1985-027 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No, 85- 27 WARREN COUNTY, NEW PORK Aviation t PERMISSION is hereby granted to > lessee r�Ei Street, Road or Ave, c6a of property located at J - I �1 "' AV istloT Road 0 in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a 0 at the above location in accordance to application together with plot pl ans and other information hereto filed and uilding and Zoning Ordinance. approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury B dd 1. OWNER'S Address is Hag op Po lacl ran p..l 10 Vista Court Glens Falls , New York rn 2. COI+ITSACTOR or BUl LDER'S Name 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address N C F 4. ARCHITECT'S Name ¢ r C 4 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6- TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) ( ) Wood Frame ( ) 'Masonry ( 1 steel ( I 7. PLANS and Specifications Temporary sign March 1 , to March 31r 1985 per No. application Submlttted . TAL — ANY 4 CYL . TUNE—UP $ 24 . 95 COPY : FOREIGN AUTO SPEC B. Proposed Use Advertising $ 25 . © d Deposit 11985 $ 25 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES March 31 (if a longer Period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of €lueensbury before the expiration date-) February �g 85 26th Day of Dated at the Town of Queensbury this • "` � for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY Building and Zoning Inspector` ; TOWN OF QUEEINSBURY nD TOWN OF QUEENSSUR'Y LM � � � $ V IE d , � h � 1995 � X APPLICATION N FOR STGN PE J IT ?js�sx�2����� 516 ictfor lte i �kl ttted to the HuildiYg Ispector Indupicatee or t� tOn THE FOLLCX ZNG XWORMATION REQUIRED: [ 1 Detailed drawing or plan , to scale , showing the area ( s#re) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter +composing the sign a) plot plan showing it' s relation to nearby buildings , structures , lot boundaries and any private or public streets or highways ( 3) Wx tten consent of the owner of the building or land . All signs must hove name plate attached giving sign permit number and name and address of owner. 1 . COINER OF THE PROPERTY 2. ADDRESS C� ( •'� 5 c� r TELEPHONE NOS 3 . NAME OF APPLICANT V c a- ''' '` - `a✓ 4 . ADDRESS -- �C"V f .A--' d Al TEE ND.. 2 A �' f r-C7 C 5 . LOCATION OF STRU PURE CPR LAND (W PRWMED SIGN t6kC 1C� c e l 7 �X [ Cr sTt � f GL 6 * SIZE OF THE SIGN ( W:Ldth ) Ft . ( Lengtia } Ft . 7 . If the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feet of each face Sq . Ft . S . If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate box : Internal ( } . External Incandescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other [ } All illuminated signs shall be .inspected and certified by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters . 9 . Type of material used for construction of Sign ► , > 12 0 be lOw If the SI is to be on the building the Sign aiseto bed to a located nand go Fthe sdistarnce where from wall 11 . Remarks or other Information. ram w pea e Date if owner, Con ctor�o 'r r9ont