1986-511 Sears, Roebuck & Co. (Pepsi Balloons) BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 86-511 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK En CD PERMISSION is hereby granted to Sears, Roebuck and Company OWNER of property located at Aviation Mall, Aviation Road Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Temp. Sign ( Pepsi Balloons) at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. c) 1. OWNER'S Address is Pyramid Company of Glens Falls d Aviation Mall Glens Falls, New York �c 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name - 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address a' rt H. 0 _ sv 4. ARCHITECT'S Name ' C N. W 5. ARCHITECT'S Address rt h'• 0 7y 0 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications 2 blow-up Pepsi Cans on roof of mall per application co No. submitted. E TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT FOR 30 DAYS 8-20-86 TO 9-20-86 • 8. Proposed Use N OQ 0 Advertising ro CD $25.00 Deposit m H. $ 25.00 PERMIT F.EE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Sept. 20 19 86 Iv (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 0 0 0 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 21st Day of August 19 86 SIGNED BY 7)1 u-G1 Ct • for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspectof � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OWN OF QUE NSE U'.. , APPLICATION FOR SIGN. PERMIT r c-nd Application for a sign permit shall be submitted to the Budd ,v. Inspector in duplicate in ink or typewritten. G ;; e; 4516 , ..; THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REQUIRED: (1) Detailed drawing or plan, to scale, showing the area ( size) and the lettering and/or pictorial matter composing the sign (2) Plot plan showing it' s relation to nearby buildings, structures, lot boundaries and any private or public streets or highways (3) Written consent of the owner of the building or land. All signs must have name plate attached giving sign permit number and name and address of owner. 1. OWNER OF. THE PROPERTY 4/212/1/ 42/67, i"7.,� 2. ADDRESS �/; l9`� i , gee, TELEPHONE NO. 3. NAME OF APPLICANT 4. ADDRESS //- (,),47 M /, „/- TELEPHONE NO. 2��- / 5. LOCATION OF STRUCTURE OR LAND OF PROPOSED SIGN 7/ /-2// • L1�e�.l 1�Jfi'� .®///I// 6. SIZP OF THE SIGN (Width) Ft. (Length) . Ft. 7. If the Sign is to be two faced give the .number of square feet of each face Sq. Ft. 74 Arm . et,ur4 P PSi CA143 P"e -1) $?Geo-o- Foe Qz{4tor9 8. If the Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate. box: Internal ( ) , External ( ) , Incandescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other ( ) All illuminated signs shall be inspected and certified by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. 9. Type of material used for construction of Sign. //�i- 10. If the Sign is to be attached to a building, please describe where on the building the Sign is to be located and the distance from wall 11. Remarks or other information , %%u) - r 4/-e 0-; �h iv Z , / • /c;)-( /(F- C ,relZ _ Signature of applio' nt, please indicate Date/ if owner, Contractor or4er5 c/4444e4 1111 lay own of Queeniburty BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME C.F. k; wet rl is (8d C Es) J Lal /7 LOCATION Su ki h y S I Cfc STD rc3 DATE 91/, /3G PERMIT NO. S�— ,j 71 SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field, total length Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of gravel SEEPAGE PITS{Number of) Size- ft. X ft. Gravel size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to tank Tank to dist. box Dist. box to field/pit Openings sealed? YES NO Parylal LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: / Foundation to tank :ft. Foundation to absorption Absorption to lot line , ft. \. Separation of pits ft. LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERTY(circle one) Front - Rear - Left side - Right side - COMMENTS: 1 � ft, C_ ,° -ifs°>- 4_,A*6 /\,....J 'Cr- N\ 6 .�c.4- -6----atA - 1/tom /(= SYSTEM USE APPROVED Y NO /4/ 4 ,Bu ilding Trispectorif 01/86 and vl 497e c /9(..),'R vIc'c•-,\ /22a / 1 � "e/9s t e S 4LI7 )14 J S'cc�e /7G4no