1985-029 A & B Auto Pro BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF +QUEENSBUR.Y No. 85_ 29 (A) Lip i --Cl WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Auto Pro " the car care man " lessee 0WVAUWXof property located at _q �� 6S* Upper Glen St . Street, Road or Ave. O in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Free- Stand i.ncr Sian I at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and 0 approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. rt 1 . OWNER'S Address is Morris and. Joel Aronson �34 (D 506 Broadway Saratoga Springs , N . Y _ 2_ CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE R"S Name f}Y North Country Signs m B w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Corinth Road M Glens Falls , New York 4. ARCHITECT'S Name co tJ S. ARCHITECT'S Address CC1 CD It C) B. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) l� (D I I wood Frame ( i Masonry ( 1 Steel ( I m rt 7, PLANS and Specifications 4 ' xl2 ' free- standing sign on existing pole No. this is a change of copy per sketch and applicat ±o COPY : MR . AUTO PRO " the car care man " DISCOUNT PRICE B. Proposed Use Advertising 1-t m m r $ 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Sept. 1 19�_ U) (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the R} town of Queen shury before the expiration date.) r• Dated at the Town of Queensbury this �,2 $ th Day of February 1985 aO !! I tt�y- co SIGNED BY /t- -sue•.. for the Town of Queensbury LO Building and Zoning Inspector ..CCr."' u BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF +QUEENSBUR'Y'' No. 85 - 2 ¢ ( B ) WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK y rt a PERMISSION is hereby granted to Auto Pro " the car care man " f'S AlAWOIf property located at 682 Upper Glen St . Street. Road or Ave. 0 rt• in the Town of Queensbury, To Constructor place a , Wall S j gn - m at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ n 1. O VVN E R'S A dd ress is 0 Morris and Joel Aronson t) 506 Broadway m Saratoga Springs , N . Y . 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE R'S Name North Country Signs 3_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Corinth Road Glens Falls , New Ycark rn d, ARCHITECT'S Name co lv R7 tD 5_ ARCHITECT'S Address n G`I 6. TYPE of Construction — (please indicate by X) CJ] s1' i ) Wood Frame I I Masonry { 1 Steel [ I ` 7. PLANS and Specifications 3 1 X18 ' on north side of building per sketch and No_ application - change of copy NEW COPY; " the car care man" AUTO PARTS S. Proposed Use Advertising tU k� M $ 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES _ Sept . 1 1985 � w• (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 28 th Day of February 19 85 SIGNED BY ."":;o Cal . t for the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning In /'° TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY ; .Wa TOWS = SIGN PERMIT �TtAaN FOR Application for a sign swit shall be submitted to t8 Inspector in duplicate Sew ink or typwitten . s_ a ' THE FOL.LOMZNG IMp'O UUTION RB=RED*o ( 1 ) Detailed drawing or plan , to scale , showsng the area ( six*) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign ( 2) Plot plan showing it* s relation to nearby buildings , structures . lot boundaries and any private or public streets or highways ( 3) Written consent of the owner of the building or land . All signs must have name plate attached giving sign permit number and name and address of owner. burr; : � -roel 5�, , s�6 8.-° 1 . DER OF THE PR+OPFR'!'Y (e'r.,�ry' , ! J r fi 9 n1 5arr! 1`u 5 s Sr f h J �r 2. ADRBS$ e /e h s r-� reL. ]IUCE No. 3 . NAME OF APPLICANT 4 ■ ADDRESS Qn.A 1 ririwnrwiwrrrr�+r�. rir�rrr�r r I TELEPHONE No. o 5 . LOCATION OF STPUCI'UR.E OR LAND OF PROBED SIGN /S~ 00 > .+0 •�► 04 6 . SIZE of THE SIGN (Width ) � F t . ( Length ) i i�� �- Ft . 7 . If the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feat of each face G . q: Ft . S . If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate box : Internal (,X} , External { } , Incandescent = } . Neon i ' ) , other ( ) All illuminated signs shall be-inspected and certified by the New York Hoard of Firer Underwriters . 9 . Type of material used for construction of Sign a: le -kyt— 14. If the Sir is to be attached to a building , please describe where on the building the Sign is to be located and the distance fzA wall ww n 11 . Remarks or other information UyY7 1Y}L t7`� kll GGt )i C Date if ow ore. oSntroct r Agent TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1 To" OF QUEENSBlUR1f � � G L O WE 10 � � rb FEB27135 _ APPLWATUMI FOR SIGN PMUUT�M� .71819�,�i?1 21314} 516 licstion for sign permit shall be submitted to the �ilding {g nspector in ftplicate in ink or typ�'itten . 5- ati THE FOLL WIM INFCVj"TICIN RE=RED9 ( 1 } Det:sled drawing or plan , to al scare . show�i.nngg the area ( s ae) and the lettering i nx re/orlation to nearby mattea�r composing the siggnn ( 2) plot plan showing pp orihiinge l s cttghways ( 3) u"s * sent ofithe owner afes and any rthetbuildinglar land*ts All signs must have name plate attached giving sin Okin permit number and name and add '*so of am ar. Smarr ; s .# ] a e 1 �1vdn sow '� '� � r 1 . CONER OF THE PROPERTY err 2. ADDRESS �`r� s t- Glyn s .s TELEMME NQ. 3. NME OF APPLICANT 4 . AMRESS C& Glens / 1„s� TELL E NO , AW 5 , LCCATIC N OF STRUCTURE CEt LAND CW F'ROP+MED Ft . ( Length )� / � Ft . 8 . SIZE OF THE SIGN (Width ) �.��,�. 7 . if the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feet of each face Sq: Ft . S . If the Sign is to be illuminated please check appropriate box : Id Internal � /"' . External ( } . Incandescent Nears ( ) , I } All illuminatertl signs shall be ,inspected and certified byy the he New York Hoard of Fire Underwriters . q . Type of material used for construction of Signs e 4-4 ld. If the SUMis to be attached to a buildings please describe where on the building the Sign is to be located and the distance from wall IVOOTt# sld Vr c n C ll . Remarks or other information c o -, fia Y 2 U" p ea e Date if ova ontra r Ag w ent s+uILDINIa AND EENSBURY TOWN or, Q W ARFM 'OUNIIII NEW yoftK INSPECTOR ' S REPORT 19�- 1 •0 Ga ` erty Locat10 of Prop treat or oad & No . Name of weer or Tenant DISAPPROVECI APPROVED 0 CD iBuiiding ID " sewage CD signs other Type of Bui4ding L'' V Remarks t ct/' u AL I.yi.MIhJ Dei'.Nw_, N✓" _ _ `- '� L I�/Y�' Y!Y Inspector via"mmml Comm W Uva A�NNriO �AI VYAYi(! MN sol 40 Od d /o nV �1�� s "the car care 1 .LFK manw AU � �O PART5 �l LGx fo St alMd'1!O!4 3Zl4l� ONAIlM�Y aat!' lama YFR\1116 WAWA �G► G1JYL 0Qj'teenj tt' ''G BU I LD I NG $ C0D ES DEP3 . NON- CONFORMING SIGNS NAME OF BUSINESS _ O�Aezr., / e' � �-�" PROPERTY LOCATION PROPERTY OWNER / TENANT TYPE OF SIGN ( S ) jpreestanding ?• wall Roof off Premises Window Projecting Other REASON FOR NON - CONFORMANCE : No Permit Oversize Sotback . less than allowed More than allowed number of C3ver allowed height �L Discontinued business Other IN VIOLATION OF SECTION OF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SIGN ORDINANCE , SCHEDULE FOR CONFORMANCE : Variance applied for _yes �no [] caring date 19 Approved Denied METHOD OF CONFORMANCE : INSPECTOR ' S SUGGESTION REQUEST. DIRECTION OWNER/ AGENT ' S AGREEMENT TO COMPLY , I agree to correct the violations of The TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SIGN OkDINANCL•'. , as described above , 'The work will be performed by and will be completed before 19 It is ti-re responsibility of the Owner/ 'Tenant to notify the Building Department when the above - described work is completed . Signature ( responsible party ) Title REMARKS : Date 19 INSPECTOR —"" isuildin {,Tti Codes Department Telephone ( 51BI 792 - 5832 IPoi m NCS 2 / 07 and -vl- dd Jown f.! GIeiI i/ ur p f/' QUEENSBUKY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING �_-.�+ ( Yam• BAY AT HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK, 12801 , TELEPHONE : (518) 792--5832 August 5 , 1987 Mr . Terrance Gilligan Steve Pi.tcherello 1 Gickaway Street Saratoga Springs , No Ye 12866 Re : Tax Map # 102- 1- 10 Gentlemen : Since you are no longer running the "Auto-Pro" Store at the above mentioned property , we must ask that all the "Auto-Pro signs be removed . since the thirty day limit for sign removal (by town law) has expired , we must ask that this be done within five ( 5 ) work days from receipt of this letter . Yours truly , Bert Martin Codes Enforcement Officer BM/nr cc : Mack Dean , Building & Zoning Administrator SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE 4 /� UJ12 �. . QUEENSBUKY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING BAY AT HAVILAND ROAD 4UEENSBURY , NEW YORK , 12801 Date : February 6 , 1987 TELEPHONE : (518) 792- 5032 To : Auto Pro 682 Upper Glen St . Queensbury , New York 12801 From : Queensbury Building & Codes Department RE : Sign Permitfz) 85- 29 (a) The file in this office for your sign permit (s ) does not include the data as checked below as required by the permit application : The plot plan should show the setback from all property lines , especially the distance from a highway right-of-way . (This does not mean from the road pavement but from the property line adjoining the right-of-way) . Our files do not indicate the wording of your sign (s) . Please supply us with r � a drawing indicating the wording or a photograph so that we si nsy ma complete your 1_ 3 file and send you a new number for each of your approvedg Our files do not indicate the height of your free-standing sign ( s ) . hat you e permit ou Our files do notShow indicate thepermitnumber , ysor i s y wemaycorrectyouro have a permit , please file . If your signs ) was erected prior to the original ordinanceleasee nacted in 1967 we ask you to complete the enclosed sign application (s ) . ❑ give us a pe you lot plan adra indicating where the stgn ( s ) is located on your property and either win show- tug showng the wording or a picture of the sign . The --ieil�ht of the sign measured from ground level to top of sign is also necessary .) Q A fee of $15 . 00 for each sign should accompany the application if you do not hold a valid permit for each sign . Please furnish this data within ten days of receipt of this letter , so we can complete our file , you will then receive a new number for each sign . Yours y } Mack A . Dean Zoning and Building Codes Administrator SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF HATURAt_ BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE