ApplicationTOWN OF QU1-+.r4S11lIkY APPLI(ATIUN 'fu ZoNlr+(; I-uAki) OF TOWN OF QUEENSBURRYnY AI'1'EAI t APR za wts U(r1`. lO 3 A.M. P.M. 7�8�$µ.. lI?I314I6I6. Nwnher:� s.{om ir,s ion A;tfe: 1. Applicant's Name: DIRON ztiG�, - 518 792-3902 �----K.NT Phone No, Street Address: 110 Glen Street City. Stal.e,Zip:Glens Falls, New York___ 12801 2. Agen�'s Name: T.TT_T.F c n�ro TauYhonu No: 518 792_2113 Street Address: 19 W. Notre_Dame Street - _ City, State, Zip: Glens Falls, _New York 12801 3. Owners Name (if different from Street Address: 237 Ba Street --Y— _ Phon< N.,: 518 792-5864 City, State, Z.ip: Glens Falls, New York 12801 ------ • DESCRIPTION OF PROI'OFAL 4. Application is made for I Uso Variance X II Ar.w "ari:tnci�_`—.-- III Spr:cial I'et-Mi't 5. Zone Classification - Article: M-1—M-2 Section: __ 6. Allowable Uses as per Ordinance (describe): _Light and heavy industrial, farms: enclosed _building supply vard warehou-e-g;4 umber Yard power plant; railroad facility - '. kuccnt Use of Property: Vacant b. Proposed Use: Health facilit and racquet ball courts. Is lot In question within 5UO .+'cut of 'I C,nulty or it State R.O.W. or park, municipal b(-undary, or t.�:+tcrshed draining any CuunCy or State feciliticb, rcquiring revic;-I of Ute lJnrr.; k,ounty 1'Innuinl; i.nnrrl? Yu:; (X ) Uo ( ) A piot plan in triplicate of the lot drawn to scale must be attached, indicating the location and size of the lot, the location and size of improvements thereon and the location and size of improvements proposed to be erected thereon (sec pale 3), 1'he applicant shall enclose in triplicate a„y substantiatinb evidence. Dated this 24th day of April 19 '79 (Sifnature of Applicii-n Robert A. Dingman 13 r O York IIowing information is to I,c I)rovkk:tl, in dutiti1, on s.:paratu (if necessary) and attachod to thi.!i iipirtication. SE VARIANCE - Applicant n:usct proves that the Ord'-unnce 1lIIIIVUV.-;84 Xliardstli_tl un thu L)Lol .rt�. i.cnpur,e:, an it. ls: it reasonable return an<:titl, c! i i' Innd is IISI'<i tl!: ::'ll't!d Yeti ( ) No ( X ) Explain: lot is small in size and could have only a limited M use. b. Are the cit:ctlm.sutiicer of I tii!^.Iut ,_u!iaur. unruasonablencss: of thc: Ordin::rn:c': 1'u!. l X Explain: It directly ad joins_ a_ residence and the main County____ Route running,north,and south from Lake George which is resi-`— c- Is there an adver e effect oa 07: nt:i.l;hbur:u,nl r!i:.:ractcri Yes ( ) No ( X ) Explain: Tf i h,.1 iey d influence the neighborhood d. Other Comments: As i)roRerty is directly adjacent to residential premises it can buffer the residential property from the full impact of the industrial property and the intended use could act as a screen for the permitted present use to rear of subject 11. AREA VARIANCE - Applicant must demr..nstrate that the Ordinance imposes a gra(tic.11 difi'ic:ulty on tho i,rot)urty, a. Is there an adverse effect on nei.ghlrbrhood character? Yes ( ) No ( ) Expinln:_— _ b.. .Is there an adverse effect on public facilities:'? Yc:., ( ) IN Explain• -- Arc there and• fer,sibiu--- F.xplain: ti. Is the dui,r.0 of chn;i1!r. :uh; Innt.inl rcictci..,.: rc, :;r.lt:;anct''i c. Other Cnmmi:nt!,. ~— --------------- —� 12. SPECIAL PI MIT & SITE PLAN REVIFV - Awl i_crsnt mart ducnor.strt.t.e that the proposed use is in rompl_innc% with conditions imposed by the Ordinance. a. Provisions of the Ordinanc.n (include Section number): b. Evidence 'of Compliance: Applicant please y ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: � 13. L1TE !'LAN - Draw to Hems prupo:;ed bui.ldinl;(ti) in center box. !lease fill out all setbacks for adjoining; properties. Also fill in the current land use types in each himik (1e; retail store, hUUSa, n:achir,e shop, etc.) USE L415& Machine Shop a r'A�,f- 119 u 600 Residential =(40 ide ceSiDE yAOD (20) U60 Industrial Mawr YRAD�40% S►DE }ARD big -- Additional Comments Concerning Site Plan: It is applicants opinion that the nronos, will provide an esthob.i h„fae c__ 30 30 , uke A�,l.lican[ please Initial kUiP I-Okojowlwf y Arl,410 AneaMV47, .# sires ,P4 V1,rA~ A.04AX- lq4wip Ar .AIL- ZONING REVIEW PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Richard Roberts Chairman Ronald Montesi R.D.#1 Glens Falls, New York 12801 T0: Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury, New York GENTLEMEN: 18 Meadow Drive Secretary Glens Falls, New York 12801 RE: Variance #623 DATE: We have reviewed the request for (x) Variance ( ) Other have the following recommendations: Adirondack Nautilus, Ltd. east side Bay Road May 2, 1979 ( ) Special Use ( ) Approved ( ) Approve subject to qualifications below ( ) Disapproved ( ) Tabled ( ) Returned COMMENTS: The Board recommend approval of this variance as they feel that this is reasonable use of the land and does provide an adequate buffer between it and neighboring property. Very truly yours, PLANNING BOARD By: 'c: Michael O'Connor, Attorney aea Cade 518 WARREN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD WARREN COUNTY MUNICIPAL CENTER Lake George, New York. 12845 William R. Waddell, Chairman James A. Mills, Vice -Chairman DATE: May 10, 1979 TO: George P. Liapes Queensbury Town Office Bldg. Bay at Haviland Rd. Glens Falls, N. Y. Gentlemen: Phone: 792 — 9951 Est 344 Raymond G. Waterhouse, Secretary RE: Variance #623 Adirondack Nautilus Ltd. East side Bay Road At a meeting of the Warren County Planning Board, held on the 9th day of May, 1979 , the above application for operation of health facility and racquet ball courts in M-1/M-2 zone, was reviewed, and the following action was taken. Recommendation to: (g) Approve Comment: ( ) Disapprove ( ) Return This recommendation is based on the condition that there be only one (1) road cut to serve as both ingress and egress. lowrvFRN oR���NsBURv MAY 14 iyiy A.M. P.M 71819 .-.. 1I2I314j6�6. - 4-ae.19 57 Charles F. Riek rt, Administrator WARREN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS KIRKHAM CORNWELL 15 NORTHUP DRIVE GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK 12801 TO: Adirondack Nautilus, Ltd. 110 Glen Street Glens Falls, New York THEODORE TURNER 139 MEADOWBROOK ROAD GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK 12801 DATE: May 16 , 19 79 RE: Variance #623 - Adirondack Nautilus, Ltd. east side Bay Road We have reviewed the request for Variance, ( ) Special Use, ( ) Other and have the following recommendations: (x) Approve ( ) Disapprove RESOLVED: The Board granted this variance in concurrence with the Planning Boards and as it is in general harmony with restrictions established in the area. cc: Michael O'Connor, atty. Very truly yours, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY By loot Wik Kirkham ornwell