12-18-2012 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
(2t First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 @ 7 p.m.
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Approval of Minutes:
1.1 October 16,2012&October 22,2012
2.0 Administrative Item:
2.1 SUP 63-2012 Glens Falls Animal Hospital for further tabling consideration
3.0 Planninq Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals:
Applicant(s) _CHERYL DANIELS J Application Type Site Plan 75-2012
Owner(s) _Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.34 acres
Location 5 Boss Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. 316.9-1-3 J Ordinance Reference 179-9, 179-3-040, 179-6-060
Cross Reference AV 64-12, BP 12-407, 96-7333 Warren Co. Referral November 2012
Public Hearing Not required APA, CEA,Other NWI Wetlands
Protect Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,584 sq. ft. single family dwelling. Construction within 50 feet of
slopes greater than 15% requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Request for side setback relief. Planning Board to
provide a recommendation to the ZBA.
4.0 Tabled Items:
pA it cant(s) THOMAS& MARY BETH Application Type Site Plan 55-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Robert Napoli Lot size 0.17 acres
Location 15 Chestnut Road Zoning Classification WR
Tax ID No. 289.13-1-12 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference AV 45-12,AV 73-90,SP 35-88A, Warren Co. Referral N/A
AV 1415; BP 91-379,88-832
Public Hearing 9/25/12,Tabled to APA, CEA, Other Glen Lake CEA, NWI Wetlands
Protect Description: Applicant proposes 168 sq.ft. addition to existing single family home. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in
a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) STEWART'S SHOPS CORP. Application Type Site Plan 45-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEAR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Same as applicant J Lot size 2.70,0.17 acres
Location 221 Corinth Road &481 Big Zoning Classification Cl &CLI
Bay Road
Tax ID No. `309.13-2-25; 309.13-2-22 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference SP 5-2001, PZ 2-2001 Warren Co. Referral October 2012
Public Hearing 10/23/12;Tabled to APA, CEA, Other
Protect Description: Applicant proposes construction of three (3) drive-thru lanes associated with a proposed 1,450 sq. ft. bank to be
located in existing vacant space. Further, site improvements to include connection to sewer, parking, and drive aisle reconfiguration
and landscaping. Commercial expansion in a Cl and CLI zone require Planning Board review and approval.
5.0 Old Business requiring Public Hearing:
Applicant(s) CURTIS&TAMARA Application Type Site Plan 58-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Jarrett Engineers Lot size 0.17 acres
Location 18 Holly Lane Zoning Classification WR
Tax ID No. _239.12-2-60 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference AV 49-12 Warren Co. Referral Yes
Public Hearing 1211812012 APA, CEA, Other L G CEA
Protect Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to remove existing concrete walk and stairs and replace with new patio, stairs, and
dry laid stone wall resulting in +/-564 sq. ft. of total impervious surface. Removal of vegetation within 35 feet of shoreline and hard
surfacing within 50' of shoreline requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Shoreline setback and permeability relief.
The Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the ZBA.
Applicant(s) RON MILLER Application Type Site Plan 57-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEAR Type II
Agent(s) H.Thomas Jarrett, P.C. Lot size 0.19 acres
Location 107 Rockhurst Road Zoning Classification WR
Tax ID No. 227.9-1-5 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference AV 50-12,AV 73-96 Warren Co. Referral Yes
Public Hearing 1211812012 APA, CEA, Other L G CEA,APA Wetlands
Protect Description: Applicant proposes to eliminate a portion of lawn and install terraced landscaping that includes dry laid stone
walls, construction of a +/-250 sq. ft.. flagstone patio, and vegetated retention areas to treat stormwater. Removal of vegetation within
35 feet of shoreline and hard surfacing within 50'of shoreline requires Planning Board review and approval.
6.0 New Business:
Applicant(s) CINDY TROMBLEY Application Type Site Plan 82-2012
Owner(s) Stranahan Industries, LLC SEQR Type Type II
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.91 acres
Location 1347 Bay Road Zoning Classification NC—Neighborhood Commercial
Tax ID No. 278.-1-46 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference BP 98-582 Warren Co. Referral December 2012
Public Hearing 12/18/2012
Protect Description: Applicant proposes a dog grooming / retail business in a portion of existing building. Change of use and no site
plan review within the last seven years in a NC zone requires Planning Board review and approval. J
Applicant(s) JEFFREY SCHWARTZ Application Type Site Plan 78-2012
Owner(s) Morris Products, I SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Peter Brown Lot size 4.70 acres
Location 53 Carey Road, Lots 4&13 Zoning Classification CLI-Commercial Light Industrial
Tax ID No. _308.20-1-2 Ordinance Reference §179-9
Cross Reference SP 67-05, SP 69-00 Warren Co. Referral Yes
Public Hearing J 12/18/2012
Protect Description: Applicant proposes a 30,300 sq.ft. expansion addition to existing 30,502 sq.ft.warehouse resulting in a proposed
structure size of 60,802 sq.ft. Expansion of existing commercial use in a CLI zone requires Planning Board review and approval.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board