IM Inspection Worksheet_26-09-2023_10-45-24INSPECTION WORKSHEET (PTI-027940-2023) PT-0586-2022Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 09/26/2023 Partial PassInspection Status:Inspection Date: Property Transfer InspectionsInspection Type:Inspector:Mark Smith Job Address:Parcel Number:20 Burnt Ridge Rd Lake George, NY 12845 239.16-1-19 Company Name NameContact Type Primary Owner DAN SLOTE Septic Contractor Cook's Septic Service Checklist Item CommentsPassed Building Inspector Notes True 9/25/23 partial approval for property transfer inspection. provide proof of final electrical inspection. submit certified as built drawing. a new raised pressure bed system was installed with new 1250 septic tank, new pump tank and new grinder pump at the house. the system has been inspected and approved. 9/26/23 partial approval for property transfer inspection. - as built drawing and letter of completion received. remaining item- final electrical inspection. Capacity in gallons True 1250 septic tank, 1000 gallon pump tank Is there a high water alarm?True Concrete tank True poly tanks Temperature (Fahrenheit)True 70 degrees Septic tank (include # of tanks)True 1250 septic tank, 1000 gallon pump tank Capacity of pump tank (gallons)True 1000 gallon Plumbing fixtures tested & confirmed True System appears to have functioned adequately True system is all newly installed System passes all function testing True Does the pump(s) appear to be operating properly?True Sump pump not connected to septic system True Inlet baffle True As-built provided is accurate False provide certified as built drawing from design engineer Test each fixture flow to septic tank True Water softener not connected to septic system True Are both switch and alarm operable?True Ejector or grinder pump sealed True Outlet baffle True Weather True sunny Main tank cleanout size and location True Plastic tank True Raised system True raised pressure bed 30' x 20' September 26, 2023 Page 1 of 1