98-716 1 t1L x .V. COMPLIANCE CER l7 r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 Date November 16 pg 98 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . 98716 S716 has been completed , This structure may be used as a SEPTIC ALTERATION Location 13 BUENA VISTA "E . - — Owner LAZARUS , STEVEN TAX MAP NO . 80 . . 2 - 5 By Order of Town Board . - TOWN OFF VE,�,IV SBA II Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98716 TAX MAP NO . 80 . - 2 - 5 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to LAZARUS STEVEN OWNER of property located at 1_3 BUENA VISTA AVE_. Street. Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a _ SEPTIC ALTERATION _ at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. 0WNERs Adams is 13 BUENA VISTA AVE . QrUEENSBURY , NY 12aO4 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER "S Name CONDONrS SEPTIC & DRAIN SERe 3. CONTRACTOR or SUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name S. ARCHITECT'S Address 6_ TYPE of Construction — IPlease indicate by X) SEPTIC I ) Wood Frame { I Masonry I I Steel I I ]. PLANS and Specifications SEPTI't- ALTERATION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS S. Proposed Use SEPTIC ALTERATION $ 25 PERMIT PEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 16 19 2000 (it a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 16 Day of November 19 1998 SIGNED BY -� � 4 for the Town of Queensbury Building and ZonirV Inapectpr Application for SEPTIC DISPOS.AT , PERMIT Town of Queeasbury Depr. of Community Development Permit No. �i/ Building & Codes Office 742 Say Road Fee Paid Queersbury, NY 13344 I ocadon of property for installation: t U g&rA Property Owner's Name: �U 1998' j 3 Property Owner'shver'S Mailing Address: 13 IJr� F'U /''�".�/4 e5 �y LuL Installer's Name: ,2liAoy � �- Phone Number of bedrooms (if residential): Total daily flow: 7 J C (residential - compute (0 150 gal./bdrtn.) Topography: —X.flat, rolling, steep slope % of slope Soil Nature: sand, loaut, clay, other / depth: Ground water: at what depth? Ofeet / Bedrock or L=lgervious Material: at what depclag feet Percolation test: of required required. [ rate min. per inch. ] Domestic water supply: � m�, �i�pa1, well, oilier If domestic water supply is a WELL, water supply from any septic absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM ClS��rAl Septic tanlc gallon (minimum size: I ,0(]0 gal..) Tile field: each trench .�O feet / Total system Iength. .2, feet Seepage pit(s): number of / size each.: ft. by f* Size of stone to be used: r ' — i dapth or thickness e` feet HOLDL`JG TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Nurnber of tanks: Size of each; gallons Alarm system axd associated electrical vaunt to be: m=p&c;te 3 by a certified ageQ-r. For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of tixe Town of approval gr -.Yt which is based or is Q�abury, y P� or upon granted in reliasica zxpern azsy matexis.E urisrepreaexdatioq or faulxsr+o to ncaka a xoAterai fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of art appEc.auk, shall be void. I have read. the regulations with respect to tbia application and agree to abide by tbase aad all reTzirements of the Town of Queensbury sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordi ama. 4/'',/ 5i¢store of responsible person,r�_ i is� Date, — ,/ `� -- ' fi) 9 w o . - '~ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY O*r) BUILDING A CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (519) 7451-9256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name s A v Q Z O R rJ.P Locationr�C�n Date 9 Permit # SOIL TYP,t. S fi-C1ay- Results of Percolation Test- ( if applicable ) Rate-Minute/ Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: } ABSORPTION FIELD : Total L �gth Length of each trench _ Depth of enches � - + Size of sto e SEEPAGE PI N er- Size - f x ft . Stone size PIPING: Size Type Bldg . to Tan r Tank to Dis Sox c t* Dist . Sox to Field/Pit % % Openings Sealed ? es p artial LOCATION/SEPARATI , Foundation to Tank �� feet Foundation to Absorption feet Separation of Pits t Conforms as per Plot Plan o LOCATIONOF SYSTEM ON PROPS ( circle one ) Front - Rear - Left,-Side - Right Side Middle Front - - Middle Re m�- COMMENTS- SYSTEM USE APPROVED : ,.- " ES Arrived: Deoa Buil ing ector � rU �l �t 0tv� 1 v 5 t�, 4 c C >�:� 19 r �G art f n ti vio SIGMA RE `l j co ll f