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I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK April 12 99 Date 19 _ >\ 5n r- 98784 This is to certify that work requested to be clone as shown by Pet irtit No. i has been completed. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING This structure may be occupied as a LOT 8 3# 17 2 HUDSON POINTE BLVD . Location HUDSON POINTE , INC , Owner TAX MAP N0 . 1480 3 - 8 3 By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEEN 8U Y e Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 182900 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98784 TAX MAP NO . 14S . - 3 - 83 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to HUDSON POINTS INC . OWNER of property located at , LOT 8 3 417 2 HUDSON POINTS BOULEMR n Street. Road or Ave. in the Town of 4ueensbury, To Construct or place a _ SINGLE MTTX n9dal' n at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. L300ERIE S Address is ERIE BLVD . W . CUSEr NY 13202 RACTOR or GUILMRIS NameAELS GROUPr INC .RACTOR or BUILDER'S Address CHANDLER , PROJECT MGR1810 ROUTE 9 GEORGEr NY 12845 ITECT'S NameYORK BOARD ITECT'S Address YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS g, TYPE of Construction — (please indicate by XI SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1 I Wood Frame ( I masonry f 1 Steel l F 7. PLANS and Specifications 2714 00 FT 'SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH 2 -CAR ATTACHED GARAGE AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS a. Proposed Use SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 333 January 8 19 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES (If a longer period is required an aPPI fur an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town or Queensbu ry before the axpi rat ion date.! 8 January 19 1998 Dated at the Town of Gueensbury this [lay of t for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED By Building grad 2 � Ir:spaCxtu uilc,� We�j �-'c� ��rrtiot� lipplicat`ivrt . , - !J* ,r, eel f::xrlrrrr+rlir►' IJr rrdrryurrerlf, 742 Brrr ArA 1, 011CCrrsbillyr NY 12804 17G1-S25G,j f l ►IlrJ1 r ?f rJrrc. # Jr,4'lllf! ) 1 _-- . .. .n IJ 11 J r, Jl r N Ci efr C: e1 J3 Ii Ji JV f'' U li [: ls" At I: IV 7' �f5�t Re(plilell1CI1tS l7rilJr LU isstllltrcc pEepA1111F11.L NU. , ....�- -----__ __._______..__., trl• Illi^. 4lctlrlii�v� A lx:lfnil 1111"I l>G 11ItIa111C51 IM:1511G - _- -- Ik�i1 J11 FL'1S IT�1IJ t I)Cgitlnilrg rolled llctian. Nipin^ I>« bulls 7A)rrerrg 1lcxrrd r�1CH011 vvill fell f7+nd❑ 11111il Implllit•sl ll flies ecrriv'ttl A1c 1 r flee 12IS'l 12I1iI11UN �''� IPA -� rI lie "I re V,AI.117 11t111,1)Il`It1 S'Si1Ll+S11', MI n11111ic,1101" 91"Cx•.^. fill Mill ,ry"lelirrt111rt1 _ IUMIEVVI:IJ 111: - Ilerllotl Ifulvaor II.IITS'1' f>a cxr11,11Ict1�tl nn5) lhn siklrnlsuu L� 1`Jtlrrrrlrfg 1Jv,rrr71 .r1c11vrlr - of (hc nl*lelichllt 11111%t m{,lx nr au 1f1t7 lLccfclrlitr11e1)CC I'nyltictllr lilrl,licr+litell li)lnl. J&rlil r"« Srruro_ L1\V Itt4k : /til:l,lic:lnl : Il[c". nitc'ffrt5afn lr+r.u111-� , ilr� .allIi'[111 .fe 9 (.aiLC (if!frlr [ C*_ r NY I28A,%illICSS: Tax Malr Number lel0ilel ry Ltmn1it71t: C .1111 I 5eclion Mock l eel 4tflftlivtsi5lu Pt.Smu. L`a`da�—QU&t� 1111'1'U1ll; OF PROPOSE YIUil1C 1 1:5T3.t31L'i'isl) MI+IILMC'1' VALUE OF' T11,C flour 13t1 i. l.ct .i. lty t oturrlerc d.c11 rr- flicicll [. e / Adc13. 1. 1 c711 I, t) l.lttl. 1.cdltr4l = C7C CiJl* ririC:x xlrrUllrtri�' tclrzs r. tr [: i-ticlrc.x7 / CtTr+Illrr-: r; c. itl .l. k r: I_nlriry Lti+ ll.tlirtcf ~ Uwe711lkrg 1\ 11 tsr:sll . i, c+ 11 lic I115 .L I.xl l. rlcl : - ;5lrtyl, o E* crrttdrly eft .i_clr7nCn / r_t)ue11131 G1 �11 Two Family llwelling llc � d.clrttt: [' Iramlly vW011 ,111y 110 CtSzlrlyr- t u cacLar: sor: fJi. yr ijx� ce • ' l+tarcraltt: lla [3Lher WL7r k ( describe below ) Ma ,ruaat urllty Other GROSS 1 IMA Or r:*ltotluscl) S:CIluel t1llL : 30� if 1lUl] ITIOV f What Will . _.1._�'-' € q . £ L . [rC nQtw ,acic plant be7 711x�' ,r• lolarP 0 * fill . ,It . otbor r Lolorm • • • * _ ) ACCESSORY BL7ILDIN[75 C . � Car ( n l; ull £ 3nishecl Cellar or baeeulertL I)et~aclted Gara e 1 Y � Z'7 sCt . 11 l? r� 3v �a (;e SLa7rage Build ' liy I'u'rn1� 1r4,Uolt AREA : _.._.._---• � �otlunerc 3 al 51 arage 13ui1di11g SIZE OF pEW S'I'ILtIC'I'UItG ; t)1:i1e1r ' Will aftyy sccoltcd- 1larld or tttlgraclecl 1 f ■ 1' d•unrbe7r be used? Il eor loll w11,aL7 rt)Lllttlat- j. L7ll Type i r V llttlnbcr uE Sl Ur1r* e = _ _ ( llal) iCalalr r. I7ace 1� s11y feel: '�Xl�l3 +Ulr , llEh'� IttC# SY5'xICM : es � cirCle all whit~ RP woad lfeirlttL ( y1 r3rle Lt7 r. 3.c1ye3 --- } Electric / Di l l'ad"t#bvarci r C) l Iles iJtturl)er oI C ). relrJ.lfc a ae t1 al wc7oilst ave orcecl EIaL' Air / L o be a r r o L n .L ! ec1 ; _���� ertri � loll raf woz k an regard" �v bullcl�119 Plarr�c7r1 respo+tslble for eup lLcL yr uric Rice � �`�"`•" t� i p C r s - ass - yG C )Ca ds cV z84r tlmite 1 $ 1 0 R to 4 �(ytclze GC Vh[ er 13ud ]-cic* r r rtP._ f41ic_11�xFGS G1tu� f1, 10Ec . NY 2 $ Oi 5 � 8 - 798 - 3 9 1� 3. ttrt,l7er : �ictvcRJ.GX 17awilz Iivau[_s.._i3Re11.5 u Lsrirt oft : y'__ t* is-•- U1.C1 11tA11fJN. fill .tlgrt bc1v1y r flcl• )"vlr IF"$ celrcfrlfy read 111C slrrlerrlcr;ctlter whit the plaits 7ro roscd work to box dott5o +pu 't'v itk+C (Yost crC tkty kttuwtcclgc ll1C Sluletltct►ts coltta'tncll 111 this ;3171l1kt:.ittN)l1, 171, fr51c1 el7ccifiCatiurts RtIl77it1ltCtl, ale fi true :tntl complete gt:tLc+1►ektt t)1 all t 1 tl►r. alr.Sct il7Ctl t,t x W ill [1ntl that all, pl ovisicstlx or 1110 13uiit1ir+1- C"txlc, the 7otrilrg C11dinatlCe and al1 her wrtGr, 1 -0L11 (l1Gr, it is L111tlerstmKI, Lllat {/wc shall subtx prior to a xrthCr lntvs llc5t:tinirl� to the leslrlx+sect vvc7rk s1t[rlI bcCx)Inl7t.ic53 with, wllttiAS 131ULI :Y lr'LC7"I" YLAT`11bY 117 1t st+c It vvtrs k is ttlllrt7liTctt fry Ll1c o lull: tilic:llr, of []cctll7nr7cy' or C csltflcatc of ( vntt,tlnttc l L7ctn issucd , st :t 1iC.Cl19C11 survcyt7r; elraw V scoff:, sltxsin+ilrg actit4tl ]tac.tlie-7n of 17rcrjccl oil ptcnt'sscs. (ULtI1iCr , awltcr*5 agelltt �1C 1111C[ tr � vlttr7cLUr) { s f TOWN OF QUE.ENSBURY � 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury , NY 12804 APPLICATION FOR SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES AND CHIMNEYS j Date ,! `? '� t�, 19 - Permit No. . APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Dept. for the issuance of a Building and Use Permit 1 pursuant to the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow all inspectors to enter premises to perform required inspections. Please fill out additional form if more than one appliance andlor chimney. Applicant �j ! r chi r c �; _ APPLIANCE (check appropriate boxes) Address ❑ STOVE: ❑ Wood ❑ Coal ❑ Pellet o Gas O FIREPLACE INSERT c FIREPLACE, FACTORY-BUILT: r r Zip /Z '� ❑ Wood Gas Phone - 1 t ❑ FIREPLACE, MASONR : ❑ Wood ❑ Gas Owner ❑ FURNACE: ❑ Woad Cl Gas ❑ Oil Address IF NOWMASONRY APPLIANCE: -manufacturer; - - ZiP - - Model : Phone CHIMNEY (check appropriate boxes) * EXACT ADDRESS of proposed construction i ❑ MASONRY : ❑ Block ❑ Brick 13 Stone / 1L, , ; f'! /; � V t } [ G FLUE: ❑ Tile ❑ Steel Size: inches CONSTRUCTION / INSTALLATION MUST FACTORY-BUILT: ' CONFORM TO NYS FIRE PREVENTION & Manufacturer: # Model : BUILDING CODE. CONSULT AVAILABLE Listed By : 1Number: TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY HANDOUTS Double Wall ❑ Triple Wall REGARDING REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. Insulated ❑ Direct Venting o Chimney Liner Cashier' s Department Town of Queensbury, New York Dept: Fire Marshal Amount Collected Amount Refunded Code Number Title C �— A 173 3389 ( 190) Public Safety A 233 2655 (230 ) Minor Sales Fee Collected From or efunded to: Dated : Town Clerk or Depu Rite: Applicant Green: Fire Marshal Yellow: Bldg. Dept. Pink & Goldenrod, Cashier's Dept. _r Application for SEPTIC DISPOS AE PERMIT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Permit No. Building & Codes Office 742 Bay Road Fee Paid $ Queensbury. NY 12804 ], Location of property for installation: � -k � '�l''U�� fJ W' Property Owner's Name: ` 4 lL nli"I l co-_?_�,�_ erg, . }&yV1j-A0 ^�,� Property Owner's Mailing Address: Lb I L) 1[uJk IC `7 4�-- IcV 4 Installer's Name: bj21U0JKa 'h Phone # Number of bedrooms (if residential : Total daily flow: I hn n (residential - compute a 150 gal./bdrm.) Topography: ✓r flat, rolling, steep slope %o of slope Soil Nature: wsf sand, loam, clay, other / depth: Ground water: at what depth? feet ! Bedrock or Impervious Material: at what depth? � feet Percolation test: not required, --X required [ .rate — ruin. per inch J Domestic water supply: municipal, well, other If domestic water supply is a WELL, water supply from any septic absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM Septic tankd,'�_ gallon (minimum size: 1 ,000 gal.) Tile field: each trench V4 feet I Total system leng;k: .24 ^ feet Seepage pit(s): number of I size each: ft. by ft. Size of stone to be used: f depth or thickness feet HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: &A Size of each: gallons AWm system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified argeacy. For your prot+eaticrn, please note that pursuant to section 13G-29 of the Code of the Town of Queenabimy, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is ,granted m reliance up m any material m1areprea+eatK1x or failure to make a matw,-ini fact or circtaustanca known by or on behalf of an applicant, aball be void. I Have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by those and all requirements of the Town of Quoensbury Sanitary Sewage Diagonal.Signature of responsible person; 7NO Date: _~ � Y 01 / 09/ 1999 10 : 12 51866e4523 MICHAELSGRUUP PAGE 027U 01 008/ 1599 £'.l9: 41 15167937061 HAAHEN ENOINEERD4G PAGE 02 rr � i .�';, HAANEN, JENKiN & HUTCHINS. LLC #n+due&W Design Projvet #Menegmement i rT January 8> 1999 3:' u K . Mr. Jim Chandler The ivfiohaels Group 1810 R.ouus 9 Lake Gewge, NY 12845 Via Fax - 668-4523 RE: Hudson Pointe PUD Phase 2 Soil Percolation Vests Dear Jim: Can January 7, 1999 " completed percolation tests on Lots #820 and $3 , Hudson Pointe Blvd. The stabilized percolation rates are as follows: Lot 082 1 minutes 0 seconds Lot *083 2 minute 20 seconds Should you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, A/ G. Thomas Huts Wns, P.E. l.W4\db029a�.oac 254 SAY ROAD, QUEENSSURY, N.Y. 12804 PHONE (513) 793-74" • FAX (518) 793-7061 I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742. BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 ( ! (5I8) 761 -8256 ARRIVE : DEPART : ` INSP : FINAL INSPE CTION REPORTENTIAL DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME LOCATION � `� �- '�"1.✓�j Gib ►J7`-.. i�. f --- DATEf 2' PERMIT f r 1 TYPE OF STRUCTUR FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATION FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE N A YES NO I � CfIIMN Y HEIG iT B VENT fiEIGEi'I' PLUMBING VENT i ROOFING .._ ...-. EXTERIOR FINISH . EC(C P RCH S EP RAILINGS RE LIE V LV S F_VRNACE / HOT WATER OPERATING INTER OR TR M RIVACY BOORS FIN LS11UQRS H/,KITCHEN W ITT ERETGHT OTHER RS S'WE P BLL� OTH R FLOORS CARPETE STAIR CL ARAN E RA LINGS I SMOKE TO S BATUROM N 14 G FI TURES OUN T ON SU ION GA G R ROO ING ,I DO S RS FINALT C L SATE PLA VARTA CE RE FINAL SU V p PL N. OK TO SUE C R C C S '' ,f?4goJ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12904 (518) ?61-8256 {� f ARRIVE : ._�.,,___.. DEPART : ��__..�_C-) I N SP : `�' �`�"` FINAL INSPECTION REPORT � RE'SIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTION REDUEST RECEIVED : ti \ 4 .�CG� Z NAME _ JJJ LOCATION — �7 DATE " PERMIT # TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS_ FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUM9 IC ING SEPT INSULATION FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE H/A YES IiC7 CNrMN v ag.l NITJB VENT/JISIGHT 1PLUMB N jLOOF I N_G _ g]&TERIOR FI NISH D CK P R H ST INGS E I VA VES U N CE3 EfOT W E RA NG INTERIOR TRIM P IVACY D S I IS 0 S BAT HfKITCHEN W T GHT T ER FLOORS WE PAD E OTHER FL S CARPET D TAIR L C NCE R7�TLINGS — Sho&g' DE E TDRS F i G F X URES FOUNDATION INSULT14 .--- F R R O I G O C O ERS L E CT I A SITE PLANfVARIANCE L SU V Y PL T PLA OK S U R C C RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Date inspection request received= office No, (518) 761-8256 I am/ Building & Code Enforcement Arrive Depar �_ Dept. of Community Development inspector's Initials Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 128W # NAME Ch 1 Ps r c L�sao PuF' . DATE T LOCATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE COIVIII S N/A YES NO Clumnev HeighU"S" VentlDtrect Vent '1,ocation Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof lefe Exterior finish Complete 30 , to 36" intenor/Exteriar Railings --c�' e Exterior Handrails, balcom , landing a Interior Handrails stairs ba Sides 3 ots more risers Grade 2% away.from found4 tion $" clearance to sill plate l Gas Valve shut-off a re r 1 t above grade Gas Furnace shut-offwi 34 feet or within line of site Ll Oil Furnace shut--off aten ce to furnace area Fu nacehiot Water Beater Relief Valve(s) installed HP aroorr, 6 ft. 6 in on rs _ p Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 / �`��j C Handrail exterior stairs llt sides more than 3 risers ,� $T� -_ 1` . Interior privacy/trim/d rslmam entrance 36" Z lkl +�C Floor Finish Bathroorn/Kitchen tight lg in. or more Interior Handrails conies/Lancling - Railing across w in stairwells_ Smoke Detector every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer f.Famge fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed age) Furnace in separate room protected (in g Light ventilation per room Safety glazing I o s f ll Final Electrical Site Plan/variance r Final Survey Plot Plan uired As Built Septic System iayo ------- ' Olcav to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance)_�_.,__-- Okay to issue temp. CIO' (Certif. of Occupancy) —� Okav to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) TOWN OF QUEENSSURY ENT BUILDING &74e) CODE RoAODRCEM QUEE ftY NY I2a04 (5I8) 761-8256 INSP : DEPART = ARRIVE. : REPORT _ RESLn TI+nT� FIpRL IN6PECT Ib"N I C/` C7A'I'E INSPE T, Y�f JREQUEST RECEIVED ' PERMIT 1f . DATE TYPE OF ST OCTU E -�—�— J �J FRAMING BhCKFLLL FOOTINGS__-_ �'QUNDATION INSULATIOi3 _ SEPTIC g,p'UGfI FLUMBING WOODSTOVS= OR F'LREPLACE FINhL ELECTRICAL �_.� HIA _ yE& pp VENT jig GJIT PLUMBING VENT Fkg2 ' I NG X'i�ERIOR FINISH _ INGS _UECiCL.'F'C1RCl3 S`rEFS RA T RNLI EF VALVES I}QT WATER OPE T G FURNACE .�----- 1NTERIOft TRIM PR VACY D RS FINISH FLOORS : �— C'kIEN WAT�FR G T �----- SATl3�-T t---" _OT}iER FLOORS $WE AD E OT"E OORS CA FETED S'I'hIR CLEARANCE ICINGS � _1- SMQKE DETEC ---- iELO�_ LNG FOUNDAT ON NSS.SLATIflN GA GE FIRE PROOFING 1�OOR—5 ft5 —. FINAL ELECTRICAL VAR ftE �., p s zT� P AN - ------ / PL N Cip'iNAL SURVEY PLOT O OR ox T'O ISSUE , THE NEW YO► RK BOARD OF RE UNDERWRITERS C 37s3`T i i i I N3YI�ir 292y1 A I - 76C WASµiNGTC Y�� U1TE7pR At8AN � 00 F'RIL 14 Date ! T}il8 CERTIFIES THAT ca k rt2imed on the above apPlicatian number is in the premises Of only the electricat equipment as described below and introduced by t It'd--'� f.JY -• " HUI75C]N Pi , f'LVC1 rCJ'I' F3 r, CIE;ENSl3iIR]' , Lot 'I'Fs.r f fICHAE;L S GRC?!JE , +:AI Section Block Ist Fl. ® znd mot. Basement fiance with the National Electrical Code. in the following location; L .;':; ' and found to be in camp was examined on RANGES COOKING DECKS LIVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS FIXTURES K.W. AMT. FIXTURE RECEPTACLES SWITCHES INCANDESCE FLLKM$CENT OTHER AMT. K.W- AMT- K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. CUTLETS UNIT HEATERS dAULTt-CUTLET DiMtu1ER FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT. TIME CLOCKS BELL SYSTEMS AMT wwns DRYERS FURNACE N10TC+RS TRANS. AMT. H.P. NCi. OF FEET N.P. GAS H.P. AMT. NO. A. W. G. AMT. AMP- AMT. AMPS. AMT. r1w, OIL S E R V I C E A. W. G. N(3 OF A. W G. NO- Or HENTRALS OF NEUTRAL SERVICE DISCc7NNEGT NO. OF OC CONT1. A. W. G. NO, HI-LEG OF HI-LEG c METER OF CC- COHD. ,F ^ ,/0 AMP. TYPE EQUIP. 19 2W 1 0 SW 9 i 3W S 0 aW PER Y AMT. 7 200 CJ9 i OTHER APPARATUS: MOTORS. 1 -IF H, �rfur�€ DETFF TOR : _a ► L � FOREVER FI,LEC/BC)EL E�IXCT - GENERAL MANAGER itfFLL1 Alf 1�. 11CFAR 1"LON 446 jAPFREY :.ST. 1 ` �C3`e ;CtfLj,JECT`AI7k . IVI', Per This certificate must not be altered in any manner; return to the off Ice of the SDatd If incorrect. Inspecfots maybe identliied by their credentials. NY - - - — - - - GppY FC1 THIS COPY C7F CERTIFICATE MUST NOT SE ALTERED IN Fi BUILDING DEPARTMENT, ,. � '`• TOAN1 OF Q�3E��YEINENT WILDING CODE I� 531 Bay NY*dId 1) SjLg 7 45"4447 TEM INSPEGTI� SEPTIC I' S6d ALI SYS flame ----~~`~~ 1 4j 77 Location � Permit Date r Sand- oam-Cl SOIL "P Test- percol ati on nch�� Resin is of pate-M� nu -� ( i f appl S`CS 1 e1 -T1fPE OF Iota L en9t F k1E 48S(1RYT�� ear trench e Depth of tren ze of stone Si "s PITS: t ` SEEPAGE PITS t Sizee �S Stone size _�-�---� 1 T—t —. ---�—�"_ pIPIN6o Tank t'7 B ank+ to Di st . Box 1 d t10 arti al to IF i e Yes D'ISgoxeealed openings TICMII SEPA�txATI S ` feet 1' A ion to Tan ti on Ia f eet Found t Ab xp roundation ' Pit Yes ° $eparati on o per p of PA an ER Conf o,rms as YSTER 06 PROF LOCATION OE ._ R19ht Side one) eft r ( circle Side Rear M1 a F ront wont i d�fl.QiTS t ES NO. SYST USE APPROvm 1 Arrived: ' pep art"ed ' �-�-- y` Inspector i 3 5 r 1 f RECEIVED fTTOWN OF QUIENSFURY f � - BUILDING AND CODE ENFCRCEMENIT APR 0 8 1999 �I, �4o n Pa.n 742 BAY R T l EENSE R`,I e �,��� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODE aso To.^ d i I �e t FILE COPY t \ 3 1 a2 f ` 1{ t 7 r ,6 L ^ • L! GENERAI. FNSPEC�"ION RE�RT eens Town of Qu bnry elo eat gate inspeC�o'n request r ivede Dept. of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement De�� U� 742 Bay goad Arrive _ �_-- �' Imprctor's 1�ti Q�ueensbury, NY 128C14 . NAME: DATE 2_ LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE. i RECHECK C© NTS NIA NC7 rr ers �l ev L06 onalithic our Farm Reinforcement in Place �--- �� ,� ►i le for The contractor is rom,tYstb providing prOt,ectr�on th p freezin€, for 48 hours following laOem y of the concrete- materials for this pairpose on site `~ FoundationlWall'imur Reinforcement in Place Fours dationlDamFProor"I ll l plumbing der Slab Plumbing VentNents in place Rough plumbin Heating Rough In insulation Foundation Walls Interior R Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Wails R- _�--- Ceiling Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- �--�- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin Jack Studslllea�� Bracing/Bndginn 3oist Mangers jack post&Uain Beata Air Infiltration Barrier Fire SeparaLion i, 2, 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 31 4 hour FirestoMng Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: 3 3 g Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive�,,j j Depart . n Inspector' NAME: fi. yj LOCATION: DATE : f t5 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS FootingslFiers � Monolithic Four Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freez" for 48 hours following the pl ent of the concrete. Materials for thi on Foundation/ all all Reinforcement in F Foundation/Dar pproo Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentfVents in P Rough PI Heating hough-In Insulation Foundation Walls In 'or R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R. t U Ceiling R- - Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- F Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing h G"T- Jack Studs/Headers _ Bracing/Bridging C, c� Joist Hangers i Jack PosLS/Main Beam 7 - E: F- Air Infiltration Barrier s Gi0A Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wail 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL RMSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 121 " Arrive epart '.L{C7 ,r Inspector's Initials ) NAME: _ PERMIT # V f LOCATION: o DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: "r7 RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for Providing protection from freezin for 48 hours following the p ent of the concrete. Materials for du urpose on to Foundationf Wallpo Reinforcement in Place FoundationfDampproo Baclfill Approval Plumbing Un Pder Sl umbmg VcntfV is in Place_ `' ough Pi mbi Heating Rough n Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- ? Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent min �, Jack Studs/Headers( BracingBridgin �}A H� i�) GEV—Z:: `i VA `'""'i h{d�1 (jj .-- Jack HangersL- Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrierjp . Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour ti�7£ +� ♦ 1 Li t-'`rS�JIw�U Penetration Sealed � Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour EEC: Firestoppin x, rlvsrEc'TIONRE RT Town of Queensbury �— Dept. of Community Development Bate inspection request Building & Cade Enforcement �~� 742 Bay Road A rrive� � �-- �a Queensbury, NY 12804 �spe¢t es Initials � � �G- AC PERA+fI'I # NAME: . DATE : LOCATLON: TYPE OF STRU TIJRE: RECHECK C COMMENTS NIA YES NO l Footi.ngs+'�ers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place r is resgo for pm tection fro ing for 4$ hou Mowing e p meat of the concre Materials for this on site Foundation/Wall Reinforcement in Fo► ed/Dampproo Approval plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents n Place Rough Plumbin Heating, Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls terior R- FoundationWalls Exterior R- Floors R.- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin Jack StudsfHeaders BracinglBridgin joist Hangers Jack Postsf Lain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestappin GENERAL INS ECTION REP+�t7RT ( G ,►` --- Town of Qtreensbnry ,pate inspection request received= Dept. of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Anrive ° ��~ Depart Queensbury, NY12804 > nspeekor's Initi y�r n PERMIT NAME: ( � DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STR RECHECK. NIA YES NO CMvIENTS 7^f 00tingslP4 1 f Monolithic Pour Form } Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours followin the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose Foundation/WaUpaur Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Darnpproo Backfill Approval Plumbing Under slab Plumbing VentfVents in Place Rough Pliumbin Heating R.ough4n Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Iroundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R,_ Ceiling R.- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- proper 'Pent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headem BracinglBridgin Joist Hangers Jack, PostsfMain Beam Air Infiltration Barnet Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed — Fire Wall 2. 30 4 hour Firestoppir►