IM Inspection Worksheet_25-09-2023_15-16-50INSPECTION WORKSHEET (ASFINAL-027905-2023)
AST-0321-2023Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
09/25/2023 FailedInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Accessory Structure FinalInspection Type:Inspector:Mark Smith
Job Address:Parcel Number:1234 Bay Rd
Lake George, NY 12845
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Gauthier Skilled Craftsman, LLC
Contractor Gauthier Skilled Craftsman, LLC
Granted Permission Geoffrey Hoffman
Primary Owner Geoffrey Hoffman
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes False 9/25/23 final commercial inspection not approved.
- hand railings at handicapped ramp should extend 12" past the
top and bottom of the ramp on both sides.
- provide final electrical inspection.
- install lever type hardware at all doors.
- complete fire marshall items.
Site Plan / Variance required False
Wood deck: 2'+ from grade dia bracing required False
Crawl 18 x 24 access, 1 sq. ft.-150 sq. ft. vents False
Engineer or Architect Approval False
Blower Door Test Certification False
Fin Elect; Energy Saving Light Bulbs 90 Percent False
OK to Issue C/O False
Guard at deck, porches 36" or more False
5/8" Type X with Living Space Above False
4+ Deck Joist Ledger Connections-24" From Ends False
20 Minute Fire Door/Self-Closing Hardware False
1/2" Gypsum or House Wall and Gable False
Deck (post beam connections hex head bolts)False
Okay To Issue CC False
Handrail 4 or more risers False
Deck Ledger-Bolted per Code False
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