IM Inspection Worksheet_09-08-2023_11-43-24INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FRM-027072-2023) AST-0433-2020Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 08/09/2023 PassedInspection Status:Inspection Date: Building FramingInspection Type:Inspector:Charles Dyer Job Address:Parcel Number:108 Lake Pkwy Lake George, NY 12845 226.15-1-16 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant Morgan Gazetos Contractor AdironDocks of Lake George LLC Granted Permission West Point South LLC Primary Owner West Point South LLC Checklist Item CommentsPassed Building Inspector Notes True Project is not completed at this time, sundeck guards and rails are not compliant. Please renew permit. Please contact Charlie Dyer 518-761-8207 for any questions. Thank you 9/13/21 10/17/22 please renew permit for completion of sundeck. Sundeck must be compliant in order for issuing any other permit. 8/9/23 verified framing for rebuilding of sundeck atop crib piers <4:12 pitch double layer of ice/snow underlayment True Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center True Bracing Bridging True Jack Posts Main Beams True Framing True August 09, 2023 Page 1 of 1