08 22 2023 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 / Time 7 – 11 pm Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Old Business- Unapproved Development: Applicant(s) ELIZABETH HOGAN Application Type Site Plan 53-2023 Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) n/a Lot size 2.42 acres Location 105 Fitzgerald Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 289.14-1-27.2 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-065 Cross Reference AV 20-2015, SUB 8-2008 Warren Co. Referral n/a Public Hearing August 22, 2023 Site Information CEA Project Description: Applicant requests to maintain a 42 sq. ft. sauna building and a 46 sq. ft. lean-to building both within 50 ft. of the shoreline. The sauna and lean-to were constructed as amenities to the lake. The existing 1,682 sq. ft. home to remain unchanged. The existing site conditions and steps are also to remain unchanged. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-065, site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Old Business: Applicant(s) IBRAHIM JAMAL (CAMERON’S DELI) Application Type Site Plan 54-2023 Owner (s) Queensbury Avenue LLC SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Bohler Engineering Lot size 1.35 acres Location 446 Dix Avenue Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: CM Tax ID No. 303.16-1-58 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 34-95, PZ 60-2016 Warren Co. Referral August 2023 Public Hearing August 22, 2023 Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes a 1,818 sq ft single story convenience store addition to an existing 3,514 sq ft deli that will remain with access to each use internally. The existing building is for Cameron’s deli and currently has a basement and garage with a second story. The project includes construction of a 1,458 sq ft gas canopy with 6 fueling stations. The site work included stormwater management, lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for a new commercial use in the CM zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. New Business- Unapproved Development: Applicant(s) JUDITH DOOLEY Application Type Site Plan 52-2023 Owner (s) Judith E Dooley Revocable Trust SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) n/a Lot size .16 acre Location 2964 State Route 9L Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 239.20-1-8 Ordinance Reference 179-8-040 Cross Reference SP 69-2021, AV 73-2021 Warren Co. Referral August 2023 Public Hearing August 22, 2023 Site Information APA, LGPC, CEA Project Description: Applicant requests to complete shoreline vegetation and patio project. The project includes replacement of an existing overgrown stone patio, repair/rebuild existing stone walls, and improve stone landing and walkway, plant native ground cover on slope, and convert stone steps into a rain garden. The project also includes removal of 240 sq. ft. of hard surfacing by removing the existing steps and pathway. The new planting plan and patio area of 250 sq. ft. will include a variety of annuals, perennials, grasses, and shade tolerant plantings. Pursuant to chapter 179-8-040, site plan for hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline and a re-vegetation plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. New Business: Applicant(s) GEORGE DRELLOS Application Type Site Plan 55-2023 Owner (s) D&G Management LLC SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 2.29 acres Location 144 Luzerne Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification: CLI Tax ID No. 309.9-2-5 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 61-1989, SUB 16-1990 Warren Co. Referral n/a Public Hearing August 22, 2023 Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes to construct a 4,500 sq ft commercial storage building on existing property with a 6,620 sq ft building for a sewer services building. The project includes site work for stormwater and additional gravel for the new building drive area and parking. There are no changes to the existing building. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for new commercial storage in the CLI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -