IM Inspection Worksheet_14-07-2023_13-15-40INSPECTION WORKSHEET (ASFINAL-026603-2023)
AST-0221-2022Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
07/14/2023 PassedInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Accessory Structure FinalInspection Type:Inspector:Mark Smith
Job Address:Parcel Number:33 Holly Ln
Lake George, NY 12845
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Brian Hogan
Contractor McCall Construction
Granted Permission Brian Hogan
Primary Owner Meredith Hogan
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes False 6/29/23 partial approval for accessory structure
- final inspection by Code Compliance officer Bruce Frank
required before C.C can be issued
- provide proof of final electrical inspection.
7/14/23 final inspection for accessory structure approved
- final electrical inspection verified.
Fin Elect; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 90 Percent True
Okay To Issue CC True
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