09-19-2023 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) QUEENSBURYPTANNINGBOARD MEETING FIRSTREGUTAR MEETING SEPTEMBER I91r,2023 INDEX Site Plan No.57-2022 Thomas&Marybeth Babcock 1. ONE YEAR EXTENSION Tax Map No.2S9.13-1-12 Site Plan No.5S-2023 JP Gross Properties,LLC 2. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 309.17-1-16 Site Plan No.59-2023 JP Gross Properties,LLC 5. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 309.17-1-15.2 Site Plan No. 60-2023 JP Gross Properties,LLC 6. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 309.17-1-1.2 Site Plan No. 63-2023 Dunham's Bay Fish&Game Club 7. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No.253.-1-19 Site Plan No.51-2023 Native Development Associates,LLC 9. Tax Map No. 30S.20-1-9.22 Site Plan No. 61-2023 Schermerhorn Construction,LLC 12. Freshwater Wetlands 11-2023 Tax Map No.296.7-1-2,and 296.7-1-3 THESE ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ADOPTED MINUTES AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD AND STAFF REVISIONS. REVISIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING MONTH'S MINUTES (IF ANY) AND WILL STATE SUCH APPROVAL OF SAID MINUTES. 1 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 19TK,2023 7.00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT STEPHEN TRAVER,CHAIRMAN DAVID DEEB,VICE CHAIRMAN MICHAEL DIXON,SECRETARY WARREN LONGACKER BRADY STARK NATHAN ETU ELLEN MC DEVITT,ALTERNATE MEMBERS ABSENT BRAD MAGOWAN LAND USE PLANNER-LAURA MOORE STENOGRAPHER-MARIA GAGLIARDI MR.TRAVER-Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, September 19`h, 2023. This is our first meeting for the month of September and our 19`h meeting thus far for 2023. We have a couple of administrative items this evening. One is approval of minutes for the month of July,that is the 18`h and 25`h. I'll ask the Board,does anyone have any corrections or adjustments to those minutes? We have a draft resolution. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 18`h,2023 July 25`h,2023 MOTION TO APPROVE THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 18`h&z JULY 25`h,2023,Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, seconded by Warren Longacker: Duly adopted this 19`h day of September,2023,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark, Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: SITE PLAN 57-2022 THOMAS &z MARYBETH BABCOCK — REQUEST FOR A ONE YEAR EXTENSION MR. TRAVER-The next item is Site Plan 57-2022. This is a request for a one year extension, and they were approved last September 27`h. Laura? MRS.MOORE-So at this point they haven't been able to secure a contractor to develop their plans as they wish. So they're asking for their extension. MR. TRAVER-Okay, and this is their first extension. MRS. MOORE-Correct. MR.TRAVER-Does anyone have any questions or concerns with granting that one year extension? Okay. We have a draft resolution. RESOLUTION APPROVING A ONE YEAR EXTENSION SP#57-2022 BABCOCK 2 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) Applicant proposed construction of a 2 story addition to the south side of the existing home. The existing home is 1,079.2 sq.ft.with a 357 sq.ft.porch area with a total new floor area of 2,569 sq.ft. The Planning Board approved this project on September 27, 2022. Applicant is requesting a one year extension. MOTION TO APPROVE A ONE YEAR EXTENSION FOR SITE PLAN 57-2022 THOMAS &z MARYBETH BABCOCK. Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption,seconded by Nathan Etu. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-All right,and then onto our regular agenda. The first few items are Recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals, and are also Unapproved Development. There are actually three separate applications related to this Unapproved Development. The first being JP Gross Properties LLC,Site Plan 58-2023. Laura? PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: (UNAPPROVED DEVELOPMENT) SITE PLAN NO. 58-2023 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED (REAFFIRM SEQR)JP GROSS PROPERTIES,LLC AGENT(S): EDP,JON LAPPER. O WNER(S): 407 BIG BAY ROAD LLC. ZONING: CLI. LOCATION: 407 BIG BAY ROAD. APPLICANT HAS COMPLETED SITE UPDATES FOR AN EXISTING SITE WITH A RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED 16,000 SQ.FT.BUILDING AND AN EXISTING 4,324 SQ.FT.BUILDING ON THE SITE. UPDATES INCLUDE ALTERNATIVE PARKING ARRANGEMENT AND LIGHTING. IN ADDITION, SIDEWALK ACCESS WAS ADDED TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE NEW BUILDING AND LESS SIDEWALK AREA WAS CREATED FOR THE EXISTING BUILDING. AN EXTERIOR HARD SURFACED EQUIPMENT AREA WAS ADDED TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE NEW BUILDING. A PATIO IS PROPOSED FOR AN EMPLOYEE AREA. PERMEABLE GREEN AREA WAS REDUCED. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 &z 179-9-120,SITE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SITE WORK, HARD SURFACING, VEGETATION REMOVAL AND LIGHTING SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR PARKING. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: SP(M)60-2021,AV 38-2023. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: SEPTEMBER 2023. LOT SIZE: 1.62 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 309.17-1-16. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-9-120. JON LAPPER&r NICK ZEGLEN,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MRS. MOORE-So this project is located at 407 Big Bay Road. They recently constructed a 16,000 square foot building, and the site had an existing 4,324 square foot building. Bruce Frank went out to the site, noticed some things that had been updated that weren't part of the original plans. One of the things that will end up,the Board providing a recommendation for,is the relief sought for parking. There's 51 spaces where 54 parking spaces are required. I know the applicant will go through the site plan itself,but at this point you're asked,looking to give a recommendation to the Zoning Board for parking relief. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR.LAPPER-Good evening,everyone. For the record,Jon Lapper with Nick Zeglen from Environmental Design. Joe Gross the applicant is with us as well. If I could, I'm going to discuss all three requests together because they're all interrelated because really they're all connected property. Simply what happened,in terms of the after the fact,is that we'd been here talking about this for the site plan previously, but Joe was able to secure a big lease for Brookfield Power which owns dams and power facilities all over the country, and they consolidated everybody to Queensbury, New York, which was pretty wonderful, a lot of high paying jobs. It's a 24/7 facility. It's high security because these are important facilities, and so while he was building this, and he was under a lot of pressure,planning wise, he had to be in by July 1" which was pretty mammoth and it all worked out,but the after the fact stuff is just connecting the parking lot between two buildings,paving an area that was already gravel, and adding a few more spaces on one site and taking a few off the other because of the interconnection and we did add some landscaping,but I think that this is all relatively minor stuff and I hope you'll agree,just to tie this all together and make these sites work,but at the end of the day the stormwater works perfectly because it's all sand out there. What Laura just mentioned,the three spaces that are missing from the site picked upon the other site. So it was 3 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) just about making sure that all these sites work together, access,ingress, egress,for people 24/7 at night, and just to make it work. He was out there trying to get this done and it made sense to do the paving then and come back and ask for a small site modification,but it wasn't any intention. These were just minor changes I think. So with that I'm just going to ask Nick to show you on the map, the areas that we're talking about. MR. ZEGLEN-Yes, so right here is where that interconnect was that wasn't shown on the previous plan. So that was added, and then the two spaces immediately adjacent to those are two that got cut off, and then one space was lost here. So those are the three,but as you can see they're picked up along here with these spaces that are split between those properties. So those spaces were not counted in the parking count for 407 Big Bay. So that's what the spaces that were lost are, and,yes, as far as the stormwater,it's really good sand. We've done a number of test pits out there and double checked the stormwater. We added impervious and everything. Everything checks out. MR. ZAPPER-Let's go on and show them the impervious. MR. ZEGLEN-So the impervious also added is here. This is part of the 27 Silver Circle property, and it was gravel previously. It was just paved and striped to provide better traffic flow and additional parking spaces for the 407 and 399,the two buildings that Brookfield has. MR.TRAVER-Okay. I just really had I guess more of a technical question. So there were pretty extensive plans that we looked at that were reviewed and approved,and so there must have been changes in the plan itself in order to have the contractors know how to modify this site plan? MR. ZAPPER-It was really just paving areas that were already flat between the two parking lots. MR. TRAVER-So there wasn't any formal paperwork created to reflect the changes and how the contractors worked on it? MR. ZAPPER-It is gravel parking area that became paved next to the building and the area between the two sites that weren't connected became connected when they were out there doing the paving. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. JOE GROSS MR. GROSS-It gave a way for a second egress. MR.ZAPPER-Sorry,for the record that's Joe Gross,the property owner,and what he's pointing out is that that interconnect allowed for a loop road for trucks to come in,just to drive around rather than having to do three point turns. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. ETU-Is it Code compliant with handicap spots and no reduction? MR. ZEGLEN-Yes,it's Code compliant. MR. TRAVER-Except for the parking,right,which needs a variance. MR. ZAPPER-The question was about handicap access. MR. TRAVER-I'm sorry. MR. DIXON-The area that you did pave,you said it was gravel before. Was it gravel or was it crushed stone? MR. ZEGLEN-I don't know off the top of my head. It might have been crushed stone. Do you know if it's gravel or crushed stone back behind that Silver Circle? MR. GROSS-I don't know the difference. MRS. MOORE-It's hard surfacing. It doesn't matter whether it's crushed stone or gravel. It still counts as hard surfacing. MR. GROSS-They were parking on it. MR. DIXON-Yes,because I thought we considered crushed stone impervious. 4 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MRS. MOORE-All of it was considered hard surfacing and so they just paved it. MR. TRAVER-Yes,it's no different than crushed stone. MRS. MOORE-So what happens in 27 Silver Circle is a little bit different because the paving or the hard surfacing that was being continued was part of a different project that the Board saw. MR. DIXON-Okay. Thank you. MR. TRAVER-Any other questions,comments? MR. LONGACKER-And you also added just like an outdoor patio area? MR. ZAPPER-That's something we figured we'd talk about next week at site plan, but absolutely. So Brookfield just wanted to have a little bit of a pavilion for their workers. So it's that part of the site plan that didn't require a variance. MR. ZEGLEN-That hasn't been built yet. That's proposed. MR. TRAVER-Do members feel comfortable making a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals? This is for the variance for the parking,the changes in the parking space. Does anyone have any comments or concerns they want to forward to the ZBA regarding that request for the variance? MR.DEEB-So what would happen with Joe if he had to come back here,that would have really messed up his,your contract with? MR. ZAPPER-They would have had to come back in. MR. DEEB-And it would have taken a couple of months. MR. ZAPPER-Yes. MR. DEEB-A month to get through that,but,you know,still done without site plan. MR. ZAPPER-If you tell them he has to take the pavement out,he has to take the pavement out. MR. DEEB-Yes,but it's just that I wanted to clarify that. That's a nice contract. MR. GROSS-You see all the hash marks? They took them out so that they were worried about,they're all about safety. So two of the spots were taken out because they were afraid that somebody would get hurt. MR. TRAVER-There is also a SEQR issue regarding this. We did affirm a Negative declaration on SEQR, under SEQR,once before, and so the question is,do we want to re-affirm that. Do these changes reaffirm our assessment of SEQR at all? It's hard surface to hard surface. I didn't really see any environmental impacts. MR. DIXON-I don't see any need for it. MRS. MOORE-Yes, so that resolution isn't until next week when you do the site plan. This is just the recommendation. MR. TRAVER-Okay. I see because we're only doing the variance tonight. I stand corrected. We don't need to address that tonight. So I'm not hearing any concerns to forward to the ZBA. So I think we can go ahead with that draft resolution on the parking variance. MR. DIXON-For the parking. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#35-2023 JP GROSS PROPERTIES,LLC The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant has completed site updates for an existing site with a recently constructed 16,000 sq.ft.building and an existing 4,324 sq.ft.building on the site.Updates include alternative parking arrangement and lighting.In addition,sidewalk access was added to the South side of the new building and less sidewalk area was created for the existing building. An exterior hard surfaced equipment area was added to the South side of the new building.A patio is proposed for an employee area. Permeable green area was reduced. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040&179-9-120, site plan for additional site work,hard surfacing,vegetation removal and lighting shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for parking. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 5 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 38-2023 iP GROSS PROPERTIES, LLC., Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Brady Stark. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-So next we have, under a separate application, 59-2023, also for JP Gross. We have a recommendation regarding a relief for permeability. Laura? (UNAPPROVED DEVELOPMENT) SITE PLAN NO. 59-2023 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED (REAFFIRM SEQR)JP GROSS PROPERTIES,LLC AGENT(S): EDP,JON LAPPER. O WNER(S): 399 BIG BAY ROAD LLC. ZONING: CLI. LOCATION: 399 BIG BAY ROAD. APPLICANT HAS COMPLETED SITE UPDATES FOR AN EXISTING 13,500 SQ. FT. BUILDING AND SITE. UPDATES INCLUDE NEW HARD SURFACING FOR A PARKING ARRANGEMENT. ADDITIONALLY, THERE HAS BEEN TREE AND VEGETATION REMOVAL ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF THE SITE. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040&z 179-9-120,SITE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL SITE WORK, HARD SURFACING, AND REMOVAL OF TREES AND VEGETATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR PERMEABILITY. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: SP 44- 97, AV 59-1997, SP 14-2015, AV 2-2015, SP 1-2000, SP (M) 60-2021, AV 37-2023. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: SEPTEMBER 2023. LOT SIZE: 1.57 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 309.17-1-15.2. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-9-120. JON LAPPER&r NICK ZEGLEN,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MRS.MOORE-So this site is at 399 Big Bay Road,and the applicant had some tree and vegetation removal on the northeast side,and updates include new hard surfacing for the parking arrangement,and again,the variance is,the project shows 21.40/o new permeability where 300/o is required and 23.4 was existing. MR. TRAVER-Okay. So this is the second section of your application. MR. ZEGLEN-So there's vegetation in here, and this is where the vegetation was removed and pavement was, again, added for that connector, and this, so this lot was previously 399A Big Bay and 399 Big Bay. There was a 50 foot,essentially 50 foot strip here, and part of the pre-app review was that we consolidate those two lots, and when consolidating those two lots, the permeability actually went, dipped below the 300/o. So then adding that 1400 square feet of pavement obviously added additional below the permeability requirement. So that's the nature of the variance. MR. LAPPER-Show them where the landscaping is on the other side. MR. ZEGLEN-And then so landscaping will be, additional landscaping along the frontage of Big Bay and then here,just kind of creating more of a buffer. MR. TRAVER-And is that additional landscaping part of the original site plan,or is that something new? MR. LAPPER-New. MR. TRAVER-That's new? MR. ZEGLEN-Yes. That would be proposed right now. 6 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MR. TRAVER-Yes,but you still need the variance because it's still not up to Code. All right. Questions, comments from members of the Board regarding the permeability variance? Any concerns that we want to forward,again,this is for a referral to the ZBA regarding the permeability relief as Laura explained. Does anyone have any concerns we want to forward to the ZBA? Hearing none,we have a resolution. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#37-2023 JP GROSS PROPERTIES,LLC The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant has completed site updates for an existing 13,500 sq. ft. building and site. Updates include new hard surfacing for a parking arrangement. Additionally, there has been tree and vegetation removal on the Northeast side of the site. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040 &r 179-9-120, site plan for additional site work,hard surfacing and removal of trees and vegetation shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 37-2023 iP GROSS PROPERTIES, LLC., Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Warren Longacker. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb, Mr. Dixon,Mr. Longacker, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you,and then the last one regarding this is Site Plan 60-2023. This is also a request for permeability. So I'll ask you to explain that. (UNAPPROVED DEVELOPMENT) SITE PLAN NO.60-2023 SEQR TYPE: TYPE 11. JP GROSS PROPERTIES, LLC AGENT(S): EDP,JON LAPPER. OWNER(S): 27 SILVER CIRCLE LLC. ZONING: CLI. LOCATION: 27 SILVER CIRCLE. APPLICANT HAS COMPLETED SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR AN EXISTING SITE WITH NEW HARD SURFACING FOR A PARKING ARRANGEMENT. ALSO THE PARKING AREA THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY GRAVEL HAS BEEN PAVED. THE EXISTING BUILDINGS AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR SP 62-2022,SP 30-2022 &z SP 72-2021 REMAIN THE SAME. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040 &z 179-9-120, SITE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL HARD SURFACING SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR PERMEABILITY. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: SP 6-2004,SP 18-2009,SP 62-2013,SP 14-2015,SP 72-2021,SP (M) 30-2022, SP 62-2022, PZ 0138-2016 (AV), PZ 0140-2016 (SP), RZ 4-2022, AV 36-2023. WARREN CO.REFERRAL: SEPTEMBER 2023. LOT SIZE: 13.41 ACRES. TAX MAP NO.309.17- 1-17.2. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-9-120. JON LAPPER&r NICK ZEGLEN,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MR. LAPPER-Laura,could you put up the first map again? MRS. MOORE-Yes. MR. LAPPER-So the building on the bottom on the left is what we're talking about. This is Silver Circle. So this is Gross Electric. It's not for the Brookfield tenant,but the area on the right side of that building, even though it's on the property of the Gross Electric,it's actually accessible to Brookfield. So that's why that area was paved along the building to create those spaces,but the permeability variance,we were here earlier this year for the storage area in the back on the left side of that building, which has nothing to do 7 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) with this,and you approved that. So now this got paved just to have more spaces for Brookfield because it's on that side of the building. You can't enter the Silver Circle building from this side. It's all just,it's technically on this property,but it's for the benefit of Brookfield. MR. TRAVER-I see. All right. Questions,comments from members of the Board? This is, again,a relief for permeability due to the Silver Circle parcel he's describing. Does anyone have any concerns that we want to forward to the ZBA regarding this also,this request for permeability variance? No? Okay. This is a SEQR Type II. So we won't need to reaffirm anything next week. This is Type II. So I guess we can read that resolution. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#36-2023 JP GROSS PROPERTIES,LLC The applicant has submitted an application for the following:Applicant has completed site improvements for an existing site with new hard surfacing for a parking arrangement. Also the parking area that was previously gravel has been paved. The existing buildings and site development for SP 62-2022,SP 30-2022 &r SP 72-2021 remain the same. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040 &179-9-120, site plan for additional hard surfacing shall be subject to site plan review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 36-2023 iP GROSS PROPERTIES, LLC., Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Brady Stark. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon, Mr.,Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-You're off to the ZBA. MR. ZAPPER-Thanks,everybody. MR. GROSS-Thank you. MR. DEEB-Good luck. MR. TRAVER-The next application on our agenda is also a recommendation. This is for Dunham's Bay Fish & Game Club and I just want to disclose for the record that I am a member of that Club. I have discussed it with you folks and I do not feel that it's a conflict of interest on my part. If it becomes controversial I will abstain from voting. Anyway,this is Site Plan 63-2023. Laura? SITE PLAN NO. 63-2023 SEQR TYPE: TYPE II. DUNHAMS BAY FISH &z GAME CLUB. OWNER(S): SAME AS APPLICANT. ZONING: LC-10A. LOCATION: 2080 RIDGE ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REMOVE A 3,936 SQ. FT. OUTDOOR RANGE PAVILION AND CONSTRUCT A REPLACEMENT OUTDOOR RANGE PAVILION OF 2,880 SQ. FT. THE PROJECT INCLUDES A NEW CONCRETE SLAB FOR THE STRUCTURE. THE SITE HAS AN EXISTING BUILDING AND TWO SHEDS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. NO OTHER SITE OR BUILDING CHANGES ARE PROPOSED. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040,SITE PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR SETBACKS. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: SP 216- 2016,AV 40-2023. WARREN CO.REFERRAL: SEPTEMBER 2023. SITE INFORMATION: APA, LGPC,CEA. LOT SIZE: 20.74 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 253.-1-19. SECTION: 179-3-040. PATRICK BELAND&TOM BENWAY, REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT S (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MRS.MOORE-So this application,they're proposing to remove a 3,936 square foot outdoor range pavilion to construct a replacement outdoor range of 2,SS0 square feet. The project includes new concrete slab for the structure. The site has an existing building and two sheds to remain unchanged, and then relief is being requested for setbacks where the new pavilion is to be 33.5 feet from the south line property where a 100 foot setback is required. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. BELAND-Good evening. My name's Patrick Beland. I'm Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dunham's Bay Fish & Game Club. This is Tom Benway. He's also a Board member and Membership Chairman. Those of you who are familiar with the range,I know you are,the pavilion is over 60 years old and back then they stuck holes in the ground and they rotted. It's got a nice lean to it. The structural integrity is compromised. It's time to replace it. So the southern boundary we're 27 feet from the southern boundary. The new facility is a little smaller. We'll have 33 feet, I believe, relief, or distance. So we're asking for relief from the zoning of the 100 foot setback. MR.TRAVER-Okay. So it still requires relief but it is an improvement over what's there currently and the new facility will be somewhat safer. MR.BELAND-A lot safer,yes. MR. TRAVER-All right. Questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. DIXON-I'll just make a comment. I'm familiar with the location and,yes,it does look like it needs to be replaced. MR.BELAND-Give it time,it'll fall down. MR. TRAVER-All right. Does anyone have any concerns regarding the setback variance relief that they're seeking from the ZBA? All right. I guess we're ready for that motion. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#40-2023 DUNHAM'S BAY FISH&GAME The applicant has submitted an application for the following:Applicant proposes to remove a 3,936 sq.ft. outdoor range pavilion and construct a replacement outdoor range pavilion of 2,SS0 sq. ft. The project includes a new concrete slab for the structure. The site has an existing building and two sheds to remain unchanged. No other site or building changes are proposed. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for improvements shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 40-2023 DUNHAM'S BAY FISH&z GAME CLUB.,Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Nathan Etu. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-You're off to the ZBA. MR.BELAND-Thank you for your time. 9 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MR. TRAVER-The next section of our agenda is New Business, and the first item is Native Development Associates LLC. This is Site Plan 51-2023. Laura? NEW BUSINESS: SITE PLAN NO. 51-2023 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. NATIVE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, LLC. AGENT(S): ABD ENGINEERING. OWNER(S): SAME AS APPLICANT. ZONING: CLI. LOCATION: 32 NATIVE DRIVE. APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF ANEW 25,000 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING ON LOT#2 OF AN EXISTING SUBDIVISION. THE PROJECT INCLUDES ASSOCIATED SITE WORK FOR ACCESS DRIVES, PARKING AREAS, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING. PROJECT ALSO INCLUDES A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LOT ONE AND 2. LOT 1 WILL BE REDUCED FROM 11.2 ACRES TO 10.9 ACRES AND LOT 2 WILL BE INCREASED FROM 1.86 ACRES TO 2.12 ACRES. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040, SITE PLAN FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE CLI ZONE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE: SUB(P)5-2021,SUB(F)6-2021. WARREN CO.REFERRAL: N/A. LOT SIZE: 1.86 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 308.20-1-9.22. SECTION: 179-3-040. JON ZAPPER&DAVE KIMMER, REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MRS. MOORE-So this application is construction of a new 25,000 square foot commercial office and warehouse building on Lot Number Two of the existing subdivision. The project includes associated site work for access drives, parking areas, stormwater management, lighting, landscaping. The project also includes a lot line adjustment between Lot One and 2. Lot One will be reduced from 11.2 acres to 10.9 acres and Lot 2 will be increased from LS6 acres to 2.12 acres. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. . Good evening. MR. ZAPPER-Good evening. For the record,Jon Lapper. The applicants Tim Barber and Steve Springer are behind me. MR.KIMMER-I'm Dave Kimmer from ABD Engineers. MR. ZAPPER-So this subdivision, this used to be Native Textiles and that's why it's called Native Development behind the Carey Industrial Park, and when Native purchased it and came in with a subdivision which anticipated various sized warehouse buildings to be leased and then built in the future. So we did kind of generic what we thought would make sense at the time and they thought would make sense and ABD did a plan, and so the tenant for this lot is Specialty Sales, which is kind of an interesting tenant. They manufacture stainless steel baths that cows walk through, and with a chemical solution to clean their hooves and actually is very important to the agriculture industry and reduces the disease that cows get. So they're based on the west coast. They have customers on the east coast. So they picked Queensbury, New York as a central location to service Vermont and elsewhere in New England. So that created an opportunity for the applicant to go from a 20,000 square foot building to a 25,000 square foot building. So this is simply moving the lot line to accommodate the building and going a little bit bigger on the building,but the stormwater for this whole project is all kind of generic to begin with. So there's a basin that accommodates everything. So if we take a little more stormwater from this larger lot,larger building, it just means smaller later on when we get down to the last few buildings, but not a dramatic difference from 5,000 square foot. The site can certainly accommodate it,and we got a signoff letter quick as can be from the Town Engineer which is always nice. So that's really the story and we're here to answer any questions. MR.TRAVER-Okay. That's good. That sounds like an interesting employer. One of the questions is the number of employees and number of company vehicles? MR. ZAPPER-They had said up to, well they're starting I think with six to eight and they're hoping eventually to be twelve to fourteen,but a lot of them are on the road, not necessarily at the building,but it's a good employer. MR. TRAVER-Is that adequate,Laura? MRS. MOORE-So employees versus employee vehicles,is there like trucks or things like that? MR. ZAPPER-Six vehicles. MRS. MOORE-Six vehicles. MR. TRAVER-All right. Questions, comments from members of the Board? This is an expansion of a development that's going on and will result in some new employment, although it doesn't sound like a huge number,but some nevertheless. 10 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MR. DIXON-And I know there's two parts to it. One's the SEQR part, which I did not see any issues whatsoever with,and the site plan I didn't have any issue with. MR.TRAVER-Yes. This is an Unlisted SEQR under SEQR. Does anyone have any environmental impact concerns with this facility? I know that when this was subdivided we looked at some theoretical facilities that were very similar. My own feeling is that this is within the scope of what we envisioned when it was done,but I'll open it up to questions or comments regarding environmental impacts. Hearing none, we can do SEQR I guess first. RESOLUTION GRANTING A NEGATIVE SEQR DEC. SP#51-2023 NATIVE DEVELOPMENT The applicant proposes construction of a new 25,000 sq. ft. commercial office and warehouse building on lot#2 of an existing subdivision.The project includes associated site work for access drives,parking areas, stormwater management,lighting and landscaping.Project also includes a lot line adjustment between lot one and 2. Lot 1 will be reduced from 11.2 acres to 10.9 acres and lot 2 will be increased from 1.56 acres to 2.12 acres. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for new development in the CLI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part 1 of the Short EAF has been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and,therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SITE PLAN 51-2023 NATIVE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES.Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part II of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Motion seconded by Brady Stark. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thankyou. Is the Board comfortable moving forward on an approval? Okay. We can hear that motion as well,then. MS. GAGLIARDI-Excuse me,Mr. Chairman,you didn't take a vote on that SEQR. MR. TRAVER-I'm sorry. MRS. MOORE-And you didn't open a public hearing either. MR. TRAVER-There is a public hearing on this application. Is there anyone in the audience that wanted to comment to the Planning Board on this Native Development Associates project? Are there written comments,Laura? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MRS. MOORE-There are no written comments. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Then we'll go ahead and close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. TRAVER-My apologies again for missing that. Again we're ready for that motion. MS. GAGLIARDI-Excuse me,Mr. Chairman. You didn't take the vote on SEQR. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Right. So if you'd call the vote on that motion that was made and seconded. 11 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) AYES: Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Longacker, Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-All right. Thank you,and next we can vote on the approval resolution. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP#51-2023 NATIVE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES,LLC The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board: Applicant proposes construction of a new 25,000 sq. ft. commercial office and warehouse building on lot #2 of an existing subdivision. The project includes associated site work for access drives, parking areas, stormwater management, lighting and landscaping. Project also includes a lot line adjustment between lot one and 2. Lot 1 will be reduced from 11.2 acres to 10.9 acres and lot 2 will be increased from LS6 acres to 2.12 acres. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for new development in the CLI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-OSO, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project,pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration Determination of Non-Significance; The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 9/19/2023 and continued the public hearing to 9/19/2023,when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 9/19/2023; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 51-2023 NATIVE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES; Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. According to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the following: 1) Waivers requested granted; 2) The approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. Applicant is responsible for requesting an extension of approval before the one (1)year time frame has expired. 3) Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff, b) If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review, approval,permitting and inspection; c) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; d) If application was referred to engineering then Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; e) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey, floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements;- f) If required,the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current "NYSDEC SPDES General Permit from Construction Activity"prior to the start of any site work. b. The project NOT(Notice of Termination)upon completion of the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit,or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project if required. g) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; 12 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) h) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; i) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; j) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. k) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans Motion seconded by Warren Longacker. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-You are all set. MR. ZAPPER-Thank you. TIM BARBER MR.BARBER-Thank you. MR. TRAVER-The next item,also under New Business,is Schermerhorn Construction LLC. This is Site Plan 61-2023 and Freshwater Wetlands 11-2023. SITE PLAN NO. 61-2023 FRESHWATER WETLANDS 11-2023 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. SCHERMERHORN CONSTRUCTION,LLC. AGENT(S): EDP. OWNER(S): HOLDINGS,L.P. SCHERMERHORN RESIDENTIAL. ZONING: O. LOCATION: 575 BAY ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT A 41,201 SQ. FT. FOOTPRINT BUILDING FOR 76 UNITS. AN EXISTING 3,200 SQ. FT. BUILDING WILL REMAIN AS A MAINTENANCE BUILDING. THE PROJECT INCLUDES SITE WORK FOR STORMWATER, LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND PARKING. PROJECT WORK ALSO INCLUDES DEMOLITION OF SOME EXISTING OUTBUILDINGS WITH OTHER OUTBUILDINGS AND EXISTING HOUSE TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. THE PROJECT WORK WITHIN 100 FT. OF WETLANDS AND IS SUBJECT TO A COORDINATED REVIEW WITH THE TOWN BOARD FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE SEWER DISTRICT. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040, 179-5-100 AND CHAPTER 94, SITE PLAN FOR A MULTIFAMILY BUILDING IN THE OFFICE ZONE AND WORK WITHIN 100 FT. OF WETLANDS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. PLANNING BOARD TO REVIEW ENVIRONMENTAL LEAD AGENCY REQUEST. WARREN CO. PLANNING: SEPTEMBER 2023. SITE INFORMATION: WETLANDS. LOT SIZE: 1499 ACRES/1.3 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 296.7-1-2, 296.7-1-3. SECTION: 179-3-040, 179-5-100, CHAPTER 94. JON ZAPPER&JOE DANNIBLE,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-This is an Unlisted SEQR under SEQR,and I understand we're to request Lead Agency for this? MRS. MOORE-Correct. So do you want me to go through the project? MR. TRAVER-Please. MRS. MOORE-So this project is to construct one building of 41,201 square feet footprint with 76 units. An existing maintenance or 3,200 square foot building will remain as a maintenance building. The project includes site work for stormwater,landscaping,lighting and parking. The project includes the demolition of some existing buildings with other outbuildings to remain. The project has work within 100 feet of wetlands and is subject to coordinated review because of the sewer district extension and so the Planning Board's role tonight is to request Lead Agency status,and that will involve information with DEC and the Town Board. MR. TRAVER-Okay. So we have a motion to request Lead Agency which will start the clock running on gathering information. Did you have anything to add? MR. ZAPPER-We thought we'd take the opportunity to just introduce you to the project. 13 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MR. TRAVER-Sure. Go right ahead. MR. ZAPPER-For the record,Jon Lapper with Joe Dannible,project engineer from Environmental Design. Rich purchased this site earlier in the year. He'd been looking at it for a while and it became available. As Laura said we're really here procedural because we've got to get the sewer district and you'll recall the project he did a few weeks ago a little farther south off of Bay Road,they had to extend the sewer district for that. So it's the same thing here. There's plenty of capacity. We could have gotten through all that with the Sewer and Water Department,but it's just the Town Board can't extend it without you, as Lead Agency,making the SEQR determination. So we're here, as you said,to start the clock on that. So with that I'll just ask Joe to walk you through the Site Plan. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Good evening. MR. DANNIBLE-Good evening. Joe Dannible with Environmental Design Partnership. So to familiarize everybody with the project,the project's located at 575 Bay Road. We're about a mile and a quarter north of Quaker Road and about two-thirds of a mile south of where we're sitting here today. In the Office zoning district,multi-family residential is an allowed use as long as you comply with the 600 foot setback from Bay Road. So we are compliant with the zoning. The property itself is 16 and a quarter acres. It's made up of two parcels which we are consolidating as part of the project. It's vacant,an abandoned horse pastures is the existing conditions on the site, very little in the way of vegetation exists under the abandoned pasture land. There is an existing road and some paddocks, out parcel or out buildings associated with that. Some of the SEQR items that we have provided to date is we have a signoff from New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Soil Preservation. We're a no impact to archeological resources, a signoff from the U.S. Fish&Wildlife Service where we have no suitable habitat for the listed endangered and concerned species in this area and we also have issuance of a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers from the impacts associated with the entrance road crossing the stream corridor. The project itself is a 76 unit,three story multi-family building,12 points of entries to the building. If you look at the orientation of the plan,we have parking set up in close proximity to each one of those entrances. We have parking for 140 vehicles. A parking ratio of about 1.S spaces per unit. That's a little over what the Town has required. However in these types of facilities we find the adequate parking ratio is about 1.75, 1.S spaces per vehicle,in order to provide adequate parking for the facility. Permeability, we're at about 770/o, well over the minimum required area. We've received a letter from LaBella Engineers with some stormwater comments. We continue to work through them over the next month or two as we go through the coordinated review process. Ultimately we don't see any substantial changes to the plans as a result of those, responding to those comments. We're going to make public water connection, and we are working with the Town to extend the sewer district. That's generally it for what we have of an overview of the project. Certainly if there's any comments from the Board,we'll entertain them. MR. TRAVER-Questions from members of the Board at this stage. MR.LONGACKER Just about that one access road I guess to the west. What's your plan with that? Are you going to leave that open for the tenants to use? Or would you gate that off? MR. DANNIBLE-There would be no access for the tenants to the west. It would be the single point of access to Bay Road. MR. ZAPPER-That wasn't something that Rich was able to acquire. MR. TRAVER-Anything else? MRS. MC DEVITT-So this is not the time that they talk about the impact on traffic, then, on Bay Road. Right? MR. TRAVER-If you are, well,you can certainly express concern about the impact of traffic,because we are going to be going through the Site Plan process and traffic is part of that,as is SEQR. MRS. MC DEVITT-I would have concern over traffic. MR. TRAVER-Okay. MR.ZAPPER-So we will certainly address that. Because it's a County road with good visibility,much like the other project,this is multi-family just north of this. There's the turning lane in the middle of Bay Road. Of course the College is across the street, but we'll address that. We don't expect that's going to be a problem. It's probably one car a minute approximately for a project like this,but we'll certainly be ready to address that when we come back. MR. TRAVER-Good. Good. Anything else? All right. So our duty tonight is to start the process we're going to ask for Lead Agency status. So that alerts the relevant parties involved to the fact that we're going 14 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) to be coordinating this review and information should be sent to us should they discover it. With that we can entertain that motion. RESOLUTION SEEKING LEAD AGENCY STATUS SP#61-2023 FWW 11-2023 SCHERMERHORN WHEREAS,the applicant proposes to construct a 41,201 sq.ft.footprint building for 76 units.An existing 3,200 sq.ft.building will remain as a maintenance building. The project includes site work for stormwater, landscaping, lighting and parking. Project work also includes demolition of some existing outbuildings with other outbuildings and existing house to remain unchanged. The project has work within 100 ft. of wetlands and is subject to a coordinated review with the Town Board for the extension of the sewer district. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040,179-5-100 and Chapter 94, site plan for a multifamily building in the Office zone and work within 100 ft.of wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Planning Board to review Environmental Lead Agency Request. WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury has determined to begin an environmental review process under the State Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA). WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury has identified the project to be an Unlisted action for purposes of SEQR review pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617. WHEREAS,the Planning Board is the agency most directly responsible for approving the action because of its responsibility for approving the land uses for the property. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby indicates its desire to be lead agency for SEQRA review of this action and authorizes and directs the Zoning Administrator to notify any other potentially involved agencies of such intent. That Part I of the SEQRA form will be sent to the appropriate agencies. MOTION TO SEEK LEAD AGENCY STATUS IN CONNECTION WITH 61-2023&z FRESHWATER WETLANDS 11-2023 SCHERMERHORN CONSTRUCTION,LLC.Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption,seconded by Nathan Etu. As per the draft resolution prepared by staff. Duly adopted this 19`h day of September 2023 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Longacker,Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-You're off to the races. MR. ZAPPER-Thanks,everybody. MR. TRAVER-Any other business before the Board this evening? Do you have anything,Laura? MRS. MOORE-So I just want to make sure everyone has their copy of the Tidal Wave information about the amendment that they did with the glass. MR. TRAVER-Yes. We're looking at that next week. MRS. MOORE-Yes, and I just want to make sure you understand. It's still clear glass. It's just less clear glass. MR. DEEB-It looked like a lot less. MRS. MOO RE-It's up to you,but I'm just saying we had a discussion. He used the word glazing, and I said sometimes glazing's referred to as a thing that covers glass so it's less,it's darker or less light,it's less clear, and he said,no,that's not the intent. MR. TRAVER-Do you anticipate that they'll have any visuals for us so that we can see? MRS. MOORE-I don't know,but I'll ask them again. MR. TRAVER-It sounds like it might be wise. So,thank you for that,Laura. If there's nothing else from the Board,we'll entertain a motion to adjourn. 15 (Queensbury Planning Board 09/19/2023) MR. DEEB-So moved. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19TI 2023,Introduced by David Deeb who moved for its adoption,seconded by Michael Dixon: Duly adopted this 19`h day of September,2023,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb,Mr. Dixon,Mr. Longacker, Mr. Stark,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Etu,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Magowan MR. TRAVER-We stand adjourned. Thank you,everyone. See you next Tuesday. On motion meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Stephen Traver,Chairman 16