03 Responses to commentsC.T. MALE ASSOCIATES Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Geology, D.P.C. 50 Century Hill Drive, Latham, NY 12110 518.786.7400 FAX 518.786.7299 www.ctmale.com Civil Engineering · Environmental Services · Survey Services · Land Services · Architecture · Energy & Building Systems Services · Electrical Engineering September 14, 2023 Town of Queensbury Planning Board ATTN: Laura Moore, Land Use Planner 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Re: “New Bobcat Wooden Roller Coaster Ride” Applicant: Great Escape Theme Park, LLC 1172 State Route 9, Tax Map ID: 288.20-1-20 C.T. Male Project No. 23. Dear Ms. Moore: On behalf of the Applicant, we are pleased to present for Site Plan Review the proposed “New Bobcat Wooden Roller Coaster Ride” (The Attraction). Please find the below bulleted items from the Pre-submission Conference Form of September 11, 2023, and the responses and/or revisions noted in italics for your review: · General Information complete – adding square footage in the description would be helpful. The description has been revised to add the square footage. · Site Development Data Complete – building sq footage for each building should be called out on the plans. The plans has been revised to add the square footage. · Requirements for Site plan – change title on A-O response sheet – still says outlaw. This has been updated to this new application. · Checklist items addressed  Lighting. Lighting has been shown on sheets C-105 and C-501.  Signs. Signs are now shown on the plan and rendering.  Stormwater. A stormwater report is attached.  Landscaping. Landscaping is shown on sheet C-105.  Traffic and number of parking spaces – narrative Traffic and parking has been addressed in the narratives and applications. The Attraction is not expected to increase the number of visitors to the park but rather to keep the attractions at the park fresh in order to maintain existing attendance levels.  elevations with dimensions. The elevation rendering has been submitted. The maximum height of both the existing bobsled and new coaster are shown on sheets C-101A, C-101 and C-102. · Environmental Form completed - reaffirm seqr, narrative identify section and compliance. The attached letter narrative address compliance and reaffirm SEQR. 1) project description should include approximated ride footprint in square feet. This has been addressed (see response above). C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES September 14, 2023 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Re: “New Bobcat Roller Coaster Ride” Attraction Page - 2 2) site plan standard responses A-O title needs to be updated. This has been revised as requested (see above). 3) Site plan check list checklist should reference notes on plans. The checklist has been revised.  Lighting -any new lighting, type of lighting, location of lighting, hours of lighting on ride. Lighting has been shown on sheets C-105 and C-501. The lighting is typically on during hours of operations.  Stormwater -any new management, how does the existing management work. A stormwater report is attached. An infiltration basin is proposed to address the slight increase in impervious.  Landscaping -any removal, any new, type and location. Landscaping is shown on sheet C-105.  Parking does the new ride trigger additional parking, how many spaces currently. parking has been addressed in the narratives and applications. The Attraction is not expected to increase the number of visitors to the park but rather to keep the attractions at the park fresh in order to maintain existing attendance levels.  Elevations with dimensions are needed for the buildings, platform areas? and the ride; Floor plans for ride operation booth and covered platform(s)? The elevation rendering has been submitted. The maximum height of both the existing bobsled and new coaster are shown on sheets C-101A, C101 and C-102. Minor changes are proposed to the ride operation booth and the footprint will remain the same or similar to existing.  GEIS compliance -excerpt section to be on plans. The attached letter narrative address compliance with GEIS. 4) Updated pdf of application packet to be provided for another review. PDF’s have been provided per you request. Please find the below bulleted items from the Pre-submission Conference Form of September 14, 2023, and the responses and/or revisions noted in italics for your review: 1) Checklist items addressed  Item N Traffic. Traffic has been addressed in the cover letter and narratve and the application has been revised. on sheets C-105 and C- 501.  Item O. The the number of cars and seating capacuity has been added to the over letter in the Description of Proposal section  Item P Render. Dimensions have been added the render as requested.  Item S Snow Removal. A note has been added on sheet C-101. 2) Short EAF Question 2 change to yes and list Town of Queensbury Planning. This has been revised as requested. 3) Bemo plans identify unlabeled black box item. This was a drafting issue and has been removed. C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES September 14, 2023 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Re: “New Bobcat Roller Coaster Ride” Attraction Page - 3 4) Building - clarify if any changes note dimensions of building okay to provide dimensions on rendition. The render has been updated at requested. Minor changes are proposed to the building and the exit ramp is to be reconfigured. We look forward to discussing this project with the Planning Board at their October 2023 meeting. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call me at 518-786-7658 (direct line) or via email at f.palumbo@ctmale.com. Respectfully submitted, C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Geology, D.P.C. Francis G. Palumbo, RLA Project Manager/Senior Landscape Architect Land Services Division (with one set each:) c: Duncan Mularz Charles B. Dumas