1985-420 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 85_ 420 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK r w PERMISSION is hereby granted to Paul and Bonnie Aarons I� C � Pi OWNER of property located at - - - nt V Street, Road or Ave. 0j Sewage Alteration a Town the Ton of Queensbury, To Construct or place a 0 at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and :1 approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. h+ <T? 1 . OWNER'S Address is 73 01 Iguana Dr a-v e Sarasota , Florida 33583 ' s 0 r:3. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name Scott McLaughlin CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Star Route Glens Falls . New York �l 0 sw 4_ ARCHITECT'S Name (D L-' FMANS 'S Address 'c1 I- struction — (Please indicate by X) O F'• "J wood Frame 1 7 Masonry i I Steel 11 V+ Spacifiartiorts swage alteration per plans and application submitted _ m ( D 0 B. Proposed Use - Ft LQ fD Sewage system for dwelling . M 04 $ 10 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES August 7 19 $ 7 � (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must he made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Quaansbury before the expiration date.) 1� ri• Dated at the Town of Queensbury this ? tYi day of August 19 $ 5 a rt w rt for the Town of Queensbury H- SIGNED 13Y O Building and Zoning I nspecto -roWN C)F QUEENSeURY TOWN OF QLIEEA] SBURY � � � k � tip IE {� BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT V SEWAGF DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION `J Alf 1 . owner ' s Name /2 CIG Address Telephone Now z5ri'_.3� 2 . Property location re% 3 . Name of person or firm responsible for installing system Telephone No . ;r Address_ e-- e�-Y r cl WC 4 . Number of bedrooms ( residential buildings only ) 5 . Daily flow 1 aallons /day 6 . Septic tank capacity gallons 7 , Topography : flat , rolling , steep $ of slope ./G`l f 11 ' 4�1 80 Nature of soil and depth 96 if ground water , bedrock or impervious material is apparent at what depth does it begin? 67' ft • 10 . Percolation test : A is required B is not required C If required what is the rate r�c�. minutes/ inch 11 . Water supply : municipal , well , other 12 . 'Type of system proposed : drywell , the field , other Any contractor , corporation , individual , etc * engaged in the construction of a sanitary sewage disposal system who covers the same before inspection , does not have an approved permit , or varies from the approved application will be subject to a penalty of $ 250 as provid for in section 6 . 010 of the Queensbury Sanitary Sewage ordinance . Bate 's A!n ature of applicant On separate sheet of paper submit a diagram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions , including distance from any structure , distance from property line and domestic water supply , etc . Include all dimensions of the system itself . Form 3 - 82 � lotun of Queen -It BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Sox 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME c� LOCATIONY / PERMIT NO *q� � ��- DATE _ SOIL TYPE - sand ^ Loam - Clay Percolation Test Required? YES _ NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: ent h Absorption fieldr total l ^ Length of each trench Depth of trenches A Size of gravel, SEEPAGE PITS'(Number of) Size_ Gravel size ���- i2e —�Type PIPING : Bldg . to tank. Tank to disc . 'box Dist . boss to field/YES NO partial Opening$ sealed _ LO CATION/SEPARATIONS : ft. Foundation to tank tion at. Foundation to Aso ' ft. Absorption to lot line ft. Separation of pits PROPERTY (circle one) LOCATION Op SYSTEM ON Front - Rear ^ Lef t side - Right sideCOMMI - C - mar S SE APPROVED E NO Building I pector Ol/SS and vl \ Do o,tiw.�[Ac G,CouaD � Evrc., Cw✓E,t rite Fi tZo 4 "A all ro G re /2" o,- CtEAu Fict. B(/lLD/KG /�iaPE�. 4 4Z~1 1• ..0 . • � d d • 4 � � C � e •- 2y# ct o ss SECT/ow Al, 1-, S, S +e 3'� Low�C TNA�t LEAP E r Pueyrs o�— lt fo 1� 11 /250 GAtL.OAI f,ecc4sr cawea&rE sEor/C rAAIX a se e r e e v 110£eF0oeArep �l iE 540,09 SP�tE PiPE� lo' i, c.. C,G us,#E.D Sro er 2" Pve- FeR.cE ,NA/A/ PUMP P,,r 126LI 641. PRgcasr 6wc. rq,IK a N o rE.S Q DuPcEJC f�ur!/s .siV,ILt, �� Gaucos Maott GVE 4t/ZNN CAPi4atE C9f P!/MPilt16 30 600AI S VIP 'rD ROOF //.VQ, S yS r S-M O-AW & t 1,1,w NE *d AAtAf TO I'VA / C,f re AW is 410C o,or G c,4 D Pv M,o re Mawr oA•�t,ariws C owD1riory a . PvMP Pfr' .0'./Aq se ♦rso 6.y►6.- ?,AwAe >b J�iRo r�O 39'7�X s�E' CfrAG/ ry OWOAL A'*rc VA Ar • A: O'w"OVI"s o,t GtL�L T,t / a•ys P®���e 0 PoAtc6 AVAIAv .25%#,! L4- Re Z" PPO- .SD,G-Llr� 4V C oAmc*crops JWAtc oee;*o vvc *Nr d ''o DM. STo&es w�tw�•r �d "'l�Ef�r�V IN r/cC lam/CU> /41eeN ANA ZCPe-#CC' Ao*lrV 6.!,4,vvc,,4,t F<cc, CoNrt"rooe SIOWcC- cv`VeAr VAL Pwd-,er AWY ,4,cc-x w*eoce sae wA< e QV ry rde oF/� aiovev eoaeewritrvrt t✓�r�ia roo' se r-i�G' .��rza. 8� A0030 � Jv,+rex SOoeg Y, COe ^.cowo s e .*�E wee ,mac e4ow.a- w.*". srsrcAy. Q �� � R3 , 0 � s�'M v A4 S' -0rsrro4S1a FLo � — s BAW�lws dP /.ev 6 w -c 74V 6.r�/A44p � , A . 8 ® PeX e," . VAf A fre- • iu r1e.0 f/c," •4Ae e;W /s -,,30s evc. © A P�►�ND `'� Afl&. - 1,41-5 4,e 7 ec.¢rewoo s dP eoo e-. F �Iflzro cF) .3 EPr/L ?7' Aild G4.,o"A-c-/ ry .S*ow L e. ,Sc /z SD Geo e- e e•vS . � M,¢//,�+flG r�c.fcc� f�co•y ��ccc.�..�,ixr��c r c•�r o.� sas vcy �+.4r 81' - ✓�1tr ID vae,V v r v ea c, S. s�ics c��ss/ F/c.fr�oat ,6T r C.l�i4s �1if1.tic - .Sip sc ipv r45 r f' ,e. Buc.�y /? e- TC"S7' Not-C - r t-c Flzw AAa-AL ✓vcN aS r0,0sv/c. FIND s suo r C aQM, Af,*Nr 400 rs 20 "- yd ". r-we sowDY GoA � Sc/GNTGY =ItAf N (MorrtluG �rrAATs.) � 8 - 9G F / A/C SAS �Y GON�� F/rt �1, �✓++rC�t.. c CwCc. © rove- s / re- is jacar� , Bvvtt�c'xy GLAD/At T/cc, /oXO,oO.6ED SCIV 4d1C .d/SPO3,44 SYSTEM Foy ,8'PAAAti e L . 4.4"-Vs R r 94 - PwM /moo iar G 4 aws Irx c c s -793 - 6 L113 TOwAv o,r QvO-5cvfAWxr ,elz>aie 007q,0 Alego Yv.rolc .qua 4, /9BS