPEED SETTINGS FILTERS Adjustable DIP switches are located on the circuit board,Hi3 is the factory setting. Washable MERV-6 air filters in exhaust and supply airstreams. Refer to the installation manual forthe adjustment instructions. Upgrade to MERV-13 option available. ELECTRONICS MOUNTING The DXPLO2 control included with the unit can be wall mounted in a central location of Four threaded inserts at corners of the cabinet designed to accept the the home.3 wire 20 gauge(mint 100 ft length(maxJ. "S"hooks and hanging straps supplied with the unit. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: i , . Duat'Hood . , . _ ' • Weather Hood TecliGritle rmin - 99-190' '., ' Te ator•, __ - 99-EAG4 Fitting`,, t -99'.194 -.. .-..� ,.- 99-186 r-:.,`• .99-EAGS , .i , ,- .99-187 - mk ;i.;�•,, :99-EAG6 L 14- •99-TMSAy -.d i �•�f - :�, 99-EAGB . �+._..��{. .' •99-TM6' LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TIMER OPTIONS FEATURES 99-DXPL02I99-0CO2199-BC03 99-C04 99-DET01-20/40/60 Minute Timer —� — — -1' 7 Initiates high speed ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.3 wire ;5:speed'fanoperation:on`eachmode•' 't: : ✓ connection. 2 speed fan operation(Low/High) _✓ .` • -= _ ` 1 -•:--. ,, =' .. ' 99-0ET02-20/40/60 Minute Tim er Continu'ouslow''speedfano '''eon- :`,;,-. ✓-: :°`. ,. ✓. ✓- Initiates high speed ventilation for20,40or60minutes.Wirelessly '" ",,:,u, :.£:,, -- .:, :;. connects to main control for ease of installation.40 ft approximate Humidity control through adjustable Dehumid '` ,;',:.a: '; `'.. ' "'-'°, ''"'' ., ` range. istat ";`• . '. ` : ✓ . ;-, -- 99-RX02-Wireless Repeater large,digitalLCDscreen; ="_ `^`i Extends range of 99-DET02 Wireless Timers.Plugs into 120V power LED status indicator lights `""•`✓:'<; ',,,'.✓.•, , ✓ outlet Wirelessly connects to main control and 99-DE[02 Install at •. -- ,_ ' tralfwaypoint between timer and main wall control if timer is out of Continuous Ventiiletiori., ✓.':. , ;:- ✓.;,':. , ;,✓:....' ,..✓',:.. range. Continuous Recirculation* .,'� ,:,r y:` indeboDvuITHAilMAxUtuTs: `1 �20:0NJ400Ff;r" - ✓ - ✓.'. ;✓ .: f -.._�Eaa 1 <:o;;. ;.. WON/SO-OFF/500FF,•.. , ✓ +� fli.•, -I , . 20t)N/40�$eclrculatton '✓'' (� ! -- t.�1 20/40/60min.Highspeedovenidebutton �' ,..• L. _" ' 99-DXPLO2 . d 99-0ET02 99-0ET01 Compatiblewith99-lET02WirelessTinier -✓` ` "`` .✓ �✓• - �°• of ® �/ 3wirecannection .. - '�` `? ? Ll/FE R F T } *Recirculation features not available on fan defrost models. NI. Indoor Air Systems 69-155MAX 2019(0921) www.lifebreath.com • figG7, • • S and J manual calculations J manual load calculation: 5 residents: 500 BTU 22 windows: 22,000 BTU 10 doors: 10,000 BTU • Basement S/F 1025 X 9 ft ceilings: 9225 BTU 1st floors S/F1025X 9 ft ceilings 9225 BTU 2nd floor 800 S/F X 9 ft ceilings 6,400 BTU Load total: 57,350 BTUs 57,350/12,000=4.8 tons Furnace: • Toyotomi D/W Compact Oil/Kerosene fired, On-demand water heating • unit. ,148,000 BTU::155 degree max temperature, This Unit is "Rated for space heating" and is 88% EFFICIENT!!!. Stainless steel heat exchanger. Unit vents via wall or chimney. } . S • • • • • • • • S manual 8:07 *• LTE 41 G 87% ServiceTitan- WA:S W f V • bis I 1 .• p RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY • 48,000-60,000 BTU/4-5 Tons Calculated Cooling Load: 51,100 BTU/4.258 Tons • • Calculate of+-Add tool to your website pr ovides general Explore Toolbox genera! .There are many factors which may impact or falsify the York YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner Cooling capacity: 1:5-5 Tons • • PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY ~C 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY • • 585.727.6597 System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL -:Item Description: Cost Total . Qty. 7/8"XL PEX 250ft 7/8"XL PEX 250ft coil 3 197.50 592.50 7/8".PEX coupling for:slab:.:: :: 7/8"'PEX to 7/8"PEX coupling connection.Quick& 1 9.75 • 9:75 ::'simple-nut ferrule design(No special tools •• required).Includes a 24"strip of 3/4"wide,water. . . : . • resistant rubber;self vulcanizing tape.Protects brass . ' coupling from concrete:. Nylon Ties Nylon Ties(100/pk)Ideal for attaching pex to wire(and 4 4.99 19.96 or)rebar in concrete re-inforcement applications. 3 loop manifold • 3loopmanifold for concrete application using 7/8"`XL` •1: ' 259.00. 259.00 `: PEX -includes supply side ball:valves.Manifold ' ' •. ;..' .• •.,; includes;Pex connections:Quick&'simple-nut&.' ' `: " • -' i -` .':' ferrule design(No special tools required).built in : .. • ' pressure testing components. Wrench Wrench-Combination open and split boxed ends.Ideal 1 0.00 for tightly spaced connections.For use with 7/8" adaptors&couplings.(Free with 7/8"LOOP. MANIFOLD PURCHASE-1 per customer) SUBTOTAL:BASEMENT SLAB 881.21 1/2"PEX 300ft: 1/2"PEX 300ft coil 10 135.00 1,350.00 Pex Stapler:(1/2") : Manually operated Pex stapler for attaching Pex(via)', • , 1 •39.00 ' .39;00,;' • staples.to:a wooden subfloor..ideal for above'floor.•• -, :. application using 1/2 .pex • . Pex Staples(1/2") 1/2"pex staples-Ideal for Suspended 1,360 0.13 176.80 Slab/Sleepers/Ledger method/Above Floor applications over a wooden subfloor.(strips of 20) Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fee.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal Sales Tax(6.0%) Total Page 1 • PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY 585.727.6597 System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL Item Description ••Qty Cost Total PEX Cutter • Handy tool for safe,quick&precise cutting for both 1 13.95 13.95 7/8"&1/2"Pex tubing 4 loop pex 4 loop manifold using 1/2"PEX tubing.Manifold 2 319.00 638.00 includes Pex connections.Quick&simple-nut& ferrule design(No special tools required).supply side ball valves and built in pressure testing components. **WALLMOUNT 2 loop pex 2 loop manifold using 1/2"PEX tubing.Manifold . 1 219.00 219.00 • includes Pex connections.Quick&simple-nut.& . . • ferrule design.(No special tools required).supply side . ball valves and built in pressure testing components. . . **WALLMOUNT , • SUBTOTAL:1ST&2ND FLOOR SUSPENDED 2,436.75 ' . . .. . .. . . .SLAB MATERIALS 4 zone stainless 4 zone manifold for stainless pumps"Supply side"and. 1 879.00 879.00 . "return side"manifolds,pressure tested and sand • blasted.Complete pre-soldered assembly includes misc. . - - fittings,ball valves,check valves,and pre-installed - • - - pump flanges.!Pressure.gauge,pressure relief.valve, • •,':: ' - . supply and return in-line thermometers,and drain • valves also supplied.Mounting hardware included. • low vol.stainless pump Grundfos Low volume stainless pump for Open Potable 4 239.00 956.00 systems. Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fee.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal Sales Tax(6.0%) Total Page 2 , I PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY • . 585.727.6597 System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL • Item" . . . .. . Description QtY .. Cost. • Total • 4 zone control kit 4:Zonecontrolrelay(14/2 wire)&4(mercury free) 1 559.00 559:00..= •• digital•radiant•floor heating thermostat&floor sensor, - • controls ambient and/or floor temperature.18/4 wire for relay connections and 22/2(stranded wire)for • sensor is recommended: Small-municipal kit For Open Systems-for variations in pressure caused by 1 69.00 69:00 municipal water supplies(Includes:Small Expansion tank&tee) other , • Pre-assembled 1"Primary•Loop-Designed"for 1, 998.00 998i00 - - - usn •' . " '"' ' '-`: demand heating nit Comple a assembly include 13/4"„ ' •-, miXing.valve for:dunestic use,pressure relief': • : : : • :' . :• valve,l!'check valve;;isolation valves,4gauges,fittings, ' medium liigh'volume,stainless pump w%bronze flanges. ' -" &1"closely spaced tees,etc:::":.• Toyotomi D/W Compact Oil/Kerosene fired,On-demand water heating 1 2,179.00 ' 2,179.00 unit.148,000 BTU.155 degree max temperature,This - - Unit is"Rated for space heating"and is 88% • . - EFFICIENT!!!.Stainless steel heat exchanger. . . Unit vents via wall or Chimney. - - - Toyotoini Concentric'vent ' _1 Direct vent installation kit forTootobli.Oil fired:units; -I` • 1: :. '389.00' •-: 389.00 • : -"Th wall"de.. � rough the..,. design allows.fresh�air intake&' �'.�• ;:." " . , ••' .'•" .. exhaust=within a single termination. - • . Toyotomi Fuel oil kit Oil tank connection accessories include:1-fusible link 1 187.80 187.80 inline fuel valve,Epoxy coated cartridge assembly with easy spin on filter&1-replacement fuel nozzle& inline . fuel filter for your Toyotomi heating unit. Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fee.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal $9,534.76 . Sales Tax(6.0%) $0.00 Total $9,534.76 Page 3 • • '28/22,1:34 PM. YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioners YORK® • q Find a Deal • Find a Dealer • y n t r. .PSYhi M✓1Fti ^uiYirLp ,*y,+ r-nrR f .�tr�c- F, j1*I=! 3 •< _ "J. • YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner Compact, basic cooling optimized for northern U.S. and Canadian climates. Price Range • $ • Efficiency Range Up to 15 SEER Sound Levels As low as 74 dBA Warranties 10-year compressor, 10-year parts Energy Calculator A Back to Top Get Help/Support ttps://www.york.com/residential-equipment/heating-and-cool ing/split-system-air-conditioners/ycd_ds/ycd-l3-seer-single-stage-air-conditioner#product... 1/9 2/28/22,1:34 PM ..• . YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner[YORK® •• • YCD 13 SEER SINGLE STAGE AIR CONDITIONER• . Overview Find a Dealer Tonnage Range 1.5-5 Tons SEER Range Up to 15 SEER - . . Parts Warranty Code 10-year Parts Limited Warranty* Warranty Other Compressor Warranty: 10-year Compressor Limited Warranty* Position Single-phase and three-phase available Control Options Conventional Owner Resources +gp if�frys!i r /' • .;>.1 .�, '1i:,.. .',.': pp i r"4 ZIT i ry .. :L�l' .Vi ,kJ} n :• `N Jn,Y+.f:F; J•ll. _ . 1 9 J j�y f} {;' tit�",T� 1 • r ! ivg r ,s - - i r 7 -,, rTe t r • rZ" . , k J�r y c j M r.s"+->, f l.a:'C,S-{. ` n d 'R v rev"azti-" t - i.•} q r .� , rf.+ rt to r, Ax� ' s ill h 1 t �.s' '` . rL' Sfi 5 19fy r J . J,� '�r}--.9' ''�' + '_1,1 f t 3 i' � �� ',_' - ,,: iL, f._.�.i ,-. t C�R*;st✓ .sf � `3" ...�f '-�'+ � ?' f,.� r y ,_._ P-:•:•.•_,. !a� ...§. . ' a .yr {'7''iE�^•'� ,1 s:.��- e r C::) Ery,�' �-x e d, u d. --_— �._Ma+--'•-�....: •5� `+�.,x.ymnk r `., xI, f Csya U `f ,t r ? ,-`+.F ,+.,.r. ,j� t,rsJ-x. K r" `�. ti «.1 v: l..._._..'!. j,n.'...,n v+." ', •'''' :+x r t a�' „u A t ; i.r i:'._•.. Repair or Replace? > A Bad:io Top ' ttps://www.york.com/residential-equipment/heating-and-cooling/split-system-air-conditioners/ycd ds/ycd-13-seer-single-stage-air-conditioner#product... 6/9 4/1/22,2:22 PM -5000417143400691939.jpg I certify that the rough sal',n lumber used at 141;5 Bay Rd,Oucenshur;; is fasiera White.Pine,%v-as milled on site. and is grade.number 2 or better. Jesse Stevenson i 3/"291022 I have inspected the rough sawn Lumber produced by Jesse Stevenson at 111S5 13.1v Rd,Ouceusburr.and concur that the lurnh-t r is 41,r.;de number 1 or better SIl . Peter Sanko; P.I .> Infinite Hitt.tinecring Solutions, 1'.C, ..-..,',,t 0 -, .....y *,,J,'.-- d . Sri.. a g 4. .. .-, ._.,._ ,.. ._.� _ _ _.. _...._- — ''-"'era.LE a t g-�_b �_____„. 1,..;___-7 F1'77 —t ".B— -W�i OF C2C�_a1cE6`S` .Y Ilill DING St CODES https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGmvfgJwQTjWNsgbxtPXPXVnwpj?projector=1&messagePartld=0.1 1/1 4/1/22,2:22 PM -5000417143400691939.jpg I certify that the rough sawn lumber used:ti I4 5 Bay Rd, Queens) rury is l asiern White Pine,was milled on site, and is ttratic number 2 or better. i { Jesse Stevenson 3/24122022 I have inspected the rough sawn lumber produced by Jesse Stevenson at 1•48S 13a. Rd,Queensbury,and concur that the lumber is grade,number 2 or better SPF. Peter Sankey, P.E. Infinite Engineering Solutions.P.C. �vr �_ _ __ :_ _ _. - - - - - - _•_ _ -- -- -- . 'ram +(1 .,ra,.y_'" r', _. _. .. ",..`.ems..^`� .1 i -t�.1--�4r. :,:;'e,.v"i:, t • li �' _ sk•, X+_ Ccd ,3.2!$Js':,8? I �� • 0 i\LPL9R L-0---1------111 WI ELL))-1 _ 1TOWN OF OUtEENS,R V https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGmvIgJwQTj W NsgbxtPXPXVnwpj?projector=1&messagePartld=0.1 1/1 • • 3/9/22,7:13 AM . Eastern White.Pine:Grades:.Durgin and Crowell. • • • • • • ^.ram . 'Y• • • GRADES . All of Durgin and Crowell's lumber is graded under NELMA Eastern White Pine.grading standards. www.nelma.org • • • • • GRADES: • C-Select •• • • D/Btr Select • D-Select • Premium • Standard • Industrial • Shop 4'�` ;.{. ' , 4-1-4f '.'t:T 'dr'{ ' .. 1':•, "y{ h4'.'y.V',tl' ' 31t5 .'._ `<a t,.,�iritit' �.5L� _ ,f'}��.i~�: � ;.:-::-.',_•.:',. 5,-"Lti d:'. �•"I ~ ^` :'',' i� Tar M1 '2 #, r '.,T ` t „y ';fir,[� 1 i:. -j;r, - „! 5`.,,,;_ .,` .�'�� P.,�£{�,��{ 3,,'�j�y- it._ �.Nd[N= 1'I`',s.�S`;�.: Y;'� '`�, ',4... n% rVt�e �': , i^'�'+S'.' l 'Kl 1 i41 F�, tii d1i Ti } ,y` .'': rj 1 r 'e {. '14:11'1Q }v'5::1;rj (;�!! ;:€ F-Srt'-_.,`-dds4rI•.M?� _, , :fat.; d.. 3�i'. _ _ ;.-'' ?1 . : ' :` `.tV- d I.,. �. - t . ,i4,, '.c' ,,, Yy€-• :1 :: .'1p - : „ P' :� ';'i.•d: ifi.;ti_- I 4ji'� ,19, ef'`;;tn;1 b „ ,''lly [.� , h E ,:, ",�° zl 1 r=:-I - ��; ., -_ { `'- = ,, , ; ;.: i i.. ,,ik t .,,y « 1, . . - - ,J, ' !;'", I • • • . , . 11 ,} ` 11"[d r _,I w - 5 , :Tk`7#k' 4..1 i ,fz "'' ' ',k ic ;1-:! i:.,.w"11 > j�, : YS.is; r1 L,, �.-yli.. 1i!_,- ti� � 1aI Y=i il. ';�:s�� % {jll-- ^ . .:4A1'., •• •i>.,.,4:1! ...L,-' , , ? 1 '.. i,;t.!;:, .e �1[r�i: {_. ':ii f:�Eiu-�L'y;,l NELMA GRADE: INDUSTRIAL httos://www.durginandcrowell.com/eastem-white-pine-grades/#:—:text=NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade,be'present in any board. 115 •3/9/22,7:13AM' Eastern White Pine:Grades Durgin; and Crowell NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade rules define the limiting characteristics • : (knots,Niles,splits,etc) allowed in each grade (quality level).While the rules describe the poorest piece permitted within a grade,it is unlikely the maxi- mum size or number of these characteristics would be present in any board. Industrial grade is the lowest common board grade. It admits large character- istics in any combination as long as the piece is usable full length.This material is generally used in rough construction where strength and appearance are not of primary importance.This grade allows large characteristics in any com- bination as long as the full length of the board is useable.Sound and unsound knots,shake,checks,pitch, pitch pockets,hit or miss dressing, pith,stain,warp, knot holes,bark and pitch,seams,wane,skip,and worm holes are allowable. Any characteristics which seriously weaken the piece for reasonable handling will not be permitted:The splits in this grade cannot exceed 1/4 the length. Advanced decay is limited to no more than 1/2 the surface area. Refer to the NELMA Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber booklet for com- plete detailed information on all Eastern White Pine lumber grades. tt, h 't`. • t c ot 44! j CI I i I 1.1 it I NELMA GRADE: STANDARD NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade rules define the limiting characteristics (knots,holes,splits,etc.) allowed in each grade(quality level).While the rules describe the poorest piece permitted within a grade,it is unlikely the maxi- https://www.durginandcrowell.com/eastern-white-pine-grades/#:—:text=NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade,be present in any board. 2/5 3/9/22,7:13 AM Eastern White Pine:Grades:Durgin and Crowell mum size or number of these characteristics would be present in any board. Standard grade is highly serviceable and used in a wide variety of applications that take advantage of the full range of Eastern White Pine characteristis. This grade allows for knots of any quality, in sizes ranging from 2 3/8" red knots and 1 3/4" black knots in a 4"board,to 6" red knots and 4" black knots in •a 12"board. Knot holes must be no larger than 1/4 the width to a maximum of 2".Holes smaller than the maximum size are allowed, however,within any 8 linear feet the total combined size of the smaller holes must not exceed the maximum size hole allowed.Checks may be 1/4 the length of the board (not to exceed 3').Shake can be through,up to 1/3 the length of the board. Pockets are large.Splits can be twice the width of the board but cannot exceed 1/6 the length.Edge breaks are allowed. Pitch can be heavy.Allowed stain is heavy. Wane is limited to the back face.Skip is on the reverse face and can be on one edge and is limited to 20%of the pieces.Seams are up to 1/6 the length of the board. Unsound wood is combined from both faces; If advanced decay is at the maximum allowed of 10%(no more than 1%on the best face) no other decay is allowed on the piece.The grade also permits worm holes. Refer to the NELMA Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber booklet for complete de- tailed information on all Eastern White Pine lumber grades. • . ,•'• !!. Q • ' ' t I i , 1 • NELMA GRADE: PREMIUM https://www.durginandcrowell.com/eastem-white-pine-grades/#:—:text=NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade,be present in any board. 3/5 3/9/22,7:13 AM Eastern White Pine:Grades:Durgin and Crowell NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade rules define the limiting characteristics (knots,holes,splits,etc.) allowed in each grade(quality level):While the rules describe the poorest piece permitted within a grade,it is unlikely the maxi- mum size or number of these characteristics would be present in any board. Premium grade is a good appearance knotty grade used in the same applica- tions as Finish where larger and more numerous characteristics are desired. The reverse face of Premium shall permit sound characteristics typical of Standard grade material.This grade allows generally sound and tight knots ranging from 2" red knots and 3/4" black knots on a 4"board to 3 3/4"red knots and 11/2" black knots on a 12"or wider board. Black knots of maximum size are limited to one in pieces 6'through 9'and two in 10'and longer or equivalent smaller.A 12"board allows one knot hole up to 1" in diameter and proportionately smaller knot holes for narrower widths.Checks will be no longer than 10". Pockets are small but well scattered.Shake is light.Splits will not exceed the width of the board.When present,pitch is slightly.more evi- dent in this grade than in the Finish grade. Medium stain (blue or coffee) is per- missible full face.Wane is limited to the back face.Skip on the reverse face or one edge is allowed in not more than 20%of the pieces.Seams are permitted partially surrounding a red knot. Refer to the NELMA Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber booklet for complete detailed information on all Eastern White Pine lumber grades. r I 4 a NELMA GRADE: - D & BETTER SELECT https://www.durginandcrowell.com/eastern-white-pine-grades/#:—:text=NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade,be present in any board. 4/5 3/9/22,7:13 AM 'Eastern White Pine:Grades.:Durgin and Crowell NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade rules define the limiting characteristics (knots,holes,splits,etc.).allowed in each grade(quality level).While the rules describe the poorest piece permitted within a grade,it is unlikely the maxi- mum size or number of these characteristics would be present in any board.D &Better Select is a combination of the top two Eastern White Pine grades,C Select and D Select. Material of this high-quality grade combination is used for natural or stained finish applications,fine woodworking,or interior trim. Although the reverse face of D Select shall permit sound characteristics typi- cal of Standard grade material,C Select shall only permit the characteristics of D Select on the back. D Select,which is the lower of the two grades,allows pin knots (maximum size is approximately 1/2") and limits the total number of pin knots to one knot per surface foot.Checks and shake are barely perceptible. The occasional pocket is very small.A split will not exceed 1/2 the width. Pitch, when present,-is evident,.but limited by surface area of the piece.Medium stain (blue or coffee)cannot exceed 3/4 of the face surface area in a clear board,and less if present with other limiting characteristics.A larger surface area is allowable if the stain is light.Skip is permissible on the back face or one edge of 20%of the pieces.Wane is limited to the back face.Occasional pieces may require a cut to yield all useable lumber for finish work(loss not to exceed approximately 5%). Characteristics in C Select are no larger and less numerous than those same characteristics in D Select. Refer to the NELMA Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber booklet for complete detailed infor- mation on all Eastern White Pine lumber grades. httos://www.durainandcrowelt:com/eastern-white-pine-grades/#:—:text=NELMA's Eastern White Pine grade,be present in any board. 5/5 ri Permit Number (town use) E �� L ti I l Town of Queensbury APR 01 2022 _\ Application for Stormwater Managem nt P NAN br OUEEi�SE3L!RY Under Chapter 147,Stormwater Management, ! 4-�9BUILDING r CODES THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A Major Project -Minor Project 1. OWNER -INDIVIDUATNER ASSOCIATION -CORPORATION -MUNICIPALITY -AGENCY NAME J e$S( S -e ell Sol) PHONE 5. .'5- 727 -GS97 MAILING ADDRESS 79 Z No.,k Rd CITY tc, 1te STATE /" ZIP CODE (2PI 2. AGENT SAME AS OWN)_CONTRACTOR -ATTORNEY -CONSULTANT -CONTACT PERSON NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS CITY TE ZIP CODE 3. CONTRACTOR SAME AS AGE NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 4. PROJECT LOCATION FACILITY NAME(if not residential) SECTION BLOCK 11 LOT STREET 14 8) 00,7 R J ZONING CLASSIFICATION PR R�TY IS PRESENTLY g A 3A ACANT PARTIALLY DEVELOPED -DEVELOPED&OCCUPIED IS.PROPERTY PART OF A SUBDIVISION? - No -Yes, name of subdivision Re.h-e it 6 ra y 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT IreStJenchh �oMP �eS` nn ES dob S(F. PROJ�C INVOLVES: art E" hwork/Landscapire ree Clear g Houma onstruction -Driveway Construc' \ -Garage Construction -Detached Structure eptic Syste -Modification o a ormwater Device \:Other \rIG BROWN\TEMPLATESISTWATAPPSITOWN STORMWATER APPL.DOC 11/2000 • Page 1 of 3 • ^PROPOSED USE -Residential (seasonal) - esidential(year-roun Association -Public -Commercial PROPOSED STARTING DATE Arc; ( 7-6 ZZ PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE Ac�sci' 1-013 DESCRIBE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE P IN THE PROJECT AREA: C(?arr) s f ( `s I v`r',,� 0-5%(Level) -5-10%(Gradual slope) 10-15%(Moderate slope Greater than 15%(Steep Slope) ( 55 IS ANY POTION OF THIS ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS SOUGHT NOW BEGUN OR COMPLETED? Yes No�if yes,please explain) 6. CALCULATIONS &CONTROLS �J TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 3, t CeS ACRES FT2 (circle one) TOTAL AREA OF LAND DISTURBANCE: 0,Zc1/ FT2(do not include area of stormwater controls) CFS :306,' TOTAL AREA OF NEWLY CREATED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: S, y/5 FT2 TOTAL VOLUME OF STORMWATER TO BE CONTROLLED: 30 G GF-S (see instructions) TYPE OF STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES TO BE USED: rQ- 14-1n vl S(a vt-t. h(AI k5 con (q,,Gfls s (1- FR4re j 1a:f) °"cJ"n` HAS AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN BEEN PREPARED? es, plan is attache .No If no, please contact your County Soil&Water Conservation District tor assistance: Warren County 623-3119 . 7. SITE INSPECTION During the processing of this application town personnel may need to visit this site for the purpose of inspecting, measuring and/or photographing site conditions. I authorize town personnel to conduct such a site inspectio 9 ye 9 no I wish to be contacted prior to any site inspection ye 9 no 8. CERTIFICATION I hereby affirm that the information on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. As a condition to the issuance of a permit,the applicant accepts full legal responsibility for all damage, direct and indirect,or whatever nature,and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the town from suits, actions,damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. SIGNATURE OF OWNER jay_ .3c! DATE / 112z SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE INCLUDE WITH THIS FORM: 9 Site location map 9 Project plans on 81/2 X 11 size paper(Submit 4 copies of any plans larger than 11X17) 9 Names and legal mailing addresses of any co-owners of the property 9 Attachment A.(for major projects only) 9 Stormwater Control Report(for major projects only) 9 Environmental Assessment Form(for major projects only) Failure to include any one of the required items will result in an incomplete notice and delay in processing your application. Permits and approvals may be required from other agencies. • for town use only L:ICRAIG BROWN\TEMPLATESISTWATAPPS\TOWN STORMWATER APPL.DOC 11/2000 Page 2 of 3 The project is approved as shown on the attached approved plans and subject to the conditions listed on the attached Schedple . �J 2� Approved by on 10 V Permit Expires Zoning Administrator ate CONDITIONS OFGG APPROVAL L - I �.0�i G l h-C!�✓ . G'' i [i C Rrh 04- (p co-hvp Gi t ATTACHMENT A . to Stormwater Management Permit Application Permits or approvals required from other agencies Agency Permit or Approval Date Applied Date Issued Adjoining Property Owners List all parcels within.500 feet • Tax Parcel Number Name Mailing Address 2_6-Ss I.2. I - I R0 ,ex G�� �� /X to( , GIPverA(< N� 2.z - ( - And(--cam 1)06coc hi )u`l/ go/ QV ns4 C7 26s- I --tiZ l 1/ DOCslgss S�3 Odd, ��S ^r -12- ss& Ten /is r<sw��Th Q�Q�nsliGf- • L:ICRAIG BROWNITEMPLATESISTWATAPPS\TOWN STORMWATER APPL.DOC 11/2000 Page 3 of 3 . ! { S and J manual calculations i 1 J manual load calculation: I I 5 residents: 500 BTU 22 windows: 22,000 BTU i 10 doors: 10,000 BTU • Basement S/F 1025 X 9 ft ceilings: 9225 BTU i 1st floors S/F1025X 9 ft ceilings 9225 BTU 1 2nd floor 800 S/F X 9 ft ceilings 6,400 BTU Load total: 57,350 BTUs F nL 57,350/12,000=4.8 tons 1 Furnace: 3 4 • Toyotomi D/W Compact Oil/Kerosene fired, On-demand water heating unit. .148,000 BTU:155 degree max temperature, This I Unit is "Rated for space heating" and is 88% EFFICIENT!!!. Stainless steel heat exchanger. 1 Unit vents via wall or chimney. i • rt 4 S E Y y _ _ - 4 i } 1 1 i 3 i i f d S Y 3 i i I s, 1 l 3 I 1 ql 2 4 • • • • S manual 8:07 %B LTE.1 Q 87% 4173 ServiceTitan• TWIVREIN = r/,5{t 1 : t!! :5 RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY 48,000-60,000 BTU /4-5 Tons Calculated Cooling Load: 51,100 BTU/4.258 Tons • Calculate .4 Add tool to your website pr ovides l Explore Toolbox generaenera! .Thor:ore many factors which may impact or falsify the York YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner Cooling capacity: 1.5-5 Tons • { • • • • • PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY • • 585.727.6597 • System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL ' - .Item ,: • • • Description. Cost Total. 7/8"XL PEX 250ft 7/8"XL PEX 250ft coil 3 197.50 592.50 7/8"PEX coupling for slab 7/8".PEX to 7/8"PEX coupling connection.Quick& •• - "1 9.75 9:7.5 simple-nut'&ferrule•ilesign(No special tools ' •' • . required)..Includes a 24"strip of 3/4"wide,water. . . . resistant rubber;self vulcanizing'tape.Protects brass _ ' coupling from concrete. Nylon Ties Nylon Ties(100/pk)Ideal for attaching pex to wire(and 4 4.99 19.96 or)rebar in concrete re-inforcement applications. 3 loop manifold 3.•loop manifold for concrete application dsing"7/8"'XL" 1 259.00. 259.00 PEX•"tubing-includes supply side ball;valves.Manifold • includes:rex connections:Quick'&'simple.-nut& • • ' ' '• •• • ferrule design(No s ecial tools re uired built in - • • • pressure testing components. Wrench Wrench-Combination open and split boxed ends.Ideal 1 0.00 for tightly spaced connections.For use with 7/8" adaptors&couplings.(Free with 7/8"LOOP MANIFOLD PURCHASE-1 per customer) SUBTOTAL:BASEMENT SLAB 881.21 1/2"PEX 300ft: 1/2"PEX 300ft coil 10 135.00 1,350.00 Pex Stapler:(1/2") Manually operated Pex stapler for attaching Pex(via) • ' • 1 • .39.00 " .39:00,:'. staples to:a"wooden subfloor..ideal for above floor.•:; . ': • •• • '• application using 1/2".peat ' • • • • Pex Staples(1/2") 1/2"pex staples-Ideal for Suspended 1,360 0.13 176.80 Slab/Sleepers/Ledger method/Above Floor applications• over a wooden subfloor.(strips of 20) Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fec.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal Sales Tax(6.0%) Total Page 1 • PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY • 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY - 585.727.6597 System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL Item Description Qty Cost Total PEX Cutter Handy tool for safe,quick&precise cutting for both 1 13.95 13.95 7/8"&1/2"Pex tubing 4 loop pex 4 loop manifold using 1/2"PEX tubing.Manifold 2 319.00 638.00 includes Pex connections.Quick&simple-nut& ferrule design(No special tools required).supply side ball valves and built in pressure testing components. **WALLMOUNT 2 loop pex 2•loop manifold using 1/2"PEX tubing.Manifold . 1 219.00 219.00 ' includes Pex connections.Quick&simple-nut&. •• - ferrule design:(No special tools required).supply side _ . . . . ball valves and built in pressure testing components. . . • . . . **WALLMOUNT . . ' • SUBTOTAL:1ST&2ND FLOOR SUSPENDED 2,436.75 • SLAB MATERIALS • 4 zone stainless • 4 zone manifold for stainless pumps"Supply side"and. 1 879.00 879.00 . . , . "return side"manifolds,pressure tested and sand : . blasted.Complete pre-soldered assembly includes misc.. - - fittings,ball valves,check valves,and pre-installed - - - - pump flanges;Pressure.gauge,pressure relief.valve, , ' ' supply and return in-line-thermometers,and drain . valves also supplied:Mounting hardware included. low vol.stainless pump Grundfos Low volume stainless pump for Open Potable 4 239.00 956.00 systems. Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fee.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal Sales Tax(6.0%) Total Page 2 • PRICE QUOTE RADIANT FLOOR COMPANY 866-warmtoes(927-6863) W W W.RADIANTCOMPANY.COM • Name/Address Date Estimate# Jesse Stevenson 2/22/2022 1"A" Lake George,NY . 585.727.6597 System Type: Rep Shipping ESTIMATE: OPEN CG PLEASE CALL - • . . . ••:Item:•• : :.: . .. •.•• •... Description ••• • Cost. Total :. : . 4 zone control kit 4 Zone control relay(14/2 wire)&4(mercury free) 1 559.00 • '559:00.-i . . digital'radiant floor heating thermostat•&:floor sensor, • • • • • - controls ambient and/or floor temperature."18/4 wire - ' for relay connections and 22/2.(stranded wire)for sensor is recommended: - - Small-municipal kit For Open Systems-for variations in pressure caused by 1 69.00 69.00 municipal water supplies(Includes:Small Expansion - tank&tee) other• ; - • Pre-assembled 1"Primary Loop-Designed-for . ' ' 1• 998.00 . .998i00 - li n us • . . . : d ul 1te•a1IIg tizone,open:systems.w the Toyotomi on :. '.:...: a mbly incl 3/4".. demand unit.;Comp e, sse uiles� _ .. -. mixing:valve for:domestic use;pressure relief•': "hive 1"check valve,•isolation•valves,•gauges,fittings, . .: • medium high voluine,stainless pump w%tironze flanges. ;: &1"closely spaced fees,etc: ° .:•.. Toyotomi D/W Compact Oil/Kerosene fired,On-demand water heating 1 2,179.00 ' 2,179.00 • - unit.148,000 BTU.155 degree max temperature,This - - Unit is"Rated for space heating"and is 88% - - . - EFFICIENT!!!.Stainless steel heat exchanger. . • - - Unit vents via wall or chimney. - - - •Toyotoini Concentric vent . Direct vent installation'kit;for•Toyotomi.Oil fired•units: ` • 1: :. 389.00 -: 389.00 '' • . - • •. . : ••:: • `"Through the wall"design allows fresh•air intake.& .- ' '. • :- '•. exhaust within a'single:termination. - Toyotomi Fuel oil kit Oil tank connection accessories include:1-fusible link 1 187.80 187.80 inline fuel valve,Epoxy coated cartridge assembly with easy spin on filter&1-replacement fuel nozzle& inline . fuel filter for your Toyotomi heating unit. • Thank you for your request.Returns subject to 25%restock fee.No refunds after 90 days from purchase Subtotal $9,534.76 . Sales Tax(6.0%) $a o0 Total $9,534.76 Page 3 • '28/22,1:34 PM YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioners YORK® • JYORK' • Q Find a Deal Find a Dealer P _ iti�• t 2 �t}�Gt1 • 43i� • • k. r r • • YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner Compact, basic cooling optimized for northern U.S. and Canadian climates. • Price Range $ Efficiency Range Up to 15 SEER Sound Levels As low as 74 dBA Warranties 10-year compressor, 10-year parts Energy Calculator A BacI,to Top Get Help/Support ttps://www.york.com/residential-equipment/heating-and-cooling/split-system-air-conditioners/ycd_ds/ycd-l3-seer-single-stage-air-cond itioner#product... 1/9 2/28/22,1:34 PM • YCD 13 SEER Single Stage Air Conditioner I.YORK® • YCD 13 SEER SINGLE STAGE AIR CONDITIONER. • • Overview Find a Dealer Tonnage Range 1.5-5 Tons SEER Range - Up to 15 SEER - . Parts Warranty Code 10-year Parts Limited Warranty* Warranty Other Compressor Warranty: 10-year Compressor Limited Warranty* Position Single-phase and three-phase available Control Options • Conventional Owner Resources . -•iA. ', _3Na: .Nr„>:. ;%s -fir.. ..`-,'�- -:r :- '{1r.1 G. P'(ice �s- Y.,yLrr F G T jj .. ...-?, r 'Tr2,k,- �� 'rn '�� 1 ��"si:+ A �C'.r 1G may.y / ti i ' 5 le x�i�`z7-,- a›..-k-I ++M r- �. { " . .-. - r,rry a s :''' ',f '7� i L 4r:;r '''''' F-4 -jf{ i+ 1 I'r . t'•'r a i r4 .ra, t� Td S 4Q� ,n".,'V- : ° -t i 'i {I!!! 1•�".�.}' tK.T!S'i}'}"k� Y �' j �'2 ... {fC y� • '1 - L F { 1 t ` S I`4-4 . r .k r)• ! {r.^'�"t .,/,�,, z f-5 6{> � _ J. �' -�S�:N�'Ct _ .r '•: LI + -r t�R. ^C^' �k .! I .,1 Ji s. f^�=^•-, -tSr '+� 1, Y t , r 211,0,4'�r,a„ r 1 M 'Y c s'F -t r y+s^'?- Y.:s 4nh.y 'j�-x t, 5 „. i>Ir_7 UK� 3u.. :1 V rK4r +l :.A`-`ti; ,{,,• _ ry x_ Ld.�y �1,..,A 1\. "13.n ,, ay.rY.. ..,L 5.1 F�„•{,GS•nn1-Ltv. _ _...,:I .+ ._,..r+.�.__. ..} F-d[:"s.4.,-��sr1.y.,..°-.,.._S,_.,, Repair or Replace? > 1 I I 1 71. A 1 Bad:to Top Y 1 S i t i ttps://www.york.com/residential-equipment/heating-and-cooling/split-system-air-conditioners/ycd ds/ycd-13-seer-single-stage-air-conditionerliproduct... 6/9 i rii ., RC-0056-2022 155 �Ol � f; Stevenson, 7esse ' EAT RECOVERY VENTI T Bay Rd . • New SFD w/wood fp 1839 s.f. *2019 denotes Energy tar centric. ion,not manufacture date. PERFORMANCE (HUI CERTIFIED) L/FE®RE ,)--W :Rs, ' r � I 7D Z(50) 11 03 75) 0410 I0:5(1Z3) : ElECiFI[ASPECIFCATIONS UIN.W.G.(PA) I�FM(/s) ' CMU/) CFM( s} CFM(Vs)'I ECEOVIE5 I-- J I I VAC @60Hz 120 i Net Supply Airflow 159:05" ' 19 (70) 140(66):, 125`(59) lWatts%LowSpeed 66 ' FEB 15 2022 I [0 GrossSupptyAirflow :,161(79)- '' 159(15).' -`:146(69);(- 131(62) Watts/High Speed •, .:...... . : ....::..........•,.•r_ `,.�1.•18 ' i _ TOWN OF OUEENSBUR YGross Exhaust Airflow 172(81)? I ` 159(15) , 133(63) ';83(39) kp Rating 514 ' BUILDING&CODES Sensible Effectiveness(ASD t • • `' '''' ::: WEIGHT:' ' SensiblM(30 fficiency(SREi r',',32°F(0,C);- `' 5( :', SHIPPING WEIGHT: @_64CFM(30 US)• 14D. 73 LBS(33 KG) Sensible Efficiency(SRE) ,32"F[-' - ,-_' , '.'' @.95 CFM(45 Us) - 120 Seiisible,Efficiency(SRE) r•,,•.„„ , �, 'o',, 100 NOTE: @68CFM(32Us)' 'i7:'''F(-25C)i; ' 7`',`"0<,;; Q Front clearance of 25 in.(635 mm)is 80 recommended forservicing unit All ducts 3-2 c� 60 use 6i1.(152 mm)round collars.Balancing V V�` ISO %°� � dampers are located in all air streams. R+...rF,:, C .k us, CERTIFIED Rrmamrro r I r r r 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 MERV13Upgrade:65.195-6R Static Pressure(in w.g.) This product earned the ENERGY STAR®by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by Natural FILE COPY Resources Canada and the US EPA.It meets ENERGY STAR®requirements only when used in Canada. DIMENSIONS DOOR SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW •TOP VIEW 0 Ly Care Stale Air to Outside � Fresh Air from Outside . \ `�_-- Stale Air from Inside Jr ' 'il�l4• _ `1' 1" .rr ♦ Fresh Air to Inside y iiiii�—�11Immil 6 in.(152 mm) u 14 Round Collars 33.63In(854mm) 1 14.151a(315 nun) , Recirculating Filters Matodaed Defrost Damper Impellers Date: Contractor: WARRANTY Units cany a lifetime warranty Tag: Supplier. on the HAV care and.a c year replacement parts warranty. Project: Clty: Quote#: All units conform to CSA and UL standards Engineer: Submitted By: is p B 1D E I TH-: Control: Timer. Timer Qty: MP®\,Indoor Air Systems 69-155MAX 2019(0921) www.lifebreath.com _t 1 t , -sMAX 2019* , . . , ' , . , ,,, ... HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR *2019 denotes;Energy Star certification,not.manufacture date. - ` ®9 I LIFE'EIRFHThO ENGINEERING DATA ;,', THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED DEFROST ALUMINUM CORE Recirculating damper defrost system. The counter-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams. It is easily removed for cleaning or service. CASE Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. MOTORS AND BLOWERS Insulated to prevent exterior condensation.Drain connections 2-1/2 in.(12 mm)OD. Each airstream has one centrifugal blower driven by a common PSC motor,with Balancing ports are located on door. multiple fan speed operations. INSTALLER SELECTABLE HIGH SPEED SETTINGS FILTERS Adjustable DIP switches are located on the circuit board,Hi3 is the factory setting. Washable MERV-6 air filters in exhaust and supply airstreams. Refer to the installation manual for the adjustment instructions. Upgrade to MERV-13 option available. MOUNTING ELECTRONICS The DXPLO2 control included with the unit can be wall mounted in a central location of Four threaded inserts at corners of the cabinet designed to accept the the home.3 wire 20 gauge(mini 100 ft length(max.). "S"hooks and hanging straps supplied with the unit. -OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES; ` :" - .. ° ' " Dual Hood Weather Hood - TechGrilte ' 99-190 Terminator 99-18S 99-EAG4 Fitting 99194 99185 99-EAGS 99-1M4 • / ,. 99187 99-EAGG ( t 99-TM5 y' dl:+ , 99-EAG8 , \� ,1.' . 99-TM5 -..„..-.-/' ig , • LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TIMER OPTIONS -• FEATURES 99-oxPLia)x 99...koz 19,9-BL03, ,99-B{O4 99-0€T04-20/40/60 Minute Timer Initiates high speed ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.3 wire 5 speed fan operation on each mode .`_.. ✓ • connection. 2 speed fan operation(Low/High) 'V - ✓ 99-DcT02-20/40/60 Minute Timer Continuous low speed fan operation ✓ ,✓ ✓ ✓ , Initiates high speed ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.Wirelessly connects to main control for ease of installation.40 ft approximate Humidity control through adjustable Dehumid- ✓• ✓ ✓ range. istat Large digital ✓ 99-RX02-WirelessRepeater ' Extends range of 99-DET02WirelessTimers.Plugs into 120V power LED status indicator lights ✓ ✓ ✓ outlet.Wireiessly connects to main control and 99-DET02.Install at halfway point between timer and main wall control if timer is out of Continuous Ventilation ✓• ✓ ✓ ` ✓ range. Continuous Recirculation* ✓• ✓ INCLUDED WITHALL,M UNIT c S 20 0t1/40 OFF ✓ ✓ ✓ ,83 S _ ". •- 10 ON/50 OFF ✓ \. y - 200N/4DRecirculation* ✓ ✓ ✓ - 20/40/60 min.High speed override button ✓ 99-DXPLO2 99-DET02 99-DET01 Compatible with 99-DET02 Wireless Timer ✓ • ✓ ✓ ✓ S 3 wire connection ., LIFE HT "Recirculation features not available on fan defrost models. ft I' Indoor Air Systems 59-155MAX 2019(0921) www.lifebreath.com 4/1/22,2:22 PM -5000417143400691939.jpg cgrlify that the rough stiwn lumber used;It 14'S5 Bit Rd, Queensbury is Eastern White Pine,',vas milled on site, and is grade number 2 or better. Jcssc Svttson 3129/2022 I have inspected the rough szo.,,u1 lumber produced by Jesse Stevenson:it 1.185 11,1y Rd,Quecnsbury,and concur that the lumber is gmde number 2 or better SPE, Peter Sankey, infinite Engineering Solutions,P.C. r `t•- r i Vkii - LrAPtivAic: ° c-t _ G Btaryt;f *D.ES ,• \"• '*•11',7**1'.",, _ -1,•• _ •'''`r1;:f,er',7•170,:;;Llt ,••- - https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGmvfgJwQTjWNsgbxtPXPXVnwpj?projector=l&messagePartid=0.1 1/1 cce Northeast:00ildrng::Fierforniance';Adviors, 7 RoCky:Ri4ge.',Rd, ,PO:Box 471 Warivrisburgi New:York 12885 ,.:Htigh=,baVis;:CertiffedBP1:518',623-7010 Site Address 11818ay,ROad, Lake George, NY- 7 Company Performing Test: Northeast Building Perforniance Advisors Date.OfTest:7/05/23 2-2— : E C E 11, V E 134itoot,,Na,e/:Olifinot:Jesse Stevenson • JUL 1 1 223 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Testing Person Hiagn,Davis Credentials Certified Pro 5066238 Code,8ein-gTe$ted:,201.5 TlireSnold:1015 IECC • Conditioned Square Space: 2638 Sq.'Ft House. . Conditioned Floor Volume 25100 Cubic Ft. . „ , . . , Test Results 898-x 60° 53880:I 25100 = 2:15 Air exchanges per hour. This passes the Current,New York.State building code for air exchanges . After inspection of the residence at 481 Bali Road, Lake.George, NY and. .completion`,of a blower door test consistent with thepractice•of depressurization to 50 pascals This is with the exterior windows and doors closed and all interior doors open.This`area passes the current New York State building code for air exchanges.The building testedout at.215 ACH@50 pascal. The code is for 3°air:exchanges or less., • • t Paddock Enterprises Inc. DBA THE COUNTRY PLUMBERS 23 Leo Street Queensbury NY 12804 February 9,2024 Jessie Stevenson/Town of Queensbury 1481 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 To Whom it may concern The Country Plumbers have inspected and researched the heating system installed in the new building located at 1481 Bay Road and feel that it is sufficient to heat the house properly. The location has a fully functional geothermal heating system. The system has two pump units.A 5-ton water to water unit used for heating,and a 3-ton water to air unit for air conditioning.These units provide ample heat/cooling for this 1750 square foot house. Both units run off 3,0001/f of ground loops,and are circulated by a dual pump, low pressure circulatory system. The ground loops are filled wita 20% mix of glycol and are buried at a minimum of 5.depth. The heating system has 4 zones and operates as it should. Sincerely, Maurice Paddock STREET ADDRESS,CITY,ST ZIP CODE S and J manual calculations J manual load calculation: 5 residents: 500 BTU 22 windows: 22,000 BTU 10 doors: 10,000 BTU Basement S/F 1025 X 9 ft ceilings: 9225 BTU 1st floors S/F1025X 9 ft ceilings 9225 BTU 2nd floor 800 S/F X 9 ft ceilings 6,400 BTU Load total: 57,350 BTUs 57,350/12,000=_4.8 tons Furnace: Miami Heat Pump (Water to water) Serial Number: HPHWW060 63,000 BTU (Will also have wood stove) S manual See attached cooling load literature Miami Heat Pump HPX036VLFT 36,500 BTU 3 Miami Heat Pump 20233 N.E.15th Court Miami FI,33179 Toll Free:866-407-8535-Fax(866)406-6603 Website:www.miamihp.com-Email:customerservice@miamihp.com UNIT SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET UNIT MODEL HPX 036V - SS Water Source Heat Pump �w 1E2p f �� r f ".- EnergyStar#1105381 AHRI Certified Reference#4547871 "ti' i.11 GEa RTtI FIE�oDv4t� wwt - 42, w A.-"- FEATURE INFORMATION """ 'd ; Gie ` ', wn ERGST CABINET- Stainless Steel,Insulated Evaporator Section,Access Panels DRAIN PAN- Stainless Steel,Insulated. SAFETY- High/Low Press.Switches,Condensate Over-Flow Switch,Overload Protection Anti Short Cycle Relay/s,Lock-out Relay/s BLOWER/S- Centrifugal Galvanized Wheel/s,X13 ECM Motor. REF.CIRCUITS- Themal Expansion Valve 1 circuitCOND `r`tearEk EVAP. COIL- Coaxialr- lu Ha Exchanger-&Steel Jacket, C�����US EVAP.COIL- Copper Tubes,Aluminum Fins REFRIGERANT- R-410A </sn'o C US UNIT PERFORMANCE EVAP COOLING CAPACITY-BTU/HR WLHP 36,000 GWHP 40,000 GLHP 36,500 HEATING CAP.-BTU/HR(HEAT PUMP MODE) WLHP 40,000 GWHP 32,000 GLHP 26,000 FACE VELOCITY-FPM 332 COIL ENTERING AIR TEMP.DB/WB-°F 80.6° / 66.2° BLOWER/S AIR VOLUME-CFM 1200 ESP-IN H2O 0.65 BLOWER SIZE&QTY 10"x 7" / 1 FAN MOTOR-HP&QTY 3/4 / 1 FLA(EA)= 6.0 A CONDENSER/S WATER FLOW-GPM 9.0 ENTERING WATER TEMP.°F WLHP 86.0° GWHP 59.0° GLHP 77.0° WATER PRESS.DROP-FT H2O 11.7 COMPRESSOR NO.OF CIRCUIT/CAPACITY STEPS 1 / I TYPE&QTY Scroll / I RLA(EA)= 16.7 A LRA(EA)=79.0 A GENERAL VOLTAGE RATING/PHASE/HERTZ 230/1/60 E.E.R. WLHP 16.0 GWHP 23.5 GLHP 17.9 C.O.P(HEAT-PUMP ONLY) WLHP 4.8 GWHP 4.2 GLHP 3.6 MIN AMP./MAX FUSE-AMPS. 27 / 40 DIMENSION W"X L"X H" 21.5"X 21.5"X 39" WEIGHT-NET-LBS. 220 WATER CONNECTION SIZE 3/4 DRAIN CONNECTION SIZE 3/4 NOTES: 1.UNIT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 2.UNIT IF AVAILABLE IN DIFFERENT CONFIGURATIONS AND VOLTAGE RATINGS , , • MOH( HEAT puHp Saving the environment for future generations WATER COOLED CHILLERS & LOW TEMP BOILERS HPHWW060 SPECIFICATION DATA SHEET WATER COOLED REVERSE CYCLE CHILLERS Email:info@miamihp.com I Toll:(866)407-8535 I Fax:(866)406-6603 R410A REFRIGERANT CHILLER PERFORMANCE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS - Based on 10.5 GPM load and 13.2 GPM source fluid flow. Min Max Leaving Entering Total Total Power Heat Electrical Elect. Compressor Circuit Fuse Load Source Capacity Capacity Input EER Rejection Characteristics Symbol RLA LRA Ampacity Size Fluid(°F) Fluid(°F) (Tons) (MBtuH) (kW) (MBtuH) 208/230/1/60 A 26.4 134.0 33.0 50 • 75° 4.3 51.92 3.51 14.92 63.91 208/230/3/60 C 16.0 110.0. 20.0 35 80° 4.2 50.85 3.73 13.77 63.58 460/3/60 D 7.8 52.0 9.8 15 40° 85° 4.1 49.72 3.96 12.70 63.22 575/3/60 E 5.7 38.9 7.1 15 90° 4.0 48.55 4.23 11.71 62.85 95° 3.9 47.32 4.48 10.76 62.47 FLUID FLOW&PRESSURE DROP 7$° 4.4 53.73 3.55 15.42 65.73 Chilled Fluid Side(@ 55°F) Cond.Fluid Side(@ 85°F) 80° 4.3 52.62 3.78 14.24 65.35 Flow(GPM) AP(FOH) Flow(GPM) AP(FOH) 42° 85° 4.2 51.45 4.00 13.13 64.95 8 4.0 8 3.5 90° 4.1 50.23 4.19 12.10 64.54 10 6.0 10 5.2 95° 4.0 48.95 4.44 11.13 64.11 12 8.3 12 7.2 75°' 4.5 54.65 3.51 ' 15.69 66.65 14 11.0 14 9.6 ' 80° 4.4 53.52 3.74 14.47 66.26 16 14.0 16 12.2 44° 85° 4.3 52.33 3.96 13.35 65.83 90° 4.2 51.09 4.19 12.30 65.40 HEATING PERFORMANCE 95u 4.1 49.79 4.44 11.31 64.95 Based on 10.5 GPM load and 13.2 GPM source fluid flow. 75° 4.7 55.58 3.51 15.95 67.59 Leaving Entering Heating Power Heat 80° 4.7 54.43 3.74 14.72 67.18 Load Source Capacity Input COP Absorb. 45° 85° 4.4 53.22 3.96 13.57 66.73 Fluid(°F) Fluid(°F) (MBtuH) (kW) (MBtuH) 90° 4.3 51.95 4.19 12.58 66.27 35° 53.07 4.22 3.72 38.65 95° 4.2 50.63 4.44 11.49 65.81 40° 56.37 4.20 3.97 42.03 75° 4.9 57.49 3.52 16.48 69.50 100° 50° 63.46 4.15 4.52 49.28 80° 4.7 56.29 3.74 15.21 69.03 60° 71.32 4.10 5.14 57.32 46° 85° 4.6 55.03 3.96 14.03 68.55 70° 80.06 4.05 5.85 66.24 90° 4.4 53.72 4.20 12.92 68.04 35° 52.97 4.75 3.30 36.79 95° 4.3 52.35 4.45 11.88 67.54 40° 56.16 4.72 3.52 40.05 75° 4.9 58.46 3.52 16.76 70.48 110° 50° 62.97 4.68 3.99 47.03 800 4.8 57.24 3.74 15.46 69.98 60° 70.52 4.63 4.51 54.75 48° 85° 4.7 55.95 3.96 14.26 69.48 70° 78.91 4.57 5.11 63.33 90° 4.6 54.62 4.20 13.13 68.95 35° 52.93 5.33 2.94 34.72 95° 4.4 53.23 4.45 12.07 68.42 40° 55.99 5.31 3.12 37.85 75° 5.1 60.44 3.52 17.31 72.47 120° 50° 62.53 5.26 3.51 44.56 80° 5.0 59.17 3.74 15.98 71.93 60° 69.74 5.21 3.96 51.95 50° 85° 4.9 57.83 3.97 14.73 71.37 70° 77.75 5.15 4.46 60.16 90° 4.8 56.45 4.20 13.56 70.80 35° 53.01 6.02 - 2.61 32.46 95° 4.6 55.01 4.45 12.46 70.22 40° 55.93 6.00 2.76 35.46 As a result of continuing research&development,specifications are subject to change without notice. 125° 50° 62.17 5.95 3.09 41.86 }}3 UNIT WEIGHT(Ibs) DIMENSION(inches) 60° 69.03 5.90 3.46 48.92 Unit Weight Shipping Weight Length Width Height 70° 76.65 5.84 3.89 56.74 275 295 26 24 27 Please contact factory for up-to-date values.For more Info visit www.dualairhp.com l! Units are complete packages featuring 1 stage operation and containing refrigeration compressor,reversing valve,expansion valve,metering device and water to refrigerant heat exchangers. Also included are safety controls:overload protection for compressor,high and low pressure switches and lock-out control circuit. Rev.001 ) .r s I(I x T a PO ".�„ 9 < fI a..� D 0 C ( _ 0 U) -I i M ..,. - � o c� o c l �n _ C3°t i I CJ� C - p o ti r1 -® � X n = CnM CD U') M _I Cr CD �. 77, Z v' = D = m rt m I„ M 6" Min Filter � � Q pFabric Embedment ( `D Z `'� 0 0 cn a O c � o o ry - � (z �O � O �• �• 6 p :• O W Z c1 o D o m O o o n D cn D O Q � 0 2 Min rt o CD � o -0y? o � cn = m � � o' z Q z 0 o a - o � - I— n + o II C — m e .III, � N U, < iv o o C) O w0 V \ Q `G p .' a,..a i •<mcm ..ate'. - _—I C)o Encr Cn Co cn CA � CD i0 GE II o o = X Q• Si1 0. 'V 0 U' k CDIt . O p t n I-111- r-r a C Cn _ CD CD CAD O�-� C7 n 111 C ry Q :T1 .II Q o O Pam s' Q _ Cn ID .,- Q - ID CD o 11 4' CS? �O CD Ln CD 'o Q' n �' o Cj C-) TI 0 0 0 Q ,-•- o o cn CD CI) m oo % a 0 3 rn CD D 3 cn o o - o o � o o z O ors CD a)0 3 � - -' N o o X cn o � (/) CAI c� Z �. 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TV :�> 1 i85 bAY KOAD �' N QU � NS � UKY , NY 1280 �- • _44, �, N z cr N N a!°ESSIOV4 ,. ..." , ______,_____ i .. ,A. 0 ,.., "1 / I , "' / iii OHO / a / �Oe�O� i' 100'WELL OFFSET 16` / I I t • / I 4"MAIN HOUSE DRAIN __ —-/ • 4 • (v I/ i� ----- DISTRIBUTION BOX --�-- ------_-- Q / _---------_W/SPEED LEVELERS' O }/ `�-- _ (+A 1250 GAL SEPTIC TANK z CIZz 1 CD1 1 I / // O / if) , / 'r I C 0' .1 LATERAL -,-------.4.„..... z �L / --2-- " 67/eij is i co 1_P. 1,4 —r—AliG-0-733-2023 _. , . \_\_\ \_\_\ , ,_ TWLG= Jr�_ \___ ___ _. i BuiLn nr AS3 uRy i I X `-'d CG 1= cs 1 i /I I APPROXIMATE WIDTH 28' TITLE. 5E91 I G A5 DUI1 f BGf I ON 1 I 2' 4' PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE LOCATIgh 1405 BpAY RO / I �� 6"12"BACKFILL/TOPSOIL IA MAP 265.1•21.2 t•.C1.Cl1YCRYt-'t.,.. .V•lYlR1 TUN. COUNTY. �I�/�I���///��I��/ ♦♦♦♦� ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦I OUEEN50URY WARM / I �,\s 1•1�,• \�•1�� \� .•1:�•\♦•`♦;♦� j'•�1,,��♦� ♦I i1�1��ni DBalN BY. [PECKED BY. / i _ • r . -.,\• • 1 t \ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦�us.j:c�• �♦♦ SCALE. DATE. • ♦• ,,�\ �t�Ee.11 PM5 PM5 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ s. ♦♦ : :: 12/b/20I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ STEEL— SHEEP 3 OF 12 I I 2'MIN TO MOTTLING OR BEDROCK— 4"PERFORATED PVC DRAIN PIPE 12"-18"LAYER OF IN-SITU SOIL APPROVAL SIGNATURE. I hMN 6"STONE BELOW 3/4"-1.5"AGGREGATE ' SECTION A-A MAPNOTFS 1. Boundary information shown hereon was compiled from map reference 1, and an actual held survey conducted on June 8, 2023. 2 North orientation and bearing base permap inference 1. 3. Warner County tax parce1265-12L2. 4. 7helocation of underground improvements or encroachments, ifany exist, or as shown hereon, are not certified. There maybe other underground utilities, the existence of which are unknown Size and location ofall underground utilities must be verified by the appropriate authorities The Underground Facilities Protective Organization must be notified prior to conducting test borings, excavation and construction 5. 77us survey was prepared without the benefit ofan up to date abstract of title. 6. Horizontal coordinate and elevation unitsare U.S. surveyfeet.Cerbh'cations on the boundarymap signify that themap was prepared m accordance with the existing Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted by the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc. The cerh cation is limited topersons for whom the boundary survey map mpmpared, to the title company, to the governmental agency, and to the lendingmstitution listed on this boundary survey map. 7. Reproduction orcopymgofthis documentmaybea wolationofcopynghtlawuWesspemdssionoftheauthorand/ or copyngh th older is obtained. 8. A copy of this document without a proper application of the surveyors embossed seal should be assumed to bean unauthorized copy. 9. Property cornermonuments were notplaced as apart of this survey unless otherwise noted. DEED REFERENCE- 1. Conveyance to Jesse Stevenson and Jessica Stevenson by deed dated November 9, 2021, filed lrr the Warren County Gerks Office on December 2021 in Book 6504 of Deeds atpage 204. MAPREFERENCES.- 1. Map entitled "Map of SurveymadeforRobert Gray, prepared by Iran Dusen k Steves, dated February 1, 26196, last revised September 22, 2009, filed in the Warren County Gerks Office on October 2, 2009 as map number C-143. 4.91A 29 1!{ 150 21N 5.33 A(C) u E W%S) 916 24 71 s 1.66 A 23.1 34.50 A(C) Z cr rn 22 15 13.67 A(C) a N 72 75.97 A 3 12.1 nj /1) 25.27 A 21.2 21.1 9 8.38A 3.18A SFFELOCA77ON 109.31 NOT 7OSG4LE 20 5.10 A o (1A) 73.21 3.0 A 111 ZONINGREQUIREMENTS per Map Reference 1: Zoned ................................... RR-3A LotSize................................3 acres Minimum Lot Width ......... 2001 Minimum Setbacks Front .............................MI Side................................ MI Rear................................30' (Zoning data is shown for informational purpose only. Itis the responsibility of the Owner/Builder to verify allzoningrequirementand setbacks) Londs Now or Formerly of Jesse Jenkins Book 1277 Page 94 265.-1-12.1 Lands Now or Formerly of 951 Page 174 265. -1-20 N Londs Now or Formerly of Brien J. and Mary Lou Douglas a Book 149J Page 228 265. -1-22 i I 1 i I Iron Pipe Found I 1 I a I 1 Lands Now or Formerly of Robert N. Gray Book 4998 Poge 286 265.-1-21.1 Capped Iron Rod Found VL. 005b.- 2D22--.. a O b "ONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'S ORIGINAL WORK AND OPINION."