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L t i f CERTIFICATE Or' OCCUPANCY TOWN OF rQUEENSBURY I i WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date i rt,: z; 19 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit ?tiro. n has been completed. , Mn h This structure may be occupied as a r "" T z s'F' T:T I r? Location i CI T' 2 PTT'L II �F�y£?1�1i 1-i' p FULL P-> T17F Qwner I'. ILT r. .ND JACK11" T,FT' f ' By Order Town Board TOWN OF QQUEENSBURY , Building Qf Zoning Inspector CRVAN IVZ 'IM5TM1 PRINTING GLEM3 FALL%. N V 12d01 111007!3-3036 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 85-488 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YOR K PERMISSION is hereby granted to Bill and Jaddle Leuth OWNER of property located at _ L� Su t ter nu t Hill Dr iy d Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a one—Family Dya_ 3.l ileg BHP at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. d . OWNER•SAddressis Clifton Park , N . Y . C4 w h r.• 2. CONTRACTOR or SUd LDER S Name '@ Valente Builders r~ Q 0 cot 3. CONTRACTOR or GUILDERS Address 60 Sweet Road Glens Fails , New York 4. ARCHITECT'S Name t-� D rt. S. A R CH ITECT"S Address Z.FI C roll ft (D B_ TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by Xi ri (30 Wood Frame { 1 Masonry I ) steel ( Y s-r 77 PLANS and Specifications 761x54 ' per plot plan , specifications and applicatio F No. submitted including two-car attached garage and Cy sewage system . 8. Proposed Use (U One-Family Dwelling $ 5 . 00 CIO Paid p $ 157 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES April 1 fg 86 III a lorow period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the l town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Cu Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 4th Day of Sept . i9 8 � r~•���, �q� �C SIGNED BY / P s e�+ +L 1 for the Town of Queensbury d Building and Zoning Inspect N TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Space inside block to lx• tilled ist ht WARREN CGrUjrNTY. r�NE/�Wr YORK Building 11.1"O iol.) PPlication for ,71j)j Tl1[-JliUt4 d0. I4 l'c�I srr n i s.uclxi BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT l'+ -e I„ if r.xl,irvs . I `` THREE ( 3 ) Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale \ i 'I " , +1 ,•el by showing the actual dimensjons of the lo+ to be builtupon, The exact sizea and location on the lot of the . . . . . . . building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION, / - 5J - � . . . . . . .E����/ TC'1111!"� AM IV F OF QUEEN5�L3R`r' DATE es aU A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK � � U 1985 ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING, pE7 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following work Aoim;' which will be done in accordence with the description, plans and specifr- 71819p '�, 112131411 16 cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on +he permit. The owner of /this property �is:/ fNA'r,F� . . . . . . . . - - C . . . . . . I O . ADDRESS$ The person resL3onsibie for supervision of the work insofar as the BuitclingCodeLnd the Zonin, Ordinna_nce aAply is, '1 . �'�,!f..? l Ss:�-•. _ .4' I ,((NAME) Name of Builder . . . ( J 1 :. . ' .L c t S cs 3 . . . . . . Address _ . . 4a. . C� _ - '. C t.? C .sr. .dt'. .� . . cf� . . . �. : . r� . . . .Q l . . . Address Name of Plumber . . '. rr t f Name of Mason . . . . t. - . . . . . } i)t^w' .�":L L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . Lot Number . , ,; . . . Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated value of proposed work S f. . Nance of Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ., . _ . . . Name of Street , . . . ��" " c „�ye .^' . . . Side of street: north kV. east ❑ . south 0 . west ' , Nearest Cross Street s• . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distance from this cross street . . . . `e' } . . r. , . . . . . . . Ft+ Property is north ❑ , south ❑ , east 4K, west ❑ from Cross Street If on Corner, which corner, northeast P. northwest ❑ , southeast ❑ . southwest (Designate by marking with an "X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY Construction of a new building. Main Sttling Mr 0 Addition to a building. One-Family dwelling tti Q Alteration to a building. Two family dwelling 0 Demolition of a building. -family apartment house � Store building "tom--. . -car attached garage � Other: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessory Building One-car detached garage 0 Other work. Describe: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two-car detached garage � Private chicken house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private storage building . . . . . . . Other: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for new building, or addition to existing building, or a change of occupancy. Indicate on the plot plan street names, the location and i size of the property, the location. size and setbacks of pro- NORTH 4[� posed buildings, and the location of all existing buildings. �J Show proposed building(s) in dotted line and existing r huilding(s) in solid line. cec . . . , Size of property . . . �,a�.' .� . , . . . ft. x ft. Size and use of existing buildings, if any . . . . . . .". . . . . . Size of proposed building . . . .� . . . ft. x . .3 . . . . . ft. Height (from grade to ridge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ft. Front yard . . . . . . . . . 1q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft. Side yards . . . . . , - :�A4 ? _ . . ft, and . . .`:? . . . . . . . . ft, r Rear yard . . . _ . . . , , . . ya. L> , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.„ ft. SOUTH If on corner, setback from side street '.0. . . . . _ , ft. Note: All distances are net, as measured from street side ` line to nearest part of building. (OVER) 7 �ry &M 3 + (cont'd. ) BUILDING SPECIFICATIGINS., Kind of construction: Wood frame, fire safe, etc.? . . . . Will any second-hand lumber be used? . . . �J C? . . . . - I fjso, for what? . . . . . . . Material of foundation walls . . . . . . . f �?. " � �^ ' . . - - . - • . . . . . . . . . . . . Thicknessat Depth of foundation walls below grade . . . . - . . '0 . . . . . - . . - . - . - . . . . Contin ous foundation? c Zr. Will there be a cellar? . . . . G-�- - - - - - If so, material of cellar floor . . . . . .�-:'c' ^"C!t__' . . . . . . . . . . Type of roof: Sloped or flat? . . eV Material of rcy€rf . . . . . . . ,eoe a 2. Size, wood studs . . . . . . , _.� . . . . . . . . . . " x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", spacing . , . . . l . . . . . ."o.c., length . _ . . aA r. . . . . ft. Size, floor beams, Ist floor " x . . . . . f. . . . . . . "% spacing . . . , . /.. . . . - . ^o.c-, span . . . /" .05 � , , , . . ft. Size, floor beams, 2nd floor . - - - . - `� . . . . . . . . . . . , '", spacing . _ . . . _ . . . o.c., span . . . . . . . . Size, ceiling beams - - . - . . . . . . , x . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ", spacing . . . /�.b� o.c., span _ . . . . ft. Site, roof rafters or beams . .MP;5�. . . . . . , . " x . . . . . . . . . . . "', spacing . , . �:r . t . . , - "o.c., span . . . e''`cam' - . . . . . , ft. Exterior finish . . . . . . . . ! `•' . . . . �. . �? C. . • . . . .. With what material? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finish of interior walls . . . . . . . . . � . . . P..0004. . . . �� . w .4 - "!�. : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . - . . . If garage is to be attached, of wha�eet material is wall be e n ga tr ge and ain bui ling to be consucted? Is there to be an opening e5n gytrage and 'Iding? , . , . . , . . . ,!"�` �? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kind of heating system , , . - " . L A-+. �1 -. . . . . . . . . . . . Oil burner or coal? . . , . . Will a flue-lined chimney be provided? . N/ &# � . . . . Depth of chimney foundation below grade . . . . r. . . . . . . . . Height of chimney above roof . . , . � 4^? . .`! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will there be a fireplace? . . . . �r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depth of fireplace hearth , . , e�' �, , . . . . _ _ . . , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . Will a toilet be installed? . w . . . . , . .Y. � S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will a kitchen sink he installed and connected to water supply? . . . _ , .ti/ isr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water supply (public water supply or pump) . - . . / , . . . . . . . . . Distance of cesspool from any private well . . . . . . . . . . . /Z P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps, cleanouts, and vents? Town of Queenshury AFFIDAVIT County of Warren State of New York I swear that to n: yr;r of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the pAs u■ and specifications sub- mitted, area true and axr.x. fete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described prettuses and that all sauna of the BUILD- ING CODE, THE ZONIN� ORDINANCE. and all other laws pertaining to the work-el co plied with bother speed or noL and that such work is authorized by the owner. c Sworn to before me this Signature . . . . . . . . G`f r . .. ow SNER. UWH " AG EIJT, ARCHI7£C GON7RACTUR day of. 14. . . . . . NOTARY PUaLIC. WARREN COUNTY, N_ Y. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: By --- - -- -- --- ---- ---- .. .,... . . . .. . . . . . . .... .. .. .. . . .--. . . .. .... . . . ... .. _.. . _ ... ., .--. . . . . .. . ... _ ------ f TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : 1 . Gross floor area 2 . Type of heat ` T� G.e3 e"1!5 ..J 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors A . Over 16 % only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES No a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? 3 . Slab on grade YES a . If YES, , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floov ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES L NO a . R value of insulation 5 . Type of insulation B . Under 16 % Only 1 . R value of roc anj floors exposed to ambient conditions. 2 . R value of exterior walls ( ? 3 . R value of glazed area C ? •' 4 . R value of doors 12 ! � ( 4 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces --- 60 � R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 8 . R value of heatta basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 9 . R value of heated basement /cellar walls ( below grade ) 140 Type of insulation / (a4 -4F� C , Controls d 6 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting S"-+CJ Do Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YX NO a . If YES , R value of duct installation _ b . R value of duct in other areas all rjR; V E . Piping insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying gent pipe- A) lel 2 . R value of pipe insulation F . Service Water Heating 1 . Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature control setting maximuni. Ze b G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No . ?� ''� w ( applicant ' s signature ) r TOWN OF QUEE'NSBURY BUILDING ZONING DEPARTMENT SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION l . Owner " s Name 46 ~4f toil. Address -> /i' x Telephone^ No . 2 . Property location �� :+�t,� .j2� / :;7�' 3 . Name of person or firm responsible for installing system P---v t:z- ] ,/�� Telephone No .,�a '`% �/ :dam 3 7 s1r Address d 4Z-CAz `' �x � o"' l� cs S vl . 4 . Number of bedrooms ( residential buildings only ) 5 . Daily flow gallons/day 6 . Septic tank capacity.-- /� a-n---o gallons ? . Topography : flat , rollin._q,,,. ' steep $ of slope 8 . Nature of sail and depth - '-f 9 . If ground water , bedrock or impervious material is apparent at what depth does it begin? ft . 10 . Percolation test : A is required B is not required. C If required what is the rate minutes/inch 11 . Water supply : municipal , well other 12 . Type of system proposed : drywell , ti.le fie , other, Any contractor , corporation , individual , etc . engaged in the construction of a sanitary sewage disposal system who covers the same before inspection , does not have an approved permit , or varies from the approved application will be subject to a penalty of $ 250 as provi bd for in Section 6 . 010 of the Queensbury. Sanitary Sewage Ordinance . DateZ16) signatures_ o app]. zcant On separate sheet of paper submit a diagram of the proposed septic system with all dimensions , including distance from any structure , distance from property line and domestic water supply , etc . Include all dimensions of the system itself . r Form 3 - 8 2 + , . 4001442 THE NEW OR.K BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS '" { BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 1 dlm 41 STATE STREET, ALBANY. NEW YORK 1220.7 Date March6 6 F 1986 Application No. on file w 655643 THIS CERTIFIES THAT 101381 - 85 M only the electrical equipm d ent as described below and introduced by the applicant nomad an the above application »umber in the prenalaee off/' William Lueth , Butternut Hill Road , Glensfalls New York its thefollowinalocation; IN Basemuent © ]atFl. ❑ $nd FT. DutsxWe Section Block Lot L2 was examined on I and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FI%T1ME R%TUBES RANGES1:1710tSIN0 DECKS OPENS DISH W'ASIiERS E%ffAUST PANS g ,WMTS FTACLRS (WITCHES INCANOESCtNT FY�us�ccrtMI "V"AW AMt- K.W. AMT. K. W. AMT. H. P. i DRYERS FURNACE l�AOTC'lRSi RiTURE AFMJANCE FREDRRS SPECIAL REC'FT TIME CLOCKS BaL UNIT HEATERS MULTI-OUTLET DIMMERS AMT- K. W. CAL H. P. GAS H. P. AMt, NG. A. W. G. AMP, AMP. AMT. AMPS. TRANS. AMT- H. P. NO. FT AMT. WAM 1R nge 6 SERVICE DISCONNECT No,OF E R V I C E AMT. AMP- TMPE METER f Jr 7W 7 .I 3W 8 ,I ]W S 4W NO. of CC. CONM A. W. G. MM OF Hi-"G F W. E0 NO. CK FIlUMALS iR.W. G. TR lQLR►. PER X OF C.C. LbNp. OF HI•lEG OF ta41TRAl 1 20 CB 1 x 1 4 / 0 1 2 0 OTHER A"ARATLtS; Electric HEaaters ; 3 - 2 . Okw I -GFCI 4 - 1 ' 5kw 1 - Smoke Detector s 2 - 1 . Okw 2 - . 75kw 1 - . 5kw 39 Edleiitcdd LaGoy a, 2 ---� 1�`'�`� Trout Lake Road 239 L2 i Bolton Landing , New York , 12814 BRANCH MANAGOR ' Per This certificate must not be altered in any manner, return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. COPY FOR. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY Of CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. TOWN OF C PJEENSBURY Building Department Inca Reportnest _ ,211s'f� Names A r4r» r-Y4- i.oMcatioia l i cr r-,-rwz d13 .r r e- c e_. ... �_, ,,..P''ermit. No. J s - +A SPA, Weather ••.••••• Renraarks E'xca,tYa tson rooting Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat water roofin ,HacJcfi I l Final Survey. . Franin sheathing Roof Felt Roofing Siding masonry Veneer Rough Pl Relief Valves wall Boaxd Ext . Porches ol— PA.d.r-&Z) F Finished Floor cd Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors Plbg , Fixtures tJ Gar. Fire roofin Door Closers Chi,mne? Water Meter Inst . Septic AEproval Floors Insulation Foundation walls 'S AjO Kb- I0417�cXD►t 014e' Ceiling ___T................................_. _ ti BuildildffT I spbctor RSA A KS 12 +�'-; �_ i9o ,Zc 11-6-.S ArFitcff L 014 rO r � z:7 C /b TOWN OF - QUEENSBURY Building- Depa►rtt=ent Inq"Ictors Report 4' Nsm�e Location Permit No 5- Remarks Excaf7'a t can Footing Forms Fcx>ting & Piers Foundation current coat Water xvxyfin sackful Final Surve Fraa+i shea thin Roof Felt aoofflngr SldIn Masonry Veneer or Rough PZ Relief Valves Wall Board Sxt . Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors Plbqm Fixtures IN Gar . Fireproofing,. Door Closers chiimne Water Meter Inst . Septic ApprOVal Floors Foundation Insulatlon wails _ Cei1i uildin Inspector ,REMARKS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Suilcums Departmsot Na LoMUM P==& No. Q 5- + - wertlsa�r Remarks ExcatYa is on Foot ' Forms Footin & Piers FounoTa tion Cement Coat Dater roo€in a�.Gx€ill Final Survey Framing Shea thin Roof Felt Roo€in Sliding Masonr Veneer Rough Pl Relief Valves Wall Board Ext .. Porches Finished Floor SnteS'ior Trim MIMIStairs & Railings Cellar Dra Tile Concrete Floors Pl F , Fixtures Gar . Fire roof.in Door Closers Chimne water Meter Znst . Se tic A royal Floors Foundation ' Xnsulatian walls all ` ng Inspector REMARKS i RY G-L- TOWN OF QUEEMSOI3 i Building Department a —.. Iw*wC6w& Date Naa i.ocatsao vr- 14-14 i Pereniat No. �„a ,� weather Remarks Bxc"a tIon Footln Forms Footin 1G Piers Foundation Cement Coat Water roofin Backfilx Final Surve FrI She thin Roof Felt Roo fin Siding Masonr Veneer Rou h Pl Relief Vaxves Wail Board Ext . Porches Finished Floor Interior !"rim Stairs Railin s Cex Iar Dr . Tile Concrete Floors P r . Fixtures Gar - Fire roofin Door Closers Chirm�e water Meter Inst. Septic A roval Flooro --- Foundation Insulation waalxs - Ceilin A Building Inspector REMARKS I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department 1ospectwo Rgport Date S.-r Name 1a49Mtioa rz Lcq- V P c No C7 ,d�C Remarks ExcatYa tion Faotin Forms Footin & PierS Foundation Cement Coat Water root-in Ba.c)tfi I I Final Serve Framin Sheathing Roof Fel t Roofin Siding masonry Veneer RoU4qh P3 Relief Valves Wall Board Ext . porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs + Ra%lin s Cellar Dr , Tile Concrete Fl00rs Pl Fixtures Gar _ Fire r in Door Closer Chiome Water Meter Inst . Se tic A royal Floors Foundation Insulation Walls _.. _._ .. Ceilin U.L3ding Trxspector REMARKS i Valente Builders , Inc . - - w Route 9N Pride and Workmanship is Lake Luzerne , N .Y . 12846 the Foundation of Our Homes Phone ( 518) 696- 2689 If C7 VC1 t � r M1 y I c� �". 7 Wn 01QUe4en.4Z QUEENSBUKY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Y'Q-t SAY AT HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSSURY, NEW YORK , 12801 TELEPHONE : (518) 792-5832 RE : Bill and Jackie Leuth Residence Lot 2 Butternut Hill Drive Bullding Permit No . 85-488 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : TWO SLIDING DOORS ON THE UPPER LEVEL , NORTH SIDE OF THIS DWELLING DO NOT CONFORM TO PART 765 . 1B OF THE NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM CODE : AS REGARDS SAFE CONTINUOUS EXIT , CONFORMING EXITS ARE PLANNED AS SOON AS WEATHER PERMITS . THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHALL ASSUME NO LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE USE OF THESE EXITS . I , THE HOMEOWNER , ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY THAT MIGHT ARISE FROM THE USE OF SAID EXITS . „/Sl atu,re Homeowner DATE 2 /f X-0�z SETTLED 1763 . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . , . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE l DESIGN DATA; M&MAMW DATA SOIL PROFILE: N W Dept soils Perc. 4 1. 0 ,811 Topsoil -Loam 5 min yea SOIL 6 FEF=L.ATX0,N DATA 8-4211 Fine sand-Lrxm' 2 0-71' Topsoil -Loom 8 min 7-161, Fin* sand -loom WATER TABLE: jf• 3011 of ground smuface t0 below 6W 16-261, Silt -Loam • 26-4811 Firs* sand -Loam water at 3011, PERCOLATION RATE: from 2 min to 20 min for Lot# see' list to riglr e`� 3 0-2Topsoil-Loam. 3 min SEWAGE D I SPO8AL: 8-4211 Fine slid -Loam 2.4 MIN* SOIL = GALS/SF/OA it 0-10i1 Topsoil -Loom FOR TILE FIELDS:> 2i-30 0.8. 10-481, Fine sand -,Loam NO. BEDROOMS TOTAL FLOW SEPTIC TANKS TILE FIELDS °i 0-91, Silt �'IORt)1 MIN, GALS USED TOTAL NO* LF 9-18j1 Fin!! sand 2 300 500 750 63 1f 2-32 if a 18-34t, Silt -Clay 3 450 600 750 94 If 3-32 If ' I; 34-50'I Fine sand -Loam ri 3. 4 600 750 1000 125 if 4-32 If E" E 9-18" Silt-LoamLn VI 5 750 1000 1000157 If 5-32 If 18-600 Fine sand -Loam 70-9" Loam 2. i 9-50t1 Fine sand -Loam N 72 iBR 75 If 2-38 if 0 59 if 2-30 if „ 0-$ Loam 3]IR 112 if 3-38 if • W 88 If 3-30 If .0 k 8-48t1 Fine sand -Loom 41 #BR 150 if 4-38 if - 118 if 4-30 if 0 - p. 0-10" Loan 5BR 187 If 5-38 If`D 04 147 if 5-30 if 00 ` 10-48" Fine sand-Lodlll ping ot •3W 10 0-91, Silt -Loam ld sly -2BR 77 if 2-40 if r u 125 if 2-64 If °4- ' W w •ri 9r~ 9-3211 Sand -Loam •: j °� o g 116 If 3-40 if s~ 188 if 3-64 if v 32-48'1 Sand wu** 1�ng at 4011 a n o to ++ }� . �JQR 154 if 4-40 if - 250 l-f 4-64 If e�i �' "� "' I3; 0-711 Loam 3� : � SBLt 193 If 5-40 If -4 m 313 if 5-64 if N 7-48" Fine sand -Loam Lot # 5. thru 11 = 0-5 min .14 thru 29 0-5 min 111 111*, 1.4 g� ` ," V%t* SPEC IF I CAT IONS: 28 thru 41 toot # 1 tl.,ru 4 = 6-7 thin mail *t2.0 g1s 11 -1 "te / s•83'4� � WATER SUPPLY: INDIVIDUAL -PRIVATE TYPE /��•��' L&tt #26 41 27 - 8-10, min aoil at 1.7 g/f11 ill�t'te WELL SUPPLY. 6" DIA. SIZE DRIVEN &/OR DRILLED WELL CASED IN SOILS GROUTED & SEALED AT JUNCTION OF 40tr #lL thru 1` - 1I-I5 gain soil at 1.3 ft CASING WITH LEDGE & DRILLED PORTION• Loot �#11 and IS - 21-30 n soil at .0.8 � �'< MINIMUM CAPACITY 5 GPM. w1cu. ✓zr" I- ACE&- SANITARY SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL -PRIVATE TYPE I.2(o8P MS SEPTIC TANK: '7510 & I000 GALLON CAPACITYS BUILT-IN / PLACE TYPE OR PRECAST CONCRETE TYPE AS MFGRD BY / THE FORT MILLER CO.. OR EQUAL• I DISTRIBUTION BOXES: BUILT-IN PLACE TYPE OR PRECAST _0 CONCRETE TYPE 1A, AS MFGRD BY THE FORT MILLER CO., OR EQUALS SEWER PIPE: BITUMINOUS -FIBER TYPE'AS MFGRD BY ORANGEBURG OR EQUAL, HOUSE TO SEPTIC TANK- 411 DIA• BIT -FIB PIPE AT 1/4"/FT PITCH, MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK TO DISPOSAL- 4" DIA. BIT -FIB PIPE AT GF 1/9"/FT PITCH, MINIMUM TILE FIELDS- 411 DIA• PERFORATED BIT -FIB PIPE AT 1/16"/FT PITCHI MAXIMUM STONE/GRAVEL: WELL WASHED AND WELL GRADED ROB GRAVEL OR # 3 CRUSHED STONE. NOTE: LEACH PIT TYPE DISPOSAL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR E7 ANY HOMES OR HOUSINGS FINANCED BY THE: FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION (FHA). ALL DESIGN AND DATA TO REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH$ STANDARDS FOR WASTE TREATMENT WORKSs BULLETIN I, PART Ills INDIVIDUAL WATER O_R HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS (CURRENT EDITION). : 'UNTREATEDSELECT FILL : .G 01 WATER OR LEDGE BASEMENT OR P 1 T 41-611 MIN* 3AN•PITLLEESS TO USER WELL AD PTER UNION SEAL O11 MIN. 6" WELL 151 MIN.TO HWY BDY� WATER TABLE VARI S 151 IN. DEEP -WELL JETS FOOT -VALVE & STRAINER OR SUBM. PUMP. TYP I CAL 6-INCH WELL NTS Op 1 SP r 00 IAOUNO FOR CO SETTLEMENT 19"-3011 24" tool a N PREFERRED 'VA 0 Z ZA 436, 51-011 WIDTH Tp NEXT TRENCH CROSS -.?,SECTION TYPICAL TILE FIElD NTS At. 7/ is w �- N' f54 O S w ��Q �,v-I. v 1�° w�F 4vr 4 E` `ENc r 1.1• tS 7 G 7 w 4M• 'tip 54=o u7Y-jt Q°5 5 77',51'3.-•E INLET F� s.85 35 3,..E a.. 4.63.84 j / 04.6 )� BAFFLE (' OUTLE OUTLET N / / o w TYP I CAL 0 Y OUTLETS PLAN t / N Ak jrDISTRIBUTION _ a f .000 , \ REMOVABLE COVER O / (e y2a BAFFLE 80X NTS i 2 tt N 80� 3 2' 3e'w OUTLET / 215` 1" SECTION i w M �, ° p �Ja1 4I PKt �, ROUND ry j "1 MANHOLE 1211 IN REMO ' " V BLE COVER .Ay 84' D� V. SEAL i I 1 EAL ^:. ^-EAL „tit' 113.1 S • '►•cs � --a. • 1 ; ' , _� INLET": I i LLEUEL OUTLET e V SAN.TEE a..3 8 �.. LcS477 i3' 3a•w t i 1 n N' SAN.TEE 1�711 '' �•'�%'�!.-L,* ~ /113.1j' a BAFFLE i 1 �N 4� 1 M1 ° o E U O F " LL S •• 7EE LIQUID PO UI�EDF 3 �YS 11% w M n 3 'y DEPTH 3't MIN B L 08 K 1 F . Sn 0 �i +P.F F 3 A rr°t N '0 0 h/ �O r. i n w reK c P.s -r Cdip t61G SECTION LENGTH 8-O•' iI II -_lq`1 _ WIDTH 1A'JHOLE � ; --�► ,� INLET _�0"MIN. I I OUTLET �1 ,I t � 11 •r r .A V —ter PLAN TYPICAL 3EPT I;, TANK CHaSTA[UT Rla41r 2v^0 L O G P T\ 0 V3 \` `= Z c c, to 16. 101 MIN. /I.M e � 1\;I p 1 101 101 101 T I I I I 1QIrtT1x`. I E L D I i I I L 1 ST.BX `10 W. SEPT., ITK 120 MIN i 100 1 i I i I 1 C__ IOC I 1 MtN. r"1W. I DWELL 1 NG i 151M 6 �I ® WELL - ... _ 1 51 M I N BOUNDARY STREET OR HIGHWAY TYPICAL LOTS NTS BUTTERNUT HIL L 1.oT \� �ZrV�5E0 S2P 7; h \`11� �Ci�t�,•r y A Soo vr\/Is10N owM¢O BY _ � � c N rae��.s 1•l. � e¢vE.RLY F. Nta r�JE �a �owvt o� �.YFFr1S�uR`I WA2REN GouNY`f, ►J `E. 7, 19-73 2Z GEORGE KUROSAKA JR.. P.E. J o Hsi $. �iA *1 Dv SF - CONSULTING ENGINEER • L ENO SV r-gral aIL.S 206 GLEN STREET G► LEpa S F"i�.L 1- .1 rL \. W GLENS FALLS. NEV YOMC 12$01 GDI `CEV�SED: /�9K�� -7, 1983 WAR.Co.T,-.Y,M-;r - :JI;C. J't-rj�ll -7'M�163