02 Site Plan ApplicationC.T. MALE ASSOCIATES Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Geology, D.P.C. 50 Century Hill Drive, Latham, NY 12110 518.786.7400 FAX 518.786.7299 www.ctmale.com NEW BOBCAT WOODEN ROLLER COASTER SITE PLAN REVIEW PROJECT NARRATIVE AUGUST 16, 2023 §179-9-080 STANDARD QUESTIONS A-O A. The Great Escape Resort ("Great Escape") has been in existence and operation for decades and is located within the Route 9 North Commercial Corridor. The Great Escape property is presently zoned Recreational Commercial. Fitting in with a significant goal enumerated in the Town of Queensbury's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (the desire for pedestrian-friendly development), and the 2001 Great Escape Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS), the Great Escape is very pedestrian friendly. Access throughout the park is predominantly via walking. The proposed site improvements including construction of a wooden roller coaster to replace the bobsled ride with new queue walkway and other associated appurtenances. The proposed project provides an exciting new ride for guests/visitors to the Great Escape. B. The proposed wooden coaster improvements are consistent with the existing development within the Great Escape Theme Park. Placement of this new Attraction complies with requirements of the 2001 GEIS, as well as the dimensional, bulk, and density regulations for the Recreational Commercial zone unless otherwise noted below. C. Access throughout the Great Escape is via walking. There are pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of Route 9, as well as a pedestrian bridge crossing Route 9 to allow for safe pedestrian access into and out of the park. D. The entire Great Escape Theme Park is tied to the Queensbury Municipal water system and sanitary sewer system. No additional water or sewer connections will be required as part of this Project. E. The size, character, color, and location of the proposed improvements complies with the existing GEIS and the July 11, 2001 Findings Statement (the "2001 Findings") including the height criteria. Additional information is provided within the submission materials. F. Per the GEIS and the 2001 Findings, the mitigation of traffic constraints and congestion is tied to traffic count levels. The results of the 2023 traffic count study fall below the threshold necessary for the implementation of Phase 3 improvements. Thus, the construction of the new wooden roller coaster replacing a similar ride does not directly dictate the implementation of mitigation measures. G. No changes in traffic, curb cuts, off-street parking, and/or loading facilities will be required as part of this proposed Project. Per the GEIS and the 2001 Findings, and the 2004 Findings, the implementation of mitigation measures for the expansion of Great Escape vehicle parking (parking lots) is dictated by the overall park attendance. H. The addition of the Attraction will not result in any changes to the natural, scenic, ecological, wildlife, historic, or open space resources of the town. The wooden roller coaster improvements are consistent with the existing aesthetic and recreational nature. C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES NEW BOBCAT WOODEN ROLLER COASTER RIDE PROJECT NARRATIVE August 16, 2023 Page 2 Civil Engineering · Environmental Services · Survey Services · Land Services · Architecture · Energy & Building Systems Services · Electrical Engineering I. As stated above, there are pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of Route 9, as well as a pedestrian bridge crossing Route 9 to allow for safe pedestrian movement between the Great Escape Theme Park and parking areas across the street; and there are additional pedestrian friendly businesses across the street, thereby eliminating the need for any intersections with vehicular traffic. J. The proposed wooden coaster improvements will result in a slight increase of the impervious surfaces. The post-drainage areas will drain into stormwater management practices that will comply with current stormwater regulations and meet the intent and requirements for new development within the Great Escape Theme Park. Stormwater and erosion control details will be included in the final plan submission and building permit package. K. As stated above, water supply and wastewater disposal are by connection to Town-owned municipal systems, and no additional water or sewer connections will be required as part of this Project. L. A landscape plan has been provided in the plan set. It is the Applicant's intent to similarly match/complement landscaping in newly landscaped areas throughout the Project area. There is an overall increase to the landscaped areas as reflected on the site plans. M. The proposed improvements will be constructed to ensure fire lanes, emergency zones, and fire hydrants are maintained or constructed to provide emergency access and infrastructure as required by state and local codes. N. As stated above, stormwater and erosion control details are included. O. The site plan has been prepared with intent to conform to all prevailing design standards, both local and of the amusement park industry. Prepared by: C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Geology, D.P.C. Francis G. Palumbo, RLA Project Manager/Senior Landscape Architect Land Services Division Town of Queensbury Site Plan Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________ 2. Tax Map ID ________________ Location: _______________________ 3. Zoning Classification __________ 4. Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________ 5. Zoning Section #: ________________________ 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed ____ _____________ General Information complete ____ _____________ Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________ Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________ Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________ FAR addressed ____ _____________ Requirements for Site Plan-Standards ____ _____________ Checklist items addressed ____ _____________ Environmental Form completed ____ _____________ Signature Page completed ____ _____________ Staff Representative: ________________________________ Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Great Escape Theme Park, Duncan Mularz 288.20-1-20 1172 State Route 9 RC 237.6 ac/ 74000sq work area Applicant proposes to remove an existing roller coaster ride a"bobsled" and to replace it with a new wooden roller 179-3-040RC X X X X NA adding square footage in description would be helpful building sq footage for each building should be called out on plans change title on A-O response sheet - still says outlaw lighting,signs,stormwater, landscaping, traffic & number of parking spaces - narrative, elevations with dimensions reaffirm seqr , narrative identify section and compliance signatures Laura Moore via email 09/11/2023 Frank Palumbo meeting 08/29/2023 09/11/2023 The applicant proposes to remove an existing roller coaster ride and then to construct a new wooden roller coaster of approximately 4,100 sq ft footprint area. The project will utilize the existing ride operations structure from the previous coaster, as well as the entrance and exit ramps. There will be a new queue line walkway area including permeable pavers. The coaster is adjacent to the Go-Kart ride and some elements of the Go-Kart ride may need to be amended for the installation of the coaster. In addition, the Tradewinds retail area also adjacent to the ride is to remain with no changes. The ride at the highest point is to be 60 ft. The project is located in Area A of the GEIS that allows 175-185 ft in height. Site Plan review for new ride in the Recreation Commercial zone. Items reviewed: site plan application, deed, site plan drawings, coaster rendition Items to be updated or provided 1) project description should include approximated ride footprint in square feet 2) site plan standard responses A-O - title needs to be updated 3) site plan check list - checklist should reference notes on plans - Lighting -any new lighting, type of lighting, location of lighting, hours of lighting on ride; Stormwater -any new management, how does the existing management work; Landscaping -any removal, any new, type and location; Parking - does the new ride trigger additional parking, how many spaces currently; Elevations - elevations with dimensions are needed for the buildings, platform areas? and the ride; Floor plans - for ride operation booth and covered platform(s)?, GEIS compliance -excerpt section to be on plans. 4) updated pdf of application packet to be provided for another review 8 Town of Queensbury Site Plan Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________ 2. Tax Map ID ________________ Location: _______________________ 3. Zoning Classification __________ 4. Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________ 5. Zoning Section #: ________________________ 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed ____ _____________ General Information complete ____ _____________ Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________ Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________ Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________ FAR addressed ____ _____________ Requirements for Site Plan-Standards ____ _____________ Checklist items addressed ____ _____________ Environmental Form completed ____ _____________ Signature Page completed ____ _____________ Staff Representative: ________________________________ Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Great Escape Theme Park, Duncan Mularz rev 288.20-1-20 1172 State Route 9 RC 237.6 ac/ 74000sq work area Applicant proposes to remove an existing roller coaster ride a"bobsled" and to replace it with a new wooden roller coaster 179-3-040RC X X X X X NA X X* X* see notes letter N, O, P, S change #2 to yes and list Town of Queensbury Planning Board signatures Laura Moore via email 09/14/2023 Frank Palumbo meeting 09/14/2023 09/14/2023 The applicant proposes to remove an existing roller coaster ride and then to construct a new wooden roller coaster of approximately 22,434 sq ft footprint area. The project will utilize the existing ride operations structure from the previous coaster, as well as the entrance and exit ramps. There will be a new queue line walkway area including permeable pavers. The coaster is adjacent to the Go-Kart ride and some elements of the Go-Kart ride may need to be amended for the installation of the coaster. In addition, the Tradewinds retail area also adjacent to the ride is to remain with no changes. The ride at the highest point is to be 60 ft. The project is located in Area A of the GEIS that allows 175-185 ft in height. Site Plan review for new ride in the Recreation Commercial zone. Items reviewed: site plan application, deed, site plan drawings, coaster rendition Items to be updated or provided 1) Page 6 and 7: Letter N Traffic –not NA – reference traffic information from GEIS Letter O construction maximum seating--- not NA – I would suggest providing information about the number of cars or passengers can travel – how often it runs or something the ride functions Letter P – Rendering is lacking dimensions – add dimensions Letter S – seasonal operations snow cleared as needed to address safety /fire access or something similar 2) Short EAF Question 2 change to yes and list Town of Queensbury Planning Board 3) demo plans - identify unlabeled black box item 4) building - clarify if any changes - note dimensions of building - okay to provide dimensions on rendition 8 9/14/2023