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SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Office Use Only APPLICATION Permit#: � ' � Z- ZO 22 Town ofQuccnsbury Permit Fee:$ Invoice#: �O 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensburV.net Septic Variance? Y f-�� Flood Zone? Wetla R �i d Project Location: 2483 Route 9L Tax Map #: 240.6-1-10 DEC 01 2022 OWN OF QUEENSBURY RESIDENCE INFORMATION: BUILDING&CODES Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes No 1980 or older 150 Installed? (choose one) ❑ Q 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No 1992-Present 1110 3 110 330 Installed? (choose one) ❑ 0 PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography ❑■ Flat Rolling ❑ Steep Slope % Slope Soil Nature ❑O Sand ❑ Loam ❑ Clay ❑ Other, explain: - Groundwater At what depth? 12" Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth? 24" Domestic Water Supply ❑ Municipal * Well ❑Lake (if well or lake, water supply from any septic system absorption is 74 ft.) Percolation Test Rate: 6-7 per minute per inch (test to be completed by a licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM INFORMATION: Tank size 1.300 gallons (min. size 1,000 gallons, add.250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field w/#2 stone Total length ft.; Each Trench ft. Seepage Pit w/#3 stone How many: ; Size: Alternative System x Bed or other type: ETU Tank 12"stone absorption bed 20'x27' Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ; tank size ; # of tanks Septic Application Revised July 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Ted Congdon M a i I i ng Ad d ress, C/S/Z: 2975 River Rd.Niskayuna NY 12309 Cell Phone: Land Line: 518-857-4631 Email: tcongdon1@gmail.com Primary Owner(s): Name(s): 7'4fh COA400W Y IZ3a Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ).4 ?s Rhea' R d t'31r koy ue't N q Cell Phone: S7N-8,5,7- J(&31 Land Line: Email: -'C0MG b6N1 a GMAIL.Gow7 ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: Contact Name(s): 6u.iAef Contractor Trade: Excavation Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 213 Peaceable_ S� 8-4I/SbN SVa PJ 1zo2 O Cell Phone: rlg-qq 1 -09q 7 Land Line: Email: DemcK-h�obu�lders a yQhoo•con�1 "Workers' Comp documentation must be0 submitted with this application" • Engineer(s)• Name(s): Environmental Design Partnership M a i I i ng Ad d ress, C/S/Z: 900 Route 146 Clifton Park NY 12065 Cell Phone: Land Line: 518-371-7621 Email: nzeglen@edpllp.com Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Nick Zeglen Cell Phone: Land Line: 518-371-7621 Email: nzeglen@edpllp.com Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: 4pW6dow SIGNATURE: O'er/ DATE: 12I/Z?s Septic Application Revised July 2022 z n 11 IF z�y PI., 771. 1 - ,j ST ' eav malsi- l SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1 " = 2,000' SOILS ANALYSIS — TEST PIT AND PERCOLATION TEST DATA WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD DESIGN CALCULATIONS. - SOIL TEST PITS WERE PERFORMED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN THE PROPOSED ABSORPTION FIELD WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARTNERSHIP ON MAY 20, 2022 THE RESULTS WERE AS FOLLOWS: NYSDOH APPENDIX 75A AS FOLLOWS TP401 DESIGN PERCOLATION RATE = 6-7 MIN/IN 0" — 6" ORGANIC MATERIAL/TOPSOIL TOTAL BEDROOM COUNT = 3 6" — 12" GRANULAR SAND DESIGN FLOW 110/GAL/DAY/BR 12" — 24" DARK BROWN SILTY SAND/CLAY MIX = 110 X 3 = 330 GAL/DAY 24" — 36" MOTTLED DARK BROWN CLAY APPLICATION RATE = 0.80 GAL/DAY/SF 36" — 48" GREY CLAY REQUIRED ABSORPTION AREA 33010.80 413 SF MOTTLING OBSERVED AT 12" BELOW GRADE PROPOSED ABSORPTION AREA = 20' X 27' = 540 SF TP&2 0" — 6" ORGANIC MATERIAL/TOPSOIL 6" — 12" RED BROWN SAND, MOTTLED T MOTTLING OBSERVED AT 12" BELOW GRADE THE FOLLOWING INFILTRA77ON TESTS WERE PERFORMED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP. SPTAB/LIZA770N RATE OF 6 M/N/INCH 1h DISTRIBUTION MANIFOLD. EXTEND 1' BEYOND LAST PT#2: I LATERAL D CAP STABILIZAT/ON RATE OFT M/A//INCH _.-.346 _ STABILIZA77ON RATE OF 7 MIN/INCH 1 )¢" PVC SDR-21 FORCE MAIN PRESSURIZED DISTRIBUTION NETWORK 1,000 GAL PRECAST CONCRETE FORCE MAIN — 1j" SDR FORCE MAIN PUMP TANK ELEVATION HEAD — 5' MANIFOLD DIAMETER — 1j" DISTRIBUTION LATERAL — 1j" 344.00 BW ORFICE SIZE ill � ORF/CE SPACING — 4' I 46.00 TW ENHANCED TREATMENT PUMP OPERA77NG POINT XX GPM AT XX FT HEAD UNIT W/ UV FILTER ' ON OUTLET PROJEC T DESCR/P TION: _ 77-1E PROPOSED PROJECT INVOLVES THE INSTALLA77ON OF IMPROVEMENTS TO AN EXISTING WASTEWATER SYSTEM SERVING THE GILCHRIST RESIDENCE. THE EXISTING SYSTEM WILL BE REPLACED WITH AN ENHANCED TREATMENT UNIT (ETU). THE CONTROL I PANEL WILL BE LOCATED EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE HOUSE, DEPENDING ON OWNER I i' PREFERENCE. WASTEWATER WILL FLOW BY GRAVITY INTO THE ETU TANK, TREATED / 1 EFFLUENT WILL THEN FLOW TO THE PROPOSED 1,000 GALLON PUMP TANK WHERE I EFFLUENT WITH FLOW THROUGH A UV TREATMENT UNIT AND FLOW BY FORCE MAIN FROM THE PUMP TANK TO A NEW ABSORPTION FIELD AREA. II L..,,. udc-„ _idn/ WASTEWATER SYSTEM — BASIS OF DESIGN REGULATORY AUTHORITY, TOWN OF QUEENSBURYQj p T I DESIGN STANDARDS: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (10NYCRR APPENDIX 75—A), WASTEWATER TREATMENT STANDARDS — INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD SYSTEM. I !' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ORDINANCE — CHAPTER 136: SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL — 10'' , / r \•'. . Ir i PART 1, ON —SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS I 346 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER SYSTEM TO SERVE THE THREE (3) I BUILDING SEWER BEDROOM RESIDENCE SHALL CONSIST OF AN ENHANCED TREATMENT UNIT ETU — EFFLUENT LATERAL O"/FT , PUMP SYSTEM TO A RAISED ABSORPTION BED DESIGN. SLOPE PROJECTED FLOWRATE. BASED ON A THREE (3) BEDROOM COUNT AND NYS DOH STANDARDS FOR POST 1991 WATER SAVING FIXTURES ® 110 GALLONS PER DAY PER j BEDROOM, THE AVERAGE DAILY FLOW (ADF) IS 330 GALLONS. SHOULD HOUSEHOLD FIXTURES NOT BE OF THE 'LOW FLOW' TYPE MANUFACTURED SINCE 1991 THEN THE \ a FIXTURES SHALL BE REPLACED AS NEEDED. THIS FLOWRATE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE USE 1h" PVC LATERALS. INSTALL OF A GARBAGE GRINDER (NOR /S ONE RECOMMENDED) OR A HOT TUB/SPA. ADDIT70NAL I ;" DIA ORIFICE HOLES O 4' , FLOWRATE MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE DESIGN SHOULD EITHER OF THESE COMPONENTS BE O.C. REFER TO DETAIL '4 PART OF THE HOUSE DESIGN. I y ENHANCED TREATMENT UNIT, • AN ENHANCED TREATMENT UNIT SPECIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ENHANCED TREATMENT CAPABILITIES. THIS UNIT IS TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS AND /S SIZED FOR A 3 BEDROOM FLOWRATE AND COMPLIES WITH NSF 40 CERTIFICATION STANDARDS. ABSORPTION FIELD SYSTEM: THE ABSORP77ON SYSTEM /S DESIGNED AS A 540 SF BED CONFIGURA77ON DISPERSAL SYSTEM WITH FOUR (4) LATERALS AT 22 LF EACH, 88 LF TOTAL. THE LATERALS CONSIST OF 1.5" DIA SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH J" DIA. HOLES DRILLED a 4 FT O.C. SPACING. THE FIELD SIZE SHALL BE A t20' X f27' RECTANGULAR SHAPE. FILL SOILS (QUEENSBURY RED DIRT) SHALL BE IMPORTED TO CREATE A SUITABLE SOIL TRANS177ON TO THE NA TI VE SOIL. WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS MAINTENANCE OF THE ONSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM WILL INVOLVE BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND REGULAR INSPECTION OF THOSE COMPONENTS BY THE OWNER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. THE DESIGN ENGINEER WILL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH EDUCA77ONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM UPON THE FINAL INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. THE PROPOSED ONSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING. • PRE —CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH EFFLUENT FILTER • PUMP TANK WITH DUPLEX PUMP ASSEMBLY • PUMP CONTROLS WITH '77MED DOSE' DISCHARGE • GRAVEL PAD ABSORPT70N FIELD BASIC MAINTENANCE WILL INVOLVE ANNUAL INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC TANK WITH PUMPING/ RECOMMENDED ON A 3 TO 5 YEAR BASIS. THE EFFLUENT FILTER SHOULD BE INSPECTED SEMI—ANNUALLY AND WASHED DOWN AS NEEDED. UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS THE PUMP \ ASSEMBLY SHOULD BE INSPECTED ANNUALLY W177-1 REGULAR MONITORING OF THE PUMP OPERAT7ON a0mr. THROUGH THE CONTROL PANEL DATA DISPLAY. THE OWNER WILL BE PROVIDED WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND AN INFORMAT70NAL PACKET ON THE 'DO'S AND DON'T'S' REGARDING THE OPERATION OF A SEP77C SYSTEM. SCALE 1" = 10' �A 10' PROPERTY SETBACK 3 3ORING WELLS WITHIN - ED SYSTEM -- 344 \ _ - _. - _. __- .544.00 9W / 346.00 TW / 1 SURFACE ■ RPTION AREA A 'r / V-1 ABSORPTI( V-5 ABSORPTION FIELD TO WETLAND/ MHWL 344 4o.UU 1 W I o0 , ct OVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE- I" = 20' MAP REFERENCES: 12" THICK STONE — i' 1) Map Entitled: "Ma of a survey of lands for Robert D. & Louise ABSORPTION BED �� P y 20'X 27' (540 SF) / I A. Gilchrist, Situate in Town of Queensbury, BOTTOM OF STONE County of Warren, State of New York" ELEVATION=344.00 I VARIANCE REQUEST - Map Date: February 3, 1999 too, THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES WERE GRANTED BY THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH: Prepared By. D.L. Dickinson Associates I����� Mop Filed: October 29, 1999 M~` ` I V-1: WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO WELL 74' REQUESTED VS THE 100REQUIRED Warren County Clerk's Office V-2: WASTEWATER ABSORPT70N FIELD TO FOUNDATION 10' REQUESTED VS THE 20' REQUIRED Mop No. 99-680 V-3. WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO PROPERTY LINE t8' REQUESTED VS THE 10' REQUIRED / / y V-4: WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO INTERMITTENT STREAM 37' REQUESTED VS. THE 100' REQUIRED APA PERM/ T APPLICA T/ON /NFORMA TION: V-5: WASTEWATER ABSORPT70N FIELD TO WETLAND/ MHWL 90' REQUESTED VS. THE 100' REQUIRED APA PROJECT #2022-0685 '� APPLICANTS NAME: TED CONGDON LE TO DIVERT SURFACE ��pp 4Y FROM ABSORPTION AREA Q u,p JE JE DEC 0 t 'min / I I 1 I I I CLEAN FILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH FILL SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTE #2 CLEAN SAND FILL WITH 9-12" COVER OF TOPSOIL AND VEGETATION PROPOSED INSTALL POLY LINER WHEN WALL IS PRESENT, TYP. ALL — SIDES EXISTING GRADE) ABSORPTION BED WITH — 1 }" CRUSHED STONE, 12" DEPTH BOTTOM OF STONE-344.0 PVC PIPE (T P) -=1 i l `—EXISTING GRADE INSTALL POLY LINER ALO SEASONAL HIGH WHEN WALL IS PRESENT, GROUNDWATER TYP. ALL SIDES REMOVAL OF IN —SITU SOIL & REPLACE WITH MATERIAL WITH PERC RATE OF 5-10 MIN. SEE FILL SYSTEMS NOTE #2 SHEET 2 DETAILED WASTEWATER PLAN r1ABSORPTION BED CROSS SECTION A -A I SCALE: 1' = 5' 240.6-1-10 SEP-0362-2022 Congdon, Ted 2483 Ridge Rd Septic Variance/Alteration )z Q � N LL 0 N 0 N W11 ,. U- oa U - z Q ZW W WQ� I- J v / N w W � U w rn Q V W Ln F— ° p Z Q ° m(0� J m z 0W Q W N W I- F-�3 <�o �V O � 0 � Q m � j 0 °°° a. -j 1.- U DRAWN BY CD CHECK BY NZ EDP PROJECT NUMBER 13355 RX%FgNTS IN ANY WAY QVE II/JDER 7NE DIRECT SUPERWSION OF A COMPARABLE AL, (LE) ENGINEER FOR AN ENGINEER, NOSCAPE ARCNITECT FOR A LANDSCAPE ARON/TECT OR YEWJIR FO4 A SURVEYOR. IS A WOLA77ON OF THE NEW STATE EDUCATION LAW AND/OR REGULA71ONS AND IS A CLASS A' MISDEMEANOR. REVISION DATE BY NICHOLAS L. ZEGLEN P.E. 103,896 OE Ne REli/CFO��� A �C.) v � � r W 2 m W 10380 ��f? RDFES SI0 SCALE: AS NOTED NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE: WASTEWATER PLAN HEET: 1 of 2 E n 0 ti (U 0 (U 06 N 5 3 L s u J z J 3 3 0 a o, o, s L7 i 0 z J ' a A W J a w a i rn a J in 0 i L .0 U G i Cl) 00 C i J ON D 0 o! i r o! Da z W LJ C3 z Li Q 3 ULNLKAL SANIIANY NUILS: 1. MAINTAIN 100' SEPARATION BETWEEN SEPTIC SYSTEM AND ANY WELL. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING WELLS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN SEPTIC TANK AND BUILDINGS SHALL BE 10 FEET. 3. MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN EDGE OF TRENCHES AND TOE OF FILL (RAISED SYSTEMS) AND BUILDINGS SHALL BE 20 FEET. 4. MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE AND EDGE OF TRENCHES OR TOE OF FILL (RAISED SYSTEMS) SHALL BE 10 FEET. 5. MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ANY WELL AND SEPTIC TANK TO BE 50 FEET. 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE SANITARY CODE. 7. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS (TO BE PERFORMED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER): A) PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SEPTIC TANK OR COMMENCEMENT OF THE TILE FIELD CONSTRUCTION. B) DURING .THE INSTALLATION OF ANY REQUIRED FILL MATERIAL. C) PRIOR TO BACKFILLING BED AREA. D) FINAL INSPECTION UPON COMPLETION OF THE SYSTEM. 8. CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE CLEAN, DURABLE AND NO SMALLER THAN OR LARGER THAN 1-1/2" DIAMETER. 9. WHEN THE BED AREA HAS BEEN EXCAVATED, THE SIDES AND BOTTOM SHALL BE RAKED TO SCARIFY ANY SMEARED SOIL SURFACES. 10. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NOT NEEDED TO CONSTRUCT THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE KEPT OFF THE AREA TO BE UTILIZED FOR THE ABSORPTION BED SYSTEM TO PREVENT UNDESIRABLE COMPACTION OF THE SOILS. 11. THE SYSTEM DESIGN DOES NOT INCLUDE PROVISIONS FOR GARBAGE GRINDERS. IN THE EVENT THAT GARBAGE GRINDERS ARE TO BE INSTALLED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER PRIOR TO SEPTIC INSTALLATION FOR NECESSARY MODIFICATIONS. 12. FOOTING DRAINS, SUMP PUMPS OR WATER SOFTENER DISCHARGES SHALL NOT BE CONNECTED INTO THE SEPTIC SYSTEM. 13. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH ALL O.S.H.A. AND OTHER STATE AND LOCAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 14. AS PER NEW YORK STATE INDUSTRIAL CODE 53: CALL 1-800-962-7962 TO LOCATE BURIED CABLES, OR OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, NO LESS THAN TWO, OR MORE THAN TEN WORKING DAYS, PRIOR TO DIGGING, DRILLING, EXCAVATING, DRIVING POSTS, ETC. 30" FRAME AND COVER TO BE HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC FRAME AND COVER ASSEMBLY BY POLYLOK FIX FLOAT BRACKET OR EQUAL D TOP OF TANK OR \ RISER SECTION Y4 TURN BALL VALVE DRAIN BACK VALVE FOR COLD CLIMATES AND SEASONAL APPLICATIONS N 00 TIMER _ OVERRIDE U'): M > M _ AT UNTO DISCONNECT a ow TO DISTRIBUTION BOX 2" PVC FORCE MAIN SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMPS; MODEL 3885 BY GOULDS PUMPS OR APPROVED EQUAL 12' t S ". B M UFAY NERY CTURING -' EW= loll, -• •) DUPLEX PUMP PIT NOT TO SCALE MANIFOLD LINE (REFER TO PLANS FOR CENTER OR END OF LINE) r- PVC LATERAL LATERAL FLUSH CLEANOUT UNDER A BOTTOMLESS IRRIGATION VALVE COVER SET TURN -UP COVER ON ABSORPTION BED STONE -� I - ILL 5Y5I LM5 51ANDARD NOTES: A. IN THIS CASE WHERE TESTS FOR HIGH GROUNDWATER DETERMINATION. OR SOIL PERCOLATION TESTS PROVE THAT THE QUALITY AND DEPTH OF NATURAL SOIL IS INADEQUATE FOR AN INSTALLATION, A FILL SYSTEM MAY BE UTILIZED, PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. FINAL APPROVAL OF FILL SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE GRANTED UNTIL THE FILL IS IN PLACE AND THE SYSTEM EVALUATED ACCORDING TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. B. THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF A FILL SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. THERE MUST BE AT LEAST THREE (3) FEET OF NATURALLY OCCURRING SOIL OVER BEDROCK OR GROUNDWATER 2. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EXISTING NATURAL GROUND SURFACE SLOPE FOR BUILT-UP SYSTEMS SHALL BE TEN (10) PERCENT. 3. WHEN PLACING FILL ON TOP OF EXISTING GRADE ORGANIC DEBRIS, INCLUDING LEAVES, ROOTS, AND OTHER PLANT FORMS, SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE FILL AND THE NATURAL SOIL PLOWED OR SCARIFIED. 4. THE SOIL USED FOR FILL SHALL BE WELL GRADED LOAMY SAND, OR WELL GRADED LOAMY SANDY GRAVELS, AND SHOULD CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF TWELVE (12) PERCENT SILTS OR CLAYS CONTAINING NO ORGANIC DEBRIS OR NO SOLID OBJECT LARGER THAN THREE (3) INCHES IN DIAMETER AND THE FILL SHALL BE ALLOWED TO STABILIZE NATURALLY FOR AT LEAST SIX (6) MONTHS OR BE MECHANICALLY COMPACTED. PERC RATE IN -SITU FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE 5-10 MINUTES PER INCH. 5. SUFFICIENT FILL MUST BE INSTALLED TO ENSURE A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) FEET BETWEEN ANY TRENCH BOTTOM AND MAXIMUM HIGH SEASONAL GROUNDWATER. THIS SEPARATION MUST BE THREE (3) FEET WITHIN 100 FEET OF LAKE GEORGE TRIBUTARY RIVER. 6. ONLY ABSORPTION FIELDS SHALL BE USED AS THE LEACHING FACILITY IN FILL SYSTEMS 7. A CHANNEL OR DIVERSION SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED ABOUT THE FILL SYSTEM IN THE UP -SLOPE DIRECTION AND OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO DIVER SURFACE AND SHEET WATER RUNOFF AROUND THE FILL SYSTEM. 8. THE TOP OF THE FILL OVER THE LEACHING FACILITY SHALL BE CROWNED OR SLOPED TO ALLOW NATURAL SURFACE RUNOFF, AND SEEDED. 9. SIDE SLOPES OF THE FILL SHALL BE GRADED TO A SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN ONE (1) VERTICAL ON THREE (3) HORIZONTAL UNLESS RETAINED BY A STONEWALL AS ORDERED BY ENGINEER 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IDENTIFY THE SOURCE PIT FOR THE FILL SOILS SO THAT THE ENGINEER CAN PERFORM IN -SITU PERCOLATION TESTS (5-10 MIN,) TO CONFIRM THE COMPLIANCE OF THE FILL SOIL. ALL TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED AND THE ENGINEER SHALL ISSUE A LETTER OF COMPLIANCE BEFORE ANY SOIL IS BROUGHT TO THE SITE. THE PERCOLATION RATE OF THE FILL SOILS SHALL BE IN THE 5 TO 10 MINUTES/INCH RANGE. ;T PLASTIC BY POLYLOK OR AS NECESSARY PRECAST CONCRETE PUMP CHAMBER (1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK) W/ 30" OPENING BY UTOPIA ENTERPRISES OR EQUAL FLEXIBLE BOOT TYPE CONNECTOR (TYP.) TO CONTROL PANEL AT HOUSE -SEE NOTE TO SEPTIC TANK 4" PVC AT 1% MIN. BALL CHECK VALVE CRUSHED STONE BACKFILL TO SPRINGLINE OF PIPE (TYP.) T NOTE: -ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO USE PRESSURE FITTINGS -CONTROL PANEL TO BE A TIME DOSE PANEL-SJE RHOMBUS IFS SERIES OR EQUAL -FLOAT SETTINGS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER DURING WASTEWATER SYSTEM STARTUP r_1 J" DIA ORIFICES LAST ORIFICES ® SWEEP ELBOW • 12 O'CLOCK 6 O'CLOCK COVER I COVER HOLES WITH-11 I HOLES WITH ORIFICE I ORIFICE COVERS I I COVERS I ±j OF ORIFICE I ( SPACING TO FIRST OF �- ORIFICE SPACING I� 5-6 ORIFICES 0 4 FT ON HOLE TO FIRST HOLE CENTER SPACING � I }I PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LATERAL NOT TO SCALE END OF STONE BED PLAN VIEW PL 1j" DISTRIBUTION MANIFOLD EXTEND 1 FT, TYP. OUTLET NOTE: TOTAL SYSTEM CAPACITY: 1,300 GALLONS RATED CAPACITY: 600 GALLONS PER DAY 1j" PERFORATED PIPE GENERAL NOTES: m SINGULAIR® AERATOR, AS TESTED AND ACCEPTED BY NSF. m FALL THROUGH SINGULAIR PLANT FROM INLET INVERT TO OUTLET INVERT IS FOUR INCHES. INLET INVERT IS 16 INCHES BELOW THE RISER MOUNTING SURFACE. ® ON DEEPER INSTALLATIONS, RISERS MUST BE USED TO EXTEND AERATOR MOUNTING RISER AND BIO-KINETIC® SYSTEM MOUNTING RISER TO GRADE. INSPECTION COVER ON PRETREATMENT CHAMBER MUST BE DEVELOPED TO WITHIN TWELVE INCHES OF GRADE. ® REMOVABLE COVERS ON RISERS ARE EACH SECURED TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. ® CONTACT THE LOCAL, LICENSED SINGULAIR DISTRIBUTOR FOR ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. CRITICAL DIMENSIONS V- 5112" 0% 0 3/8" 3% 3" V- 5114" 0.4. 0'- 0 318" 4'- 21/4" 1'• 8" 2% 8 3/4" V- 31/2" 10'- 61/2" V- 4" 5% 11 112" V- 4" 4'- 71/2" 6.4. W-3" 0% 1112. V. 0" W- 0 314" 4•-4" IUI SINGLI AIR' GREEN 960.500GPD SYSTEM NORWECO SINGULAIR GREEN ENHANCED TREATMENT UNIT NOT TO SCALE STRIP EXISTING VEGETATION, SOIL do DEBRIS TO INITIALLY FORM SWALE. SEED SWALE WITH MIX OF 30 LBS/ACRE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS, 20 LBS/ACRE TALL FESCUE AND 2 LBS/ACRE RED TOP. GRASS SWALE NOT TO SCALE MAINTAIN 4" - 6" GRASS LLJ/7W I VL/IIYAL JLIR'C IV dt BETWEEN 0.5X AND 41 3H:1V SIDE SLOPES OR LESS STEEP MIN TOPSOIL LAYER :OMPACTED, _MVE, WELL DRAINED MATERIAL 1.5" PERFORATED PIPE "'" ""'r-'CE SPACED FT INTERVALS) 2.5' (TYP.) PLAN VIEW NOTE: -ORIFICES TO BE AT TOP OF PIPE WITH ORIFICE SHIELD -INSTALL ONE ORIFICE AT PIPE BOTTOM FOR DRAINING LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC 12" OF STONE (3/4" TO 1-1/2" 6" DIA.) SECTION VIEW ABSORPTION BED DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REMOVABLE INFLUENT NTROL BOX ' INDICATORS ,LE FOR VAL 4" PVC NOTE UV LIGHT UNIT SHALL HAVE AUDIBLE AND VISUAL NT ALARMS AT THE CONTROL PANEL LOCATION 1. LAMP IN QUARTZ TUBE WITH TEFLON COATING INSIDE SUPPORT FRAME WITH GASKET SALCOR 3-G UV UNIT NOT TO SCALE APA PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION- APA PROJECT #• j2022-0685 APPLICANTS NAME. TED CONGDON f O 0N U- r" O N co W 1AAAAAAA N i- �V C CO z n Q I- Z uj LU L I"IJ Q U �. Q EL WW o� U W IAAAAAAAA Q W �: co Ln ui W � � � Q � Q Z O mix 00 W 3: 06N W Q W I- �Q� �U-LL WV o O ° U- QZZ VOO _j DRAWN BY CD CHECK BY NZ EDP PROJECT NUMBERANT 13355 WAY, OWLES3 UNDER THE DIRFCr SUPERNSIQN OF A COMPARABLE AL, (LE:) ENORJEERR MR AN ENGINEER, SOAP£ ARCHITECT FOR A LANDSCAPE ARCW7ECr OR Y91'OP FOR A SURWYOR, IS A NOLA710N OF THE NEW STATE EDUCA710N LAW AND/GQ REGLILA77ONS AND IS A CLASS A' M/SDEMEANQ4. REVISION DATE BY NICHOLAS L. ZEGLEN P.E. 103,896 OF NiF co PC _0RF�cFcp�� 1.4 m � r pt: 2 = 2 2��OA 103896 ��C? 9�FESS10 SCALE: N.T.S. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE: WASTEWATER DETAILS 1 SHEET: I i I 2 of 2 i I S u) 0 N Lu CD cu Lb Lu 5 -11 L) 41 T i s I z 3 3 I o, o, z J i J cm N a: a a I n N In i C u I h >D U J n D Y i 2- Z wz,2- RESOLUTION APPROVING ROBERT AND LOUISE GILCHRIST'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 61,2022 D �_� � � 1E INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Harrison Freer DEC 01 2022 WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SECONDED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier BUILDING&CODES WHEREAS, Robert and Louise Gilchrist (Applicants) filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance Chapter 136 to install a wastewater replacement system with its absorption field to be located: 1. 74' from the well in lieu of the required 100' setback; 2. 10' from the foundation in lieu of the required 20' setback; 3. 8f' from the property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. 37' from the intermittent stream in lieu of the required 100' setback; and 5. 90' from the wetland/1VIHWL in lieu of the required 100' setback; on property located at 2483 Ridge Road(State Route 9L) in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS,the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance request on Monday,July 1 Ph,2022, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT r J RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Robert and Louise Gilchrist for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install an Enhanced Unit Ultraviolet Treatment wastewater replacement system with its absorption field to be located: 1. 74' from the well in lieu of the required 100' setback; 2. 10' from the foundation in lieu of the required 20' setback; 3. 8±' from the property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. 37' from the intermittent stream in lieu of the required 100' setback; and 5. 90' from the wetland/MHWL in lieu of the required 100' setback; on property located at 2483 Ridge Road (State Route 9L) in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 240.6-1-10, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and a BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to any lawful action by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 11t'day of July, 2022,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier,Mr. Freer,Mr.Ferone,Mr. McNulty,Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT: None 900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065 (P) 518.371.7621 edpllp.com May 9, 2023 Mr. John O’Brien Code Enforcement Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Regarding: Congdon Residence Septic Certification Letter 2483 Ridge Road (Route 9L) Queensbury, New York Dear Mr. O’Brien: In compliance with application approvals granted by the Town of Queensbury I offer the following regarding the referenced project. The design plans, prepared by this office, reviewed, and approved by the Town as associated with the wastewater system application, are as follows: Proposed Wastewater Replacement System For Gilchrist Residence 2483 Route 9L Town of Queensbury May 26, 2022 During construction Environmental Design Partnership LLP was on the job site to observe key components of the system installation culminating with the ‘start-up’ of the pump assembly and control panel system on May 5, 2023. I have provided an ‘as-built’ plan which indicates the system component locations. The pump system was tested/inspected on May 5th with the pump and alarm working as designed. The time-dose control panel was programmed for operation and the Owner was provided basic operational guidance. Based on my inspection of the system installation it is my opinion that the wastewater system is in compliance with the intent of the approved design plan and is ready for operation. Sincerely, Nicholas Zeglen, P.E. Environmental Design Partnership cc: Ted Congdon Adirondack Septic Tank, Inc. 4720 State Highway 30 Amsterdam, NY 12010 US 518-842-1322 anne@adirondackseptic.com adirondackseptic.com BILL TO Ted Congdon 2975 River Road Niskayuna, NY 12309 INVOICE 52195 DATE 11/29/2022 TERMS Due on receipt DUE DATE 11/29/2022 SHIP DATE 11/29/2022 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 11/28/2022 Norweco Singulair Green and Pump Station with WASP11P Control Norweco AT1500 UV System 0.00 Myers ME3F-11 Effluent Pump 0.00 3 Year Service Plan (start up and 5 additional service calls at 6 month intervals)0.00 Delivery Charge 0.00 Capital Improvement 0.00 Thank You PAYMENT TOTAL DUE $0.00 Adirondack Septic Tank, Inc. 4720 State Highway 30 Amsterdam, NY 12010 US 518-842-1322 anne@adirondackseptic.com adirondackseptic.com BILL TO Ted Congdon 2975 River Road Niskayuna, NY 12309 INVOICE 53129 DATE 05/15/2023 TERMS Due on receipt DUE DATE 05/15/2023 P.O. NUMBER 2483 Ridge Rd, Queensbury DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 05/05/2023 Service on Norweco Singulair Green Start up and programming No Charge 0.00T SUBTOTAL 0.00 TAX 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL DUE $0.00 1" = 20' WASTEWATER AS-BUILT 1 of 1 C: \ U s e r s \ n z e g l e n \ E n v i r o n m e n t a l D e s i g n P a r t n e r s h i p \ S h a r e P o i n t S i t e - D o c u m e n t s \ 0 A - Z \ W A R R E N \ Q U E E N S B U R Y \ R O U T E 9 L \ 2 4 8 3 - G i l c h r i s t \ 0 5 - d w g \ D E T A I L E D P L A N S \ A S - B U I L T _ W W _ G i l c h r i s t . d w g M a y 0 9 , 2 0 2 3 0 9 : 0 4 : 0 9 A M WA S T E W A T E R A S - B U I L T F O R 24 8 3 R I D G E R O A D ( R O U T E 9 L ) TO W N O F Q U E E N S B U R Y MA Y 9 , 2 0 2 3 CO N G D O N R E S I D E N C E WA R R E N C O U N T Y , N E W Y O R K TA X M A P . N o . 2 4 0 . 6 - 1 - 1 0 90 0 R o u t e 1 4 6 C l i f t o n P a r k , N e w Y o r k 1 2 0 6 5 ed p l l p . c o m (5 1 8 ) 3 7 1 - 7 6 2 1 E N V I R O N M E N T A L D E S I G N P A R T N E R S H I P , L L P . A WASTEWATER AS BUILT SWING TIE TABLE LOCATION 1 LOCATION 2 DISTANCE C 12' A D 31' A E 39.5' A F 27' B C 16' B D 37' B E 38.5' B F 18' A B C F E D N I C HOLA S L A W REN C E Z E G LEN 1038 9 6 S T A T E O F NEW Y O R K L I C E N S E D PROFESS I O N A L EN GINEER ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN coo PARTNERSHIP, LLP. 900 Route 146 Clifton Park,NY 12065 (P)518.371,7621 edpllp.com Shaping the physical environment November 29, 2022 Mr.John O'Brien Director Town of Queensbury Board of Health 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Regarding: Gilchrist/Congdon Residence—2483 Route 9L Property Transfer Replacement System Extension Dear Mr.O'Brien: On behalf of the applicants, Robert& Louise Gilchrist,we respectfully ask that the 6-month period for installation of an engineer designed replacement wastewater system be extended an additional 6 months. This would extend the deadline for a replacement system to May 1st 2023. The applicant is actively working towards replacing the existing septic system,the Town Board approved wastewater variances for the system on July 11tt'2022. During the APA's review, after Town Board Approval, it was determined that an APA permit was required. The applicant applied for the APA permit on July 28th, 2022 and received the APA permit on September 14th, 2022. The applicant then engaged with a. contractor to complete the septic system installation; however,the contractor became non-responsive and was no longer able to perform the work. The applicant then contacted other local contractors to perform the system installation. A new contractor has now been selected and plans to install the enhanced treatment unit this year,with the remainder of the septic field to be installed in the spring,weather permitting.An application for a septic permit and plans has been submitted to the town. We hope that you will understand that the applicant is making every effort to install the new system, however additional APA permitting and problems with securing a local contractor has delayed this process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Nicholas Zeglen, P.E. Environmental Design Partnership cc:Pam Deam Ted Congdon = SEPTIC VARIANCE Office Use Only Permit#: 02�' 2 0 20-22-- APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ 1k& - tirit7l vfi$ttecn.tl�utT t ���7 lnvolce 4: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 wwwyueensbury.net Approvals: Submittal: 1 (one) original & 8 copies of the completed application package PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL Section 1.: Contact Information: Property Owner's):Robert&Louise Gilchrist Owner's Agent:Enyironniental Design Partnership Address: 39 LODgview Drive Apt.. 105 Address: 900 Route 146 Clifton Park NY,12065 Queensbury NY, 12804 Phone#: Phone#: 518-371-7621 Email: robgil@roadrunner.rr.com Email: nzeglen@edpltp,com,edeznyer@edpllp.com Section 2: Site Information: 2483 Ridge 9L Site Address: g Road(Route ) Tax ID#: 240.6-1-10 cos Directions to Site: Corker of 9L and Pilot Knob,head south mid first house to the west G z bO Z Section 3• n c Distance from well on property to septic system (if applicable) 74 feet I 0 M t.a j©Co cm Section 4: ci)C �( Is it possible to install a conforming septic system on this property? ❑Yes 0 No 1 If YES, please explain and attach a diagram: Section 5: Does the proposed system meet setback requirements for distance from wells&septic systems on neighboring properties? ❑Yes 0 No If NO, please explain: Proposed system 74'from existing well Section 6: Is the proposed system to be installed under a parking area? ❑Yes Q No Section 7: Section of Sanitary Sewage Ordinance from which you are seeking the variance V-1:WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO WELL V REQUESTED VS THE 100'REQUIRED V-2:WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO FOUNDATION 10'REQUESTED VS THE 20'REQUIRED V-3:WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO PROPERTY LINE±WREQUESTED VS THE 19 REQUIRED V-4:WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO INTERMITTENT STREAM 3T REQUESTED VS.THE 100'REQUIRED V-5:WASTEWATER ABSORPTION FIELD TO WETLAND/MHWL,90'REQUESTED VS.THE 100'REQUIRED Section S: List the names, parcel addresses, and tax map numbers of all adjoining property owners. You may obtain this information from the Town of Queensbury's Assessor's Office: North Name Paul Ryan Address 15 Hanneford Road Tax Map ID 240.6-1-19 South Name David Dickey Address 2445 Ridge Road Tax Map ID 240.6-1-2 East Name Steven Zaccari Address II Hanneford Road Tax Map ID 240.6-1-20 West Name David Dickey Address 2445 Ridge Road Tax Map ID 240.6-1-2 Section 9: OWNER STATEMENT I/We do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at: 2493 Ridge Road , I/We realize that putting the well, septic tank or leaching systemless than the required 100 feet from the existing well may increase the risk of pollution. Owner—Print Name:Owner has granted N.Zeglen (EDP) authorization to sign form on their behalf Owner—Signature: Date: Section 10: NEIGHBOR OR TENANT RELEASE STATEMENT(if applicable) I/We do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at: /We realize that putting the well,septic tank or leaching system less than the required feet from the may increase the risk of pollution. Neighbor/Tenant—Print Name: Neighbor/Tenant-Signature: Date: Septic Variance Application Revised December 2021 t PLEASE ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO YOUR APPLICATION: 1. A location map showing the site within the Town of Queensbury 2. A plot plan showing existing and proposed features of the property, including: a. Lot dimensions b. North arrow and scale; 1 inch=40 feet c. Location & dimensions of existing and proposed buildings, showing setback distances and uses d. Parking layout to scale (if applicable) e. Physical features (street,steep slopes, lakes, wetlands, etc.) f. Location of all wells and septic systems on neighboring properties g. Adjacent ownerships h. All properties within 500 feet A sample plot plan and location are shown below: '"+~• _J --�— � 3 iO.H.1 rlM M.-,..t liilttTiu•G � f _- �� \ e 1;-�Yi r., � ram- n } 1 N r .,Yf "M7YE�Y.1?% gyp* 'A" wt 1 k ,�n „wU saar�. P9r'+Idplf*.4. 16MY L'{Iki►� krjl9pIQ71�1; � l ) r";, Septic Variance Appllcation Revised December 2021 Section 1.1.: AUTHORIZATION AND SIGNATURE PAGE This page includes the Authorization to Act as Agent form, engineering fee disclosure, authorization for site visits, other permit responsibilities and agreement to provide documentation required. Complete the following if the OWNER is using an Agent: Owner's Name: Robert&Louise Gilchrist Environmental Design partnership Designates; as agent regarding the Septic Variance for Wastewater Replacement System for Gildvist Residence Site Address: 2493 Ridge Road(Route 9L) Tax Map#: 240.6-1-10 Engineering Fee Disclosure: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Town Board of Health. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Authorization for Site Visits: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant and his/her/their agent hereby authorize the Town Board of Health, building and code Enforcement Officers and Town Engineer to enter'the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. Please Note: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Town Board of Health. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. Official Meeting Minutes Disclosure: It is the practice of the Town Board of Health to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of the meetings resulting from the application, and that the minutes transcribed from those tapes constitute the official record of all proceedings. If there is a discrepancy between such record and the handwritten minutes taken by the designated stenographer,the handwritten minutes shall be deemed the official record. I,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission; agree to the submission requirements and completed checklist: OWNER---PRINT NAME: Owner has granted N.Zeglen (EDP) authorization to sign form on their behalf OWNER--SIGNATURE: DATE: AGENT—PRINT NAME: Nicholas Zegien AGENT—SIGNATURE: DATE: -� Septic Variance Application Revised December 2021 min��'m�mn o�2mmn �2zC AopmaLl n�mt]n• a aaylm�pAmmve�n -z ti nz moz -y poOa �moln aimo aAF moo�n min A ov omzn�L A nn m A p�my n n Sz m o ogevL1= m AmYnaC aC AZ aA 2� aCCmrOnba a1n�iljn m m m ba III �jjIII L mOynmDi be CAm2iini� ZV�n ODD ODnAA pO ° y Cmmb iQmm mn mDa am a b a� 2n a ntbilb;A miY +'°I i ^i crb N N N 2r N W N mm x z UV� a�2n tD A '� F yy2� L Linm pOi a a ➢ O-a n1` N- Aln iry YCZ'� n� OYOZ y <c4ba mY �A O v� OOD a nr�FO Y maNm 2n � a b mp mma. 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And°�°n n� �xn °zmoYoa roi °o vl r omro;,gym b o it cn@'➢gym-�°zonY oo°oi >°c �3� ➢c°r oammry io m o� D zLm? mo AiaoP� azanym mnam aY�mooY yo omi Fo mi m O o ma zm N.C. 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PROPOSED WASTEWATER REPLACEMENT SYSTEM FOR ° GILCHRIST RESIDENCE z z e D i m W 0 6 C � = O r m z '�� ROBERT & LOUISE GILCHRIST z y 00 —1 ! �� �$ -EN dIRONMENTAL,DESI N _1 x m � �R LOCATED AT 2483 ROUTE 9L �V��P�ARTNERSfiIP LLPi�/ mR �. N TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX MAP ID: 240.6-1-10 " ��g 0 9 �900 R W. 146 CI N n P rk'Ne Y rk 12066 m �3v$� COUNTY OF WARREN MAY 26, 2022 -{fine>3717627 R.\VARREN\OUEENSHURY\ROUTE 9L\2483 - Glichrlst\05-dv8\➢ETAILE➢ PLANS\Sheets\01-1JVPLN-Gllchrlst.dwg Jun 07, 2022 Q%35.17AN y➢;IS mOC flm a�m 2 D g o my I m m mo N a tom m m m y m m D z� `y z y - y m Z pNm n�y L mz me D z'J 12 i i ti oom< oy% v nr°°i ° cin-mzm �y 55 A°°F =D Z � i s z ❑ o<O°q ,,tLyyp� mv� _ ----__—_--- O ❑ mu, m O ns= 0l. 0 Z X Z�my a �- Z �L O ❑ �rn/� -�--p4 - acz >y �ZFi yi- n ,. iG o z>Pz ' > n m �r}7� =vi � m �Zr A zo s ° m r o o ym N n //1 �m� �i ° 1v'1 nDW m Zy a a - D V� y ro5°'o D^ z a <o�° i s zi In az m n 7.St OR mo °p .`.' p �� m m o v � ,n 0 C O O p o 6 g MA%IM M POSSIBLE p c o m m D =o D�� a� 3 m� m o zi F= > S cm JIII {0n� `� �� m= K o m m 0 -III o;=w a .,o. ^� d mm>Dm zm i mm N F F m � - IIIIiII P r� s$ z E m9 OF M8 _ F ag �_ � =11 rD-�°com �o m A m6 F 6 `" A fao lz p 1II I z �$ C D®n �gg ye :II I�IIa R.'. aA - m nz o g F ; ° —Ih, ° ; a c �R °� �m"= I II=91 g�° m `y a Qmp Iliiill iIiil e� 5t 4f mo ." 4� m2g o g 6 m — SEE NOTE O nQ -1I III X � I�i O C F ITI ° D Ti 41 III= _ �� ;g.rn ao° raP g onv �I� XI mglT. 8oT 11� ��a pamvAi•. zm�o o-mD _ cagmaz �mmmm �Foo=�omN mN9i Fm; zmmm =;>°om m�e ovn CA mo fm, -o°Ao 'oF E A.ayg`��oz �G Nge m 5273_ 1,7 � ;A m T m gvoA�m ,n gF H 12. mmozF �z (n zm =m o F o;Soe M,N ma z iz o mmN z o o K oo 'mo o D ohm m�=m m mNFooz mmm i u D=a o A� g >m�o m �E 2� voz�>= mXN�cN ;DF a� F2vmvy° z "'� =c� g�v m c �omn msm Aam i m zmo� um y^=o �a �� i N^m o so oN ro tDi��I<k N�o mm S F$ ya Ammm m-= m a inz < F O 0Fnoo z51 p �g MA ��> �g ogoo m A o oF�v _ ° m m o �om� o ��i $o m <. z> vON Komz -�' �F`=" 8m. ❑ m.m �g Dio� �m z D z=sue z° Fmk og m m m g n mmN� zpz oma r°zo _$ In fit- m Cn D =z m a z c O� o Z c o D o v� �0 n r \ — o z l < I I r � O C � D m I I \ I I I ❑ m N Q s �M O n m D _ N I'I 5 m > m In C14 z -^ -+ { < m o c c K�cT �A Nm-° { < m Oo ^ r. V1 iO I z z <r z c In,De>*2� s1io;' mTAZ �zlm T.�K _" o c7 z�rD- mn < Dr Dr NN C � Im z Zz Ax D C mA cN m Z O m n` Z O ;= m DlO M m m D c O l7T r = mo �F 5� yg zS a PROPOSED WASTEWATER REPLACEMENT SYSTEM FOR iv =q �` �� GILCHRIST RESIDENCE f %� ? oU m -im ZZ �� Zr �:�� �,.� ROBERT & LOUISE GILCHRIST -'h D FD U) :a O cn €� � LOCATED AT 2483 ROUTE 9L ,.ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN- �•, ���PARINERSi �lf�, LLP��j �c gg �. e TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX MAP ID: 240.6-1-10 900 R ble 146 CI H n P k Ne Yo k'7Y066 �3e§p COUNTY OF WARREN MAY 26, 2022 CI6+BIaT+r762+, �� 1U1 ��/ apnPxam R,\WARREN\OUEENSBURT\ROUTE 9L\2483 - Gilchrist\05-d,gNDETAILE➢ PLANS\Sheets\01-WWPLN-Gltchrlst.d,g Jun 07, 2022 09-35,20AM .�ybMP:iR....wrc L✓� m e r- � �3 a ail ._ Lil LAI Z. 64r ZO :3 T a � e °ir ct `;; O D i9 on �. y ■.J LD CD a T ' r g cc)ij+ D �� O, C C Grr- � ;w _��� p WON_ to rt ' OD � v r n '� O D (v, o W �N g -T10� fl D fl. m ZOX Q ■ p�J rt Nt ci P v—� T m � rn 3 0o g �Zi m -� U� N � � ° •�° z� O Q NF- RK Adirondack STATE OF OFPOHrurtlrr. Park Agency KATHY H©CHUL BARBARA RICE Governor Executive. Director July 18, 2022 John O'Brien Director, Building & Codes Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: LV2022-0062 Variance Application: Gilchrist Town Resolution: BOH 61, 2022 Tax Map Number: 240.6-1-10 Dear John O'Brien: Adirondack Park Agency staff review of the above referenced variance determination has been completed. The applicant proposes to install a replacement onsite wastewater treatment system. Relief is required from the Town for the following: 1. 74 feet from the well in lieu of the required 100-foot setback; 2. 10 feet from the foundation in lieu of the required 20-foot setback; 3. 8± feet from the property line in lieu of the required 10-foot setback; 4. 37 feet from the intermittent stream in lieu of the required 100-foot setback; and 5. 90 feet from the wetland/MHWL in lieu of the required 100-foot setback; Based on the information presented in the record, the Agency offers no comments on the town issued variance, however, the landowner should contact the Agency since the project as proposed will require an Adirondack Park Agency permit for placement of a wastewater treatment system within 100 feet of wetlands. Thank you for your referral of this variance determination. Sincerely, Robyn Burgess Principal Adirondack Park Local Planning Assistance Specialist cc: John Strough, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator, Town of Queensbury Caroline Barber, Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury P.O.Box 99•1133 NYS Route 86•Ray Brook,NY 12977•Tel:(518)891-4050•www.apa.ny.gov If+�EW YO STATE OF. Adirondack aPFCORTUNITY. Park Agency FRESHWATER WETLANDS This is a supplement to the Citizen's Guide,which provides basic information about Adirondack Park Agency regulations. Regulated Wetlands Defined in §802 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act, wetlands are "any land which is annually subject to periodic or continual inundation by water and commonly referred to as a bog, swamp or marsh which are either (a) one acre or more in size or (b) located adjacent to a body of water, including a permanent stream, with which there is free interchange of water at the surface, in which case there is no size limitation'." Section 578.3 of the Agency's regulations provides additional wetland information, and the criteria for identifying wetland areas are provided in the New York State Wetland Delineation Manual (available at http://www.apa.ny.gov). Wetland Permittinq Under the Adirondack Park Agency Act and the Freshwater Wetlands Act, an Agency permit must be obtained for the following activities involving wetlands in the Adirondack Park: 1. Draining, dredging, or excavating2 a wetland; 2. Placing fill, including soil, stone, sand, gravel, mud, trash, structures, pilings, roads, or any other obstruction or substance3, into a wetland; 3. Clearcutting4 more than three acres; 4. Releasing any form of pollution into a wetland, including pesticides and sewage effluent or other liquid waste; ' Areas that are less than one acre in size and meet the New York State Wetland Delineation Manual criteria are considered wetlands for Agency purposes if. 1)the adjacent waterbody is at least 6.6 feet deep;2)the adjacent waterbody is at least one acre in surface area;3)the adjacent waterbody and the wetland together are at least one acre in surface area;or 4)the adjacent waterbody has a permanent surface water inlet or outlet. 2 With certain exceptions;see section 578.3(n)(4)of Agency regulations and the Agency's flyer titled"Hand Harvesting of Aquatic Plants"for additional information. 3 With certain exceptions;see section 578.3(n)(4)of Agency regulations for additional information. 4 For Agency purposes,a clearcut is generally defined as any cutting of trees over six inches in diameter at breast height over any 10-year cutting cycle,where the average residual basal area remaining is less than 30 square feet per acre within the area harvested. See sections 570.3(f)and 573.7 of Agency regulations for additional information. Page 1 of 4 Revised February 28, 2019 5. Installing any sewage drainage field or seepage pit or any sewer outfall in or within 100 feet of a wetland; 6. Undertaking any other activity within or outside of a wetland that substantially impairs the functions served by or the benefits derived from the wetland, including the diversion of surface or subsurface drainage or natural water flow that adversely affects the natural hydrological regime of or substantially increases erosion of or siltation or sedimentation into the wetland; or 7. Creating by subdivision any lot that contains wetlands and any lot adjoining a lot that contains wetlands, as well as all land use and development related to these subdivision lots, unless the Agency issues a letter finding that: • All lot boundaries will be located at least 200 feet from all wetlands; • All new roads providing access to more than one lot will be located at least 50 feet from all wetlands; • All non-wetland areas of the wetland subdivision lots will be accessible by road without crossing or causing adverse impacts to wetlands-5; and • Any lot containing a lawfully existing principal building will also contain its associated water supply, wastewater treatment system, and an adequate replacement site for the on-site wastewater treatment system that is located at least 100 feet from all wetlands6. When a regulated activity is proposed, a wetland biologist will determine the value rating for the wetland. As described in §578.10 of Agency regulations, the standards for approval of activities involving wetlands depend on the value rating, with stricter standards for activities in high value wetlands. Please note that development is generally prohibited in wetlands with a value rating of"1." For specific locations, the Agency will determine whether wetlands are present and will delineate wetlands upon the request of any person having a legal interest in the property. These determinations involve examination of maps at Agency headquarters, interpretation of aerial photographs, and/or field visits by Agency wetland biologists. Please contact the Agency for additional information. WETLAND IDENTIFICATION AND IMPORTANCE Deep Water Marsh Areas of open water filled with plants that float freely or are rooted are called deep water marshes. The leaves of the rooted plants are either submerged or floating. Such plants as pondweeds, duckweeds, and wild celery are important food for waterfowl. The shallow waters of a deep water marsh and the protecting vegetation make them important areas for fish spawning and nurseries. 5 This requirement is generally applied to mean that access roads could be constructed at least 50 feet from wetlands to reach all non-wetland areas of the subdivision lots. 6 This requirement is generally applied to mean that the lot contains a potential replacement wastewater treatment system site that: 1)is at least 1,500 square feet in size;2)is no more than 60 feet in length;3)has slopes of 15%or less;and 4)and is located greater than 100 feet from all waterbodies. Page 2 of 4 Revised February 28, 2019 Deciduous Swamp These are wetlands where the covertype contains mostly live deciduous trees, twenty feet or more in height. The trees grow on hummocks or in seasonally or permanently flooded areas. Swamp maples and willows are evident in lowland deciduous swamps. These swamps are spotted with dead trees which are used by flying squirrels and chickadees. The swamps provide a habitat for nesting waterfowl and a great variety of birds and wildlife. Their soils are usually very fertile, promoting rapid plant growth and a wide diversity of plants and animals. Because these swamps filter great quantities of water, they play a very important role in purifying water and maintaining high water quality. Wet Meadows Wet meadows are wetlands where most of the cover is composed of sedges, rushes, and coarse grasses, most of which tend to grow in clumps. Groundwater is at or near the surface for much of the year, including significant parts of the growing season, creating saturated soils. These meadows are often found in the flood plains of lakes and rivers and in the areas once flooded by beaver dams or other impoundments. Their soils are mostly mineral in structure. Bog A bog is a closed wetland from which drainage is either extremely slow or absent and where the vegetation grows on a saturated mat of peat. The mat sometimes covers all of the surface of a shallow pond, sometimes it covers only a portion leaving open water. The peat is formed by species of sphagnum moss which die, but do not decay because of the acidity and low oxygen levels of the bog. All processes in a bog including nutrient recycling are slowed down by the stagnant acid water. This is why bogs are so sensitive. It takes centuries to recover from disturbance. Emergent Marsh Emergent marshes are shallow wetlands that are flooded with standing or running water much of the year. Their cover consists of such plants as cattails, bulrushes, pickerel weed, loosestrifes, and arrowheads. Emergent marshes have the most valuable covertype and one of the highest levels of productivity and habitat diversity. Not only does the vegetation in these wetlands provide nesting habitat, food, and cover for many waterfowl and other wildlife, but it adds large quantities of nutrients to food chains. These marshes are attractive to muskrat, ducks and geese, herons, and egrets, mink and deer. Page 3 of 4 Revised February 28, 2019 Shrub Swamp A shrub swamp is a wetland where woody shrubs, less than twenty feet in height, make up most of the covertype. Shrub swamps are often found in floodplains, in frost pockets and other depressions, on the edges of ponds, lakes and bogs, along meandering streams, and in hillside drainages. These areas have two things in common: fresh water flowing through them and a high level of productivity. Alders, hollies and viburnums typify these swamps and have berries which are eaten by a wide variety of birds. The shrubs are the nesting habitat of such diverse species as the rose-breasted grosbeak and kingbirds, and game birds, including woodcock, pheasant and grouse. It is also the habitat of beaver and otter, and waters adjacent to shrub swamps are essential to spawning northern pike. Coniferous Swamp A coniferous swamp is a wetland where most of the plant cover consists of live coniferous trees over twenty feet in height. The trees often grow on hummocks in deep organic deposits with pockets of water or sphagnum moss between them. Coniferous swamps are most important because they give off large quantities of water over much of the year. In summer, this process helps keep surrounding soil temperatures low. This, combined with the cooling effects of the swamps' dense shade, helps maintain low water temperatures critical to the survival of cold water fish in streams running through these swamps. The shelter offered by coniferous swamps creates clear wintering fields so important to the survival of deer and other animals and birds. This flyer is intended to provide general information regarding Agency jurisdiction. Other provisions or restrictions may apply if an Agency permit or variance is required or if the property has previously been subject to Agency review. Please contact the Agency with any questions at 518-891-4050. For a binding written response as to whether a specific proposal requires Agency review, please submit a Jurisdictional Inquiry Form (JIF). The JIF form is available on the Agency website at www.apa.nv.gov/Forms/miform.pdf. Page 4 of 4 Revised February 28, 2019 S EWYORK Adirondack STATE OF OPPORTUNITY- Park Agency LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE FORM for Proiect/Variance Application to the Adirondack Park Agencv The Adirondack Park Agency will not deem an application complete until the appropriate municipal official in the Town/Village where a project is located has completed, signed and returned this form to the Agency. If the Town/Village where the project site is located has zoning or other regulations which apply to the proposal, the Adirondack Park Agency will be unable to issue a permit if: (a) the Town/Village has either refused to grant a necessary permit or variance, or(b)the proposal is a prohibited use in that jurisdiction. To be completed by the Applicant: APA Project Number(if available): Applicant Name: Ted Congdon Landowner Name: Project site location: Town/Village: 2483 Ridge Road Tax Map Number: 240.6-1-0 Project type/description: Replacement Wastewater System If the project involves a subdivision, please provide the appropriate local official a copy of the proposed plat as part of the project description with the plan title and date recorded in the space provided above. To be completed by the Town/Village: Does the Town/Village have land use controls? ...................................................... [EIYes ❑No If Yes, please complete 1-9 below. If No, please skip to#9 below. 1) If the Town/Village has zoning, provide Zoning District Name(s): �614 (oV151✓vA" �?�Ar 2) How is the"use" defined under the local code? PrArvvil bvia Is the "use" allowed in the zoning district(s)?............................................................ es ❑No 3) Is the project prohibited by any local law or ordinance?................................................. ❑Yes [Elo 4) Does this project require a municipal permit?................................................................. 02''es ❑No a) If Yes, is the required permit a building permit only?................................................ [ les [-]No b) If No, identify the type of permit required: 5) Does this project require a municipal variance?............................................................. 5yes ❑No If Yes, identify the type of variance required (e.g., area, setback, etc.) Sal G 6) Does the project require any other municipal approval?............r................. .... ....... ....... . QYes ❑No If Yes, identify the approval required: /o " f J( 7) Has the municipality received an application for this roject?.....................I................... Mfj s ❑No If Yes, has the municipality issued any decision on this project?.............................. Ws ❑No 8) Provide explanation for any decisions on this project or inconsistencies the project may have with local laws or any comments you wish t9 provide to th Agency about the / the' project: �jc�2rc� i� H{w��� ctaprvyNd ycj® Iv n revLJ r/, ,- GCT/L✓ 9) Please provide a daytime contact telephone number with the best days/times to be reached, and/or an email address for the official signing this form, should Agency staff have further questions regarding municipal review of this project, C5J9) 2 (11 97JU best times IM--F A e-mail: GCi�tcj Q) (L9 gVCeASI � Signature of Zoning Official or Planning Boar air(or Supervisor/Mayor if no such official exists) C t2 c It oyt l 27 �J 2Uz,�-- ame and Title(Print) l�oto Please return this completed&signed form to the address or fax number below. P.O.Box 99•1133 NYS Route 86•Ray Brook,NY 12977•Tel:518 891-4050•Fax:518 891-3938•www.apa.ny.gov LGNF,rev:12121/18