1986-200 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date November 12 1986 ( L1 I `/ I 3' 86-200 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed. This structure may be occupied as One-Family Dwelling a a$ I Lady Slipper Drive Location Anthony and Cathy Shevlin Owner By Order Town Board TOW`NfOF QUEE U Y / . W - - Budding Zoning Inspector r t T E LI PORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date November 5 19 86 86-100 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed. One-Family Dwelling This structure may be occupied as a Location Lot 15 Lady Slipper Drive Owner Anthony and Cathy She lin TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY By Order Town Board FOR 30 DAYS PE'tDING FINAL. ELECTRICAL. TO OF QUEENSBI}RY1 n' uM Bui inn b` Wing Inspector BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 86-200 • WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Anthony and Cathy Shevlin OWNER of property located at Lot 15 Lady Slipper Drive (St.No. 28) Street,Road or Ave. Peggy Ann Park Dwelling in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a One-Family at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address 157 Bay St. Glens Falls, New York n ri n 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name En Cif one Construction Co. F+ 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address P. 0.Box 684 Glens Falls, New York 4. ARCHITECT'S Name rn n o • rt zU' o 1.fl 5. ARCHITECTS Addressoi ry Don. ro rn f- ao 6. TYPE of Constructcn—IPlweirdi®ta by X) • ro ( it Wood Frame 1 I Masonry ( )Steel ( ) " ro• ly T. PLANS and Specifications n 28'x34' one-family dwelling, 22'x24' two-car attached garage sr No. per plot plan, specifications and application submitted and Is CI n.(1tng gonn3a Cyarom 8. Proposed Use One—Family Dwelling ro 0 6 $5.00 C/O Paid $ 129.00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 1 1986 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the E town of Qreentny before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 8th Day of May ig 86 ao SIGNED BY /',-/44 a • Q for the Town of Queensbury Bui ing and Zoning Inspector 3`A TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Spare inside block to Ixw tilled in In Building Inspector) WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK \I j11e ai `t1 Application for Pc.rmn Issued 19 BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT P,.r ,h }more, Ig /„i,n,l Ulori.I UHF ,.i Work if d THREE 131 Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale k\],p, m.rbr the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, The exact size, and location on the lot of the building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- - _ I MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. q 5 TOWN OF iIZEN —. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK 4 i ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. iy.),i Oy 5 1 P.M. The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following work A.M. )3 1 which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifi- 7j819j1,ry, I, , . I, cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit CIO,234fCCLP The owner of this property is: 157 Bay St . Teens Falls 4n th on;'. .&. C,at.h Y. .6 h.evlin:9 IP0.LOOPESSI e an the The person responsible for supervision of the work innsoffa,as the xBuilding Code and Falls,nng Ordinance Iv is Cifone Construction Co . ie 0 ADDPESSI INeMEI Name of Builder. . r.i.fo.ne. .Constructi.on. Co.. . . . . .Address P...0.. .1.1 ox. fi n 4., . P.1ens. .P 0.11s . Name of Plumber Cifone ConstructionA Address Nerve of Mason Carac co .BBs on y Address Glens- _F al1s — . . . 4 Lot Number 15 Unit Estimated value of proposed work$ 69.,en Name of Village Dr;✓Q Name of Street . L.adY . S.l ip.pe.r La^e Side of street: north O, east D. south O. west O Nearest Cross Street Pe.4 i g.Y. . Ono Road Distance from this 'toss street N. Property is north ID,south O,east El west O from Cross Street If on Corner, which comer, northeast ❑, northwest O, southeast Q. southwest (Designate by marking with an "X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY Main Building 0 Construction f a new building. One-family dwelling ❑ Additionai t a building. Two-family dwelling ❑ ❑ Alteration tof building. . -family apartment house 0 ❑ Demolition of a building. Store building ❑ . ..a.‘.-ear attached gauge ❑ Other. Accessory Building �- One-car detached garage ❑ ❑ Other work. Describe' Two-car detached garage • El • chicken house El • storage building Other: ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for new building,or addition to existing building.or a change of occupancy. Indicate on the plot plan street names, the location and size of the property, the location,size and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of an existing buildings. NORTH Show proposed building(s) in dotted line and existing huilding(s) in solid line. Size of property ft 100 200 x ft. Size and use of existing buildings, if any le 1 a Y1.Y. 9.4r.41.4-. li le u M Size of proposed building 25 ft x 34 ft. • Height(from grade to ridge) 24 r ft. Front yard 40 ft. Side yards . . 2 2 ?.fly ft. and a 2.2_ft.(t Rear yard 132 SOUTH If on corner,setback from side street ft. Note: All distances are net, as measured from street side fine to nearest part of building. (OVER) 7-73—M (cont'd.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS. Kind of construction: Wood frame, fire safe, etc.' wood Will any second-hand lumber be used? no for what? U Material of foundation walls . .conc.retej�L2re¢J Thickness Depth of foundation walls below grade Continuous foundation? Will there be a cellar? . .yes If so, material of cellar floor Type of roof: Sloped or flat? Material of roof . $h i n P.1 e s Size,wood studs 2 & 2 "x . . . &. • Size, floor beams, 1st floor . . . .2. . "x _ , 1,7 .4 . . . .',spacing .16 o.c., length - ft. spacing "o.c.,span ft. Size, floor beams, 2nd floor 2 " x 7,0 ", spacing 16 "o.c.,span Size, ceiling beams 2 " x 6 ", spacing . .(fp ' p ft Site, roof rafters or beams 2 "x •• spacing �� .. 'n c., span ft. v i n 1 "o.c., span ft. Exterior finish a With what material? sheetroch k" osu� Finish of interior walls - ^.Y If garage is to b aattached, of what material is wall between garage and main building to be constructed? o ee 3 /4 hour fire rating Is there to be an opening between garage and building? door Kind of heating system electric Oil burner or coal? Will a flue-lined chimney be provided? Depth of chimney foundation below grade Height of chimney above roof. Will there be a fireplace? n° Depth of fireplace hearth Will a toilet be installed' ' ye s Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply?. . . .ye s Water supply(public water supply or pump) W e ll Distance of cesspool from any private well feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps,cleanouts,and vents? Town of Queenshury 1 AFFIDAVIT County of Warren State of New York I swear that to te page(my know) lief the statements contained in ibis application,together with the plans and specifications sub- mitted, ere a true d co.i.pplete etateme of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that an Wens o1 the BUILD- ING CODE,THE Z NG ORDIN CE,and all other laws pertaining to the reposed�haD be complied with.whether specified or mL and that such work is au by owner. Sworn to beforeme this Signature �� �/��[� /a. N AGE T,eONTRACTOR ARY PUBLIC, WARREN COO Y. N. Y. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: • By TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for: BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following: 1. Gross floor area 1 -00 2 . Type of heat plpprrio 3. Is the building mechanically cooled? no 4. Percentage of area of windows and doors A. Over 16% Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2. Floor over heated spaces YES NO a. Are foundation walls insulated? YES NO 1. If YES, what is the R value? 3 . Slab on grade YES NO a. If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor? 4 . Is basement heated? YES NO a. R value of insulation 5. Type of insulation B. Under 16% Only 1. R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions nnnf ..-4D Floor ”-lc 2 . R value of exterior walls P_lo 3 . R value of glazed area 7 .0 4 . R value of doors C15 . 15 5. R value of floors over unheated spaces 719 6. R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab vnheeteed 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab N. 'A R . R value of heated basement/cellar walls (above grade) 9. R value of heated basement/cellar walls (below grade) 10 . Type of insulation Fiber C. Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting go° D. Duct Systems ni /A 1. Is duct system installed in unheated spaces? YES NO a. If YES, R value of duct installation b. R value of duct in other areas E. Piping Insulation 1. Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2. R value of pipe insulation F. Service Water Heating �y 1 . Performance efficiency S c !a 2. Temperature control setting maximum I G. For Swimming Pool Only _ 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No. 7ao_n747 (applica is signature) Jown of Queenl4ury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Neviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION Owner's Name 'athy $ Anthony Shevrin Tel. Address 1$ _ 1'.av ut . , Clens Falls , ' Y 12P01 Person/Firm installing system Cifone Construction Co . Number of bedrooms (residential only) 3 Total daily flow: (compute @ 150 gal.per bedroom per day)_ 450 Topography: flat - rolling - steep - (circle one) Degree of slope 8 Nature of soils: sand-loam-clay- other- Depth ft. Ground water-- at what depth? ft. Bedrock or impervious material--at what depth? ft. Percolation Test - Not required / Required -Rate min/inch. Domestic Water Supply - Municipal - Well - Other IMPORTANT ! On a separate piece of paper , submit a diagram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions; including distance from any structure, distance from property lines and distances from eat domestic water supply or shore-line of lake, stream, pond or wetlands. Include all dimensions of the system itself. Description of proposed system: Septic tank size iQO9gal . Se f`� ?q`''kv`i• Tile field- Length of each trench_ c ft. Total fieldinc ft. Size of stone # .� Seepage Pit (s) Number / Size ftX__ft. Size of stone# • Any contractor, corporation, individual,Etc. , engaged in the construction of a Sanitary Sewage Disposal System, who covers the same before inspection, does not have an approved Permit, or varies from the approved application, will be subject to a Penalty of $250 as provided for in Section 6. 010 of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. 5/24P6 S gnature of Applicant Date 01/86 and/vl Septic System Inspections: A. All applicationd for septic system installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Oueensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan shoving: 1) the proposed location of the system 2) location and distance to lot lines 3) location and distance to structures 4) location and distance to any water supply 5) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, tile fields and/or drywells B. No system shall be covered before inspecticn and approval by the Building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the ,installer and a fine of up to $250. 00. C. An approved copy of the plot plan shall he available•on the construction site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must be submitted to the Oueensbury Building Department before further construction . C G / 14 Ilf 9)8' fl . flown of QueeMiturry BUILDING sift ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. R.D. 1 Box 98 Dueensbury, New York 12801 Re &A tev {( 144 ' /` BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT d�sr, NAME .Ai MI {7N oh4 J` EJ/Ih I llhlU� LOCATION j.,dr iS h* d' 5I1ppc. /=,a . Date /// 3/ X4 Permit No. 86 ' a 4c) + * x + + + • * • ✓ * * * *APPROVED *YES+JNO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs 6 Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls / / Ceiling C 4 9 FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call when ready) Remarks- AI-etc,/ El a /c //‘t/I6.I7 Iifrtlu6 lrarL a(, Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl /�VV/1// Jown rt W(uea/�/g6 1 / BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT // Bay and Haviland Road.J.D. 1 Box 98 Dueensbury, New York 12801 ro BUILDING INSPECTOR' S OR or.A 1._( / l �t J NAME 'GCe U-QAR.y6, — D LOCATION j#412i d/. 4) At— ( Dateto / 2 3 Permit No. gy,'200 100/ = APPROVED - YES / NO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing lyofing n, k ' hSiding Q k Masonry Veneer Rgu gh Plumbing o,K '4Fel ief Valves xt. Porches n•C t4j3nished Floors �] Lt erior Trim r'L'K ',Stairs 6 Railings 6NN7 Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors I Fixtures / 0 ar. Fireproofing 4•� r Closers 6 ke Detectors CI Chimney 1S11LATION: Foundation Floors UyL (-4,- tun Walls ceiling P INAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION k6 IVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection (call when ready) Remarks- Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl awn of Queenitury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. R.D. 1 Box 98 oueensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT NAME JheU fIN ecbuk - LOCATION Date/I4/ fG Permit No. VG -*Lod * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,,/ * # = APPROVED - YEq NO * teRooting/Pier Forms WW1- Foundation _ Waterproofing _ Backfill ■ Framing Roofing _ Siding ■ Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves _ Ext. Porches _ Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs 5 Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures _ Gar. Fireproofing = Door Closers Smoke Detectors rall111 Chimney Ioundation: __■ Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Final Building Survey C 'LLL. INAtL F` xA 1 A1s R6eT'Y OA� Next scheduled Inspection(call when ready) Remarks- - pi u /Vtio poU+4:° W k ' t) fri)V 4./0 knati0C- 0-0v56- Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl cc rile7 ,/own of Queendtury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT • NAME S IA Ct911.\ e (l• I �zn41 f LOCATION 5 k,.FW. . S���,w Date f Permit No. >f - aO0 • x * * * * * * ✓*_ * * * *APPROVED«*YESi kNO• * Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing Backfill ( -Framing bet'3Aire 141 dt ? Roofing Siding 1J� onry Veneer (� '.� ou5l1 Y gh Plumbing . Jaw^a+s ola Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION: Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Final Building Survey Next scheduled Inspection(calLLl__when ready)? Remarks- - Q Gitt.„ • a Q (,A�� ( o-.eQ It.1 a e "C Building Inspector 6/86 and-vl 1713 �p��own of Queenalury CU& NHavG and ZONINGandRoad.DER.DPARTMENT1. Box 98 ueensbury, New York 12801 I" u+- i BUILDINGG INSPECTOR' Sp R(CO �\ rfrerm NAME YL µy J- ca-47 TA e If)rl LOCATION h(^1-Or/ /Y5. Lad, .Sth/oe) #9' Date 7 /2y/8(0 Permit No. _ od * * * « * * * * * *✓*_* APPROVED*-*YES; eNO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation Waterproofing e� I/Backfill Ant Framing _ Roofing _ Siding _ Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing _ Relief Valves _ Ext. Porches _ Finished Floors _ Interior Trim Stairs & Railings _ Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures _ Gar. Fireproofing __ Door Closers Smoke Detectors Chimney INSULATION: --■ Foundation A Floors -_ Walls _Ceiling ■ FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Final Building Survey Next scheduled Inspection(call when ready) Remarks- - Building Ins ector 6/86 and-vl Jown of Queen3Lary BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S,,, REPORT NAME Fit."- Z �tj2 LOCATION �/ �-�/y 1 G%{" Date 7- / Permit No. IL- .2ao APPROVx D*- YES y NO *ooting/Pier Forms p 6 lc Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext. Porches Finished Floors . Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Smoke Detectors . Chimney INSULATION: # Foundation Floors • Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Final Building Survey Next scheduled Inspectionkall when ready) Remarks- - Building Insp ctor 6/86 and-vl AiLe LAT e Jown of Queendbury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC _DII7SPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME A ti t f.1,°1"y / - kQw I 1 nI LOCATIONLor /5 1 Nfp`P ✓u (Wiz- DATE %) Al PERMIT NO. 8 (0- 2.o0 SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch - TYPE of SYSTEM: q Absorption field, total length .�L 60 Length of each trench S 0 Depth of trenches 297 Size of gravel_ #3 SEEPAGE ITS{Number ft Size- X _ft. Gravel size _ PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to tank Tank to dist. box Dist. box to field/pit Openings sealed? YES NO Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to tank (0 ft7 Foundation to absorption to ft.} Absorption to lot line /r)ftq--, Separation of pits ft. LOCATION pr..SYSTEM ON PROPERTY(circle one) Front - ear - Left side - Right side - CCMMENTS: SYSTEM USE APPROVED at a. NO Ste Building Inspec.or' M 01/86 and vl ,,Ld-GP (L it ; 10 'Ai I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building apartment laapaeaea Rat Date lila Name i4 &-v Lsil Location L.t n� �,LA,pLt Permit No. ills - `doo Weather Remarks Excavation Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill ✓ Sct Ra.2++ ) Final Survey Framing • Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Relief Valves \\\\ Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor ,c Interior Trim / Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval Floors Foundation Insulation Walls Ceiling Building Inspector REMARKS 1 ..7; 3 ur+414J O-€Iitrd c.,oZ P TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Date Yl//o/0 C Name CI b- - SA "no Location L SuYOG1L Permit No. le - nn Weather Remarks Excatation ✓ Q•!rL • Footing Forms Footing 6 Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Relief Valves Wall Board Ext. Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim /f Stairs 6 Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors plbg. Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval Floors Foundation Insulation Walls / Ceiling If Boi ?ding Inspector REMARKS AO/et- / .lo I/O- ,,C foc 4 0 � n 4 PIP6 351 • 0 Gait 1000 GAL 22=0 CAR HOUSE , 1i o f°0X24:0 2$=0X34:0 i 0 I Lor nig ! I I 100