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1985-003 A&B Villa Nova Restaurant
BUILDING PERMIT TOWNOF QUEENSBURY No. 85- 03 (A ) 'WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Villallova Restaurant lessee 3:5rol 3 Ray Road Street. Road or Ave. 0%q4M of property located at in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a F'r ee" S tand. lnq Sign C at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. l� 0 1 . OWNERS Address is John p , Matthews w RD # 1 �y Lake George , New York r+ 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name G F-S W 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name CD C to �C 5. ARCHITECT'S Address O Pi Pi 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) ( ) Wood Frame I } Masonry I ) Steel ( } 7. PLANS and Specifications 4 rx553111 per sketch and application submitted . No ( sign to be placed on existing pole) COPY : VTLLANOVA. RESTAURANT with logo K S. Proposed Use N Advertising rr In a IL $ 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES August 1 19 85 LO (It a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date-) En Y- Dated at the Town of Queenshury this 7th.^ —Day of January 19 85 � SIGNED BY "`xo `7' ax'*01�''° for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Yc,.»-1 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN 4F QUEE'NSBURY No_ 85- 03 (B ) WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK F•- Villallova Restaurant PERMISSION is hereby granted to � lessee Street, Road or Ave. C O�fl of property located at B 3 B Bay 1( aC9l � in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a k,7a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. W G [2. owNER's Address is John. P . Matthews Aj RD # 1 `at Lake George . New York CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name w 0 a CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address CxJ �C 0 4. ARCHITECT'S Name W f:L S. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction — (please indicate by X) ( 1 wood Frame 4 1 Masonry 1 I Steel { 1 7^ PLANS and Specifications S ' x3k ' per sketch and application submitted . No. ( sign on south side of building facing Glenwood Ave . COPY : VILLANOVA y 8. Proposed Use l--' Advertising cn M^ $ 15 . DQ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Aucrust. llf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 7 th Da of Queensbury 99 85 Dated at the Town of Quensbury this Y SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ynspector s� TOWN OF . 4UEENSIBUR t j To%%N OF QUEENSBURY ID) IZ U E a V L j A N 4 'lYtJb . t* I 1 --- 3It APPUCATUM FOR SZGN PERMIT AM= Application for a sign p*=it shall be submitted to the Builsing v Inspector in duplicate er ink or mitten . THE p40LjjMgX wG INFCiYiATIC ��_ � l � Detailed drawing or plan . to scale . shvwi the area ( else) and flee lettering itand/ow lationtalnearby Matter caiwos, the si Iboundaries Plot Plan showing x1vata or �lic streets buildings , structures . l �ofthe emsr oV the building or land , or highways ( 3) Uzri,tten con All signs must have name plate attached giving sign permit nwsber and name and address of ON Or%� l . CMM OF THE ~ERTY '#" ' t a --� TELLEP'HCINE NCB._ G � ' 'S 20 7 3 . NAME OF AVR=ANT 4 . ACERESS TELEPHONE NO ,� 1(� i ca h.) iJ� . 5 . LCK ATION OF STRWTURE CM LAND OF PROPOSED SIGN ram} R. ►= 107 6 , SIZE OF YHE SIGN (Width ) Ft . ( Length ) V ''.�] _Ft . 7 . If the Sign is to be twwa faced give the number of square feat of each face -- -SU sue q: Ft . If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check apprapriate box : \ External " } , Incandescent Neon !` ) , other ( ) Internal t . All illuminated signs shall be inspected and certified by the New York Board of Fire Undeswritors . g . Type of material used for construction of Sign 100 If the Siggnn is to be attached to a building . please describe whereon the building the Sign is to be located and the distance from wall 11 . Remarks or other information .5 urs a can . p • if actor or Agent -VOWN of ,©UgW4SwUR'y TOVM OF QUEENSBURY V � JAR APP CJ►T•YON FM SIGN PERMIT AM* 1�� v P.M* 71a11 11218141516 Application for a sign p t shall be submitted to the Building Inspector in duplicate In ink or V*v N i iz A tten. - 3 THE IN OPMATI(M RB=RED* ( 1 ) Detailed drawing or plan , to scale , s nnqq the area ( size) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing: the sign ( Z) Plot plan showing it' s relation to nearby buildings , structures , lot boundaries and any private orpublic streets or highways ( 3) Written consent -of the owner of the building or land . All signs mast have news plate attached giving sign permit number and name and address of owner. 1 . OMER OF THE PRO1 TY 2. ADDRESS= L.fir.41+ l 1 �\ &k k e Ir iY �i " T ELEPHIONE NO. ' 3. NAME OF APPLICANT 4 . A€aMESS c Yy 0 r ro nJ �4 t1 F �' G 1` TELEPHONE No . ~'r ��3 � 3 Cl ? s 9 . LOCATION OF STRUM.' ME OR LAND OF PROPOSED SIGN 6 . SIZE OF THE SIGN (Width ) Ft . ( Length ) _ Ft . 7 . If the Sign is to be two . ._ faced give the number of square feet of each face Sq ; Ft . If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate box : Internal ( ) , External ( ) . Incandescent ( ) . Neon +( ) . other ( } All illuminated signs - shall be Inspected and certified by the Now York Board of Fire Underwriters . 9 . Type of material used for construction of Sign 14. If the Si is to be attached to a building , please describe where on the b lding the Sign is to be locat and th istance from wallAd je� r 11 . Remarks or other i fo so IN03LGO-roM .r' Dat a ure o app cant , ppea i owner , contr ctor or ]gent FFR9M.THE DESK OF A a EaC CiZs[li - ------ } .rt f Nt Ji f . I F f } 1 � � 1 t� t rf Reinder Fomut-MP23 The Smtlonvy House,Inc, lom Fbdda Are. Hgentown,Md.217/0 �► FROM THE DESK OF c agzal Cildli E r I J . ? ,f . H� {Y jjj S r Reorder Format•MP23 The Stationery House,Inc. 1000 Florida Ave. Hagerstown,Md.21T40