IM Inspection Worksheet_18-08-2023_15-33-06INSPECTION WORKSHEET (BISV-027173-2023)
CO-0872-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
08/18/2023 FailedInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Building Inspector VisitInspection Type:Inspector:John O'Brien
Job Address:Parcel Number:34 Triangle Park
Queensbury, NY 12804
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Garden World Fred Troelstra
Granted Permission Garden Time
Primary Owner Garden World Associates
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes False 12/30/21 Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Not Approved
Remaining Items:
- Potable water supply to shop bathroom and slop sink.
- Verify hot water.
- Repair Bay #2 gas fired ceiling heater. Fan will not shut off.
- Install downspout on hot water tank relief valve 6" max from floor.
- Complete Fire Marshal's Items
- Correct metal B vents for gas fired ceiling heaters so there is a
minimum of 2" from all combustibles thru exterior walls.
The following items listed below from our inspection on 5/10/23
need to be addressed asap in order to issue your Certificate of
5/10/23 Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Not Approved
Remaining Items:
- Correct metal B vents for gas fired ceiling heaters so there is a
minimum of 2" from all combustibles thru exterior walls.
- Repair Bay #2 gas fired ceiling heater. Fan will not shut off.
Your cooperation regarding this matter would be greatly
Thank You!
John O'Brien
Director of Building and Code Enforcement
Town of Queensbury
Fred I can’t close out the garage/storage building at 34 Triangle
Park until you address the following items!
1) Repair Bay #1 - Correct metal B-Vent for gas fired suspended
heater so there is a minimum of 2” of clearance from all
combustibles through the exterior wall.
2) Repair Bay #2 - Repair gas fired suspended heater fan it will
not shut off properly.
Please take care of these two items promptly so I may issue The
certificate of occupancy and close the permit out!
John O’Brien
Director of Building and Code Enforcement
Town of Queensbury
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