1998-762 CERTIFICATE OF 'C%CCIJPAN C'Y' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK May 14 99 Date 19 This is to certify that work requested to e done as shown by Permit No. 98762 'b i has been completed. - COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS This structure may be occupied as a AVIATION RD . Location FRIENDLY ' S Owner TAX MAP NO , 9 8 . - 1 - 5 . 2 6 By Order Town Board. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Sidg. !4c Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE S 20000 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98762 TAX MAP NO . 98 . - 1 - 5 . 26 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to FRIENDLY ' S OWNER of property located at AVIATION RD . Street, Road or Ave, in the Town of OueensburY, To Constructor place a COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ 1. OWNERS Address is AVIATION MALL AVIATION ROAD ¢UEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or 8Ul LDE R'S Name AMATOr MICHAEL 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 1855 BOSTON RD . WILBRAHAMr MA 01095 4. ARCHITECT'S Name NEW YORK BOARD S. ARCHITECT'S Address NEW YORK HOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 6. TYPE of Construction — (Plea" indicate by XI COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS I I Wood Frame I I ivasonry I I Steel t i 7. PLANS and Specifications 3000 aq. tt +COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS AS PER APPLICATION S. Proposed Use COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 150 January 12 2000 S PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (if a longer period is raquired an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the expiration date.1 12 January 1998 Dated at the Town of Queensbyry this Day of t9 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury ild:ngand Zoning Inspector 3uildi�t Permit Application Town of Queerlsbury - Dept. of cointnu► i&v Develop new, 742 Bc v Road, Queensbury. NY 12804 1761-82561 ���� BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT�0 Requirements prior to issuance A perik must be obtained before of this permit: PERMIT FILE m beginning construction. No inspections PERMIT FEE PAID $ Z� - � will be made until applicant has received 0ZAxnIng BoardAction a VAI JD BUILDING PERMIT. All Area / use RECREAT(ON FEE PAID $ applicants' spaces on this application ee-` r� MUST be completed atjd- the signature 0 Plannbsg Board Action PCEVIE, WED UY.- J ) of the applicant must appear on the SPEC / Subdivision / Other 8"ikling Imleaner kepplication horn. 7hwa r'"- Recreation Fee Payment Applicant: I 21 NO ` � Owner. 13�e iw ,•} } a—. Address; 44JonetyJ rRo T> Address: Cr1 t✓ 1^ — 1 y / ��•rr t/l� / Phone # ( 5J �Q� - l333 _ Phone # ( } ----- /3, / Property Location: 44 &i a" A4pJl/umba - OF Tax Map Number Subdivision Natuc: J� Section 1114x:k t ,ot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Building : CONSTRUCTION : $ 90-GY,t0 residence / commercial Addition to Building : residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : Alteration to B -y-- Primary Building - residence / comme cIa Single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercxa Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling Office Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile = ' J � ss3 ' Manufacturing Other`Re,%IA leA GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : If ADDITION , what will use 1st ��loor . . . . . . . sq . rrG of new addition be ? : 2nd .F" loor . . . . . . . . sq . ft , Other Floors . . 0 * 6 sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement. ) ,AC ESSORY BUILDINGS : �% Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : SQ . FT . Attached Garage 1 , 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building Other FEET X �FE�ET Foundation Type : > jc, s/ , _ will any second- hand or ungraded Number of Stories : i lamb r be used? If so , for what ? ( habitable space only ) Height ( grade to ridge ) : feet^ FrYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplaces and/or o wo stove ( circle all which applies ) to be installed : :RIA— 1 / Gas ! Wood Forced Hot Ai / Baseboard / Other Person re-sponsib e o s pervision of work as re rds to buildincT codes is * ,� O IWA t."' Name Addresua lone Builder : # d 4? ¢3-��►p Plumber : Mason : ,c1' Electrician * �� T DECLARA770M Please sign below after you have carefully read the stateirreru. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning, Ordinance and all other lawns pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is autliorized by the, owner. Further, it is understood that [/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy" or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn t scale, showing a uaI 1 ation of project on premises. Signature; I �0; /:11 (owner, owner's agent, art hitect, contractor) CO IIVWRCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building $r Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: 0111ce No. (518) 761-8256 Dept. of Community Development ,r Town of Queensbury Arrive l �f5 ro/pm Depart am/pm 742 Bay Road Inspector's Initials Queensbury, NY 128W PERMIT # NAME c�" - t LOCATION DATE � l=} TYPE OF STRUCT [.IItE NIA/YES NO COMMENTS C'hmincyr'B" VentlD vM VeM locatian Plumbing went. Roof C oniplete FvAnor finish grade complete Interiorletderior guardrails 42 in. platformldeeks hiteriorlexterior ballasters 4 in. spacing platfcnmidecics Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 Step risers 7 3/4 in. Main door 44 in. All others 36 in. Lever handles Exits at grade or platform Canopy to cover req. each doors Cias valve shut-tiff exposed &. regoi (18 in.) ve grad Floor bathroom watertig}rt Usher floors okay, Hot water relief valve Boiler/furnace enciosurc _ <250,000 BTU N/R. 250,000 BTU to 1,000.000 BTU's 0 > 1,o00,000 BTU. s (2 hour)- C'ixs furnace shut oirwithin 30 ll. or within l a fsite Oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace ar Stockroom enclosure (l hour), 3/4 hour door cSuWageiraeei ig+shippingroom (2 hour), 1 /2 1 12 hour doors and closers_ . hour corridor doors and closers Friv% alis/firc separation, 2 hour, 3 hour lete Fire dampers, 2 hour firewall/sepmation or Fire doorlshudcrs 1 '/2 hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire slurping 3,000/5.000 sq. -- Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan Exit doovpanic bars assembly hardware_.. Elevators Elevator signagc� ` Handicapped bathroom grab barsJsinkskoihets. _.. Handicapped bathlparknig lot signage _ Handicapped service counters 34 in-, checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond Active listening system and sigxage assembly space-- Final Electrical_ site planAlariance required- ,--_-- _ -- „ --- Final survey, new structures �. . &,built septic system layout required - -. O av to issue ternp. CIC) (Certif. of Occupancy)— 0"- v to issue permanent CIC) (Ceatif of tkxxupancy)� C)kav to issue C/C (Certif of Compliance) COMMERCIAL. FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building 8L Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: OfrIce No. (518) 761-8256 Dept. of Community Development Arrive wpm DePart �Pm Town of Queensbury� Bysyector's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME C- 'C DATE �— L OCAT10N r TyPE OF STRUCTURE NIA YES NO COMMENTS Chirrtney/"BW' Vent/Direct Vert location Plumbing Vast Roof Complete F. erior finish grade complete . lnterior/ex esior guardrails 42 in- platform/ haerior/exteior ballasteers 4 in. spacing platf decks Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in- Step risers 7 VA in. Nfant door 44 in.— All others 36 in. Lever handles Exits at grade or platform canopy to cover req. exit doors Gas valve shut-off exposed & regulat (l in.) above Floor bathroom watertight other floors okay Hot water relief vale€ Bailer/furnace encloser€—.._. <250.000 BTU N/R 250.000 BTU to 1,000,00013TU*. (1 hour)., _ — >1.000,00o B"l'L J's (2 hour) Gas, furnace shut off within 30 11- or w in line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to cc area_.. Ssockrnorn enclosure (1 hour), 3/4 hou door storage receivinglshippingroam (2 h r}, 1 Utz doom 1 l x !tour doors and closers a hour corridor doors and closers Fu-cwallslfuV separation, 2 hour. 3 hour oomptete Fire dampers, 2 hour fire wall/separation or greater Fire doorlshutters 1 °/z hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware____ Eievaictts _ Elevator signage. Handicapped bathroom. grab hams � / lar✓ Handicapped bathtparking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond .Aruve listening system and signage assembly space.— Final E.letxricaS Site plan/Variance required - Final Survey, new structures-.-.... s bunt septic system layrout. required � ,---- Okav to issue temp. C/o (Certif of Ck.X=Pancy)—� C]k.,av to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of Ckxupancy) Okav to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance) FIRE MARSHAL T-O►NN OF QUEENSBURY QUEENSBU Y, t'4y 5 2$� (S18) FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED LOCATION ayf Cif PERMIT #�_ � SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON AM M - -v APPROVED N1A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS _ -- - ^- - EMERGENCY I.IGHTI G -_ _----�J FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM - - -- - FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM -- - - - , FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTE - --- - � HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES -- - - ,. STORAGE: � _--- --- ---- - -- �, �. CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY - -- -- --- -- --_ -- - i' WOOD STOVE - FIREPLACE C]MASONRY ❑ FACTORY BLT. O FINALv�-- ~-- OK TO THIS DATE REMARKS: INSPECTOR 04sp$UPPUB COMMERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Office No. (518) 761411256 Dept, of Community Development Town of Queensbury �►rrivers�'l Dept:rt � ' 742 Bay Road Inspector's Queensbury, NY 12804 [� Q NAME i t PEItMI I" # # C] LO a 1..� ATION DATE TYPF, OF STR.UC I NIA YES NO CON MENTS Chim neyf'B" Vent/Direct. Vent location Plumbing Vent r — / {"f �^ Roof Complete f?, lie / JfT6 rS L c L F senor fetish grade complew lmerior/erdrrior guardrails 42 in. platforntldeeks j/ //fir ' r^4c lot.erior/exterior ballasuss 4 in. spacing platformldecks �- - °� I �j • J Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in.Step risers 7 -1/4 in. Main door 44 io. ,all others 36 iig? Liver handles Exits at grade: latform Canopy to coveq- exit doors`. Gras valve shut exposed & r lator (18 in.) ve Floor bathrooatertight other floors o , Hot water relialve Boiler/furnacelosure - <250,000 N/R � _ 250.000 to l,o00,000 BTtJ's ( i ho ) _�17000,00TU% (2 hour)Gas furnace soff within 30 1L or within a of site(ail furnaceshff at entrance to li mace eaStockroom enure (1 hour), 3/s hourstorageireeeiv /shippingroom (2 hour 1 'V, doors1 ° 2 hour doord closers_3 ahour con idoors and closers Fvewallslfre aration, 2 hour, 3 hoy exmrpleteFiredan pens, our Fire wall/separaM1ian or greater Fire door/shutters 1 "/2 hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5.000 sq. 11., Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan E~ca door/panic bars assembly hardware ievators Eievator siutage� Handicapped bathroom grab barsisutksitoifeLs_ Handicapped bath/parking id signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails. continuous/ 12 in. beyond �djve listening system acid signage assembly space_ Final Electrical. Site Plan/Variance required _- ------ - _. -- Final Survcy, new structures .A-s-built septic system layout required_ Okav to issue temp C/o (C artif. of Ooupancy)_ Okay to issue permanent C/O (C:ertiff of t.)ccupatrcy) Okav to issue C/C (C:ertif. of Compliance) FIRE NAARSHAL TO WN pE QUEENSBUR`� C].UEEN'SBLIR`f. my12� (518) 7BM1-8206 F;RE Mp,RSHAL INSPECTIQN REPQR'T PERMIT REQUEST RECEIVED --- --- _— -- NAME LOCKnT4 $CHEt3ULEI�PECT1[3N ON NYTIME A / NIA } YES NO E)OTs _�—� AISLE WIDTHS _._._ 44 ✓ EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING F IRE ATINGUISHERS F -.-- ! IRE ALARM SYSTEMFiRE FIRE SPRIfIKLSSION SYS EM FIRE SUPPRE HOOD INSTALLATION r -- - INTERIOR FINISHES -.--- r STORAGE: -CE TO SPRINKLER CLEARAN ! CLEARANCE To HEATING UNI REQUIRE[ S;GNAGE -- CIiIMNEY W000 STOVE FIREPLACE. - MASONRY LREMACE -- ' VAcTORY BUILT F -.-------'_ _ ��C] QK TO 4IIS DATE m KS: IIy pECTOR �µgy'L5P-f'�1B y GENERAL J SpE Jo& REPORT Town of Queensbury } Deptr of Community Development Date inspection request received= Building & Code Enforcement ( 1 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive ' ` Depart ins is initi # - NAME: LOCATION- � p,t TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES N COMMENTS FootingslPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundationl'Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Daampproo5n BackAJI Approval Bing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating. Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- _^ Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R" Walls R- Ceiling R' Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin Jack StudsfHeaders Bracing/Bridgin Joist Hangers Jack posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 , 2, 3, hour Penetration Seated Fire Wail 2, 37 4 hour F'irestopping— GENERAL MVEACTION REPk3RT Town of Queensbury Dept of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road a+'Pm Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive �`�' am/Pm Depart Inspector's lattaiAis // 1 NAME: l + sG/�/ :+ RMPT # LOCAT'ION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMNOKt T8 1 Footings✓Piers Ccw-d�rr+c.�-` Monolithic Pour Form d6i*4 Reinforcement in Place ��` 4107/.� The contractor is responsible for ee �, providing, protection from freez' for 48 hours Poll the pi ent of the concrete. Materials for this purpose site Foundation/Wall ur Reinforcement in P Foundation/Dam - Backfill Approva Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-in Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, our Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Great Food c" Ice Cream January 11 , 1999 Mr. David Hatin Town of Queensbury Department of Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury , NY 12804-5902 Dear David: ts (signed & stamped) of the framing details for our building at 44 l have enclosed 5 prin Aviaton Road _ ew, please call with your approval and/or any comments. Upon revi Thank you . Sincerely , h l A. Amato Project Manager Massachusetts 01095 {a1sJ 54324oO Friendly Ice Cream Corporation 1855 Boston Road + Wilbraham, • TC]►[�V"N' OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, IVY 12804-5902 .518- 761 -8201 Pyramid Corp_ December 16, 1998 Pyramid Co. of Glens Falls Clinton Exchange 4 Clinton Square Syracuse, NY 13202 Re. Friendly's Aviation Road Dear Sirs: As a result of a review of your Building Permit application; 98-762, I would like to bring to your attention the necessity of applying for and receiving approval for a Sign Variance prior to the installation of the proposed signs on the Left Elevation at the above referenced site, as shown on a drawing dated 817198. The addition of these two proposed signs may require Sign Variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals, (ZBA). It appears, from the drawing submitted, that the proposed Friendly' s sign above the entrance will require a Sign Variance. The "Nostalgic Mural" may also require review, pending additional information pertaining to sign copy and size. For your information and scheduling, in order to be placed on a January ZBA agenda, the deadline for submittal is December 30, 1998, Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Dept. of Comm. Development Craig R own Code Compliance Officer 11Townhail svrlsys\C0MMDEV1Craig\LeuerslFriendlys 121698.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE To LIVE" SETTLED 1763 RES: -N1AME C:LcN� ALL' , 4 VIATION RCIAC ADOPESS CITY, STATr L.�IVS I' ALI_ , N_)�__!� ZIP ODE PRO: N0 _---_._ _- REST N: 844 �ti 1J NU r� TY,-"E S DWG M CHANGE i D F J C R I F TI G N NOTISZ4_ CS VEn S iFE' �OPOSEC °A`?TIA_ >iTE ' :AN S'[ ! v?ICASITE JETA!..S "ER!CR ELEYATICNS 'JOR '_AN 'NDEX LATEST ' REVISION DWG. ♦ I CHANGE I - - - DATE _�.—�— -, '7 9R 8''9d _ 7/ 9F R)�aQ_N.DATT { I ,_)F- DRA.W±N{-_'S DESCRIPTION N G E. J -) W N�_:- ' ;UMBER IN SECT PROJECT MANIA Er F `EASE POST REVISION LATEST DWG / MANGE DATE I NOTICE )E-SCRIPTION REVISION DATE ABBREVIATION A.F.F. - ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A.F.S. ABOVE FINISHED SLAB AGG. - AGWGATE ALT. -- ALTERNATE ALUM. - ALUMINUM APPRGX,- APPROXIMATE A.T.F. - ABOVE TOP OF FOUNDP ,ION BLDG. - BUILDING BLK - BLOCK 90T. - BOTTOM MG. - BEARING BV. - BIRCH VENEER CB. - CATCH BASSI OR CONCRETE BLOCK BORE - COUNTERBORE - CENTERLINE ARP - CARPENTER CI. - CAST IRON CLG. - CEILING CLR - CLEAR COL. - COLUMN CONC. - CONCRETE CONT. - CONTINUOUS CONTR. - CONTRACTOR CT. - CERAMIC TILE CYL - CYLINDER DBL. - DOUBLE DET. -- DETAIL DIA. - DIAMETER DIM. - DIMENSION DOT - DECORATIVE QUARRY T!LE DR. - DOOR DT'L- DETAIL DWG. - DRAINING E.H, EQUIPMENT HEIG-I- EA - EACH ELEC. - ELECTRIC ELEV - ELEVATION EQUIP - EQUIPMENT EXH. - EXHAUST EXP. - EXPANSION EXIST - EXISTING EXT - EXTERIOR F C. - FIRE CODE F O. - FINISH OPENING F.D. - FLOOR DRAIN I.C. - FRIENDLY ICE CREAM FIN. - FINISH FLR. - FLOOR FOUND- - FOUNDATION F.R.P. - FIBERGLAS REINFORCED PANEL FT. - FOOT OR FEEL FURN - FURNISHED GA. - GAUGE GALV - GALVANIZED He. - HOLLOW CORE HGT. - HEIGHT HM. - HOLLOW METAL HT. - HEIGHT H.T. HEUGA TILE INSTL - INSTALLED INSU- - INSULATION NV. - INVERT. JT. - JOINT LAV. - _AVATORY LG. - LONG I LH. - LEFT HAND _L. - LANDLORD LT. - LIGHT MAT'L - MATERIAL MAX. - MAXIMUM M.D.0 - MEDIUM DENSITY OVERLY,'ED F',Y%101:0 I VH. - MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM M N C - VINERA; CGR, VISC - 'vIISCE�_ANEC�S ! M O MASONRY CPEMNC ` 7l�✓ V.R. - MOISTURE RkS'S-ANT 44-D. MOUNTFn I VT'L. - METAL N.E.C. - NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE N.E.M. A. - NATIONAL ELECTRi ;AL VANUFACTURE:RS 19QQ AssoaAnoN +wV TOWN OF QUEENSBURY N.S.F. - tiAnONAL SANITA O ON { UNpA i ,pN NSOT - NON -SOP CUARRY TILE N.LS - NOT AL SCALE -��I� & `o O.A. - OVERALL ii JiEV; i(/� O.C. - ON CENTER OPN. - OPENINPANELING 0FQV� �EV*WW BY PAN. - PANELING TiGY PART - PARTITION �owbm IMTE PERIM. - PERIMETER PHP. - PERFINISHED HARDBOARD PANELING WbOWUVRU**Al PL. - PLATE� ASTIC LAMINATE PLC LAM. - PLASTIC LAMNATE CLAD (BOTI SIDES`, 0M�� PLYWD. - PLYWOOD PIS. - PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATION PREFAB.- PREFABRICATED PREP - PREPARATION ILE �� P.S.I. -- POUNDSOUNDS PER SQUaRE INCH PTD - PAINTED �� L OT. - QUARRY TILE '�� COALAN� REFRIG. - REFRIGERATED <ti Gam, RUNE - REINFORCING R.H. - RIGHT HAND x RM. - ROOM + R.O. - ROUGH OPENING S. - STAINED S/S - STAINLESS STEEL N 0 T I C E y `� SAT. - SUSPENED ACOUSTIC TILE p15 SHCT - SURFACE HARDENING & COLOR SHT. - SREE" OF SHTRK. - SHEETROCK SPEC. - SPECIAL OR SPEUFICATIGNS ON ALL PASSAGE D00 STT - STEELRE COLLINS + S OVILLE TSTA. - STATION HD. - THREADED WHETHER INTERIOR O .r�� C,H I T E C T 5 m T.O.F. - TOP OF FOUNDATION EXTERIOR DOORS T.S.. - TOP OF STEEL T,T.F. - TRIM FITSYMBOL LEGEND ?YP. - TYPICAL SYMBOL V. - VARNISHED V.A.T - VINYL ASBESTOS TILE VWC - VINYL WALL COVERING XX.XX NE* EQUIPMENT ITEM N I C. NOT IN CONTRACT W / — WITH SEE EQUIP SPEC. SHEET W.A.IT . - WASHABLE ACOUSTIC TILE W. C. — WALL COVERING -- �X— 900TH STYLES FOR W.H. — WAINSCOT HEIGHT REFERENCE ONLY WTR. — WATER O CONSTRUCTION NOTE W W.M. — WELDED WIRE MESH �_c> DEMOLITION NOTE FJRNISHED BY F.I.C. NOTICE INSTALLEC BY CONTRACTOR ® FURNISHED & INSTALLED R RELOCATED ITEM AFT PAPER INSULATION MUST BE UNDER A SEPARATE CONTRACT LED BY NON-COMBUSTIBLE BARRIER FURNISHED ANC INSTALLEC N NEW ITEM B* CONTRACTOR NOTICE KEY TO SECTIONS & DETAILS M INSULATION MUST BE COVERr (X SECTION OR DETAIL LETTER SHEET ON :HICH SECTION OR A 15 MINUTE THERMAL BA�`�RIL, DETAIL LOCATED -- - E,,lS71NG i ------ EXISTINC PARKING --- - F hR K lG SON --- ----- - -- - - Q / SEF DRAWL ; S2 / � z SEE S2 O 00 �� J s Q LAJ CAp VAt� ARKING SIG"; --- -- - o / IDEE DRA.WNG S2 o iNTERNA'IOf+AL --I'r' `- � SYMBOL. SE---DRAW'NG \ S2 TYG C _FIST. 00 RAMP 1 c xJ� 00 PAINTED STRIPING _- SEE DRAWING S2 TYP. 'CAP PARKING SIGN - SEE DRAWING S2 FA F AR Ti AL SITE PI_- A` N SCALE: 1" = 1C'—G" t:IS 'NG �i_ANTER Y X 's RESTJRA EXISTING PLANTER NEW DANNER E/iST. L!G�?T POLE w ,4 I EXIST AVIATION M ALL SIGN. STAW -- �S i TYPE LOCATION GLENS i FALLS, NY SCHENECTADY ROAD LATHAM, NY 2110 TITLE PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN REST. NO. 842 DWW PROJECT N0. DA� 6/jW sl SCALE AS NOTED D BY CSA CFw BY PROJECT BY -- - ., o i IM5 @OWN" Moro.. "L8Wp K KAM Me* - FLARED SIDES T�'PICAL BUILT- ,JP CURB RAMP SCALE: NONE r T �i FLARED SIDES 36 IF x IS LESS THAN 48' SLOPE OF FLARED SIDES SHALL NOT EXCEED 112 Tr PICAL CUT -IN CURB VAMP SCALE: NONE EXIS- NUMINOUS 6- SOC/PLANTER W r � z S BITUMINOUS CURB DETAIL SCALE: NONE (TO MATCH EXISTING) I' DIA CONDUIT n 1 DE FORM wTH REMOVE AAMRRCCURR"fG & �— II II II I.L a— BOLTS & TEMPLATE I ! LLtt = _ To BE o� BY II II G ,J L ALIGN (2) OPPOSITE �_... LUG NUTS IN LINE w/ GABLE • ENTRANCE (IF MOUNTING FLOOD TO NEW LIGHT POLE) I 0 Tp 1 LIGHTING CIRCUIT DECORATIVE I AMP POST BASE DETAIL__ 4' WIDE SINGLE LINE 4' WIDE SINGLE LINE PAINTED SAFETY YELLOW PAINTED SAFETY YELLOW _y ��7 / � ZIT fit' 0' TYP.+ 45 TYP. SEE PUN PAINTED STRIPING DETAIL SCALE: NONE 2APHIC & BORDER i CKGROUND STEEL POST 'E BASE RED GRAPHIC do OMER BLUE BACKGROUND VANS ACCESSIBLE SIGN PLATE 1 2' DNA STEEL POST CTT- \�z�: ice, I I it �\ 3/4 HOLES 1 I I I w I I 2-i4 REBAR Lizz CAR SIGN DETAIL VAN SIGN DETAIL SCALE- NONE SCALE NONE O• \��� HANDICAP PARKING SIGN DETAiLS SCALE. NONE MOO, NEW YORK, HIPGINLA VERMONT, "NE NEW f- M HIRE. 6c RHODE 15LAND PRECAST CONCRETE BJMPER DETAIL SCALE: NONE 63 2929 Flopo LIGHT (IF' APPUCAV SECURE TO LIGHT PONE AS 0'D FOCUS ON MAIN ENTRANCE GABLE 0 �n 0 1 1 1 DECORATIVE LAMF POST DETAIL SCALE: NONE S6�20 0 r: 2 ODD LIGHT (IF APPLICABLE) .CURE TO ST. LIGM POLE REO'D. FOCUS ON MAIN (TRANCE GABLE MI R (IF APPLICABLE) SECURE 1 EXIST. LIGHT POLE AS REO D. i I EXISTING PARKING LOT LIGHT POLE DETAIL SCALE: NONE 5' CONCRETE 4000 PSI MIN. EXIST GRADE t , 2 LAYERS 6X6 10/10 W.W.F. 6' SUB -BASE COMPACTED TO "% OF ASTM D--1557 EARTH o. CONC. PAD DETAIL (FOR CONDENSING UNIT SCALE NONE 5' CONCRETE 40M PSI MIN 2 LAYERS 6X6 w/ BROOM FINISH 10/10 W.W.F. FMNSHED GRADE PLANTER EARTH TOOLED EDGE +- 45' ! T 9' SUB -BASE 12' TO 99F� ASW D-1557 NOTES: ' MIN. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 20'-0" O.C. PROVIDE TOOLED CONTROL JO94TS EVERY 5'-0' O.C. CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION SCALE: NONE STAMP BUILDING TYPE s LOCATION GLENS FALLS, NY A'JIATICN RAJA! GLENS FALLS, r0' -)80' TITLE TYPICAL SITE DETAILS REST, NO. 842 DOG# P"o fCT NO. DATE V7/90 SCALE AS NOTED DIM. BY IOU S2 Cw. BY PRNNCT BY mm&wtsk low amm "m .aaw+w *"& olm