1982-01-26i I � 3 4 I TOWN BOARD MEETING JANUARY 26, 1982 i TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs . Frances WaZter-Supervisor Mr. Daniel Olson-CounciZman Dr. Charles Eisenhart Councilman Mr. Daniel MorreZZ-Councilman Mrs. Betty Monahan-CounciZman Mr. Jospeh Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS: WWSC, WBZA, G. F. Post Star TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Lynn, Mr. Dean, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Missita, Mr. Flaherty, Mr. VanDusen GUESTS: Mr. Scudder, Residents of Broad Acres Pledge of Allegiance Zed by Dr. Eisenhart Meeting Opened 7: 43 P. M. i INFORMATIONAL MEETING-PROPOSED BROADACRES WATER DISTRICT Supervisor Walter- Introduced Mr. Charles Scudder, Engineer and Mr. Thomas Flaherty Qsby. Water Supt. they will discuss the proposed water project. . .we hope tonight to propose a solution to the problem and give you some cost estimates. .. Mr. Thomas Flaherty- Water Supt. -reviewed the history of the BoardAcres water lines. . . formed in 1940 by Broadacrea Corp. which is now non- existant and other private individuals, the City allowed hookup to their main transmission line (used map in locating the streets that were hooked up) it was the understanding that the home owner would maintain the line from their home to the City Main including the portion in the Highway right-of-way, since this time some homes have been sold several times over and the new owners are not aware of the agreement to maintain the l private lines. . . The City of Glens Falls provides water to this area at double the city rates-that bill does not include any maintenance. Reviewed the SpeciaZ Benefit Dist. in the Town noting that this does include service and maintenance. . .noted that ZegdZZy the Town cannot repair any service, main etc.' in the BoardAcres.=area because it is not a Special Benefit Dist. . .. Mr. Charles Scudder- Professional Engineer- (used prepared map) proposed to hook up to the 9sby. Water System somewhere by the Plug Mill, go down Dixon :Road with a 12" main, wish ' to completely seperate the � BoardAcreg Dist. from the City source of Supply. . . the main size for the I system would be 6" this would be adequate from _the Fire Codes, Fire Hydrantsl would be instaZZed, approximateZy twenty four, . . . the project would include I 13 to 14 thousand feet of new ductile iron pipe from 12" to 6". . . There are approximately three hundred and ten residential units in the area the cost of the project would be $496, 210. 00 as of this time. . . i UNKNOWN- Why not cut off the city .lines and use what we have? Mr. Scudder- we would use those parts of the existing system that we could use. . . Mr. Swan- As I understand the Town cannot maintain or repair the lines unless they own the water system, suppose we still buy the water from i Glens Falls and form a maintenance district for repairs etc. . . . would that be ZegaZ? Supervisor Walter- We have a 'Zetter from the N. Y. St. Dept. of Health, They are concerned with the quality of water in that area. . . a maintenance 4 district can be created. . . i I Mr. Swan- How many hydrants are located in the area and how many do you propose. . . Mr. Flaherty- there are seven in the area, we propose twenty four. . . i Mr. Gregory-FireC� esident, WGF Fire Co. - spoke on the differences be the Fire Hydrants in G. F. and Qsby. . . . noted th,e low pressure. . . 44 UNKNOWN- Questioned the WGF Water Dist. ? Supervisor Walter- Reported in the formation of the W. G. F. Water j District. . . they are currently receiving their water supply from the City of Glens FaZZs this was formed in 1936jone of the oldest. . . Mr. Flaherty- W. G. F. is a seperate water disc. with its own budget. . . monies are generated from the residents of the dist. to maintain it. . . Mr. Harrison - what is the assessed evaluation of the Boardacres area? I Mr. Scudder- the assessment is $5, 782, 000 i Ltr. Read. . . New York State Dept. of Health January 26, 1982 TO: Thomas Flaherty RE: Board Acres Service Area-Queensbury This office has previously had contact with your office and that the City of Glens FaZZs Water Dept. concerning this service area. The situation at present is that water provided to several hundred houses in this area- through -at least-_,'three connections into the City Public Water System. The area Zies within the Town of Queensbury and J thus the City merely provides the water and has no responsibility for maintenance, flushing and surveilla e—avoling. Similarly, de this area it is not within the boundaries of the Queensbury Consolidated Water { District, you have no responsibility to perform the above tasks. Of immediate concern, in the event of a main break or broken hydrant is the fact that no one has responsibility to perform the necessary repairs, thus jeopardizing the continuity of service to the public. DeZays.. in repairs could result in extended Zoss of service and impe:de- the tbe- db: Iity 'to_ fight a ,fi.re... Since the mains are not routinely flushed there has been quaility problems and their frequency wiZZ increase as deposited material is picked-,up causing turbidity etc. Mains, valves and hydrants eventually needed to be . repZaced Their life expectancy is shortened due to the Zack of any preventative maintenance This water service is in violation of the requirements of Part 5 of the State Sanitary code. A Zicensed operator has not been hired to operate, maintain and perform the required sampling in the system. The Department has not taken ZegaZ action on these violations as it appeared from our discussions actions were underway to form a water district. If the district is not formed the Department would have to reconsider our position and ZegaZ action would be a possibility . I } Very truly yours, /s/ BSF/mh cc: Donald CoaZts Brian S. Fear, P. E. James Decker District Sanitary Engineer i ' Mr. Scudder- Based on the assumption that we will bond this project at 10% over 15 years the tax rate for the first year would be $14. 41 per thousand on the fifteenth year $6. 34 per thousand. . . UNKNOWN- Asked about Federal Aid. . . Supervisor Walter- Aid has been Zooked into for this project, we have not been able to come up with any. . . noted that Zoans are given to dhpres.sed areas which the State and the Federal Governments would not consider Boardacres as being. . . Reviewed the HUD Project in W. G. F. }' UNKNOWN- What would the water rate be? i Mr. FZahe4k4- 95% of the People ir'i- the Queesbury Consolidated Water Dist. are on meter,Vate is $15. 00 per quarter, you are allowed 15, 000 gaZ. anything above the 15, 000 is charged at . 72 per thousand gallons. . . a quick study of the Westland Areas shows a bill of $21 . 00 per quarter. . . �ll t- -- -- - - { 45 UNKNOWN-Does -your figures include the cost of meters? Mr. Flaherty- we supply the meters. . . i Mr. Swan- I would like to request that some consideration be -given to this problem, do the same as in W. G. F. ;" a contract which the residents of the area pay for the maintenance of the water system as it is. . . and see what that figure is . . . Supervisor Walter- You are looking at mirvinal maintenance to maintain your hydrants, but what Mr. Scudder and Mr. Flaherty looked at was that they felt that there is going to be replacement of some of these ,Zines anyway and the fact that there is inack7uate lines for proper fire protection that some would need to be replaced. . . UNKNOWN-Noted that a few months out of the year you cannot drink the water, asked if->maintenance would clear up the problem. . . I � Mr. Flaherty- there could be a flushing program but one of the problems in a surface supply is spring turnover and the second problem is the capacity of the source. . .we can provide a maintenance but we cannot guarantee the quality of the water at the GZens Falls System. . . UNKNOWN-you will replace all the Zines? Mr. Scudder- only the sections that need to be replaced. . . UNKNOWN- I live on Bullard Ave, if I have a break who will ix it? .f � Councilman Morrell- nobody, nobody can legally fix it. . . Joseph Brennan- Town CounseZ- Under the Town Law you can use general town funds under a general tax to pay for highways, police administration, etc. Water, Sewage, Drainage things of that nature legally the only way that they can be paid for is on a benefit basis-those people that ' are being benefited. A Town cannot legally spend general funds raised by general tax revenues to solve water problems, sewage problems, drainage problems without a district being formed and a tax being Zev-isd 'on that I �--' district. -here is no district, all that was done was that the City of Glens Falls with their distribution main allowed the developers on those 1 various streets to hook into the system, the City of Glens Falls has no district in your area, that merely provided an accomodation, they cannot pay to fix the line. In the Town of Queensbury there is no water dist, i there, the Town cannot legally use general town funds to pay for repairing a break in a Zine. . { Councilman Olson- noted that the City could raise the water rates to any amount. . . noted that Mr. Swan brought out a good point in regard to i a maintenance district. . . i Supervisor Walter- asked Mr. Scudder about the condition .of the existing pipe? I i Mr. Scudder- If we are talking about the 2" main it doesn 't make any difference, we could safeZy, say it would not be in good condition. . . Anywhere a 6" pipe exists in this nextwork we will leave it we will only fill in, in those areas where the pipe diameter is inadequate. . . Unknown- Could the letter that was read this evening be used rs leverage to get Federal Funding? Supervisor Walter- noted that she knew of no Federal Funding. . . i `— UNKNOWN-I have a well do I have to connect to the line when it goes through? Mr. Flaherty- you would not have to connect. . .you would not pay water rent but you would pay for the advaZorem tax. . . r UNKNOWN- Would you be allowed to hook up at a tat-trr- time? Mr. Flaherty- you would be charged a tapping fee, you could hook up. . . j If you are hooked up to the System now you would not be charged when and if the changeover occurs, if you are not hooked up you would be charged a tapping fee when you hook up. . . 1 j� k t 46 Re'ferendum procedures were discussed. . . UNKNOWN- I want to go on record I do not think that we can ask the Federal Government for a handout, we have to get off dead center, we have got to get a Water Dist. . . UNKNOWN- I would like to see the figures of what a maintenance dist. would be compared to what has been presented. . . Councilman Olson- Would it be possible to form a maintenance disc. and use Queensbury Water? Mr. Scudder- no Mr. FZaherty- Under the maintenance Dist. are you assuming that you will have a, standard accredited fire protection? . . . Or are you talking about a maintenance dirt. as it stands at the present time. . .' maintain the status quo. . . ? Mr. Scudder- all we are talking about doing is beefing up the system. . . Councilman Monahan- Are you people paying a premium on fire insurance because you do not have acceptable fire protection? Mr. FZaherty- the underwriters give credit for certain things, the distance from the Fire Hydrants and yourfire company, water supply in the area etc. i Councilman Morrell- Are fire Hydrants required when you put in a water district? Mr. Flaherty- legally no. . . i Supervisor Walter- asked for further comments. . . none. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES _ r UT ON NO. 388 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved or ztpion, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: j RESOLVED, that the Minutes of January 12, 1982 be and hereby are approved. I DuZy adopted by the following vote: i Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs . Walter i i Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A $27, 120. 00 BOND ANTICIPATION RENEWAL NOTE OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK TO RENEW IN PART A $33, 900. 00 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE OF SAID j TOWN TO PAY PART OF THE COST OF THE PURCHASE OF A REX COMPACTOR FOR SAID TOWN Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its a option , seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on January 27, 1981 j adopted a bond anticipation note resolution in the amount of $333900. 00; _ and WHEREAS, such bond anticipation note subsequently was sold by the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to the First National Bank of Glenn FaZZs, N. Y. WHEREAS, said bond anticipation note is due and payable as of January 27, 1981 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and she hereby is authorized to (a) Pay toward said bond anticipation note the sum of $6, 780. 00; and i 4 7 (b) Renew partially said bond anticipation note with a balance of $27, 120. 00 with the First National Bank of Glens Falls, Glens Falls, New York for a period running from January 27, 1982 to January 26, 1983 with interest at the rate of nine and seventy-five hundredths (9. 75%) percent per annum. (A copy of the renewal bond anticipation note is attached hereto. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT ! RZ . , Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its a option, seconded by Mrs . Frances Walter WHEREAS, the term of Leslie Rymkewicz on the Board of Assessment Review expired on December 30, 1981 and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury wishes to reappoint Mr. Rymkewicz for a three year term, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of Queensbury hereby appoints Mr. Leslie Rymkewicz of Chestnut Ridge Road, Queensbury t the Board of Assessment Review, term to expire on 12131184. r Duly adopted by the following vote: • i Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None I Ltr. -Stephen F. Lynn re: attendance at school. . . on file 1 Councilman Eisenhart-Mr. Lynn assured me that this does not give credit I toward any degree 's Do you have the m6nies in your budget? { i Mr. Lynn- yes RESOLUTION TO ATTEND BUILDING OFFICIALS SCHOOL PHASE II 0 7'TONQ�_ 41 Introduced by Dr. Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Monahan: RESOLVED, that Mr. Stephen Lynn and Mr. Mack Dean from . the Qsby. Building and Zoning Dept. are hereby given permission to attend 1 the New York State Building Officials School Phase II at Hudson Valley Community College from February 22, 1982 through April 19, 1982. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes fpayment of all reasonable and necessary expenses. 4 `- Duly adopted by following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None Ltr. ,�,D 'O.-T. re : 35 mph easterly end of Peggy Ann Road from the -westerZy Clark Street Intersection easterly to Dixon Road. . . on file. . . j i BID OPENING Transportation for the Elderly i I 4 i 48 Bids opened at 2: 00 P. M. 1-26-82 Louis T. Fisher Ashe. Dr. Warrensburg, N. Y. 12885 $9, 880. 00 non coZ. attached. . . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID AND ENTER INTO AGREEENFNT FOR TRANSPORTATION FOR THE ELDERLY i RESOLUTIDN._aQ, 42_ Introduced by Mr. OZson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ: WHEREAS, a distinct need has been demonstrated . to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury for Transportation for the EZderZy residents of said Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury deems it to } be in the best interest of the senior citizens of its community to engage the services of an independent contractor for the purpose of providing transportation for such persons, and WHEREAS, by virtue of federaZ funding available to municipaZities to assist in providing services for the eZderZy and i WHEREAS, the Town Board requested that bids be soZicited, and bids i were submitted on January 26, 1982 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be, and hereby is authorized and empowered to enter into and execute an agreement by and between the Town of Queensbury and Louis T. Fisher to provide transportation for the eZderZy citizens of the Town of Queensbury at a totaZ cost not to exceed Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty dollars ($9, 880. 00) commencing on February 14, 1982 terminating on February 6, 1983. and be it further i RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby deZegated with the power and authority to negotiate such terms and benefits as wouZd be to the advantage of eZderZy citizens a of the Town of Queensbury consistent with the services generaZZy provided in other municipaZities for the benefit of its eZderZy citizens. 1 i DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. WaZter I Noes: None 1 i Absent: None I REPORTS The folZowing report was pZaced on fiZe: FinanciaZ Report 1981 Building & Zoning Dept. Supervisor WaZter-Congratulated Mr. Stephen Lynn for receiving his certification as a professionaZ Code Administrator-from the New York State BuiZding Officials Conference, j CounciZman MorreZZ- reported on the Recreation Commission Meeting. . . noted Truck is being repaired. . . the commission has a recommendation that if vacancies occur that Town take into considerationyif possible� better geographic Zocations, there are some areas where i we have no representation. . . North Queensbury and South Queeensbury. . . ! j discussion held in regard to obtaining Zand next to Gurney Lane property stiZZ open. . . discussion about taking a part time empZoyee and making him full time. . . both Mr. Granger and Mrs. LittZe new appointees were present. . . CounciZman Olson- reported on the progress of the Highway Dept. . . . j -#anked the Highway Supt. and his men for their work. . . received favorable comments from residents of the Town. . . i CounciZman MorreZZ- reported on the improved physicaZ condition of j the Highway Dept. 1