Application, Cover Letter, & Deed
12 East Washington Street 518 792-2907
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Transmitted via Email and Hand Delivered
To: Town of Queensbury
724 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Date: October 03, 2023
Re: Freyer Area Variance – 121 Pilot Knob Rd
Quantity Description
15 Cover Letter to the Chairman
15 Area Variance Application
15 Deed
15 Survey
11 11 x 17 Drawings (1-7) Entitled: Lauren and Christian Freyer Waterfront
Development, Dated 10/03/23, Rev A
4 22 x 34 Drawings (1-7) Entitled: Lauren and Christian Freyer Waterfront
Development, Dated 10/03/23, Rev A
15 11 x 17 Drawings (1-7) Entitled: Welles/Freyer Wastewater Management,
Dated 7/27/22, Rev A
15 Architectural Drawings by Beardsley Entitled Welles Katskill Bay Residence,
Dated 9/22/23
1 Check# 5034 in the amount of $50
COMMENTS: When we have a copy of the stamped survey I will drop off.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at (518) 792-2907.
RU Holmes Engineers, PLLC
12 East Washington Street 518-792-2907
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Transmitted via Email & Hand Delivered
October 03, 2023
Stephen Traver, Chairman, Queensbury Planning Board,
& Planning Board Members
Mike McCabe, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals, and
Zoning Board Members
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Re: “Freyer/Welles” Residential Site Plan & Area Variance Reviews
Pilot Knob Road at Pulver Road
JE 21-004
Dear Chairmen Traver & McCabe, and Board Members,
The Freyer/Welles family own two parcels on/near Pulver Road; the main parcel is located on Pilot
Knob Road, whereas the subject of this application is a vacant parcel on Pulver Road along the
lake shore. The family proposes a new 2000 sf± single family residence with attached garage on
that parcel, along with a driveway, stormwater management, and landscaping. Wastewater
management is proposed by means of a new “Enhanced Treatment Unit” (ETU) system on the
Pilot Knob Road parcel, adjacent to a proposed upgraded wastewater system for the existing
The waterfront parcel is very narrow and the family was sensitive to that when designing the new
residence. The proposal is largely zoning compliant, with several exceptions as noted on drawing
C1 (sheet 4 of the drawing package); four area variances are required, including setbacks from the
west side line along with the shoreline and wetland along the east side of the property. Lastly, a
lot coverage variance is sought, and although the proposed development meets Town guidelines,
a portion of Pulver Road (Town Road) is located on the property, which precipitates the variance
Stephen Traver, Chairman, Queensbury Planning Board, & Planning Board Members
Mike McCabe, Chairman, Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals & Board Members
Re: “Freyer/Welles” Residential Development October 03, 2023
Page 2 of 2
If there are any advance questions, please call our office at 518-792-2907 or email me directly at
H. Thomas Jarrett, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
x Site Plan Application
x Area Variance Application
x Wetlands Application
x Deed
x 11x17 drawings (1-7) entitled: Lauren and Christian Freyer Wastewater Development, Revision
A dated 8/18/2023
x Check #5035 in the amount of $250.00 (Site Plan)
x Check #5034 in the amount of $50.00 (Area Variance)
Ecopy(ies) w/encl: Lauren Freyer & Tim Welles
Digitally signed by
Katie Holmes
Date: 2023.08.31
11:05:29 -04'00'
Lauren & Christian Freyer 121 Pilot Knob Rd., Kattskill
Bay, NY 12844
RU Holmes Engineers, PLLC 12 East Washington St.
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Pulver Road across the street from 121 Pilot Knob Road
! ! !"!
!!!$! !% !
!" ! !$ !$!!
0 2028 2028
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 1814 1814
57 0 57
384 0 384
0 3842 4283
16069 0 16069
2.7%23.9% 26.7%
30'N/A 95'±
50'N/A 32'±
50'N/A 23'±
20'N/A 9'±
20'N/A 26'±
28'N/A 27'-6"
75% Min.97.3%73.4%
2 N/A 2+
: Includes porch and garage
:Includes driveway and patio
: Includes portion of boat dock
Public road access (Pulver Rd.)
Yes, approved on 6/13/22
Fall 2023± Fall 2024±
13,200 SF ±
3,535 22%
BOH 51, 2022
see attached
see attached
see attached
see attached
see attached
see attached
see attached
Requesting relief from SECTIONS: Chapter 179 Attachment 1
1) Horizontal setback from shoreline to dwelling: Section: Chapter 179 Attachment 1
2) Horizontal setback from wetland to dwelling: Section: Chapter 179 Attachment 1
3) Horizontal setback from property line to dwelling: Section: Chap 179-3-040A (5)(B)(A)
4) Permeability coverage; Section: Chapter 179-3-040A (5) (B) (10)
Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as
(check all that apply) x Setback Buffer Zone Lot Width x Other
The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete
them; use additional sheets if necessary.
1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the
neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of
this area variance?
The lot has not previously been developed, and the proposed residential development
is in keeping with other residences in the neighborhood.
2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible
for the application to pursue, other than an area variance?
Reasonable development of this parcel realistically requires setback variances as the
lot is very narrow and shoreline extends along two boundaries. Also, the
development proposed meets Town standards for permeability except that the portion
of Pulver Road that is within the parcel boundaries causes the total permeability to
exceed the allowed (25%) by 1.7%.
3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial?
In absolute terms, the shoreline and wetland variances could be considered
substantial, but in relative terms based on (long standing) lot size/width, the variances
could be considered moderate. The permeability variance should be considered
perfunctory, as the proposed development meets the intent of the zoning ordinance.
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical
or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district?
No adverse impacts are expected for several reasons:
a) Wastewater is to be managed on the owners’ parcel on Pilot Knob Road (ie:
not on the waterfront parcel), and,
b) Stormwater management is proposed to manage all runoff, and,
c) Shoreline buffers will be added to better protect Lake George and wetlands
d) Lot permeability meets the intent of the zoning ordinance
5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created?
Also, the development is proposed on a lot that was created many years ago by a prior
owner, well in advance of current zoning. In as much as the lot could remain
undeveloped, it is self-created, however reasonable residential development of the lot
should be allowed.
C1, C2
C1, C2
C1, C2
EX1, C1
Area Variance Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040
1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________
2. Tax Map ID ________________Location:_______________________
3. Zoning Classification __________
4. Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________
5. Zoning Section #: ________________________
6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by
Deed ____ _____________
General Information complete ____ _____________
Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________
Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________
Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________
FAR addressed ____ _____________
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance ____ _____________
Checklist items addressed ____ _____________
Environmental Form completed ____ _____________
Signature Page completed ____ _____________
Staff Representative: ________________________________
Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Page 6
Lauren & Christina Freyer
227.14-1-17 Pulver Rd across street from 121 Pilot Knob Rd
WR 0.32ac
Applicant proposes to construct a new single family dwelling of 2,028 sq ft footprint and 3,456 sq ft floor area. Project includes associated site work for
septic from adjoining property, well, stormwater management and shoreline landscaping.
179-3-040 WR, 179-6-065 new floor area, 179-6-050 hard surfacing within 50 ft of shoreline, Chapt 94 wetlands work within 100 ft of wetlands
missing pages
additional information ie vacant site, also need project location
garage should be in building footprint, parcel size
application data and site plan data different values
application data and site plan data different values
complete as square feet
should be with area variance application
Laura Moore via email 07/24/2023
Tom Jarrett via email 05/08/2023 7/24/2023
Applicant proposes to construct a 2,028 sq ft footprint home with a floor area of 3,456 sq ft. The project includes
associated site work for stormwater management and shoreline planting plan. The septic system approved by Local
BOH is proposed for construction across Pulver Road and connection to adjoining property by the same owner. The
project requires Site Plan review for new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline, work
within 100 ft of a wetland. Project requires an Area Variance for setbacks to the side property line (west) where 20
ft is required and 9 ft is proposed, shoreline setback where 50 ft is required and 32? ft is proposed, wetland setback
where 50 ft is required and 23? ft is proposed, permeability where 75% is required and 73.3?% is proposed.
Items reviewed - site plan and variance criteria, site drawings
Items to be updated or provided
1) page 1 update project description to include size of home and current lot condition, lot location
2) page 2 confirmation of lot size, will need a survey, confirmation of setbacks, if the garage is attached to the
building then it should be part of the building footprint on the site data sheet, confirmation of permeability.
Application data is different for site plan and variance as well as site drawings chart
3) page 3 - Board of Health resolution number and include in application, floor area should be in square feet
4) page 4 - variance responses -make sure page reference is included
5) page 5 - incomplete, including items identified in site plan -lighting information is needed for residential projects,
shoreline landscaping - round up 3.15 trees is 4 trees required, missing floor plans and elevations, snow storage has
been raised for small lots or those with steep slopes, septic plan location for both parcels
6) signatures
7) note variance application forms to be completed - site plan application forms were provided twice....
Will need an updated PDF
Lauren and Christian Freyer
RU Holmes Engineers, PLLC
Lauren and Christian Freyer
H. Thomas Jarrett, P.E
Digitally signed by Katie Holmes
Date: 2023.08.28 11:20:54 -04'00'