1985-501 Lithochrome Graphics BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 85_ 501 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YOiRK MID 5 PERMISSION is hereby granted to Lithochrome Graphics lessee �-V3 C¢rAlieawof property located at Mark Plaza , Quaker Road Street, Road or Ave_ L-' Y- in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Wa11 Szgn O at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and � approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ 4 1 . OwNE R'S Address is Al $oyc huc k Quaker Road a Glens Falls , N . Y . w 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name F'• North Country Signs in 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Corinth Road Glens Fallsr New York 4. ARCHITECT'S Name FS Fi N 5. ARCHITECT'S Address N I i0 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) , fD [ } wood Frame ; I Masonry ; } Steel O 7. PLANS and Specifications W 3 ' xl2 ' per sketch and application subm ±tted CL No. COPY : LITHOCHROME GRAPHICS B. Proposed Use Advertising w F- I—� $ 15 _ 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES April 1 19 86 rn F+- (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the LQ town of Queenshury before the expiration date_) 'O Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 6-Lb Day of 19_8.5; SIGNED BY " a_ , for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning lnspectorJ #��_J " TOWN OF QUE�ENSiBURY TOWN 4F Qi.IEENsrsURY � 0E0VEMn 3 APPLICATU N FOR. SIGN PERMIT nu. 71819 11213) . . Application for a sign ppesmit shall, be submitted to the Du L4 Inspector in dupl3csto in ink or typewritten . THE FOLLOW M INFORMATION RHQUJIRED s ( 1 ) Detailed drawing or plan , to scams ., showing the area ( s :e) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign ( 2) Plot plan showering it* s relation to nearby buildings , structures , 1st boundaries and any private or public streets or highways ( 3 ) Written consent of the owner of the building or land , m aws► angdsamust have am orplot* attached giving sign permit number and 1 . CINNER OF THE PROPERTY' .� 'L 13r As;;� C 2. ADCOU388 ..Qri�.�„ 4 X? L _ ...r,..._^. TELEPHONE NO. 3. NAME OF 4 . ADDRESS wjgal �r1t !7 . TELEPHONE NO . '� /�y'�13 T 1 r�rr r�yp �i T/�� /J-- - --- J . LOCATION O �' URE OR LAND O t� OPOSED - n7147Rf fi . SIZE OF THE SIGN (Width ) 3 Ft . ( Length ) 7 . If the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feet of each face Sq: Pt . S . If the Sign is to be Illuminated phase check appropriate box : Internal V) , External ( ) , Incandescent ( ) . Neon ( 3 . Other ( ) All Illuminated signs shall be -inspected and certified by the New York Hoard of Fire Underwriters . 9 . Type of material used for construction of Sign P f%qS rrS.. 10 . If the Sign is to be attached to a building , please describe where on the building the Sign is to be located and the distance from wall 11 . Remarks or other Information c?t -.^ -e G r-xA© Ji- rc�s i 3P zxftiLea Date if owner, retractor r Agent Electric Signs Free Estimates Neon Signs Plastic - Metal Raised Letters N0RTH C OLINTER Y SIGNS Box 435 Corinth Road Sales & Service Glens Falls , NY 12801 ( 518 ) 792 - 0112 s _ 3 Il j . 1 {