1985-512 Aviation Mall New Hours BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 85_ 512 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ` oe ER ISSION hereby 1 Aviation Mall Merchants Association ,n PERFJFI5SI(7N is hereby granted to rt lessees 6� Aviation Mall , Aviation Road O X *W of property located at Street, Road or Ave. lJ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Temp Signs ( 2 ) W at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and F~ approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. [U t. OWNER'S Address is Pyramid Company of Glens Falls n" Aviation Mall Glens Falls , New York rt In 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LCER'S Name ep, rn 0 n H- 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Iy N• 0 4. ARCHITECT'S Name C r- 0) 5_ A R CH tTECTS Address rt H• 0 W 6. TYPE of Construction — {Please indicate by X) F-+ y { ) Wood Frame I ) Masonry { 1 Steel { } C H- 7. PLANS and Specifications $ 1x4 ' signs - one located near FrIendlyrs Prt I) No. and one near the other Mall entrance per plot and HM application submitted . ::5 8. Proposed use COPY : NEW MALL HOURS AT AVIATION MALL !;a 0 NOW 9 : 3 0 A . M . to 9 : 3 0 P . M. ¢ Advertising Daily SUN * noon to 5 : 00 P . M . AY $ 25 . 00 Deposit October 4 1495 $ 9 V; fSft PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES {If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_} 9 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this l l t h Day of Sept ` 1985 ` 1!I SIGNED BY _ for the Town of Queensbury � Building and Zoning Inspector h.} TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ���� �F QUEENSSURY IEGEIVE APPLICATION FOR SIGN PERMIT SEP 9 ' f c ' Application for a sign permit shall be submitted to the B xt213141 . P.M Inspector in duplicate 516 in ink or typewritten . ` ' THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REQUIRED ; ( 1 ) Detailed drawing or plan , to scale , showing the area ( size ) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign ( 2 ) Plot plan showing it ' s relation to nearby buildings , structures , lot boundaries and any private or public streets or highways ( 3 ) Written consent of the owner of the building or land . All signs must have name plate attached giving sign permit number and name and address of owner . 1 . OWNER OF THE PROPERTY Pyramid Company of Glens Falls 2 . ADDRESS Aviation Mall , Glens Fallsi NY TELEPHONE NO . 793 8818 3 . NAME OF APPLICANT Aviation Mall Merchants Association 4 . ADDRESS Aviation Mall , Glens Falls- ,_ _NY TELEPHONE NO * �793 - 551 6 5 . LOCATION OF STRUCTURE OR LAND OF PROPOSED SIGN Aviation Road 6 . SIZE OF THE SIGN ( Width ) 8 Ft . ( Length ) - --------- _Ft 4� 7 . If the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feet of each face Sq . Ft . 8 . If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate box : Internal ( ) : External { ) , Incandescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other ( ) All illuminated signs shall be inspected and certified by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters . 9 . Type of material used for construction of Sign. Plywood 10 . I£ the Sign is to be attached to a building , please describe where on the building the Sign is to be located and the distance from wall 11 . Remarks or other information There will b near Friendly ' s one near the other Mall entrance ' both will be in the same location as the Center Colonnade signs . August 15 , 1985 �. gnatume o app c n n ica e Date if owner , Contrac o Agen 4i4adon PYRAMID COMPANY OF GLENS FALLS To Whom It May Concern : The Aviation Mall Merchants Association has the permission to use the areas designated on the sign permit to post two ( 2 ) signs designating new mall hour A ;44 P Michael Campbefll , Ma7ll Manager AVIATION ROAD * GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK 12" a (518) 793-8818 4� 4a Y 1 � _ 1 i H d H Circe __ MOO 0, 1 d MATION MALL- SI'TE PLAN TWi rMAW CoMpOIs MWrrT, NEW YM GI.Et1S MIS iV YM » @Von , ' s 04DP(mimocibt 30 4ee from Avian + cam 4W