IM Inspection Worksheet_14-08-2023_09-21-34INSPECTION WORKSHEET (ASFINAL-027204-2023)
AST-0433-2020Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
08/14/2023 PassedInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Accessory Structure FinalInspection Type:Inspector:Charles Dyer
Job Address:Parcel Number:108 Lake Pkwy
Lake George, NY 12845
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Morgan Gazetos
Contractor AdironDocks of Lake George LLC
Granted Permission West Point South LLC
Primary Owner West Point South LLC
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes True for refurbishing of sundeck atop crib piers
Wood deck: 2'+ from grade dia bracing required True
Fin Elect; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 90 Percent True please provide final electrical inspection / verified sticker on panel
Guard at deck, porches 36" or more True
Okay To Issue CC True
Handrail 4 or more risers True
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