1985-197 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y No. 85_ 197 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK m G3 PERMISSION is hereby granted to� Web raphic s Inc 3 �OWNER of property located at ` ' Y Corinth toad Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury, To Construct or pi ace a Sewage at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t _ OWNER'S Address is Corinth Road Glens F'allsr New York 2. CONTRACTOR or 8UI LDE R'S Name C7 , D ,Tay Sweet ' k IJr 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 'Pi RD # 1 0 Lake George , New "York � 4. ARCHITECT'S Name S. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) ( 1 Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel i k i. PLANS and Specifications dist . box - 4@ 14 ' xB ' deep seepage pits with 24 " No, # 3 stone 6 " traffic covers per plot and application submitted v 8_ Proposed Use LO fD Sewage system for industrial plant F rt fp $ 100 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES May 15 19 87 i r (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the 0 town of O.ueensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Clueensbury this 15t1j Day of May 1985 SIGNED BY _ for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector TOWN OF OUFFNSBURY 'TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & ZONING DFPPRTMFNT R Fm r CI 1E I E SFVTAGF DISPOSAL PE T APPLIC TIf� MAY I b 1985 1 . Owner " s Name /� I AaWL 5 ^C -e c p.M1. V4xxeez JL . .MILW . a 0 Address ca Telephone No , 2 . Property location ` / f �kl 3 . Name of person or firm responsible for installincr system elephone No . S417 Address 4 . Number of bedrooms ( residential buildings only ) 5 . Daily flow gallons/day 6 . Septic tank capacity 422!2 gallons 7 . Topography fl rolling , steep % of slope , S . Nature of soil and depth 9 . If ground water , bedrock or impervious materi is apparent at what depth does it begin? ���'.C/ .t�` 0?1e�;pft . 10 . Percolation test : A is required B____ is not required C If required what is the rate �7�' s::? minutes/ inch 11 . Water supply - unicipal well other 12 . Type of system pro used - / drywell , ile field , other Any contractor , corporation , in xvidual , etc . engaged in the construction of a sanitary sewage disposal system who covers the same before inspection , does not have an approved permit , or varies from the approved application will be subject to a penalty of $ 250 asvPFvided for i Section 6 . 010 of the Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance . Date --� C] .� � N i ature of app scant On separate sheet of paper submit a di ram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions , including distance from any structure , distance from property line and domestic water supply , etc . Include all dimensions of the system itself . Form 3 -- 8 2 v TOWN OF QUEENSSURY BiuRding Devart1 aunt InspeeLms Rat Date Pasaat No. Weatl r 7 Remarks I5 xcaQa i s on Foot.in Farms Footin 6 piers Foundation cement coat Water roofin Backfill Final Serve F'ramin Sheathin Roof Felt Roof-in Siding Ma'Tsonr 'r✓eneer Rau h PI Relief Valves Wall, Board gxt , porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railin s Cellar Dr - Tile Concrete Floors --�-� pl Fixtures ,car . Fire xoofin -�"-"" ,moor Closers chimne Water Meter Inst - Se tic A roval Floor's �_... Foundation- Insulation Walis Cell r^ Building Inspector � e REMARKS _ �c