SEP-0448-2023 r SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Office Use Only 14.1 4 -1) A.IPPLICATJON Permit#: "OI 12) - 202,3 Town of( eensbur i. r L � �J �,r------- - •,; ► �,.. Permit Fee: C�y�� i JUL 9 �, �� I Invoice#: l ` L �` ' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NT 2 04 ✓� �� cw� J"' P:5181761-8256 www. ueen b r .n t Septic Variance. No (),�< mp, %.f TOWN OF OUEENSBURY ��7 �-4-. �� EUII-DING &CODES._ Flood Zone? Wetlands? No Reviewed By: i ' Project Location: 53 Birch Rd -Glen Lake -—0} o - 2-Q 3 Tax Map #: 289.13-1-31 -: RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes No 1980 or older 150 Installed? (choose one) I I IX 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No 1992-Present 110 3 110 330 Installed? (choose one) III 0 — ",T/G rifiv0 /Off/i , F� '®��r' PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography ■❑ Flat Rolling ❑ Steep Slope % Slope Soil Nature I•I Sand ❑ Loam ❑ Clay Other, explain: Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth? Domestic Water Supply Municipal ❑■ Well Lake (if well or lake, water supply from any septic system absorption is 100+ ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch (test to be completed by a licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM INFORMATION:Replacement septic tank at guest cottage above the garage Tank size -woo gallons (min. size 1,000 gallons, add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field w/#2 stone Total length ft.; Each Trench ft. Seepage Pit w/#3 stone How many: ; Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ; tank size ; # of tanks Septic Application Revised July 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Daphne Sanborn Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3106 Riverside Dr,Wantagh, NY 11793 Cell.Phone: (518)993-7008 Land Line: • Email: DDSBUG@AOL.com • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Daphne Sanborn Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3106 Riverside Dr,Wantagh, NY 11793 Cell Phone: (518)993-7008 Land Line: • Email: DDSBUG@AOL.com ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: Contact Name(s): IBS Septic&Drain Contractor Trade: Installation Mailing Address;C/S/Z: 2 Lower Warren St, Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: Land Line: (518)798-8194 Email: info@ibsseptic.com **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Engineer(s): Name(s): Huthins Engineering PLLC Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 169 Haviland Rd, Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: Land Line: (518)745-0307 Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Lucas W. Dobie, P.E. • Cell Phone: Land Line: (518)745-0307 Email: Iwdobie@hutchinsengineering.com Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: Daphne Sanborn Digitally signed by Daphne Sanborn 7/19/2023 SIGNATURE: Daphne Sanborn Date:2023.07.19 12:17:1B-04'00' - DATE: Septic Application • Revised July 2022 1 ) 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering PLLC Phone: (518)745-0307 Fax: (518)745-0308 July 24, 2023 Town of Queensbury Building Department Mr. Mark Smith 23 742 Bay Road JUL 25 mLi Queensbury, NY 12804l�E l' BLIRY TOWN OF Re: Daphne Sanborn BUILDING &CO _ Septic Tank Replacement 53 Birch.Road —Glen Lake -8/\qb- Tax Map#289.13-1-31 Dear Mr. Smith: As you will recall, we spoke last week regarding the septic tank replacement for the guest cottage at the referenced property and discussed the flood zone of Glen Lake with respect to the new tank placement. The new 1000-gal tank will be installed near Birch Road, southwest of the guest cottage/garage, in the yard area. Subsequently, we have researched the FEMA flood maps and Warren County GIS. The 100-year flood zone AE is delineated on GIS, at approximately 100-110-ft from the shoreline, without consideration of the site elevations. The FEMA flood map prescribes zone AE as elevation 404, which is attached for your reference. Based upon field investigations, USGS Topo mapping and Google Earth, the yard area elevation of where the new tank will be installed is approximately elevation 425. Assuming a 6-ft excavation depth for the tank, the bottom of the tank will be installed approximately 15-feet above the FEMA zone AE flood elevation, which is clearly above the zone AE flood elevation. Attached please find select site photos, the FEMA map and Google Streetview and Earth images. Please contact me with any questions that you may have, otherwise please contact me when the permit is available, thank you for your assistance with the project. FILE COPY Best regards, �pF NEW / J /+ yam.. . ®7. i1 Lucas W. Dobie, P.E. / y =$� rn Associate/Partner—Design Engineer 2, `� _� �' FO 096626 <<°� Cc: Daphne Sanborn �R°FESSl0ON- • t t' ter, ,, ti.. ,'G -...-::?.-1": ',-,- ..',.!'1,; / i 4 ,• 4. •s ce, �« 4 s a , ,mot '4 r•. ♦ ,y , 7 is fN r F .yr� "FI ' n ". Y ' 1.; eh.--6•" 4 i ›q1 ` T- .�"y !r am' , • +{^'i,,{trr ,.,...,. ,`" ti .s' ° '.'t r '"r •Pl • -. •tc C. 114, ro, y,,. ,.it -1. ✓!.¢•P' .wt 1°� iyr '� At y.�r• J• �""w` , L`��, i" 'N,v ,i` �Y ..•ii�' '.S r ..Y - 4+} .x"'1 ^tom 1. -144e i I.w. ,.,,, . .T.:„.., �,�' ,,.. om -,.. t +,„ l�.f �F ;.. l' •a♦ Q� -t t~ w:!'l .. y}3 ,4 _ 7r, 72 .mot-; . h' Jo _ai �- .'''" /.- `". -.: ��'N li 1.'" • .ham ``- !+,,*t' -t.., ,� ri. a i" r, .. 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Green: Blue: Black level: White level: Sharpen: Blur: Input size: Width: Height: Auto Width: Auto Length Output size: Width: Height: Auto Width: Auto Length Scale- Ualue: WM�� i'v NEW SEPTIC TANK TO BE CONNECTED TO VUSTING DRYWELL IN PARKING AREA PROPOSED IV PVC SDR-3S EFFLUENT SEWER, r PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE MaMNG METAL SEPTIC TANK Lands IF of TO BE REMOVED & REPLACED McPhillips Family Trust 289.13-1-25 Lands NIF of wo—posati'low GAL SINGLE PROPOSED 4w PVC SDR-35 David McGowan COMPARTMENT PRECAST GMAGE SEM& to PER 289-13-1-34 CONCRETE SEPTICTANK FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE NOTE-. NO WELLS ARE VISIBLE WrMIN 50-FT OF PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK FOR GUM COTTAGE G D Lands NIF of CA 100,Z Kenneth Searles GARAGE j 289.13-1-29 GUEST rajids of Daphne D. Sanborn COTTAGE WASTEWATER Lands NIF of 'NFO FROM Daviowan d McG 289.13-1-31 PLAN REFERENCE i. 0.27 Acres 289.13-1-30 < I Ir— I SHED 44�Nc I ' / ­1 0 fif -1 Z / / �i DECK 00TIM _01' NEIGHBORING RESIDENCE SM4 CK 3-BEDROOM HOUSE pasr.(NG WELL* uas,nnG i"TAN'K Lands NIF of AND "FLUIENT PUMP AA^o%,4^# ne OU-410" 289,13-1-32 DISTING GRINDER DECK PUMP TO REMAIN �V Lands IF of Gerald Dineen 14/ 289.13-1-33 Lands NIF of Peter Dineen .289.13-1-57 PLAN REFERENCE. 1. WASTEWATER LOCATION FOR LANDS NIF OF KENNETH SEARLES FROM "WASTEWATER REPLACEMENT SYSTEM PLAN PREPARED FOR KENNETH AND LEIGH SEARLES," DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2018. LAST REWSED DECEMBER 17, 2018. PREPARED By HUTCHINS ENGINEERING. PERMIT NUMBER. SEP07202018. MAP REFERENCE: BASE MAP INFORMATION FROM WARREN COUNTY GIS, AERIAL, PHOTOGRAPHY, AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS. THIS IS NOT A FED SURVEY. ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROMATE CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL SETBACKS PRIOR TO BEGWMWG INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR To nELo VMFY LOCATIONS AND &STANCES W IS 991 A FELD SURVEY. WASTEWATER SYSTEM SETBACK REQUIREMENTS PROPFJ? HOUSE 2.a LAKE IV WATER SUPPLY UK U-NE SEPTIC TAW 10' 10, 50' 50' 10' ABsoRP77oN FIELD lot 20' I 100' 100' i 10, 2023-09-29 13:04:00 ------------------------ _-------- tab: Setup tab: B&W Margins Printer: HP DesignJet T1790 Scanner: HP SD Pro 44-in Scanner (IP) CAD B&&W Top: O.Ocm Windows driver: Units of measure: Centimeters A &&W Threshold Bottom: 0-0cm HP DesignJet T1700dr PostScript Load: Center .1 Left: O.Ocn Printer profile: HP DesignJet T1700 About Right: 0.0cm Unprintable Area Product name: HP Scanner System Use Unprn. Area: Yes Top: 0.5cn Product version: 7.14 0 Print paper border: No Bottom: @.Scn Build: Build 95395 0 Print Quality: Left: U.Scn Component build: 95395 0 Scan DPI: 300 dpi Right: @.Scn Scanner nodel: HP So Pro 44-in Scanner (IP,, 255 PrintPrinter 300 dui Media width: 91.4cn Scanner firnware version:3-2-2-011 Off Ink Pr Original: DPI: Yes Media profile: 1100 Scanner firmware date: Nov 08 201712:35:45 0 Enhance Gray: No Roll: Auto Auto Descreening: NO Account: 90-lcm Layout: mot -Mal Scan jobs: 43.3cm Tiling / Paneling Print jobs: Yes Glue marks: No Copy jobs: Yes Width: 76-2cn Scan area: Auto Length: 127-0cm Print area: 90.1cm Overlap: 1.3cm Paper area: 43 .3cm Nesting Total Account: Total Yes optimized: No Scan jobs: 9010 Yes Spacing: 1.3cm Print jobs: 3 100% Copy jobs: 23 100.0 % Scan area: 3941.8888 sq.pi Print area: 9.8740 sq.n ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper area: 12.0584 sq.n -------------------------------------------- LLAKE i�ATER SUPPLY Septic Tank Reviacenvent Plan lot -- 20' Is qr@ghic Scale 20 0 10 20 40 80 114" PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE _4��PVC SCH-4-0 p) JUL W&I OF E3UILDIN1 UeE[VS[3'1a'1' SUGGESTM., POLYETHYLENE EXTENSION TO GRADE WTH TAMPER RESISTANT ACCESS COVER (NON-7RAFFIC AREAS) 12" MIN. COVER 1180 PER FOOT MIN. I SLOPE 4' PVC SCH-40 EFFLUENT SEWER TO EXIST DR"ELL WATERTIGHT SLEEVE 160 & SEAL (TYR) 40 PVC TEE INLET BAFFLE LIQUID DEPTH JO* MIN. 60" MAX MINIMUM 2X MDTH MAXIMUM 4X MD774 0 PROPOSED 1OOC GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK �qtic Tank Detail NTS T OWN OF QUEEINSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination, compliance. with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. 289.13-1-31 SEP-0448-2023 Sanborn, Daphne 53 Birch Rd Septic Alteration -- tank only rN D19 IFISafely. NeWPAYork iii Call Before You Dig H WAR The Required Time E Confirm Utility Response N Respect Tim Marks 0 Dig Wift Care 800-962-7962 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 71191202J vnimt.diventolynetwyork.com lam' Date SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT PLAN prepared for. Daphne D. Sanbom 53 Birch Road Town of Queensbury, County of WarTen, State of New York • Drawn: HK8 Checked: LKV--. Scale: NOTED, Date: 6 1212023 169 HaWitand Road IF Queensbury, NY 12804 11 292169-01 (518) 745-0307 Phone Hutchins En ineering PLLC (518) 9 745— 0308 Fox FE- TO EXISTING DRYWEL IN PARKING AREA, NEW CAST IRON FRAME & COVER TO GRADE WAS INSTALLED EW 4' PVC SCH-401 EFFLUENT SEWER EXISTING M Lands Of SEPTIC TANK & SEEP AGE N PIT WERE REMOVED McPhillips Famil Trust 289.13-1-25 Lands NIF of NEW 1000 GAL SINGLE COMPARTMENT PRECAST David McGowan CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 289.13-1-34 W 1(2) RISERS TO GRADE PARAGE SEWER NOTE: NO WELLS ARE owl VISIBLE WITHIN 50-FT OF SEPTIC TANK FOR - GUEST COTTAGE s -- I--- ------ A RC��o s. I Lands NIF of - roo_tA �� ' p - Kenneth Searles KESETBgCK _ 51 1 289.13-1-29 ------ > % o� GARAGE WITH Cands of Daphne D. Sanborn,' COTTAGE I WASTEWATER INFO FROM Lands NIF of 289.13-1-31 •' I ' PLAN REFERENCE 1. David McGowan 0.27 Acres 289.13-1-30 < AXIS I SHED ' ---- I �gRs�tic \ \ G�RIV /� \\ _---------- ------ - \ R�NcOUNTyOM \ \ ��� ?� F , i DECK \w: EXISTING ` ♦ S D GTS ♦ (T ��BqO,� ' �� I NEIGHBORING _ - ` SO RESIDENCE - t�ANKKE CK-- i 3-BEDROOM / ♦ ♦ HOUSE EXISTING ® WELL-+ EXISTING SEPTIC TAN Lands NIF of AND EFFLUENT PUMP ♦ / Susan Mondoux STATION TO REMAIN f ;�` \ �� I�l LAKE WATER SUPPLY 289.13-1-32 ,( PUMP TO REMAIN \�� ` ♦ i DECK / �� �y aye � � ♦ �� �� ' LAKE SHOIELINE i i 8 r Lands NIF of i i C Gerald Dineen W 289.13-1-33 ' Glen Lake , Lands NIF of , ®avid Doster Lands NIF of , ' ' Se p tic Tank Replacement Plan p 289.13-1-51 Peter Dineen , �� i f = 20' 289.13-1-57 Graphic Scale , 20 0 10 20 40 80 ' , ee0 PLAN REFERENCE: 1. W4S7EWATER LOCA71ON FOR LANDS NIF OF KENNETH SEARLES FROM "WASTEWATER REPLACEMENT SYSTEM PLAN PREPARED FOR KENNE7H AND LEIGH SEARLES," DATED NOVEMBER 6, 2018. LAST REVISED DECEMBER 17, 201& PREPARED BY HUTCHINS ENGINEERING. PERMIT NUMBER: SEP0720201 & MAP REFERENCE: BASE MAP INFORMATION FROM WARREN COUNTY GIS, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS. THIS IS NOT A FIELD SURVEY. ALL LOCA71ONS ARE APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL SETBACKS PRIOR TO BEGINNING INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES THIS IS NOT A FIELD SURVEY. WASTEWATER SYSTEM SETBACK REQUIREMENTS PROPERTY HOUSE GLEN LAKE WELL WA TER SUPPLY LINE LINE SEP71C TANK 10' 10' 50' 50' 10' ABSORPTION FIELD 10' 20' 1 100' 1 100' 10' 22 Site SUGGESTED: POLYETHYLENE EXTENSION TO GRADE WITH TAMPER RESISTANT ACCESS COVER (NON -TRAFFIC AREAS) 12" MIN. COVER 114" PER FOOT d. MIN. SLOPE 3" 4" PVC SCH-40 HOUSE SEWER LIQUID LEVEL WATERTIGHT SLEEVE 16" 18" & SEAL (TYP.) MIN. 4" PVC TEE INLET BAFFLE LIQUID DEPTH 30" MIN. 60" MAX. MINIMUM 2X WIDTH MAXIMUM 4X WIDTH ° d PROPOSED 1000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK Septic Tank Detail wwwi.iwr w�wr 16%P%,U1LIV/■ ■-RUE 4" PVC TEE OUTLET BAFFLE 118" PER FOOT MIN. SLOPE 4" PVC SCH-40 EFFLUENT SEWER TO EXIST. DRYWELL a ° . ° imnn C E o d E ECORD DRAWING ALLATIDN DATE: 9126-2812023 SEP 2 9'T E BY - IBS SEPTIC & DRAIN SERVICE TOWN OF QUEE Y BUILDING & E D DRAWING NOTE: A REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR OFFICE WSI7ED THE SI7E DURING CONSTRUCTION AND IT IS MY OPINION THAT THE SYSTEM IS INSTALLED IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WI7H THE APPROVED PLAN AND 7NIS RECORD DRAWING. FINAL SURFACE FINISHING AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT IS ONGOING. LUCAS W. DOBIE, P.E. 912912023 TAX MAP # 289. 1 3-1-31 Dig PSafely NewpYork 19 Call Before You Dig EM Wait The Required Time 19 Confirm Utility Response EI Respect The Marks M Dig With Care 1 RECORD DRAWING 9/29/2023 800.962-7962 0 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 711912023 www.digisafelynewyork.com No. Revisions Date NEW SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT PLAN prepared for: Daphne D. Sanborn 53 Birch Road Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York 09662� k�c� .00. 5Si 0 Drawn: HKB Checked. LIND Scale: NOTED Date: 611212023 169 Haviland Road ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUME XCE i Queensbury, NY 12804 292169-01 A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A (518) 745-0307 Phone VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. Hutchins Engineering PLLC (518) 745-0308 Fax