1982-02-09 49 Councilman OZson-in the near future we will be presenting to the Board some ideas and program; on imp poved maintenance program, inventory of parts and storage of equipment. . . OPEN FORUM 9:27 P. M. Mr. Gregory-Is there anyway the Fire Companies could receive the 9% j interest on Zoans that the Town has gotten. . . Supervisor Walter- no, you are a corporation unto 'yozseZf. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded d b p � y Mr. Daniel Morrell: RESOLVED, that Audit of BiZZs as Zisted on Abstract No. 82-1E and numbered 105 through 121 and totaling $3, 388. 50 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town CZerk Queensbury t s i r TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1982 i i TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances WaZter-Supervisor Mr. Daniel Olson-Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman 1 3 Mr. Daniel MorreZZ-Counci Zman Mrs. Betty Monahan-CouneiZman i Mr. Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel 1 PRESS: G. F. Post Star, WWSC GUESTS: Mr. Turnbull TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Hansen, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Missita Pledge of Allegiance Zed by Councilman Morrell Meeting Opened 7: 40 P. M. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RE.SnT,TITTnN NO_ 44, Introduced by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of January 26, 1982 be and hereby are approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter i Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROVE GAMES OF CHANCE LICENSE 50 I R T jITTnN nin a.5, Introduced by Mr. Danie Z Q.Zs�on who moved ' far its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: RESOLVED, that Games of Chance License No 2305 be and hereby is approved allowing the Oueensbury V. F. W. Post 6196 to hold Games of Chance on February 26, 1982, March 12, 1982, March 26, 19825 April 2, 1982, April 16, 1982, May 7, 1982 and Play 21, 1982. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes : None Absent: None I RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BINGO LICENSE RFSOLUTTnN - s_ Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved j for its adoption, seconded by Mrs Betty Monahan: I RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 17016 be and hereby is approved allowing West Glens Falls Vol. Fire Co. No. 1 to hold games of Bingo from February 6, 1982 through April 24, 1982 and be it further RESOLVED, that this includes Two Sunday Bingo Dates . Duly adopted by the following vote: j Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs . Walter - i Noes : Dr. Eisenhart Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BINGO LICENSE RFSnrr1TTnN NO_ 47 , by Mr. Morrell who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 17017 be and hereby is approved allowing Queensbury V. F. W. Post 6196 to hold games of Bingo from February 23,1982 through May 11, 1982. { Duly adopted by the following vote: i i Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO CREATE POSITION OF CONFIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY ! IN THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT I RESOLUTION Nn_ 4R_ Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: a WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Oueensbury has recommended to the Town Board the creation of a salaried full- time position havNa the title of "Confidential Administrative ' Secretary " upon the groundsthat the creation of such position ! would increase significantly the efficiency of management of said department and WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways has submitted a description of the duties and responsibilities of said "ConfidentiiZ Administrative Secretary ", if said position is created, which description is annexed hereto and WHEREAS, on the basis of discussions with the Superintendent of Highways, it would appear that the creation of said position, having the duties and responsibilities as set forth, would increase the management efficienc; and improve the performance of the Highway Department, NOW, THEREFORE a BE IT RESOLVED, that effective February 9, 1982 the position of "Confidential i 51 Administrative Secretary" be created with said position to have the duties and responsibilities as set forth, i Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs—Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None i Councilman OZson-This is a necessary move in the position we should I have in the Highway Dept. based on the management and the nary we are trying to set up the Highway Dept. This type of Department head is essential when you have Dept. heads or management people that are doing a ,job that entails many different avenues of management in a Dept. of that size. Councilman Eisenhart- There is a great deal of information that comes across the desk that should be confidential, there-fore a confidential administrative secretary is highly desirable. Supervisor Walter- We do have a new Highway Supt. as of the Zst. of the year and this is his way of trying to reorganize his staff over there so that it will be more efficient as far as the running of the Highway Dept. and the Office thereof. (description of job on file) RESOLUTION TO APPOINT CONFIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. 49 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its a cd o_p7 Zon, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, the management position of Confidential Administrative Secretary has been created by the Town Board by the adoption of Resolution 48 of 1982 and WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways has recommended to the �4 Town Board the appointment of Mildred C. Thomas to hold said position and I I WHEREAS, it appears that Mrs. Thomas is duly qualified to fulfill the duties and responsibilities required by said appointive position, j NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that effective February 9, 1982, Mrs. Mildred Thomas be appointed temporary Confidential Administrative Secretary in the Highway Department. DuZy adopted by the following vote: j Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs , Walter i i Noes: None Absent: None Councilman Monahan- Has this position been advertised? Councilman Eisenhart- this is a temporary appointment.. ( Supervisor Walter- this is temporary until the ,job is fiZZed. . . Councilman Eisenhart- It will be posted. . . she is not permanently employed. CounciZman Morrell- what about the salary? Supervisor Walter- Four Dollars an hour. . . Councilman Olson- this position has been vacant for approximately four weeks, Mr. Naylor has interviewed several people and it was his recommendation that Mrs. Thomas be appointed to fill this position, on a temporary basis. . . Councilman Monahan- Is Mrs . Thomas a resident of Queensbury? f 52 Mr. PauZ NayZor- Lake George Bid Opening Water Connection Materials-February 2, 1982 at 2: 00 P. M. LeVaZZey McLeod Inca j Schenectady, N. Y. $5, 858. 78 Robert D. Spence Inc. i Syracuse, N. Y. individuaZ prices on fiZe Martisco Corp. RensseZaer, N. Y, individuaZ prices on fiZe { Vellano Bros. Latham, N. Y. individuaZ prices on fiZe Ltr. Thomas FZaherty to accept the bid from LeVaZZey McLeod. . . on fiZe RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON WATER CONNECTION MATERIALS RESOLUTION NO. 50, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Frances WaZter: i j WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas FZaherty, Water Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for Water Connection Materials, and WHEREAS, four bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time and pZace by the Director of Purchasing/Town CZerk DonaZd A. Chase, and such bids were then turned over to Mr. FZaherty for his recommendation, and WHEREAS, Mr. FZaherty by Zetter has recommended that the bid be 1 awarded to LeVaZZey McLeod Inc. of Schenectady, N. Y. ,NOW, THEREFORE BE IT I j j RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby { accepts the bid of LeVaZZey McLeod Inc. in the amount of $5, 858. 78 I and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing for such materials was incZuded in the 1982 Water Budget. I DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: i j Ayes: Mr. OZson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs . Monahan, Mrs . WaZter Noes : None Absent: None Bid Opening Water Purification 114aterials-February 2, 1982 2:00 P. M. Monarch ChemicaZ Inc. BaZZston Spa, N. Y. Liq. ChZorine $216. 00 per ton Liq. Caustic Soda $349. 99 per ton Ashland ChemicaZ Co. RensseZaer, N. Y. Caustic Soda $336. 80 per ton AshZand ChemicaZ Co. RensseZaer, N. Y. ChZorine $182. 00 per ton ? Holland Co. Admas, Mass. Liq. AZum $170. 28 per ton Ltr. Thomas FZaherty recommending the acceptance of the foZZowing bids : Liquid AZum Holland Co. Caustic Soda AshZand ChemicaZ ChZorine AshZand ChemicaZ Co. on fiZe I RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON WATER PURIFICATIGV MATERIALS i RES'OT.»TrnA: ni- �51 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan: 53 i WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for Water Purification Materials, and WHEREAS, Four Bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time and place by the Director of Purchasing/Town Clerk Donald A. Chase, and such bids were then turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation, and i WHEREAS, Mr. Flaherty by letter has recommended that the bid be awarded ,-as follows: Liquid Alum - Holland Co. Chastic Soda - Ashland Chemical Ch oZorine - Ashland Chemical NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts �- the bid as follows : i Liquid Alum - Holland Co. $170. 28 Per ton Chastic Soda- Ashland Chem. $336. 80 Per ton Chlorine - Ashland Chem. $182. 00 Per ton and be it further i RESOLVED, that the financing for such materials is included in the 1982 Water Department Budget. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None i Bid Opening Subcompact Car-Recreation Dept. - February 9, 1982 2:OOP.M. w Route 9 Motors Saratoga Ave. So. Glens Falls, N. Y. 1981 AMC $5899. 00 1982 LeCar $5299. 00 Lakewood Motors Chestertown, N. Y. 1982 Ford $5758. 00 Ma.ltbie Is Garage Glens Falls, N. Y. 1982 Chev. $5739. 00 Ford Garage Glens Fal Zs, N. Y. 1982 Omni $6395. 66 Ltr. Harold Hansen- requesting the acceptance of the bid from Route 9 Motors LeCar $5299. 00 .cn file Councilman Morrell- Ie 'there ,any pr66edence where a municipal government can state that on contract bids we buy American made products? Town Counsel- noted that 'a local law could be adopted to establish that but I would have to Zook into it. . . Councilman Morrell- I can foresee criticism of our accepting the law bid even though what we do is legal. When our economy is suffering as bad as people- say it isj the automotive industry is in a bad slump in this Country tf I do not think we are helping our economy by purchasing foreign automobiles. Councilman Eisenhart- l can go along with that eicept- for '-the four hundred and forty Dollars difference. . . Councilman OZson-requested time to study the bids. . . I I 54 CounciZman Eisenhart- requested ftt the bids be tabled. . . for two seeks. . . Bid Opening-FueZ OiZ-February 9, 1982 2: 00 P. M. Ashton FueZs FueZ OiZ $1 . 1145 per gaZZon , Saratoga Springs, N. Y. DieseZ $1 . 1505 per gaZZon Kerosene $1 . 1745 per gaZZon I Finch Pruyn Glens FaZZs, N. Y. FueZ OiZ $1 . 108 per gaZZon Kerosene $1 . 188 per gaZZon° ZandfiZZ DieseZ $1 . 118 per gaZZon poZ/high DieseZ $1 . 089 per gaZZon - T. J. Vesce Inc. Indian Lake, N. Y. $1 . 157 per gaZZon j Agway Petroleum So. Glens FaZZs, N. Y. FueZ OiZ $109. 04 per gaZZon DieseZ $110. 04 per gaZZon Kerosene $114. 87 per gaZZon Water fiZ. pZnt. $108. 04 per gaZZon Supervisor WaZter- requested that the bids be tabled for two weeks j and referred to Mr. FZaherty. . . { 1 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Ltr. D. O. T. - Notice of Order estabZishes a 35 mph on Peggy Ann Rd. j copies given to PoZice Dept. and Highway Dept. Supervisor WaZter- noted that she had received a Zetter from the f Qsby. Senior Citizens accepting the use of the Hovey Pond House. . . Mr. Hansen wiZZ be in charge of the project under the supervision of Mr. FZaherty to do some renovation 6n' -the house. . . REPORTS The monthZy reports from the office of Bidding & Zoning and Town CZerk were pZaced on fiZe. . . OPEN FORUM 8: 06 P. M. no one spoke. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO, 52, Introduced by Dr. CharZes Eisenhart who moved for its seconded by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ: RESOLVED, that Audit of BiZZs as Zisted on Abstract No. 82-2A and numbered 129 through 287 and totaZing $62257. 69 be and hereby is approved. i DuZy adopted by the foZZowing vote: i Ayes : Mr. OZson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs. MoAdhan, Mrs. WaZter Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID RF.gnrTlrPTQN 71l!n__ 53_ Introduced by Dr. CharZes Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconddd by Mr. DanieZ Olson: WHEREAS, Mr. PauZ NayZor, Highway Supt. for the Town of Queensbury has notified,' fhe Town Board that the Highway Dept. is in need of a new Dump Truck with Snow PZow and hopper sander and WHEREAS, Warren Co. has place out to bid Dump Trucks with Snow PZaws and Hopper sanders, and the bid was awarded to Orange Motors Co. of AZbany, N. Y. and those bids were extended to other municipaZities NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of Mr. Naylor the Town Board accept the bid of Orange Motors Co. of 799 CentraZ Avenue, AZbany,